View Full Version : Happy Birthday Jedieb! (for real this time!)

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:46:13 PM
Have a great day at the range muchaco!
Hope your clubs are good to you!
Remember us when you get your tour card! :D

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:55:45 PM
Yeah, Happy B-Day - hope its a great one...

Doc Milo
Jul 12th, 2002, 01:40:46 PM
Ahhh, the comfort of knowing someone else is getting older besides me! Happy B-day pops. :)

Jul 12th, 2002, 02:03:03 PM
I didn't think his was for another 2 weeks...maybe I'm wrong. :)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:05:53 PM
Happy Birthday!!!

Jul 12th, 2002, 03:29:40 PM
Thanks for the well wishes, but CMJ is correct, my B-Day is not until the 24th. I just got my clubs early. I figure I'll play my first or second round on my Birthday. So until the 24th, I'm still 31, still 31, still 31...:smokin

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 04:59:27 PM
Bah! I feel betrayed... :cry

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:02:13 PM
Well then...happy un-birthday? :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:45:08 PM
Only 31? Spring Chicken! Wait till you hit 33........

Which really isnt much different!

Jul 12th, 2002, 05:46:47 PM
We're one of the few Thirtysomethings Marcus. We should get an SWFANS AARP card or something.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:04:38 PM
Lost me on the AARP card. It that like a Senior Citzens Discount Pass?

Remeber, your only as old as the woman you hug :)

Jul 12th, 2002, 06:08:33 PM
Wait... what one is this? Big number 5-0?! Congrats man! :)

Happy birthday early, lol.

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:29:02 PM
Gracias Jon. Young punk... ;)
Marcus, it's a powerful group of senior citizens here in the states. I've got a theory that they're all freezing parts of themselves so they can one day come back and take over the world. It's just a theory...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:56:22 PM
Take it over from who? My cats secretly control the world :)

We could form the APA - Advanced Posters Association. Membership is restricted for those who have been here for longer than two years and are over 30.

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:32:21 PM
Yeah I'm a punk Jedieb, hehe. ;)

I gotta enjoy being young when I can, right? It'll be so weird when I am like 50 and instead of me saying, "Wow, it was like that when you were a kid?!" I'll be like, "Well when I was a kid..."

lol, man I dread that thought. The little things annoy me the most. I just don't like moving all awkward like I'm on a track or something, like a lot of old people do. I mean, if I see a fence in front of me and I can jump it, hell yeah I'm jumpin' it! If I sit behind the bar at the movies (there is usually a bar between the upper and lower parts of the theater at Evergreen), then I always jump over the bar to get out. I don't walk all the way around the bar and then walk out. Way too inconvenient.

Plus, a young punk like me can pull off racing around in a cool car, but a 50 year old just looks like he's having a mid-life crisis in a sweet car ;) haha, ok no that's not entirely true, but you know what I mean.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:35:05 PM
Stay fit and active and there wont really be a probelm. And also have a young attitude, positive thought does work wonders

Doc Milo
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:31:12 AM
Yeah, Jedieb, wait until 33. Ahh, I remember 31! It seems like only two years ago . . . uh, wait . . . (::counts on fingers::) yeah . . . it was two years ago.

I was just at the airport picking up my fiance, and me and my soon-to-be stepdaughter went through some automatic doors, and the words, "you know, when I was a kid..." actually came out of my mouth! (as in, "when I was a kid, those electronic doors were pretty much only seen in sci-fi movies.")

You know you're getting old when those words come out of your mouth.... (Just when did I stop being a kid?)

Golf. Great game, Jedieb. Not a sport though. As George Carlin defines sport, anyway: Golf -- you hit a ball, you run after it and . . . you hit it again. I say pick the damn thing up, you're lucky you found it!

Boating: Boating is not a sport. Boating is a method of transportation. When riding a bus becomes a sport, boating can be a sport...

George Carlin can be funny.

Uh . . . did I lose my train of thought? Happens to us old geezers....

Jul 13th, 2002, 03:15:35 AM
That is hilarious.

Well I consider golf a sport, but in my opinion anyone is free to consider certain things a sport or not a sport. In my opinion, golf is a sport, but car racing is most definitely not. It's a great hobby, it's really fun to watch, but it's not a sport. Bowling isn't a sport, never will be. I have many other opinions on that too and I think they are all just really your personal opinions about what makes a sport to you.

Golf, to me, is a sport and is considered one by the networks and most people, but I also understand how someone could say, "Dude, there are no teams, it's not like you are actually playing against someone because you cannot effect their games as you can in basketball or football or baseball, etc." So, I see how you could say it's not a sport, but from my perspective it is because someone like Tiger Woods is just a natural born golfer and he works out an incredible amount, is in great shape, and has proven that golf really does require you being in great shape if you want to dominate. A lot of the other golfers are just kind of lazy, to be honest. Or if they're not really "lazy," Tiger makes them look lazy because he works harder and longer than they do.

Anyway, move along, move along. :)

Jul 13th, 2002, 10:21:20 AM
Boating: Boating is not a sport. Boating is a method of transportation. When riding a bus becomes a sport, boating can be a sport...
Carlin's routine on Golf, Baseball, and Football is hilarious. As for Golf being a sport, I'll always look at it as a great game, an addictive leisure activity, but still not a sport. I think much of Tiger's success is attributed to the fact that he's an incredible ATHLETE, and many of the guys on the tour would pass out if someone made them run a 100 yard dash. Golf requires hand-eye coordination, but so does ping pong and billiards. Tennis, which I believe Carlin said wasn't a sport because it was merely ping pong played ON TOP of the table, I consider a sport. Because you've got to run like a maniac. There's a question of stamina there.

In the end, that's what I've got to see from a sport; RUNNING! Some part of the game has to require you to run. You don't need teams, but at some point you've got to propel your sorry butt with everything you've got. Baseball, football, hockey (yes, skates count), and even tennis all require that. But like Jon said, everyone's free to have their own definition. I even have amendments to my definition, volleyball. Volleyball is just something you do at the beach because you want to see girls bounce. That's not a sport that's voyeurism. :evil

Jul 13th, 2002, 03:55:53 PM
Yeah I would normally be inclined to agree that RUNNING or some sort of real physical exertion must be involved for it to be a sport. So I guess you could consider golf an exception to me, sorta like Volleyball is an exception even though you run a bit ;)

"Volleyball is just something you do at the beach because you want to see girls bounce."

LOL, amen bro.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 13th, 2002, 06:03:30 PM
some sort of real physical exertion must be involved for it to be a sport

True in the majority of cases. I would call some less physical activities sport however. Bowling for one. Ever played that? Geez, that is not an easy game in the slightest.

Oh and Motor Racing is a sport - believe me you have to be fit to do it. It works out your cardovascular system like you would be pushed to believe

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:31:26 PM
Well no doubt in my mind both are very difficult to do, but bowling isn't a sport. It's a hobby, and a pretty cool one for those who are into it I suppose, but it's not a sport any more than pool is a sport. I think you have to be really well coordinated to play pool as well as the pros do, or even as well as I do, haha, but it's still not a sport.

Racing cars is super cool, but again, I don't think it's a sport. For the car, it is a sport. Much like horse racing. The only one doing the real work there is the horse. For the horses, it is a sport, for the people riding them, they're just getting a free ride.

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:36:38 PM
I think Rally Car racing is a sport. There's a lot more to it than simply pressing the gas pedal as hard as you can.

Jul 13th, 2002, 08:27:22 PM
From what I've seen, racing requires a bit of stamina as well. Temperatures in a NASCAR automobile can get into the 100's. You've got to handle the car in extreme conditions. Plus, there's this to consider, nobody DIES in those other sports. Death in other sports is a freak occurrence. In autosports it's ever present. As tough as some of those other sports are, how many of those athletes go to work in the morning knowing they may die "playing" their sport? I'm not even a race fan. I think they're nuts, but I give them their due. What was it Hemmingway said, the only real sports are Bullfighting, Racing, and...? I forget what the other one was. But you get his drift.

Jul 13th, 2002, 08:34:47 PM
Well that is a good point...

Racing is a lot more than just pressing a gas pedal, anyone who really looks into it knows that. I mean it's really hard to be able to do what those guys do. You definitely have to respect their abilities.

Still, someone could get killed while on duty as a police officer but I don't consider traffic duty for police a sport, lol. Even though it does have its own show, Cops :)

Jul 13th, 2002, 08:34:54 PM
Are you implying that only activities in which you physically exert yourself are sports?
Well, yeah. Look, I'll be the first to admit each person can have their own definition of what is and isn't a sport. Personally, I think you need to sweat. Hand-eye coordination and strategy isn't enough. Some people want to call Chess a sport, but it'll be nothing more than a game to me. Yeah, a great game, but just not a sport in my book.

Anything with the word EXTREME IN IT!!!

Of course, that's just my list, I could be wrong. :cool

Jul 13th, 2002, 09:03:28 PM
"Hand-eye coordination and strategy isn't enough."

Yeah, otherwise we'll get these puny little punks, like me, calling video games a sport and we just cannot have that! :) I would never call a video game a sport, lol, for the record.

Chess isn't a sport, hahaha, that's hilarious that anyone would suggest that. That is pretty desperate really.

I think everyone can agree on a few things and then there is this huge gray area in between. You got black, white, and tons of gray.

Obviously basketball, baseball, hockey, and football are sports. There is no question about that among like 99.9999% of the population. They are incredibly hard to play sports that require amazing physical endurance and skill. Baseball maybe less so than the others because there is a bit more standing around, but you still have to run the bases as fast as you can and it can make a huge difference, or if you're in the outfield you gotta chase down that fly ball, or whatever else. Those guys sweat, I guarantee you, hehe.

Then there are all of these grays: horse racing, car racing, golf (although this is the darkest gray because I'd say a larger percentage consider it a sport, but NOT even close to everyone), and a TON more.

Then there are the obviously NOT a sport categories where there are only like 1 in 1000 people saying otherwise: video games of any kind, Chess, checkers, Star Wars monopoly, etc, LOL.

Jul 15th, 2002, 08:22:27 PM
now I think you got these two on the wrong list

Volleyball Sport/lots hand eye/lots of sweat/lots of strain on muscles/very cardio

baseball game/activity: some hand eye in hitting. very little cardio/very little sweat (minus heat from outfit.very liittle strain on muscle Minus pitcher.plus the fact the roids makes it all Much easier;)

let me point out I mean Beach volley ball or 2/3 man volleyball NOT regular.

Jul 15th, 2002, 08:24:12 PM
BTW: STar wars Monopoly IS a sport if you beat me at it , Ask some of my friends;)

Jul 15th, 2002, 08:53:40 PM
Volleyball is too much fun to be a sport! Beach volleyball that is. :D

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:20:50 PM
Never thought of it That way, What was I thinking???:huh

tanned, hot women jiggling around :) :) :) :) :) :)

I think JMK= perv. Gotta love him

Admiral Lebron
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:27:34 PM
Lacrosse is a sport. Especially if your that 6'4 attack thinking he can run over the 5'7 defender who cup checks ya.

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:29:07 PM
Buff, the International Beach Volleyball Tournament is here in Montreal this year. Wish you were here Buff...:p

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:32:49 PM
well You know I can get time off work , hint , hint ;) ;)

you lucky *&*^&$%^$%^**&^&^$^ :D

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:34:12 PM
Lacrosse is a sport. Especially if your that 6'4 attack thinking he can run over the 5'7 defender who cup checks ya. in the imortal words of E.T, OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:40:34 PM
Lacrosse is grueling hard work. Almost barbaric the way the players club each other to death with those racquets.

Jul 16th, 2002, 04:10:55 PM
I like Rugby. Yeah, it looks kind of silly at times, but those guys beat the stuffing our of each other. Then there's the sport of boxing. Unfortunately, it's been made into a joke by the people who're running it.

Admiral Lebron
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:38:06 PM
Strangely enough, I've never taken lacrosse to seriously and I play it for my school and a couple leagues outside of school, and I do good. It's all about knowing where to hit the guy and how to move across the field. The Aussie Rules Football is a rough game. Played it once or twice.

Jul 24th, 2002, 02:15:30 PM
This time I've got the right date! Happy birthday dude....again!

Admiral Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 02:27:21 PM
Happy birthday! :)

Jul 24th, 2002, 02:30:55 PM
Oh, so today's the actual day!? Happy Birthday man!!!

Jul 24th, 2002, 04:58:26 PM
Happy birthday big guy. may you live to see another 100 ;)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:27:11 PM
may you live to see another 100

So he's a hundred?! :eek

Jul 24th, 2002, 05:47:35 PM
So he's a hundred?!

yeah, only God and Yoda is older :lol :lol

Jul 24th, 2002, 05:49:34 PM
Gracias! I would have responded sooner but I had to take a nap after dinner. Naps are fun.... so much f..:zzz

Admiral Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:50:30 PM
whoa...the yoda in his avatar blinks. :eek

Jul 24th, 2002, 06:11:58 PM
Welcome back Lebron, its done that for the past 3 years! (I think!)
Jedieb? Afternoon naps? Already??

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:14:18 PM
yeah, only God and Yoda is older

HEY!! I'm older!

And as I always say, your only as old as the woman you hug.

Jul 24th, 2002, 06:15:53 PM
And as I always say, your only as old as the woman you hug. and as I say, I guess I'm 73 :)

Jul 24th, 2002, 06:18:53 PM
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but that was called for Buff!

Jul 24th, 2002, 06:22:32 PM


Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:57:24 PM

Poor Buffster!

Admiral Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:11:15 PM
Hmm.. Does that mean I am non-existant cos I hug no girls currently?

Jul 24th, 2002, 08:26:09 PM
Poor Buffster! :lol

yeah, that buff is a sad case indeed:lol

Hmm.. Does that mean I am non-existant cos I hug no girls currently? ummm yeah ;) Finally someone worse off than me ;) hey Admiral, I think Bea has a sister :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:32:53 PM
Older or younger?

Admiral Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:35:27 PM
I think I'll keep working on the girl I'm currently stalkin--errm uh.....yeah. :)

Jul 24th, 2002, 08:37:01 PM

But I'll have to check my Bea , scrap book to be sure :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:41:47 PM
Happy Birthday Jedieb, hope you had a great day :)

Jul 24th, 2002, 09:20:36 PM
Happy birthday Eb. :) May things go well for you in the coming months, I'm sure it will be a good one for you. :)


Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 25th, 2002, 01:54:37 AM
*bursts out of a cake*


*does the funky chicken dance*

None of this "early birthday" crap from me. Its a late birthday, or none at all! :):)

Hope you had a good one. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2002, 03:51:28 AM
I wish I had a video camera just then

Jul 25th, 2002, 05:18:34 AM
Thank you all. Think I'll celebrate the day after by squeezing in a viewing of ANH this afternoon.