View Full Version : Battles of wit (Zeke vs Lion)

Jul 12th, 2002, 10:48:44 PM
Zeke waited calmly in the Academy, awaiting Lion, his newest friend. He had challenged Lion to a duel, not of wits for once, but of lightsabers. He conserved his energies for the fight; he'd need them to fight Lion's saber and wit.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 13th, 2002, 08:53:21 AM
Lion walked into the sparring room, noticing everything around him at once.

"Hey, Zeke. This oughta be interesting."

Lion unsheathed his saber from its release on his belt, and clicked it on. It's satisfying "hum" sprung to life as the dark green blade appeared.

"Ready...Fi-...Oh, crap...."

Lion's Master, Dasquian, had paged him, so it looked like this fight was gonna be cut short...

"Well, sorry, Zeke, this woulda been fun. So would blowing up the speakers, but Marcus said that was his job..."

Clicking his saber off, Lion sprinted out the door, his cloak billowing around him.

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:46:45 PM
Zeke's jaw dropped. So much for that. He looked at his borrowed lightsaber.

"I can get some solo practice...or something..."

He started to spar with his shadow.

"This is no fun..." He too left the training hall to seek stuff to build his own saber...