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Ryla Relvinian
Jul 12th, 2002, 12:28:54 PM
I had been there all day, shooing out the usual customers early in the afternoon and locking the door. The regular large tables had been pushed back, and now four-person circular tables ringed the newly discovered dance floor in the center of the Bar and Grill. On every table there was a dark silver, almost pewter-colored tablecloth that reached down to the cleanly scrubbed floor, with a collection of a few small candles in varying shades of blue and purple sitting on top of a small mirror. The candles weren’t lit yet, but when the house lights had been lowered the mirrors would reflect the gentle glow and this place would no longer look like a bar, it would be a ballroom.

The work wasn't done yet, and I waited for my two helpers to get there... the start of the party was ever-so-close, and I hoped that they would show up soon to give me a hand before I had to go and change into my dress.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 12th, 2002, 12:50:26 PM
It had been a long morning, it took a while for Kelt to even work out what button did what, buttons where not his strong point and working them together to even make a decent track was even harder.

Sorting through the endless collection of music was hell in the galaxy, he wondered just who the hell was NIN...N...I....N he spelt out in his head. Then it said Nine Inch Nails. Kelt throw the CD down and thought he better clip them soon. If the nails on his feet are just as bad he better had not find a girlfriend. Limp Bizkit, Greenday, Linkin Park, Creed and many more CDs filled the great box by the machine they called the "Decks". Looked nothing like a bloody deck.

Just a few spinning things on a.....thing. by the time he had practiced a wee bit and got used to music these guys liked he finally liked the new sounds and play them over and over in his head, arranged the music and put them in order.

His friend Dasquian must have been mad. A backwards cap, a real baggy T-shirt and shorts that hung just below his knees?. What was the blonde man thinking off?.

Anyway his friend Dasq talked kelt into wearing the ugly clothing and he weeled the machine into the B&G. Kelt felt kind of out of place with these "Cool" cloths on, but he had a few chuckles in the mirrors located in the bar.

'Err..Ryla where do you want me to set up?' he said with a toothy grin.


Salemn Lysce
Jul 12th, 2002, 01:00:06 PM
Salemn received notice that Ryla was waiting for her helpers and hurried to the B&G. Pushing the doors open, the Padawan looked at Kelt, the official DJ, and grinned. He didn't look too comfortable in his clothes, which was amusing. Walking over to Ryla, she bowed in respect.

What is my assignment, Miss ?

Jul 12th, 2002, 01:58:57 PM
:: As if Ryla's evening wasn't going to be busy enough, her comm beeped indicating an incoming call. As soon as she hit the receive button, AB's voice could be heard over the small speaker. ::

Ryla, I know you've taken it upon yourself to take care of all the trimmings for the formal. But I was wondering if I could possibly take care of the flower arrangements along the walls? I saw the color scheme you'd picked out the other day, and I've got a batch of lovely Ithorian and Naboo wild flowers in all sorts of shades of blues and whites, with a handful of icey-silver nerscies from Thyferra, that would just be splendid.

:: The comm fell silent as she waited for Ryla's approval. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:33:45 PM
Lion was flying towards the B&G on his hoverboard when...BOOM...he ran into the door...

"I thought this was an open dance..." he said, massaging his head. He had gotten to the dance extremely early so that he could pick up a date before anybody else got there, but it looked like he might have gotten there a bit ahead of time...

"Hey, might as well lend a hand...sooner this party starts, the sooner I can get free punch."

Lion picked the lock to open the door, and noticed a rather flustered looking Ryla and AmazonBabe running around in every direction, and an extremely confused and uncomfortable looking Kelt chucking CDs around the DJ booth...

"This is gonna be one helluva party" he said to himself.

"Hey, Ryla, you need any help, or should I just go and lock your door again?" he called out.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:59:23 PM
(Jubei arrived at the dance, clad as always in his traditional white Calanic robe. He smiled politely to the others who were arriving.)

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 12th, 2002, 03:34:39 PM
Maia peeked her head in. Everything was already looking utterly beautiful. Spotting Master AB., Maia made her way over to her.

"Hello is there anything I can help with. It's already looking very lovely. The flowers smell wonderful." Maia said as she plunged her face into the bouquet that Master AB. was holding.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 12th, 2002, 03:40:59 PM
Pleased that my helpers had arrived so promptly, I set forth in directing them where to go. "Salemn, you can help to set out food on this long table over here... don't worry, the kitchen droids have prepared it all. I certainly can't cook!" I said with a grin.

"Kelt, you're looking... formal." I winked at him and pointed over to the corner where open-mike night usually took place. "You can set up there. That should be enough room to dance, don't you think?"

Suddenly, there was a loud THUMP and the door swung open. So much for the lock... I thought to myself as Lion strode into the room, rubbing his forehead where, apparently, it had become intimate with the door. "I could always use another hand around here... why don't you help Kelt move his equipment in?"

My comlink chirped with AB's great suggestion, and I hastily agreed, glad that she had thought of something I forgot. "Yes! I'd love flowers in here! Maybe it will look less like a bar... at least, I hope so!"

This party was going to be interesting...

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 03:46:33 PM
"Sure" Lion said. He ran out really quickly, stashed his hoverboard in the bushes, then came back in and locked the door.

Lion walked over to Kelt, who was having a bit of trouble dragging his 20 speakers inside.

"Hey, Kelt. Nice clothes..." Lion said, as he dragged one of the speakers across the floor, trying not to laugh.

Jul 12th, 2002, 04:44:24 PM

Zeke poked his head in.

"Hey...where's the party at?"

He spotted Maia.

"Look! It's m'date!"

Andraq Novkar
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:00:48 PM
Andraq stepped into the Bar and Grill and looked around, watching all the people who seemed to be very busy helping set up and other things. He raised his eyebrow at the DJ, he was wearing very odd clothing. His eyes fell upon the people, noting who was here and who wasn't. Andraq had chosen to go single, well that and the fact that he couldn't find a date.

His attire was formal. He held one spot, wearing a tux and all the trimmings that went with it. He brought his hand to his face and moved it across the soft skin. He had recently shaved, he wanted to look his best. His hair was sort of up and moved around in their own way.

"Anything I can do to help?"

Chase Starwalker
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:20:46 PM
Chase stepped out of the shower.

Slowly he dried himself off and began getting ready for the night's festivities. The tuxedo was a crisp black, bow-tie and all. He slicked his hair back with gel, and picked up his datapad. His shoes gleamed from the polish, and the fresh sent of cologne tainted the air. He was ready, and only one thing remained...his princess.

Taking his single white stem rose, he headed for Leia's living quarters. Gotta be on time...

Jul 12th, 2002, 05:53:00 PM
In the bar, Zeke tackles Maia.

"Hey! Dressed already? Or are you gonna wear a sexy dress?I only got m'trenchcoat! The only other thing I have is a cardboard box! I woulda brought it, but it can't dance."

He grins happily.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:09:32 PM
Lion wiped his forehead with one hand and looked around the B&G. It was starting to look a lot less like a bar, and more like a dance hall. He had just finished dragging the 20-odd speakers inside and was going outside to check for more when:

"CRASH!" Lion picked himself off the ground and realised that he had run into the 14 foot tall subwoofer.

"Oh, damn....this is gonna be a bit of work....."

After tugging, pushing, and trying to levitate the stupid thing for 20 minutes, Lion poked his head into the bar and said:


Jul 12th, 2002, 06:18:04 PM
Zeke heard the loud crash and subsequent yelling.

"Hey! Hey! I'll help!"

Zeke sat quietly on the floor, cross-legged, hands by his sides and shut his eyes. He started to focus, first on his happiness, which was on a whole new par, then channeled it into Force energy. He breathed out and the speaker began to vibrate.

"Feel free to help, dude. I can't do it alone either."

Ange Tot
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:26:35 PM
:: she had slipped into the bar quietly and stood next to Andraq. Ange smiled as she ran a hand down the front of her red dress straightening it, then quickly fiddling with the faux pearl necklace she wore around her neck. Her long brownish-blackish hair was done up in a wonderful wave, she wore very little face makeup and cotton candy scented lip gloss. She looked at Andraq and grinned ::

I think they have all the help they can get.

OOC- <a href=http://mythril.net/tifa/img/fan13.jpg>Pic</a> of what Ange looks like, sorta.

Jul 12th, 2002, 06:35:14 PM
Zeke's right eye opened and peered straight at Ange..

"That's what YOU think. This is my worst ability with the Force. I can't lift datapads normally. But this is a happy occasion...I'm getting more of a boost than normal. Still...lend us a hand. It won't ruin your dress or make up to use the Force."

Zeke grinned at her.

"By the way, you're stunning."

He drew another deep breath and continued to focus on lifting the speaker.

Ange Tot
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:38:46 PM
:: Ange stuck out her tongue at Zeke ::

Why should I help? You're doing just fine....

:: she waved her hand dissmissivly and the speaker Zeke was trying to lift floated into the air about a foot off the ground ::

Where do you guys want this thing? It's awfully heavy.

Jul 12th, 2002, 06:40:10 PM
Zeke's eyes widened.

"I can't believe you're that good...well now...Hey DJ Masta Groove...or...whatever! Where's it go?"

Jul 12th, 2002, 06:42:18 PM
Satine walks in soon after, dressed in a white, mandarin collared dress shirt, which was tucked into black dress pants. He wore an overcoat that was black, and had black dress shoes--shiney from polishing--on. His hair was slicked back, and tied in a ponytail, and he was clean-shaven for once. Looking around, he spots Ange, and walks up to her.

"Hello Ange. How are ya tonight? You're looking great by the way." he says, with a grin."

Ange Tot
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:45:02 PM
:: Ange smiles at Alpha, the strain from hold the speaker up showing on her face ::

Thank you Master Alpha, and I'm fine...

:: she then turned back to the problem at hand, the placing of the sub-woofer ::


Salemn Lysce
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:53:29 PM
She hurried into the kitchen to see the dishes that were prepared by the droids. Salemn sniffed the air and realized that the whole place smelled delicious. Smiling a bit, she began to pick up the dishes and set them on the table Ryla pointed out. As she began doing this, she realized that other people were arriving. She was somewhat disappointed, wanting everyone to see the decorations and food after they were set up, but she didn't really mind. Everybody looked happy to be here, and that's what counted.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:01:39 PM
Suddenly a glorious pair entered the Bar and Grill. Xazor, adorned in a beautiful black, satin dress.....and her escort, Dasquian in his traditional robes and garbs. Her waits length blonde hair still hung in the Garou Warrior Braids with gold coins woven into them....but a few of the braids were taken up to the top of her head in a circle....a sort of wreath for the silver tiara that was lined with precious diamonds and blue stones.

The silver specks in her deep blue eyes glistened with excitement as the entered, their arms linked together. She smiled, her elongated canines catching the light as she turned to face her date. He seemed very happy on this formal occasion, and he looked just as nice to match his manner.

"I am honored to be escorted by a gentleman of your stature, to this event, Dasquian....."

She said with a gentle smile as the pair walked into the establishment a bit more, and looked around at various couples and people working in groups. It didn't appear as though the party had started yet, so the couple stayed back in the shadows, waiting to see some friends immerge from the small crowd that was gathered this evening.....

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:04:37 PM
"SLACKERS! Give us a hand! Das, you're a capable Jedi! Take this giant thing off our hands while DJ Masta Groove takes his time with the CDs!"

Zeke's grin was jovial as he spoke. His tone indicated a joke, but he was serious about his request.

"By the way, you're looking good Xazor."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:06:54 PM
Lion laughed at the look of amazement on Zeke's face when Ange casually lifted the huge speaker into the air.

"Hey, thanks you two. I dunno, I've got two more, but lets put this one behind Kelt's DJ booth...he needs to be punished for not helping, and he deserves to have his teeth rattled out..."

After another 20 minutes with Ange casually flying the subwoofers around like pieces of paper, and Zeke staring open mouthed atthe sound system was finally set up. He hoped the building could stand up to so many watts.

"Thanks Ange and Zeke. I couldn't have done it without you. As soon as lazy over there (Lion pointed to Kelt) is done looking at the pretty little CDs, I'll have him thank you. You need anything?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:11:30 PM
Xazor blushed at Zeke's compliment and smiled in return.

"Thank you young one......as are you and everyone else here."

She said with a grin and the held her palm outward at the large subwoofer.....and then lifted it into the air with the Force. Suddenly a few of the large items seemed suspended in the air as she continued lifting them with her mind.

"So, where do you want these?"

She questioned with a bit of a laugh as she looked over at her date for a moment. Then thoughts of Shade drifted into her mind, and she felt a bit sad that he could not be here enjoying this. She shoved them aside for the moment and a smile returned to her face as she waited for instructions with the large objects in the air.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:21:55 PM
Lion turned around after yelling at Kelt to wake up...he was currently sleeping on the turntables, when he noticed that Xazor and Master Dasquian had arrived.

"Hey, Mistress Xazor! Master Dasquian! How's it going? Looking good! Wanna help me wake up Kelt...he's too busy snoozing and playing with the CDs to help us move the stupid sound system around. It took me, Ange, and Zeke to get those stupid subwoofers into place. They'll be one heckuva wake up call when we turn on Nine Inch Nails."

Zeke was yelling something about slackers and getting Das to help us move the subwoofers when Lion fell into a mountain of cables...

"This isn't a good day..."

Lion tried to hook up the hundreds of cables into the DJ booth, but only succeeded in tying himself into a very large knot...

"Ummm, guys? A little help over here?"

Salemn Lysce
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:26:15 PM
Salemn was done setting the last of the dishes on the table when Dasquian and Xazor walked in. They were a breath-taking couple, and all the lights seemed to shine on them. Smiling a bit, the Padawan hurried over to Xazor.

Xazor, you look ... lovely !

Beaming at the Jedi Knight, her gaze then faltered as she looked down at her own garments. She didn't even get dressed for the Formal yet because she thought that it wouldn't start so soon. All she thought that was going to happen was the decorations getting set up. Ah well, hopefully nobody would notice. After all, the plain, brown dress she was wearing was clean.

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:29:04 PM
Zeke glanced between Ange, Xazor, and the speakers with mild confusion.

"Was that Xaz or Ange? Or Xange?"

He chose not to let it get to him and took a look around. There were several good looking women, and he had plenty of good friends here, and he'd made people laugh. 3 of 5 secrets of happiness fulfilled and the party wasn't even started yet.

"This is gonna be a blast! Hang on dude! I'm good at untangling things!"

He started to pull apart the cables and unknot Lion.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:36:35 PM
Lion's head finally emerged from the ball of cables, and he wheezed:


Zeke continued to untangle Lion for the next few minutes. Finally, Lion was out of the ball of cables.

"Well...that was fun. Thanks Zeke. You wanna help me hook these up to the DJ booth? Try not to wake sleeping beauty (Lion points at Kelt, who's drooling on the turntables)...that's what the speakers are for, MUHAHAHAHAHA...eh-hem...."

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:39:21 PM
Zeke grinned maniacally.

"YEAH! I never got to play with stuff like this before!"

Zeke began to plug random cables into random places.


He turned it on, and to the everlasting shock of everyone in the room, the sound system worked perfectly.

"I'm so neato."

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:43:58 PM
"Sis!" Satien says, walking over to Xazor. "You look great! Hiya Das, how ya doin?"

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:50:04 PM
Lion's mouth dropped to the floor, and a considerable amount of drool came out...

"Zeke....how the hell did you do that?"

All of a sudden, Lion was blasted out of the DJ booth by the bass for Linkin Park- With You...Kelt just snored....

"Ahhh, Zeke, turn it off!!!"

Lion looked around...where is Zeke? Then he saw Zeke, clinging to a chair, seemingly having fun as the bass blasted him backwards like he was in a wind-tunnel. Reaching out with the force, Lion managed to locate the knob that was labled "ON" that was located on the SOUNDBLASTER 9000. With a satisfying "click", the knob turned and the system shut off...

Lion took a look around...a few people in the immediate area had been thrown down by the immense sound-blast, and one of the chairs had exploded, but that was it. Kelt was still sleeping....

"Hey Zeke, I think we need to turn down the volume a bit...."

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:52:56 PM
"But that was so cool..."

Zeke walked around the room, helping people up. As he hauled Salemn to her feet, he grinned at her.

"You look cute, even if you're not dressed up fancy."

He winked at her and moved behind the sound system.

"Can I be Hip Masta Phat?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:54:41 PM

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:59:44 PM
Lion laughed, then said:

"Ya, that was cool, but sonic booms tend to break up couples when they're dancing, Hip Masta..."

Lion turned towards the humongous open loading door, then glanced up and his jaw dropped...

"Besides, we've still got one more thing to haul in."

Outside, waiting to be brought in, was a massive MixRMasta9000 DJ booth.

"I thought that Kelt's wimpy little booth wouldn't be able to handle all the speakers, so I pulled some strings and got this delivered."

The new booth was 20 feet long and 20 feet wide, and 11 feet tall. Lion wasn't even sure that it would fit through the door, but they were gonna try...

"Oh, boy.....I think we're gonna need Xazor's help...I don't suppose anybody has an army of loading droids around?"

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:03:15 PM
Zeke gawked.

"Can Xazor even lift that by herself? Or is it like that tutorial in the archives that says 'size matters not"...?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:06:45 PM
Xazor grinned to herself as people complitmented she and Dasquian. Her arms quickly wrapped around her Brother and then she looped her right arm back through Dasquian's left.

"Thank you dear Brother.....you look great as well!"

She giggled slightly as she noted that Lion requested her help. Walking over to him, she looked out the door at the large...contraption.....that laid outside.

"No problem....."

She said with a grin and walked out the doors. Closing her eyes for a moment, the large system lifted off the ground with ease and was slowly directed toward the door. It almost did not fit, but did by only a few inches. She grinned and opened her eyes, then followed it in as she used the Force to lift the heavy object.

"Where would you like it?"

She questioned with a gentle smile. It was not much work...but her mind was getting a bit tired from using so much power to lift it. She looked for a good place....and there were plenty, as long as someone moved some things first.....

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:07:00 PM
"I dunno, man. I think that something that big would even test Xazor, a bit...If she can't, I can ram it in with my ship, but I just had it repainted..."

Lion set off with Zeke in tow to find Xazor..or an army of cargo droids...

Then, Lion noticed that the thing was already floating...and that Xazor was behind him...Lion knew that she was powerful, but this was ridiculous...

"Erm, put it down right on top of Kelt...wait a sec, lemme move him, Mistress."

After Zeke and Lion struggled for a few seconds to lift up Kelt with the force, who was still sleeping, Lion just went over and picked him up, while Zeke wheeled away Kelt's booth and unhooked the cables.

Xazor put the thing down without a sound...

"Thank you sooooo much, Xazor. Kelt will thank you when he wakes up...if he wakes up....Well, I don't want to keep you from Dasquian a second longer. He's my Master now. Thanks, Xazor. Have fun."

Then, Lion and Zeke walked into the MixRMasta9000. Zeke once again randomly plugged in cables, once agin achieving success, while Lion laid Kelt down into a nice, plush operator's chair. Kelt merely yawned and began snoring again.

"Hey, thanks Zeke. Kelt's gonna have a few surprises when he wakes up. Most normal people don't wake up in a self-contained DJ booth."

Lion's eyes wandered up and down the thousands of switches and lights, while some DJ droids rolled around messing with the buttons...

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:12:12 PM
Zeke, having noticed Xazor beat Lion to the punch, began clearing space for the huge chunk of equipment.

"There! Now I did YOU a favor and I don't owe you my soul anymore."

Zeke was kidding of course, and his grin spread broader over his face. He walked around behind the sound booth again.

"I am Hip Masta Phat. I am yo DJ whilst DJ Masta Groove cops some Z's...."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:20:01 PM
"Hey, Zeke, it might help if you turned on the mike first..."

Lion reached over Kelt's snoring body and toggled the Audio Input switch, then grabbed the Microphone and said into it:

"Testing, testing...This is Hip Masta Phat and Ragin' Lion, we're takin' over for Kelt, right now he's...indisposed."

Lion covered the Mike with one hand, then said to Zeke:

"Don't you think we should wait till the party actually starts?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:21:31 PM

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:23:10 PM
Xazor giggled to herself as she watched the antics of the boys...well, they were men....but tonight they were acting like boys, and they had every right. She smiled and moved over to Dasquian and slipped her arm through his once again and smiled.

"So.....this night shall be glorious....once everything is in order, don't you think?"

She questioned with a gentle smile, watching the goingsons.....so much was happening to prepare for this....it was interesting to watch, though she felt a bit bad for being early. Paying it no mind, she turned her attention back to Dasquian who looked so handsome tonight....

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:23:44 PM
Zeke grinned broadly.

"Nope! Just don't play any music! We can commentate all we want!"

He took the mike from Lion.

"Yo, yo! Hip Masta Phat in yo' HIZOUSE! What all you peop's doing up here in my kitchen? Make yo ham sandwiches and GET OUT! You always want a ham sandwich when I run out of ham! This is so cool..."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:30:49 PM
Lion fell on the floor laughing, and a DJ droid came by rolling over him...

"OWWW.....stupid thing..."

"Yo, itz Ragin' Lion on the Mike! We are takin' announcements, dates, marriage proposals.....hey just kiddin'! Anyway, props ta' Zeke, Ange Tot, and Xazor for helpin' me set up this monstrosity. If you want sometin' to be heard, come into our DJ booth...it's the huge black lump that's taking up a significant portion of the stage, you can't miss it!

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:36:38 PM
Zeke rummaged through Kelt's CD collection, completely ruining the order of them...if that even mattered at all.

"We got lotsa neat stuff!" Zeke said to Lion. He's got Muzak for days!"

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:42:29 PM
"Ya..System of A Down, Linkin Park, Eminem, Pokemon Soundtrack...Limp Bizkit...POKEMON SOUNDTRACK?????"

Lion collapsed onto the floor, laughing so hard he cried.

"Yo, Zeke, we gotta announce dis'! Course', he'll kill us afterwards, but what the hell........"

Lion grabbed the Mic.

"Yo, Ladies and Other Lifeforms!! We've been going through Kelt's CDs, and we've made a few interesting discoveries. I'll pass j00z off ta' Hip Masta Phat, I'm laughin' too hard ta say it!"

With that, Lion fell onto the floor, laughing, only to be rolled over by another DJ droid.

"Owww! Stupid things! Lion pulled out his heavy blaster and blew the thing's legs off.

(ooc: Damn, Zeke, this is fun! I hope Kelt is gonna be asleep a while longer!)

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:45:51 PM
Zeke grinned and took the mic.

"Tis Hip Masta Phat! I have here in my hot li'l hands the soundtrack to Pokemon! If set up don't pick up quick fast and in a hurry, I'ma PLAY it!"

OOC: Half of this is gonna be us playing with the DJ booth. Not like that's bad or anything. Zeke can ensure that even when Kelt wakes up, he stays out of the way.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:52:52 PM
The preparations were finished, and the while the boys played on the mic, I greeted Xaz and AB, feeling out of place in my grubby work clothes. "You two look lovely! I just need to go change clothes and find Marcus and then I'll hopefully look as good as you too!" I smiled at the girls and their dashing dates and sprinted out of the B&G, silently hoping that the boys on the sound system didn't burn the place down while I was away. I felt confident that AB or Xaz would keep them in line if they tried anything...

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:54:29 PM
Once again Lion cracked up, and as he leaned back he fel onto the dismembered DJ droid.

"Jesus, the stupid thing hurts me even when it can't move!"

Lion picked it up and threw it over to a console where it could do some good.

"Yo, Zeke, things are goin' a tad bit slow..." said Lion observing the dance preparations out the massive blasterproof window of the DJ booth (after all, people do get drunk at dances). " say we motivate them.....

Lion opened up the 200000 CD changer and inserted the soundtrack, careful not to look at the annoying creatures on the disc.

"Well, we're all loaded up. Give em' a chance before we release this terrible noise upon the masses."

Then, Lion noticed Ryl coming to tak to Xazor.

"Hold on, I'll be right back."

Lion ran out the door to the DJ booth, almost trampling another DJ droid, and then up to Ryla.

"Okay, Mistress, the Sound System is all set up. Me and Zeke are gonna take over as DJs for a while, since Kelt is catchin' some Z's." Noticing the concern in her eyes, Lion added "Dun worry, we know what we're doing, and we've got the local fire department on comlink speed-dial 1. This party's gonna rock!"

(ooc: Ya me and you can run around with the wireless Mic...the lyrics to "Kids In America" come to mind.)

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:02:57 PM
Zeke grinned, his finger on the switch that would release the Pokemon theme onto the Jedi in the bar.

"Oooh...I remember this thing. I once had to sit and entertain a buncha kids on a starship I was on once...The songs are catchy as well as annoying. They'll bug eveyone long after we shut it off. Here, take these."

Zeke threw Lion some soundproof headphones and put a pair on his own head.

"Hee...this is fun....and to keep Kelt occupied..."

Zeke tied Kelt to a support pillar using some spare cable. He found a scrap of cloth that had been part of a tablecloth and gagged him.

"All my peops in my kitchen! Hip Masta Phat SPEAKS! You got 15 minutes to set up and get this party started! I'm settin' my watch alarm...at 15 minutes and one second you hear the music that plays in hell's elevators!"

Zeke wasn't being mean or hateful at all. At least not on purpose. He was so happy to be at the dance he had basically zoned out and was on a happiness high. He now had 4 of his secrets of happiness fulfilled. He was surrounded by beautiful women(secret 1), he had some good friends (secret 2) and he had made people laugh(secret 4). His inability to sense the other's emotions(secret 5, which he can't remember) kept his happiness at its heightened level.

OOC: That should do the trick. We're free to DJ.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:12:17 PM
"Whooooo, we's all clear!" Lion screamed as he put on his headphones.

Lion stared at Kelt, who seemed to sleep just as well tied up and gagged as he did in a chair.

Lion gave the thumbs up symbol and set his own watch to 15 minutes. Lion put his headphones around his neck, and Zeke did the same.

"Kinda like the countdown to Armageddon, huh? I pity those poor souls. Ive had to entertain a few kids once, too. They crashed my starship into an asteroid and dropped a box of pizza on my droids."

Lion tapped the track select track and picked one that sounded particularly annoying...What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?....and prepared to unleash a terrible weapon upon the poor populace.

"Attention, my homie's out there. Unless you want to hear the music from hell, I suggest y'all hurry up and get this pah-tay started! Y'all got 10 minutes!"

Lion turned to Zeke and asked

"We aren't really gonna unleash that on them? That would be kinda cruel. How about another sonic boom, but we countdown to pokemon death."

(ooc: 'ell ya!!!!!! This is fun. Hey, Zeke, how do you change your name from Seeker of Knowledge?)

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:16:11 PM
Zeke grinned.

"Ya mean fake 'em out? Sure! Put in something bass-heavy when no one's lookin'..."

OOC: No clue. Mine just sorta...changed. I think the moderators and/or admins do it. Mine's based on my profile...put some stuff in yours or request in the helpdesk.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:22:20 PM
Lion smiled evilly and took out the Mudvayne CD.

"Hey, Zeke, you ever heard Dig by Mudvayne? It'll rattle their teeth out. Luckily, this booth comes fully equipped with Sonic dampeners. Let's rock out!"

Lion inserted the CD, then switched to the track and plugged the switch...

"ATTENTION, All my pah-tay peoplez! You have 5 minutes till you get the music from hell, so HURRY UP!"

ooc: thx dood.

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:27:42 PM
Zeke counted down until mere seconds were left.

At 15 minutes and 1 second Lion moved for the play button.

Zeke blocked him and pointed out the booth's indestructable soundproof glass window.

"They finished dude. The party starts NOW!"

Sure enough, Salemn had finished setting up food and all the decorations were set. Zeke changed for something less bone-rattling and let it play.

Linkin Park's instrumental song "Cure for the Itch" blasted from the speakers.


OOC: No prob. I got sick of just playing around...nothing was happening, but now that its frikkin STARTED more people will post....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:28:43 PM
OOC : Wont be too much longer Ryla, just putting together a post. Please wait in your room :)

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:32:25 PM
"All right, let's try something else......" blazed across the speakers as "A cure for the Itch" played.


(ooc: hey, Zeke, I'm leaving for an hour. Keep it going. I'll be back)

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:36:43 PM
Zeke threw his soundproof headphones aside, belting Kelt in the head. Amazingly, the Jedi didn't stir. He dug through the CDs some more.

OOC: No prob Lion. Marcus...you talkin to Ryla or us? your use of commas confuses me.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:44:35 PM
Lion dropped the treble levels, then walked over to the sound droids and told them to up the bass a bit.

"Hey, Zeke, we got one helluva party going."

Lion picked up his Mic, and yelled:

"People, Weeza got a Pahtay started! Me and Zeke are taking requests, right now! Everybody out der, y'all look lovely...except for you, Das! Naw, I'm just kidding! Have fun, me and my partner are sittin' here, waitin' for y'all.

(ooc: Zeke, I'm back, I'm not gonna bother going out to dinner...Instant noodles, here I come...I talked ta Lance, he thinks we should leave for 20 minutes so ppl can arrive with their dates, then we start again....your choice, man)

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:49:36 PM
Zeke looked up.

"Hey, let this thing play for a while and go get us some drinks!"

If Zeke could just get something to drink with alcohol in it (secret 3), he would achieve perfect happiness!

OOC: Yeah, let's back off. Got a saber? I'll duel with you in the Academy until some people show up.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:51:50 PM
OOC: Yeah we need to wait for other people don't worry peeps the master of reggae and Break Dancing will arrive as soon as he finds some cloths...and well for my date...<.<hehe.....>.> she's not here oh well --sweaty face-- Ill just have to make my own entrance so yeah thats it lets wait for other ppl.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:01:25 PM
"Ya, good Idea Zeke."

Lion and Zeke walked out of the booth after selecting a number of songs for the ppl to listen to. They searced around the food table for alchoholic drinks, but could find none.

"Well, we could always use this bottle of Gin I've got to spike the punch bowl...wait, why don't we drink some of the Gin I've got?"

(ooc: ya, I'll meet you there, start a thread, I'm a bit slow during duels, though)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:03:38 PM
Xazor smiled at Dasquian for a moment and then ran up to the DJ "station" as she thought of it. Her mind raced along song names and such things, trying to think of something to request. She smiled and yelled out the first thing that came to mind.

"Crawling in the Dark!!!"

She had to say it again so that they heard her over the loud bass, but they finally got the hint. Smiling, she bowed her head and made her way back to Das, then looped her arm around his again.....waiting for the song to play....

Jul 12th, 2002, 10:09:40 PM
Chance sulked back in a corner of the bar, wearing a black tux-like outfit.

Kanji had found it in the closet they shared, and insisted the boy wear it to the formal. Of course, Chance hating dressing up with a pasion, deffininately dissagreed!

The little bow that came with the suit had long gone dissapeared plus the blazer draped around his shoulders unceremonially. Getting up from the chair, Chance moved himself over to the food and was examining it when the music began to roar.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:14:34 PM
Lion and Zeke were sitting back in the booth, sampling food from the private buffet Lion had ordered, when Xazor came up to request a song.

"Crawling in the Dark? Aight, good choice!"

Lion busied himself searching through Kelt's CDs, and popped the disc into the player. Then, picking up his Mic (Zeke was eating oreos) Lion said

"Ladies and Germs, this first song request is brought to you by the wonderful Xazor, and her escort, the charming Dasquian! So get ready, and don't spike the punch bowl!"

With a click, the song began to play, and Lion leaned back into his chair and stuffed a cracker with cheese into his mouth.

JaAku Dama
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:14:48 PM
Ja'Aku Dama enter the bar, dressed in a long black jacket, tight black t underneath, black pants and black combat boots. He wore red tinted sunglasses, and looked over them at all the Jedi who were gathering. He recognised the one woman who met him when he asked to join, but the others were strangers. "Guess this means I have to mingle," he thought with a loud sigh. He walked passed Xaz and nodded.

My Lady. You are looking lovely this evening.
Gives her a wink and a smile and heads off for a darkened corner.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:19:42 PM
Xazor loved this song and as soon as it began to play, she began to dance.....and somehow managed to pull Dasquian onto the dance floor with her. A grin danced upon her lips as Ja'Aku passed by her and complimented her.

"You are looking good as well, Ja'Aku!"

She called back to him and then continued dancing to the blaring song. It was an awesome party....and she hoped that more people would show up.....

Jul 12th, 2002, 10:24:20 PM
Zeke stuffed his face as full as he could get.

"Oreos rock!"

OOC: Sorry if I started too early. But everyone who said they were gonna go was looking and leaving (some helpful Jedi you all are, ya coulda helped with setup!) so I started it so people would post and it would finally go somewhere. Post OOC if you'd like me to put Zeke by the door as it ends...you can slap him on the way out if you're mad. Of course, Zeke's a fairly clumsy guy and could shut the whole thing down in a single post if you'd rather get a delay...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:30:22 PM
He looked at himself in the mirror, clipping the polished steel chain that finished off the uniform to the collarbone tabs of the cloak that hung off his shoulders.

The image staring back at him from the mirror was of someone he hardly knew - a man with a trimmed beard, longish hair combed and styled, not in the travelling cloak and threadbare clothes - but dressed in full dress of his reat station - a Jedi Master, a Warlord, a man who had position on his home planet. Dark blue polished boots, blue / brown pants, a black belt with gold clasp, a dark blue shirt with dark brown leather chest plate armour which was embossed with his family crest, chain links to the leather arm guards and on his brow a circlet with intricate designs and a gemstone. Finally, there was his sword in a gem trimmed sheath that hung off his left hip. The effect drew out the fact he was a Warrior and and Warlord, he looked every inch the heir to a throne that he told no one about. Last were the black leather gloves that he now placed on his hands, covering the scars and fight roughened hands. Another glance as he made sure everthign was in place for once, before he turned out of the room and switched off the light as he left.

Out of his apartment that he normally shared with Helenias his wife and Jina, the girl that he looked after, the Jedi Master stepped out into the hall of the Living Quarters. Turning left, he walked sartly to another door down the hall, stopped and knocked smartly. He then took a step back to wait for his date for tonight.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:31:51 PM
"Hey, having fun Xaz?" Lion yelled out the door of the booth.

Lion continued to stuff himself from their private buffet table...those poor suckers out there are stuck with punch, while me and Zeke have got loads of food.

Lion and Zeke downed several cans of beer and many bottles of other alchoholic drinks...but Lion used his limited Jedi skillz to keep him from getting drunk. Maybe they'd share with Kelt, if he ever woke up, in exchange for letting them stay in the booth.

(ooc: I agree with you, Zeke. If we hadn't started today, it woulda been the same tomorrow. At least today we got a strong base set up for the dance...this is gonna be a big one. I'll position myself next to the door...me and Zeke can be a slapping section...reply ooc and I'll set up a dunk-tank thread...)

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:39:33 PM
In his most unique of rooms, moonlight filtered in through the transpari-steel window in its roof. Normal human eyes would have had difficulty discerning much of what was in the room, but Eldrak’s Kashirian senses afforded him some advantages. He could smeel, hear, heal, and see far better than the typical man, plus he knew his home well.

Atop his grass bed lay his traditional brown robes given to him by Anbira. His large green form was instead covered in a whie robe with blue trim. It was much more befitting such an event. Arrangements for the person he was to escort had been previously made and he was sure not to be late in arriving to pick her up and escort her to the gathering, but he had to be certain that he was primed to the ines, at least as far as he would go in wearing fancy garb.

He left his Hole in the hill and walked quietly through the grass, heading for the more standard Jedi living quarters, which he entered via standard Jedi authorization granted all members in good standing. Down the hall he walked until he reached the appropriate door. With one hand behind his back he raised his hulking hand to the side of the doorway and pressed the door chime’s activation button.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:07:39 PM
The DJ was set and ready at the head of the dance floor, he moved his head side to side to losen his head with a crack. before he would start playing any music he would let everybody arrive so they did not miss any of the fun and lose any enjoyment so he let Ziek and his friend do a bit of pre-music set up to welcome those comeing in.

He looked tence and very nervous, of course he was, this was his first time with this "Decks" in front of a few hundred people, one slip of that CD and it made hi look like a clown. Kelt laughed to himself and sorted through the collection of hundreds of CDs looking for his starting spot before looking up and seeing more people pile in, his stomerch was a-wash with butterflys.

(OOC: Hey Ziek dude you really need to hold your horses and wait for others to arrive before you take over peoples spots man, its not fair to start that fast without everyone :\)


Lion El' Jonson
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:10:26 PM
Lion noticed that Kelt had woken so he went over and untied him...

"Dude, you decided to take a nap, so we kinda took over for you. It's all yours, again. We'll just be hovering around here making fun of politicians."

(ooc: g'night, all, I'll probably have to read through 5 pages when I wake up....)

Jul 12th, 2002, 11:13:00 PM
Zeke moved from the sound booth and headed for the door.

OOC: Sorry. Zeke's in position...I got work, so I'll follow Lion's lead...if it ends anytime soon (considering how slow its going, it won't) slap him on the way out if it makes you feel better. Slap him now if you like. But I didn't feel like it would be worth wasting pages upon pages with me and Lion playing with the sound system.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:16:05 PM
Maia watched her Padawan get stuff together. Sneaking out the side door she rushed to her room. Grabbing the dress she had jus bought from her closet. Jumping into the shower she cleaned up. Slipping the dress on she looked at herself in the mirror.

What would her family think of her now? The tight sheath of a
dress (http://jaded.clanhappy.com/maiasdress.jpg) was a shimmery white and cream. The bodice was beaded with tiny pearls that glimmered softly. Lifting her long curly hair from her neck she secured it in a figure eight knot and let some of her hair fall softly around her face. Maia secured more pearls in her hair and dusted a light powder on her skin to make it glimmer.

Stepping back she smiled. Her green eyes sparkled with happiness. "Well, time to go."

Walking into the beautifully decorated bar she looked for her date and still saw him playing with the microphone. Moving up to him she tugged on his sleeve to let him know she was there. The candlelight glimmered on the pearls on her dress and hair ad caught the simmering powder on her skin. Maia was a beautiful sight to behold...

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:29:23 PM
I opened the door to my quartes and my eyes went wide. "Mar.. Master Q'Dunn..." I hastily corrected myself, "You look great!" I smoothed the silver fabric of my dress (http://www.ryla.net/images/formal.jpg) over my hips nervously and walked out into the hallway, the door closing and locking behind me. I smiled into his rugged face, clearly seeing that Helenias was a very lucky woman.

The dress I had selected was an old one, and was one of the very few things that belonged to my mother. It was a simple dress of silver, with sheer sleeves and purple accents. What my padawans would surely notice the most, if they attended, was the deep purple corset that was worn over the dress. It was no secret that all jedi women had lean figures, and I figured that now was as good of a time as any to show it off.

My hair, which was usually attempting a frantic escape of the long braid it always was in, instead was surprisingly cooperative, a section pulled up and curled while the rest fell in waves down my back. I couldn't wait to see what everybody else looked like.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:48:28 PM
(Jubei's smile faded as he made his way to the DJ's booth. Interrupting the music, his calm voice could be heard)

Ki-Adi Kindo,
JaAku Dama,
Eldrak Gruuhl,
Loki Amrah,
Sejah Haversh,
Sarr Labooda,
and Artemis Batelrond

Please step <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20785>outside</a>, immediately. Thank you.

(With that, Jubei left, allowing the music to play once more)

OOC: Well, its assuming there is a large group there, and Jubei can't see you in the midst. Even if you aren't there, you'll pass him by when you try to get there :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:11:58 AM
Marcus took a step backwards as Ryla stepped out of her door - and smiled, the yearts of his life seeming to wiped away.

"Jedi Knght Ryla Relvinian - you are truly beautiful", his strange accent adding a musical slant to his voice "Even the Star of Earendil could not outshine your beauty" He bowed, before continuing. "Allow me to escort you"

Marcus offered his right arm to Ryla, becoming formal and stern once again.

Andraq Novkar
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:21:53 AM
It seems the party was going off rather well at the moment. People were arriving more and more, and his eyes fell upon Xazor. She was indeed very beautiful, but she had a date as he stayed where he was and then went towards the wall and leaned against it momentarily as he looked down.

He smiled to Ange who was talking to him earlier. Apparently the crowd favored the new age music. Andraq did also, but sometimes it was a good idea for a slow one. He wondered if his master would show up, it was a possibility.

JaAku Dama
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:23:11 AM
Hears the announcement from his master and stalks outside, curious as to what will happen.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:26:07 AM
"Thank you, Master Jedi. You flatter me." I smiled at his compliment, and accepted the offer of his arm. We walked a while this way down the corridor, silent and formal, until I turned my head slightly and asked him, "So, who is Helenias going with this evening?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:34:12 AM
"I have no real idea Ryla. She chose to get ready in Xazor's room and would not say. I too am also curious whom she will choose to arrive with. Knowing her, it will surprise and impress everyone. And it is no flattery to speak of you as I have"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:39:09 AM
Xazor had been dancing when her song ended and she took her place beside Dasquian once again, close to a wall and watching all around them. She smiled as Ryla and Marcus entered. The Knight ran over to them and hugged Ryla, then Marcus.

"Greetings my friends! Both of you look stunning this eveing!"

She said with a grin and turned to look at Dasquian once again, reiterating the same sentiments to him through her eyes....for the second or thrid time in the last ten minutes. She smiled and turned back to Ryla and Marcus....wondering what was taking Helenias so long......

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:50:29 AM
Taa arrived on the scene, dreadfully unattatched at the moment, to her chagrin. Though she had plans to change all that. Her dress was a transluscent, draping silk, with colorful flowers spiraling and grouping to hide what potential bits might be naughty. She entered the B&G, adjusting her glasses, and unconciously fixing her hair. She purred, taking a sniff at the air as she came in. The boys were out in force this evening. Oh so many. But how could she choose? And could she stop with just one?

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:23:54 AM
Dasquian smiled somewhat faintly as he sat alone, watching Xazor speak with Ryla and Marcus. In situations like this, with large gatherings of people, he often found his quiet manner left him behind and out of the conversation, but it did not worry him too much – Xazor was enjoying herself, and that was what mattered for this evening. The Knight sat watching his companion with a unflattering smile, taking a moment to straight out his coat as he did so.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:51:29 AM
I hugged Xazor back with a warm smile on my face... She just always seemed to put me at ease and in a good mood. I glanced at the statuesque Knight, Dasquian, sitting off to the side and looking... amazing, as usual. I smiled at him and waved. "I think that Helenias must have something planned..." I grinned and looked around. "Wow! My helpers really got this place polished off!"

Kelt Simoson
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:22:58 AM
Hey Ziek and his mate, you guys rearly rearly gotta slow down here. If my character had wanted to take a nap i would have said he did. And why did you enclose me in a self contrined booth?...what up with that?...guys just cool down and control your own chars.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:36:14 AM
OOC: Lion, Zeke, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but it is a bit rude to take over someone's character, or keep him in a closet. Please, let's keep this for fun, and not suggest actions for other people. Everybody here has to work from a different schedule and time zone, and we can't all be online all the time. (Trust me, I tried...) Be a little bit more patient, and give everybody a chance to post. :]

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:38:31 AM
OOC: Ditto on what Ryla and Kelt have said. Please have some consideration for those who cannot be online all the time - this thread was meant to be for all group participation, so please slow down the rate at which you are posting to a sensible level :|

Kelt Simoson
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:45:42 AM
(getting back on track)

Kelt sat at the table Dasquian was at with quite a thump and a heavy sigh. His eyes met with his and he looked a bit fed up, Kelt gave a slight smile to the Jedi Knight and looked over to Xazor.

' Ahh, Xazor huh?...very pretty...but something troubles you?'

He knew what it was already, Kelt was no fool. Kelt plumped down the drink he brought for his friend infront of the knight and have a slight smile...

' Care to dance?' He said with a chuckle. hopeing the cheer him up.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 02:54:38 AM
Dasquian smiled half-heartedly.

"Thanks for the offer, Kelt, btu I'll just wait up on Xazor..."

The Knight sighed quietly and looked to his friend with a nod.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 13th, 2002, 03:26:56 AM
After what seemed like a few hours of preparation, I was finally ready. In a blue / white gown that I had owned for many years, I placed the tiara within my hair, taking a moment to make sure it was right. The only other jewelery I wore was my wedding ring. Ove my gown I wore a simple shimmering cloak, clasped at one shoulder and gathered on the other. It was a rare day that I accentuated myself, but tonight I had deemed it a worthy one. Even more, I had my hair brushed and hairclipped behind my ears... displaying the only outward markings that I was not human, which was not known to others other than Marcus, for I believed it would be appropriate considerign the date I had for tonight. I was also competely unarmed.

Tall and stately, I examined myself in the reflection of the mirror. A princess looked back and it pleased me. Maybe I was a Jedi Knight, but tonight I would be just a beautiful woman.

There was a knock on the door and I glanced at the crono. Right on time. One last look at myself to make sure all was perfect, I moved to the front door. When Marcus and I had decided to take seperate dates to the dance, there had been a fair amount of competition for whom would escort myself - in the end I had made my own choice, not based on friendships but on something else. I believed the point of the dance was not to reaffirm current friendships and also associations, but to make new ones and hence as I opened the fllor, this was the first good look at my date that I had ever had.

And I silently admitted to myself as I looked up at 7 plus feet of Kashirian mountain at the door, there was an awful lot to look at. I was a tall woman myself but Eldrak Gruuhl absolutly towered over me. A gentle smile broke over my lips as a bowed my head and curtsied.

"Master Eldrak... you are more impressive in flesh than word do tell. Have you come to escort me?"

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 13th, 2002, 03:29:14 AM
I forgot to attach what I wear.... which is as loaded.

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:24:54 AM
Satine sees friends enter, and greets them as they come by, the Jedi Knight hanging out near the food table, and obviously uncomfortable in his dress clothes. He never did like dressing up...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 13th, 2002, 07:36:01 AM
He had to admit, the Bar and Grill had been transformed impressively. The Jedi Master was agog at the prepartarions and the decorations.

"Mistress Ryla, this has been an impressive job... you are commended!"

He paused to hug Xazor, greeting her and also complimenting her on her dress. "Ryla, would you care for something to drink or eat?"

Marcus did wonder how many of the Jedi knew the equittette for such formal occasions. Long ago he had learned to be honest he had never really expected it to come into it's own - state receptions while he was a General and now for this. Rule one of course was your 'date' was never abandoned and the gentleman looked after her needs first.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 13th, 2002, 08:15:26 AM
:: The lound huming of a hovercycle could be heard from the entrance of the bar&grill as lighting bolted right in front of the entrance a big hovercycle stopped as the capsule opened, Lance Stormrider was sitting on the cycle. The large hover on each side of the cycle closed themseleves forming 2 wheels and coming back on the ground lightly without a sound. A crunchy pace smacks the ground as Lance gets off Dash He then takes off his helmet and slips a small controler out of his pocket as he presses multiple buttons on it the security system of the cycle activates leaving a large shield around the cycle that can only be deactivated by the controller.Lance Stormrider walks in, a little stiff like, after all not being acustomed to the dress slacks matched with unbroken in dress shoes that click on the pavement as he steps into the well lit Bar&Grill. Lance listens to the loud sound of the speakers brooming around the bar as flickers his cycle keys and put them right in his pocket. He had a pony tail for once instead of his ridiculous hair style and slowly walked towards the public passing next to Satine Capashen he hits his fist against Satine's::

"Hey dude what's up? Having fun."

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 13th, 2002, 08:26:01 AM
Lion walked out of the dance towards his room, to get his "attire" on. After all, there was more to life than just DJing.

(ooc: Ya, real sorry Kelt. I think this thing started in the wrong time zone, or something. Me and Zeke are gonna walk around trying real hard not to break anything.)

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jul 13th, 2002, 09:31:26 AM
The door opened in front of him and he had difficulty keeping his eyes facing forward and up in greeting. Eldrak was not the most social of the Jedi, in fact he was what some may call anti social, having spent a year or so in seclusion before arriving here at the Greater Jedi Order.

However, his eyes remained steady and focused on the woman he was to escort. She was a lovely sight to behold, tall, confident, and outspoken as she greeted him. His own attire was indeed somewhat grand compared to what he normally wore, but this was their first meeting after all. As one looked him over there was one thing that stood out. His large bare feet. Eldrak despised shoes and even though this was a formal occasion, he still refused to wear the things, which would separate the soles of his feet from the earth or ground below them.

He spoke in answer to her question, with a slight hint of bashfulness in his voice, one hand still behind his back.

“Yes Maim, if you would accept me as such.”

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 13th, 2002, 09:56:04 AM
Back at her living quarters

::Leia had just stepped out of the shower, her long hair was wrapped in a towel. The Jedi Master made her way across her room and proceeded to get dress. Taking some time while placing some gold armbands on and straightening out her outfit some as she fussed infront of a mirror. She could not help but worry if she looked ok. ::

::Leia looked at her datapad, feeling like she was running terribly late::

This is not good. Chase will be here very shortly

::Leia proceeded to do the finishing touches with her makeup and hair while dabbing on some of her favorite Alderaan perfume. Knowing Chase was to arrive shortly::

OOC:Sorry Chase for the delay. Will continue tonight.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:00:02 AM
Xazor finished greeting some friends and then walked back over to Dasquian. He looked a bit....down, and she assumed that it was her fault. She had been mingling and had totally ignored him for a good while. Sighing slightly, she sat down and leaned against him, looking out over the gathering group.

"I'm sorry Das....I just got a little caught up. The rest of the night, I am yours..."

She said with a gentle but heartfelt smile. He looked great, and she had not even spoken hardly one word to him. Shaking her head, her eyes met his.

"You look amazing, and I am sorry for ignoring you....I feel badly now..."

The Knight said softly. She looked away, embarassed that she had forgotten her manners this evening. She hoped that he was not upset with her...that was the last thing that she wanted....

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:04:43 AM
At this he smiled more broadly, and took the Knights hand in his, giving it a light squeeze.

"It's quite alright, Xazor. After all, tonight is more about you enjoying yourself than I," Dasquian said quietly.

"On one condition," he said then paused, smile growing, "That you save me at least one dance."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:07:14 AM
Xazor giggled and nodded.

"I'll dance with you more than once, my friend....other people wish to stay with their dates anyway. I think it only proper, unless pairs switch up and dance a few. Like I said, the rest of the night, I am yours completely. I want you to enjoy yourself too!"

She stressed to him. Indeed, it would have made no sense for him to come if she did not intend on spending the evening with him. The Knight smiled at Dasquian and then looked back out over the crowd of people...

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:09:24 AM
Visibly, Dasquian became more cheerful. The thought of having Xazor devoting herself completely to him for the evening was more than pleasant.

"I have not yet said this, Xazor, but you look most beautiful tonight. I do not ever think I have seen you look so radiant."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:12:31 AM
Xazor could see his happiness...and her own smile became brighter at his words. Of course, she blushed slightly, but it mattered not.

"Thank you Dasquian....your kind words fill my heart like no other."

She smiled gently and nudged him a bit, looking out to the dance floor. The young woman got an idea and smirked slightly.

"So....you wanna dance? Perhaps you should pick a song, then..."

The Knight grinned slightly, looking at him for a reaction. He was a shy man....but he knew how to have a good time when the situation presented itself...

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:15:37 AM
"It would be an honour,"

He rose up to his feet and held out one arm to Xazor as he looked towards Kelt. His friend was working as the DJ this evening, so would be arranging the music. Prior to the party, he'd asked Kelt to prepare a certain song for Dasquian, one which he had grown fond of and found reminded him of Xazor. It was entitled "Shining Light", and recorded by a group named Ash.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:18:25 AM
Xazor took Dasquians arm and smiled up at him.

"Well let's go, then!"

She said with a gentle smile as the pair walked out toward the dance floor. Other couples were taking its space along with them. Xazor smiled to herself...but then quickly remembered that she had not danced in quite a while...she did not wish to step on him or something. Sighing, she placed her arms around his neck and just went with it.

Oh I hope I'm doing this right...

She thought to herself...but accidentally let her thoughts drift outward for any Force user to hear. Once realizing this, she cursed herself and sighed again, wondering if Dasquian could dance at all.....

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:30:30 AM
He smiled somewhat, picking up on Xazor's thoughts. She had nothing to worry about, for if anyone was a fool when it came to dancing it was Dasquian. The one occasion he'd tried to dance he'd ended up looking like a Hutt, according to Azhure. At least this was slow dancing though, nothing too complicated.

"You'll have to tell me if I step out of line," he said as he glanced down at his feet, making sure not to step on his partners toes.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:38:42 AM
Xazor giggled and nodded slightly, resting her head against his as the music turned on.

"I'll let you know...I'll end up yelping first..."

She said with a grin. He couldn't be as bad as her at dancing. At least when it was a faster song, it didn't matter how she danced, for she had no one's toes to worry about. Now she really had to stay conscious of what she was doing....

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:43:48 AM
He smiled coyly looking down towards Xazor.

"I'm suprised you aren't a good dancer actually, friend, I've often seen you up on the dancefloor with other Jedi," Dasquian said with a mischievous grin.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:47:50 AM
Kelt looked at Dasq for a few moments wondering what all the hand gestures towards him were about. he scrunched his face up and was thinking hard and then...it suddenly hit him.

He simply said with one nod of his head ' Crap'. kelt pushed back the chair, jumped over the first table with one foot and then quikcly slide under the next table tramperling a few peoples toes and was at the dekcs ina matter of seconds.

' Duh duh duh duh...Ah Ha!' He picked up the CD and jammed it onto the decks and pressed the play button. Nothing...what the?!?. He cleaned the disk and saw Dasquians face urging him to play the song, it was almost comical had it not happend at a important moment.

Kelt banged the decks in annoyance giving up and then suddenly..the music started playing, kelt have a satisfied smile and looked up to Dasquian giving him a thumbs up.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:28:40 PM
Xazor giggled to herself and looked up into Dasquian's eyes.

"I dance alright....I am no Master of dance...but I can do it. I guess it depends on my partner...sometimes I just fall into step with them. Much like we are, look at that..."

She said with a grin...then memories of dancing on this very floor with Thanatos...crossed her mind. She pushed them out, determined to have a good time without dwelling on thoughts of him....or of Shade. She was here to have fun with Dasquian and that was what she was doing. The song that played sweetly in the background was beautiful...and she became lost in the moment...

Sene Unty
Jul 13th, 2002, 04:28:18 PM
Sene entered the transformed Bar and Grill quietly. The room was absolutly beautiful, Ryla had truly done a magnificant job. He would have to tell her when he found her.....but for now he made his way to the dance floor. With his small hands he tugged at his slightly uncomfortable tuxedo. It was the most formal thing he could find from his days with his parents and it was quite beautiful. With wide eyes he soaked in the atmosphere of the room, absorbing all the details. Ahead of him a few people danced.

"Well the party seems to have started without me."

Spoting his master among those on the dance floor, he took a seat and waited for her to finish.

Plo Koon
Jul 13th, 2002, 04:59:03 PM
Plo Koon steps in and the noise of the music could be heard for miles away. He walks in with a dark brown tux on. Feeling a bit unconfortabl. He walks tp the corner and sits down, he scans the place searching for anyone he knows

Jul 13th, 2002, 05:24:35 PM
Satine smiles at Lance.

"Heya buddy, how are you?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 13th, 2002, 05:28:19 PM
:: Lance gives up a smirk as he puts his words in order from all the noise and then see Plo Koon walk in ::

"Heh I'm alright dude, hey by the way I hope you have something cool under those fancy cloths of yours? Let's don't forget were young dudes and we need to put up a show...how bout break dance?" He says as he showed his skater shirt right under his formal one, he then winks at him and walks towards Plo Koon.

"Hey buddy what's up!!??" He says loudy for him to hear him over all the noise

Plo Koon
Jul 13th, 2002, 06:01:07 PM
Plo looks at Lance
"Not to much, how are you? I see your ready to danse. Mind if I join you?"
He too shows his skater shirt witch was hidden under his cloths

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 13th, 2002, 06:36:55 PM
:: Lance laughs::

"What!!?? your a break dancing dude too!??" He says with a wide voice

Jul 13th, 2002, 07:09:22 PM
Zeke hugged Maia with a big grin.

"She's sooooo hot! Hold on a minute, beautful, I got business to take care of"

He approached the DJ booth, an embarrassed grin on his face and a hand extended for a handshake.

"Hey...no hard feelings...I just didn't want Lion's excess equipment mashin' ya...You busted out right when I was gonna let ya go..."

OOC: I'm not kiddin. I'm really sorry for makin everyone mad...It was all in good fun, for a bit of comedy...Plus, I didn't want there to be a hundred pages of spam posts of us playing with the equipment before the dance...Once again, I'm sorry. Please stop with the burning, stinging OOC posts. If you must, do it in the Trading Base. It's spoiling the party mood.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 13th, 2002, 09:43:02 PM
OOC: For clarification, Zeke, we are not (or at least I am not) trying to give you a burning, stinging sensation, just to make sure you think of other people who cannot be on at the same time. You're right, let's keep this fun for everyone. :]

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 09:45:25 PM
ooc: Okay guys.....if you want to talk OOC, why not PM each other or post it in the Trading Base?? It's kinda messing up the thread..... :( Bah.....it was just a friendly reminder to ya'll. :) Have fun! Now this was pointless because I am contradicting myself!!! :lol

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 14th, 2002, 12:20:37 AM
Taa begins to dance by herself, eyeing up every male that passes by.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 01:43:41 AM
Living Quarters

Chase stopped at her door.

Clearing his throat for a brief moment before fixing his tie one last time, Chase knocked lightly.

He held the white stem rose firmly and awaited his princess.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 14th, 2002, 04:11:17 AM
Dasquian grinned faintly. He too was finding it easy to keep in time with the steps that Xazor was taking.

"I hope you enjoy this evening, Xazor... These parties don't come up very often, I gather, so I hope I'm doing alright at being your, ah.. escort."

He fumbled a bit in and almost fell over, cringing as he gathered his composure again.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 14th, 2002, 04:48:13 AM
Still smiling, I closed the door behind me.

"Indeed, I will accept your escort tonight and be honoured that you do so"

It was hard to believe the sheer size of Eldrak. Stories I had heard of him, but seeing him for the frist time with my own eyes was the only way to truly appreciate the being that he was. Attired in blue and white, with no shoes, he looked quite sight. Terribly out of place and a cruel person would have laughed, but he still had dignity that I could see and that dressed him in in a finery that no clothing could match. Sincerity and honesty also lined him and I responded to that.

"It is also truly an honour to meet you face to face, Eldrak"

I extended out my hand, indicating I was ready to be escorted the dance.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:26:19 AM
Kelt watched as the final few moments of the song came to a close, looking up he was about to give dasquian a smile when he saw him trip nearly right over, Kelt closed his eyes and shook his head.

He opened them again and dasquian had regained his balance, Kelt have a "feeuw" kind of look and selected the next song that was in the order he had put them in after hours of sorting through them.

"Feeder: Just a Day"

Kelt slapped it in and pressed the right button this time and off it went, his smile said it all...

OOC: was going to add the song for you to download but it wont go through..sorry....i i surgest you guys download the ones i put up and then listen to them to get to mood of the dance...=).."

Jul 14th, 2002, 07:33:31 AM
Zeke, having decided it was going to be a bit difficult to apologize with the blasting sound, went back out onto the dance floor and found his date.

"Let's dance, how 'bout it?"

He grinned at Maia and offered his hand to her.

Jul 14th, 2002, 08:28:16 AM
Satine grins at Lance.

"Don't need to...Watch..."

Giving a mental command, his dress clothes turn quicksilver, and then reform into his normal baggy black cargo pants and baggy black cargo shirt, along with his ever present black sleeveless trencoat. Another command brought it backt o his dress clothes.

"An old style of technology I bought a few years ago.

{OOC:I'm not kidding on that. :) Bought that suit like three months after Alpha started to roleply, almost three years ago. :D :lol Am old.}

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:16:26 AM
Lion leaned against one of the massive speakers and was immediately thrown forward by the sound wave...

"How do I keep forgettin' that?" he said, trying to repair the chair he had smashed into. After a few minutes of messing with it, Lion just stashed it behind a flower bouquet.

"Gahhh....there's nothing to do..." he said to himself, as he headed for the punch bowl.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:56:48 AM
:: Lance grabs Plo's hand as he runs towards Alpha back::

"Ahhh so we got 3 break dancing dudes here! I wonder if there is anyone else like us here..cause in about an hour or so I'm going to ask DJ Kelt to put up soem break dancing...anyways hey I'm not with a girl right now so why not?"He said grinning

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:14:05 AM
Lion woke up from his place at the punch bowl when he heard the words break dancing.

"Hey, that sounds like fun..." Lion murmured, and he walked over to join Lance, Alpha, and Plo.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:37:57 AM
I was distracted by the boys running to the punchbowl, and laughed, turning my attention back to my escort for the evening. "Something to drink would be nice, thank you." The DJ was playing some great music and the three guys were breakdancing now. I turned to Xazor and rolled my eyes in mock exasperation. "Kids these days..." :]

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jul 14th, 2002, 12:25:33 PM
He raised the massive hand that was at his side and gently took hers, giving her a small bow as he did.

“It is truly a pleasure to meet you. The honor is mine as well.”

From behind his back came his other hand and inside it was a corsage, one which he had hand made during his walk here from some local purple, blue, and magenta flora. That way it was as fresh as it could possibly be.

“For you.”

There was a pair of small grass strings hanging from its underside, which she could use to tie to her wrist or maybe even somewhere on her clothing. Eldrak beamed proudly at his handiwork as he offered it to her.

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 03:11:21 PM
Plo walks to the middle of the room, he motions his hands to make everybody clear a space in the middle. The DJ saw what was goin on and started to play some amazing tunes. He starts to do a little jigg then starts to do a Wind Mill, as he spins around he stops and does a worm to get back to his feet.
"Any takers"
He looks over and sees Lance and the rest of the breack dansers approching

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 04:14:30 PM
:: Lance looks over to the 2 others asking them who's gonna reply first to Plo's moves.::

Jul 14th, 2002, 04:48:00 PM
Outside, enjoying the cool night air, Hunk walked towards the door of the bar and grill. Along with the formal brown suit, he wore a smile that spread practically from ear to ear. At his arm was the lovely Navaria. Foregoing the usual, humble jedi garb, she was, instead, dressed to kill in a breathtaking white formal gown. Though he felt a little rough and unsophisticated next to her, he couldn't be happier.

Loud, thumping music shook the building, reaching his ears even out here, speaking of numerable fun activities to be had inside. They closed in on the front door and Hunk opened it with one arm while tugging at his uncomfortable snug collar with the other. The music, now suddenly much ouder, forced him to practically shout to be heard.

"AFTER YOU," he said, motioning her in ahead of him.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 05:01:06 PM
The loud music and countless conversations almost drowned out Hunk's voice. Almost.

She answered him with a wide smile and flicked the hair upon her shoulder off with a quick brush of the hand.

Quickly, Navaria took his arm. There were quite a lot of people here tonight and the Knight did not want to get separated.

Many a time back on Imperial Center, she remembered the many formal occasions that she was dragged to as a child. Being the daughter of an important military and political family, Navaria and her mother always had to attend.

It was almost like instinct, getting back into that role. A bright smiling face and observant eyes took in everything.

Even the fact that Hunk was enjoying this too much ... :)

OOC~ attached a picture of what Navaria is wearing

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 14th, 2002, 05:42:17 PM
Jedi Living Quarters


::Taking a quick glance at her datapad, then quickly grabbing her purse::

Oh my gosh..he's here. Ok..do I have every thing??!

::Looking in her purse and glancing back into the mirror::

I guess I am good as I am ever going to be.

::Leia walked to the door. She was a little nervous. Honestly she did not know why, afterall she knows Chase and he is a good friend of hers. Suppose its just one of those silly things a girl thinks for a moment::

::Leia activated the door switch and the door slid open. She looked at Chase and gave him a smile::

Good Evening Chase. May I say you look very handsome tonight.

OOC: Just my temporarily sig for the dance. LOL thought it would be fun.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 14th, 2002, 05:53:18 PM
Maia grinned at Zeke. Stepping into his arms she nodded." Ok let's dance, but umm please don't spin to fast." She said with a small laugh. Everything was beautiful around her and she was happy she had decided to come. Especially with Zeke he could make the most horrible situation into a fun time.

Maia glanced around as Zeke moved her across the floor. "I wonder where Dios is tonight? Strange I thought to see him here."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:24:25 PM
Chase gave a short bow to Leia. He knew Leia was bueatiful, but tonight...she was beyond description. He handed her the white rose with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Master."

He held out his arm for her to take. "You never cease to amaze me..." He said softly while escorting her down the living quarters hallway. "How bueatiful you always look...especially tonight..."

He smiled at her.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:04:57 PM
::Leia shyly smiled at the white rose Chase gave her. The gesture was so sweet of him. She could not help but give it a little sniff and smile once again. As Chase extended his arm, the Jedi Master took her arm and wrapped it around his::

Why thank you Chase. How sweet of you. If you don't mind, I would like you very much to call me "Leia". There really is no need for formalities.

Jul 14th, 2002, 08:18:12 PM
"Dios?" Zeke repeated to Maia. "He probably got drunk to sleep somewhere."

Zeke was showing quite a bit of skill at his dancing, considering he had never danced in his life.

"If I step on you, just slap me, 'kay?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:46:14 PM
Ki Adi approached the Living Quarters of AmazonBabe. He was quite nervous to say the least. He was just a new padawan, she was a skilled Jedi Master and Council Member. Plus she was very, very good looking. Her beauty sent adrenaline through his vains everytime they talked. He had his friends on Serenno to send up a dozen of Royal Serenno Roses, very rare on the planet. They only grew every 16 years. He was dressed very nice, had his formal suit on, hair fixed, all cleaned up. He couden't wait to talk to everybody too. It would be a fun night.

Knock....Knock.....Knock. He waited for her to open the door.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:54:49 PM
Xazor had to help balance Dasquian as he nearly fell over. She grinned to herself and replaced her arms around his neck.

"Don't be embarassed...I'm surprised I haven't done that yet! Especially in these shoes!"

She giggled slightly and continued dancing as others did some form of....rolling on the floor.....around them. It was a sight to see alright! She returned the eye roll to Ryla and laughed once again as the boys had their fun...

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 15th, 2002, 12:44:27 AM
Lion backflipped onto the floor, jumped up backwards into a headstand, pulled up his arms and fell onto his back, and then spun until he popped up on his head, his Silver Oakleys flying off as he did.


Lion ran off to grab his sunglasses again.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 15th, 2002, 02:17:04 AM
Dasquian grinned as he looked over Xazor's shoulders to see some of the Padawans flipping around like maniacs.

"Looks like someones having fun," he laughed.

Jul 15th, 2002, 06:43:23 AM
It wasn't just the Padawans, actually...Satine had decided to join in. His clothes shifting, the Knight smiles, does a flip, lands, spins, and keeps going, grinning all the while, his trenchcoat flying out in every direction.

Salemn Lysce
Jul 15th, 2002, 08:11:14 AM
Slipping out before anybody else noticed her, Salemn went to her room to get dressed.


Standing infront of the mirror, she stared at her reflection. It didn't really look like her, with the only good dress (http://monchere.clanpages.com/Beautiful/love2.jpg) she had on. It was one of the few things rescued from the fire ... Sighing slightly, she ran the brush through her hair one more time, then walked out.


She could hear the bass before she even reached the B&G, a faint smile outlining her face. Pushing the doors open, Salemn walked in and instinctively drew back to the food, where nobody else was. It made her feel safe, being able to observe others and not be noticed herself.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:00:24 AM
Lion does 4 backflips in a row, then jumps onto his feet and lands forward into a headstand.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:04:37 AM
Xazor giggled and nodded, watching a few around Dasquian's shoulder.

"Oh yes...a few have lost their minds..."

She said with a bit of a laugh. Others around them were dancing normally....she guessed that she would never understand this thing that they called, breakdancing....it sure looked like they would break something....

Kemille Eldervine
Jul 15th, 2002, 02:37:53 PM
Kemille smoothed out the last of wrinkles in her black dress (http://monchere.clanpages.com/elven/kem.jpg) then lightly rapped on Alaina's door. She was to be her escort, a funny thought to most, but to her it was an honor. "Alaina?" She softly called out.

Jul 15th, 2002, 03:18:09 PM
:: She had arrived back at her quarters with an hour to spare to get ready. She'd just spent the last three hours coordinating with her trusted Ithorian florist and getting the flower arrangements fixed up in the bar, which by now, didn't resemble a bar at all. The color scheme of flowers she'd chosen matched wonderfully with the color scheme Ryla had used for the room. AB had even added a new set of flowers in the arrangements at the last minute. Moon lillies from the deep mines of Kessel. Of all planets, no one would ever guess that such a delicate flower would gorw. And because of the darkness it grew in, it gave off a slight glow, giving it it's name. They were hard to get, but it made the place glow with an almost ethereal light in the corners that would otherwise hold shadow in the bar. ::

:: She had just finished examining herself in the mirror, making sure not a hair was out of place when a knock came at her door. She scooped up what part of her dress she could, and let the rest float slightly aboe the ground, and opened the door. She smiled upon seeing the big grin on Kindu's face, half hidden behind a large array of deep red roses. Her eyes lit up. ::

Oh my word, Kindo! Are those Royal Serenno Roses??

:: She hadn't seen one in years, but easily recognized them for their signature round shimmery petals. ::


Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 04:10:57 PM
" Indeed they are. You sure do know your plants. I had some of my friends back on Serenno send up some. Serenno is a Royal planet, much like Naboo. So here are Royal flowers for a royal lady."

He gave to the dozen to her.

" You sure do look beautiful! What an honor I have been presented with of escorting you."

He reflected back a great smile.

Jul 15th, 2002, 04:31:33 PM
:: She blushed, nearly matching the roses petals. ::

Thank you for the roses and thank you for escorting me.

:: She took the flowers, and placed them in a crystal vase near the doorway on a small rosewood table, clipping one rose to place in her hair, and instructing her R2 unit in the room to fill the vase with water for the rest. ::

:: Then turning back to Kindo, she laced her arm through his, both heading down the corridor towards the Sanctum's exit. ::

The party is probably in full swing now.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:36:49 PM
They approached the doors to the Bar and Grill. The doors were being held open, so they walked right in. Both walked in, arms crossed, and very well dressed. Ki Adi walked in looking very nice. His hair was properly fixed, dressed in elegance, and his face sparkeled with a gleaming smile. AmazonBabe was more beautiful than usual, if you can believe thats possible. Her hair was so precise not a single hair fell out of place. He elegant green dress reflected the same green sparkle has her eyes. They entered in.

" Greetings everybody!" shouted Kindo to everybody, still crossed with AmazonBabe.

Jul 15th, 2002, 06:35:45 PM
:: She recognized many faces there, and the place was possitively PACKED! She'd never seen the Bar & Grill so full of people, let alone Jedi. It was good to see to this way. She smiled as she walked in with Kindo. His shout of greeting startled her slightly, as she was not one to draw attention to herself. Never the less, she went along with it, greeting Jedi as she passed them. ::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:48:56 PM
" Im so fortunate to be here with you tonight, AmazonBabe. You look beautiful." his radiant smile still beaming.

Plo Koon
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:51:00 PM
Plo sees some talent but decides to show who is the master of the danse floor. He steps in the middle and back flips into a hand stand, he then spins on one hand then drops down and starts to spind. He strats to spin so fast he does it on his head. He then gets back up and starts to do some robot moves. He then finish's off with a moonwalk

Jul 15th, 2002, 10:34:15 PM
:: AB chuckled lightly. ::

Please, Kindo, call me Rie. AmazonBabe, though it is what I'm best known as, is just a nickname.

:: She smiled, and then looked over at the bar, now turned into a very clean and spotless counter, where the drinks were being served. ::

I'm in the mood for a glass of Chandrilla pink champaign. Why don't we head on over there for a drink?

:: At the same time she said this, she gently started walking in that direction, taking Kindo with her. ::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:46:41 PM
" I would love too, Rie."

Sanis Prent
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:00:10 PM
OOC: Kindo, you're not even supposed to be at the dance.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:27:43 PM
OOC: No need to get an attitude, Sanis. Are you reffering to Jubei's thread? Ill take care of it no need to get upset.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:34:17 PM
Corin walked into the B&G, late as usual. looking around for ENya he did not see her. he wanted this night to be a happy one for the two of them so he had asked her to attend even though she was not a force wielder. he wanted to put aside the recent problems and just have some fun. he walked off to the punch and took a cup, watching as everybody danced. there was not hatred here just respect and love and happiness. perfect for trying to have a good time.

he had come in a jet black tux with his dark red hair, curly as usual. and his eyes the deeply intense dark blue that they always were, twinkling with excitement.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:38:18 PM
Since both Amazon and Kindo had just arrived, he had heard Jubei, his master, wants all his padawans outside.

" Pardon me Rie, it seems I am needed. I shall return shortly."

He walked outside to meet his Master.

OOC- Taken Care Of.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:39:22 PM
Kack strolled into Yog's fashonably late, as usual. He noticed his buddy Corin had just walked in as well.

Kack noticed a large circle of people standing around. And in the center of it all was the the Jedi, Plo Koon, break dancing.

He smiled. It reminded him of some of the clubs he had been to over the years, back in the good old days.

Jul 15th, 2002, 11:47:23 PM
:: AB watched Kindo leave at the request of Jubei. She didn't agree with the Jedi's way of teaching, especially when the whole point of this formal was to get away from training if only for a night, but she was not one to argue the point. ::

:: Sighing, she sat herself at a booth and watched the party, sipping her pink champaign absentmindedly. ::


Kack Mebuff
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:11:40 AM
As Kack searched around the room he sensed more and more familiar presences ... Xazor, Marcus, Lance, Ki Adi Kindo, Lion 'El Johnson, and even Master Dasquian.

Kack was glad to be in the presence of friends. For awhile he wandered around aimlessly. Just looking for people to chat with.

He noticed Master Dasquian and Master Dawnstrider together. As he stepped before them he bowed.

"It's nice to see some familiar faces around here," Kack said, grinning.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:13:49 AM
Maia glanced around the bar watching for familiar faces. She spotted Master AB. she looked lovely. Maia set her a greeting using the force.

"This has turned out to be a lot more fun than I had imagined Zeke. Lets go get some punch and we can dance later, maybe we can find some friends of ours and see what they are up to."

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:51:33 AM
As Marcus made his way over to get a glass of... something, I made my way over to AB, who seemed to be oddly dateless. "Rie, you look lovely! Such different outfits here make some of the Jedi almost... unrecognizable. Speaking of unrecognizable, who was that Jedi you were just with? I haven't seen him around here before."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:00:24 AM
As they danced, he glanced around at some of the others. There were a lot of people whom he knew and recognised arriving now, and it was good to see everyone getting into the spirit of the party. He chuckled somewhat as he looked down to Xazor; he felt incredibly lucky to have been th one to come here with her - however he doubted anyone else would have been able to get to her before he did purely because he rushed to ask so early on in the morning. A glance to Marcus, and he grinned - the Jedi Warlord certainly looked different tonight.

Looking back to Xazor, he smiled somewhat coyly.

"You'll have to forgive my silence, Xazor, only I often feel as though I don't know what to say around you... words cannot do you justice."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:17:14 AM
"Two ....errr......"

Damnit, what did Ryla drink?

"What does Ryla have?"

"One moment" replied the bartender. He disappeared and in a few seconds reappeared with two bottles with glasses on top, upside down.

"There yer go"

With a doubtful expression on his face, Marcus accepted the bottles, wondering what the frell they could be. And where did Ryla... ahhh there she was next to Amazon Babe. He moved in that direction, moving between dancing couples to get to her.

"Good evening Rie.... delightful you look if I might say so! Ryla..." he said passing the drink over.

Man he hoped the bartender was right and not playing a trick on him.

Alaina Edric
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:18:13 AM

The Padawan almost jumped out of her skin as she heard the voice. Standing infront of the mirror in her room, he grinned nervously back at herself, giving herself a reassuring nod.

"Coming, just a minute," she called out, her voice a little shakey.

She didn't know exactly why she was so nervous; after all she and the other 'elven' Padawan were attending this formal together as a bit of fun - at the expense of a lot of male Padawan's who'd have to go dateless! At the thought of this she giggled quietly, whilst straightening out her dress. It was a pale white in hue, and hung to just above her ankles, pressing neatly against the curves of her figure. Her hair, as per usual, was accentuated by a small tiara - a gift from her parents.

"Ok, ready! Don't laugh if I look silly," she said through a laugh as she walked to the door, pressing the code to slide it open.

Enya Ramelian
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:42:52 AM
Enya had been watching for Corin to arrive. She knew he would be late he always was when it came to things such as this. She spotted him walking in and smiled. He looked as handsome as he always did. But then to her he would be handsome in rags.

Enya snuck around the side wall intending to sneak up behind him and scare him. Instead he turned just as she had reached him. Grinning he grabbed her up in his arms...

Jul 16th, 2002, 05:14:26 AM

Another late entry. Oriadin walked through the door to the Bar and Grill arm in arm with Estelle. It was the first time he had met her and he was keen to make a good impression. He was very smart and smelled nice from the aftershave he was wearing. Not to overpowering though.

As they entered they could see a bustling room before them. People drinking, dancing, talking, telling jokes and generally haveing a great time. It was good to see the people he was getting to know in a more relaxed state. This would be a great oppertunity to get to know the personalities better.

He had never really been to a Jedi function like this, he popped into Xazors promotion do but that was ages ago when he didnt know anyone. This would be very different and he hopped he would have a great time.

He glanced to his left and looked at Estelle. She looked very pretty and he thought about how lucky he was that she agreed to let him take her. Indicating towards the room he said

--Shall we!?--

Jul 16th, 2002, 06:56:53 AM
Satine claps as Plo Koon shows what he could do on the dance floor, and gives a mock bow.

"Very kewl!"

Jul 16th, 2002, 07:26:31 AM
Zeke went with Maia over to the table bearing the punch bowl. He handed a cup to Maia, and one to Salemn, who was lurking there.

Kemille Eldervine
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:37:41 AM
As the door slid open, she smiled at Alaina. She looked quite lovely in her attire.

"Are you ready to leave ... Milady?" She added the last word with a small bow, still smiling despite herself. The boys were missing out on alot here.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:39:03 AM
Corin let go of Enya for a sec to step back and look at her dress, he confirmed that even without the dress she would have looked Amazing! as usual. then he slpped his arms around her and began t o dance. Enya leaned her head against his shoulder and he wispered to her.

"You look lovely tonight!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:18:16 AM
:: Lance watched as all of them performed their tricks but Lance had something in mind he was waiting for all of them to show off and it was now the time to do somthing. Lance extended his arms and flipped them together motioning everyone around to look at him, as the gazes were directed to him Lance started lowing down and flipping his legs together as he then slides on the floor he then stretches his arms out and gripping to the floor he stood upside down and then let his head first one the floor then taking strenght with his arms he made him-self spin on his head everyone looked around him as he spun and spun the only question in everyone's mind was "When the hell is he gonna stop?" After the 27th spin because of fear of burning him-self Lance then sent his arms on the floor and propulsed him-self back upright and sent a split on the floor and came back to his fee quickly.::

"Ahh dizzy.." He said with as he stepped back to let someone else perform their trick.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:39:44 AM
Kelt raised one ear pieace from the headset to his left air and started to beat his head to the drums, modern music to him was new, but very good later on this evening he would play some of the old style music that he was used to for the couples out there this evening. He felt in the part now, the cloths the position it was a great feeling to see everyone dance to his selection of music. Witht that "Just a Day" had finished and he already had the next track on the 2nd decks ready to fly.

' Okay guys heres a a nice one from the band "A" and its Starbucks' He said with a smile as the song started its introduction.

OOC: Download "A - Starbucks" to hear the track.

Salemn Lysce
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:48:31 AM
I, uh ...

She didn't know what to do when Zeke handed her the cup. She thought that nobody had noticed her - obviously she was wrong.

Thanks ?

If she was thirsty she would've gotten one already, but nonetheless it was a polite gesture on his behalf.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:51:15 AM
Wei Wu Wei looked inside. He'd never been there before, but had heard that it was a good place to meet people.

"A dance? Sounds good."

Wu Wei noticed people wearing formal clothing and loked at his green kung-fu uniform. the intricate designs and such sure did make it look impressive. He shrugged and stepped inside.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:54:48 AM
"Go Lance, Go Lance, G-go, Go Lance!"

Lion does a cheeleader routine with black and silver pom-poms, then throws them into the crowd before putting his sunglasses on again.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:41:38 AM
Wu Wei walked over to the table where the punch bowl was. he suddenly felt like having a drink. Also at the table was a guy who was unusually happy, a pretty woman in a dress, and a shy girl. Wu Wei carefully slipped around them to grab a cup and some punch.
"Pardon me, everyone. I just want a drink. by the way, My name is Wei Wu Wei. Most call me Wu Wei. I'm a travelling martial artist. So, what about you guys?"
Wu Wei offered his most friendly smile and pushed his glasses up onto his nose. He moved his pony tail away form where it dangle over his shoulder.
"this is a nice party."

Jul 16th, 2002, 10:56:12 AM
"Sure is!"

Zeke grinned.

"M'name's Zeke! That's Salemn, and this is Maia!"

He pointed at the girls as he said their names. Having finished introductions, his focus shifted back to Salemn.

"You look like you need to have some fun! I bet dude here will dance with you!"

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:01:40 AM
"Yo, easy, Zeke, dun' scare the poor guy."

Lion held out his hand, saying:

"Hey, my name's Lion El' Jonson. I'm pleased to meet ya'. I'm SURE Salemn would love ta' dance wit' cha."

Lion nudges Salemn.

Jul 16th, 2002, 11:04:42 AM
:: AB was turning just turning back around from admiring the moon lily glowing behind her, when she received Maia's greeting. She looked over to where her former Padawan stood with her date, and smiled, returning the greeting silently. ::

:: It was about this time Ryla came up to the table. She smiled broadly and gestured for the other woman to have a seat. ::

Thank you for the compliment, Ryla. You look stunning yourself in that gown! It flatters your color perfectly.

As to my date... his name is Ki Adi Kindo, a rather new Padwan to the Order. Alas, his Master had other plans for this evening, and prematurely called all his Padwans outside for some training exercise.

:: She sipped her champaign. She was in the middle of swallowing when Marcus showed up with some drinks. She set the glass down, smiling and nodding to him for his compliment to her. ::

Thank you, Marcus. I dare say this formal was a wonderful idea. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves immensely.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:25:35 AM
Wu Wei grasped Lion's hand in a firm handshake.
"Glad to meet you. My name is Wei Wu Wei. I'm pretty new. I heard that Master Yoghurt's bar and Grill was a lively place, but this takes the cake!" Wu Wei gave a hearty laugh. "Maia, Salemn, Zeke, it is nice to meet you both as well."
Wei shook Zeke's hand as he did Lion's but was gentler when shaking the ladies' hands. "Yes, a pleasure to meet you all. So, Salemn, how about a short dance? Please? It would be my pleasure."
Wu Wei extended a hand to the young lady.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:13:55 PM
Maia bowed to Wei Wu. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Are you joining our order?"

Turning to Salemn she grinned." He looks friendly enough young one. Go have some fun." Maia said gently to the girl.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:30:04 PM
Wu Wei laughed. he shrugged in answer to Maia's question. Now if only Salemn would relax. He refilled his cup with punch.
"This is good stuff."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:37:51 PM
The doors to the bar and grill opened, letting a slight breeze into the establishment. Inside was quite a site, the place had been transformed into something amazing. Ryla and her friends had done a wonderful job.

The place was crowded already, filled with Jedi sporting formal wear, tonight was a night of freedom, a night of fun.

Into the bar walked Leia Solo and Chase Starwalker. Leia softly carried the white rose Chase had gotten for her. Making thier way through the crowd of people they exchanged hellos and head nod's to friends. They came to the back where several tables were and placed thier belongings.

"Well..." Chase said finally.

"Shall we dance?" He smiled at her, his boyish face seeming so harmless.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:18:33 PM
:: Suddenly Lance regains his strenght back and the dizzyness goes away. He still wasn't sweating because he hadn't done much, then tilting his head to the side he saw several faimliar faces including Maia and Salemn, he remembered Salemn from the cleanin day in the bar&grill but the last time he saw her he thought she was only a little girl but seeing her now his heart beated hard and then looking at Maia the same reaction came to him the two of them were beautifull then throwing his cap off his head and putting his formal cloths on quickly he passed his hand through his hair again and decided to go and salute to two girls. He then said::

"Sorry guys....gotta take care of business" he said with a wink as he walked slowly towards the girls as he popped out right behind Zeke Lance simply adressed to him-self to Maia::

"Hey there how's it going, you are looking...."Lance thought for a second.
"I can't find words worthy enough to describe your beauty Maia really.."He said as he gently broughther hand out and kissed it as any gentleman would then tilting his head towards Salemn with a kind voice he adressed to her now.

"My....your that young woman that was at that disaster here in the bar the other day." He said laughing a bit

"But I must say that your angelic beauty simply trapped my sight when I looked at you two...I never thought that I would see the beautifullest girls in the galaxy here..at the jedi order." He said smiling and knowing that he was pissing off the other guys around but it was fun fun for him.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:23:49 PM
Wu Wei laughed at this new person.
"You sure are brave. Hitting on 2 girls? and in front of their faces? If I hit on one girl and then anopther like that, I'd run. But to each his own. I'm Wei Wu Wei. Nice to meet you."
he extended his hand to shake.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:26:52 PM
"Hehe...you seem like quite a nice fellow." He said with a grin extending his hand too and shaking hands with him.::

"Lance Stormrider, you a new memeber of the GJO or just a visitor?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:51:48 PM
Wu Wei smiled. "Well, I am visiting this place and meeting people. I sure would like to join though. I hear that a Xazor Leo Dawnstrider takes care of those things. Not too many people were at the Center, so I came here."
Wu Wei gave a nervous laugh. I'm all for helping others,and I want to see if I can control the Force. I sure hope I'm allowed in. I spent my life learning martial arts, so weapons training will be a good challenge. Is this a good place to learn about the Force?"
Wu Wei looked on the table for some food to eat. he was getting hungry.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:54:08 PM
:: Lance smiled a bit::

"Well this IS the place to learn about the force..but today is party time no time to speak about that I'll pass by the recruitement center tomorrow to see what I can do for you and surely more Knights and masters will come" He said turnign back to the girls.

Jul 16th, 2002, 05:52:20 PM
Everywhere there were jedi.

But these weren't the jedi one would usually see around the academy or in the council chambers. Besides the distinct formal garb many wore, they were acting completely different. Hair was let down, inhibitions were lost, the usual austere personas were put aside briefly for a night of merrimaking.

This was his element. Everywhere were new people to meet, dances to dance, stories to tell. Looking over he saw the usually reserved Navaria beaming, her eyes taking in everything, falling into practiced routines. The refreshment table called to Hunk, promising cool drinks. He'd also be able to catch some of the wallflowers and shag them onto the dance floor.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll get us some drinks."

Stepping reluctantly away from Navaria, HUnk began weaving through the crowd, pausing momentarily to say hello to a few familiar faces. When he got to the refreshment table, he noticed a few partygoers hanging back from the crowd, but he was disapponted to find no namana juice. He could get her something else, but he knew how much Navaria loved the stuff. He had an idea where he could find some though. In back, in the kitchen, there was sure to be a supply of the drink.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2002, 06:00:28 PM
Navaria gave Hunk an affirmative smile and relaxed her arms behind her back, lacing her fingers together. She didn't stray too far from where Hunk had left her. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet some of the Jedi at the Academy that she knew by name, not face.

It was quite the occasion. There were people everywhere, smiling, dancing and enjoying one another's company. It truly was a welcomed change of pace.

She glanced over at the refreshment table to see how her escort was faring. A lot of people had the same idea in wanting something to drink and the table was crowded. Navaria crained her neck upwards and didn't see him.

Course, with the sea of people, it would be easy to loose him and why waste the effort in sensing for him. It was suppose to be a night off and Hunk would eventually find her.

Estelle Russard
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:03:28 PM
Estelle smiled and followed Oriadin into the B & G. The place was already very busy and so she allowed him to pave their way threw the crowd as they made their way in.

Many faces were completely new to her. Others she had seen around the GJO but had not gotten to know at all. Hopefully that would change tonight. She nodded a definite hello to Plo Koon her padawan as he made an impression on the dance floor.

Others too, that she knew, she waved hello to as they advanced into the bar.

She hadn't been to such an occasion as this before. While she had seen much of the galaxy with her travels with Aurelias Kazaar, growing up on a farm did not lend itself to attending such events as this. Estelle was looking forward to unwinding and making some new friends. And not the least of which was Oriadin, whom she had come with.

She knew Oriadin a little, had even had a breif spar with him in training a few months back, but up till now had never spent much time in his company.

He looked good. He scrubbed up well. Smelt good too.

Yep, this should be fun.

Plo Koon
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:51:14 PM
Plo looks over and sees Estelle walk in, he nods his head and makes his way over. Suddenly the loud fast music turns to a slow soft beat, the DJ talks in the mic

"Ok fella's, if you got a woman it's time to make your move and if you dont...well ask someone you like"

Plo Koon makes his way to Estelle and thinks to himself

Oh man, this walk is so long. What willl she say? Will she say yes? Will she say no? Arg I dont know if im gonna make it!

He is sweating and his heart is pumping. This is the first time he talks to a woman in a long time. He walks up and makes eye contact with her

"May I have this danse?"

Jul 16th, 2002, 08:14:05 PM
"Didja hear that, Maia? Let's go dance some more."

He turned to Wu Wei, Lance, and Salemn.

"You guys have some fun."

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:44:11 PM
Maia laughed softly at Lances words. They had been friends long enough for Maia to know that he was a pure Ladies man. Giving him a quick hug she grinned and whispered in his ear. "We need to find you a girl and get you settled down killer." Maia backed away laughing at his reddened cheeks.

Grabbing Zekes hand she smiled. "OK Zeke lets go. Oh and Lance I expect at least one dance tonight. That goes for you to Wei."

Estelle Russard
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:48:36 PM
Estelle was happy to see Plo socialising and getting to know his fellow Jedi. He was quite the extrovert, it seemed. But as she had only just arrived with Oriadin a few moments before, she felt it bad mannered to go off and dance with someone else. Not to mention, she didnt feel all that comfortable to dance in the first place.

Declining Plo's invitation politely, she shrugged out of her coat and looked for somewhere to sit.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:57:47 PM
"You bet, Miss Maia."

Wu Wei waved as the two went off to dance.

"Salemn, are you all right? You sure are quiet. You should be having a blast right now. I'm surprised you haven't been dancing the whole time. A pretty girl like you should be dancing all the time with all the guys...not standing in a corner. It seems Lance know oyu better than I. If it would make you more comfortable, you can dance with him. Let's at least see a smile, eh?"

Wu Wei smiled at her and looked out at the dance floor. This was such a great place to hang out. he's have to come here often.

Jul 16th, 2002, 09:16:11 PM
Zeke looked at his feet to make sure he wasn't standing on his date.

"If I step on you..."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:17:46 PM
::Leia gently placed the white rose on the table and extended her hand to Chase::

Yes, I would love to dance with you Chase.

::The Jedi Master smiled, as the two headed to the dance floor and began to dance to the soft tunes that began to play::

You know Chase, I think this truly was a wonderful idea of Ryla's. We Jedi need a break from the normal life we lead every once in awhile. Wouldn't you say?

Chase Starwalker
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:26:31 PM
"Of course." He smiled, holding her close.

Jul 16th, 2002, 09:45:29 PM

A pot was knocked lose from it's hanging position.


A large pan came falling to the ground, narrowly missing Hunk's toe. He didn't know who usually used this kitchen, but they were obviously a lot smaller than he was. He couldn't turn anywhere without sending something to the floor, adding to the cacophony that was quickly threatening to drown out his thoughts.

There it was, finally, the refrigerator. There had to be some namana juice in there. He was turned sideways to squeeze his way between two counters, when he felt a shooting pain in his foot. Looking down he noticed a large knife nicely imbeded in the shoe. Well at least they kept the cutlery nice and sharp. Reaching down, he pulled it out and set it aside. He would have to clean it up before he left. But first: the juice.

He opened the refrigerator and gazed inside. Nothing!

No, wait, in the back, there was something. Aha! A large picture of the sweet juice that Navaria seemed to love. While digging it out from the back, he cringed as a large pot fell from the top of the fridge, clocking him soundly in the middle of the back. Gritting his teeth, he drew out his prize. He was pleased to find that it was almost full. Maybe he'd try a little himself.

Before leaving, he made sure to clean off the knife, washing it thoroughly with blistering hot water. He emerged into the sea of people that filled the common area, dancing from open space to open space with surprising grace, always being careful to keep the juice from sloshing out on his head. Swinging past the refreshment table he grabbed two cups and continued to make his way back to Navaria.

There she was, she stood out from the groud like a shining beacon on a landing strip. And like a moth to the flame, he was drawn in. Sneaking up behind her, she tapped her on the shoulder, and flashed a wide smile as she turned around.

"Would the lady care for asome juice?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:12:09 PM
::Leia and Chase continued dancing, when they heard the crash from Hunk. A startled Leia looked at Chase::

Oh my gosh..

::She began to chuckle::

What was that all about?

Salemn Lysce
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:23:26 PM
She didn't expect to have so much attention turn her way. And all she did was accept the cup ....

Greetings, Wei Wu Wei. I am sure that you will be accepted within the Order if your intentions are honorable ... However, I am not one who tends to dance.

The mute said this through the Force with a smile. She didn't really want to dance, and there were several reasons. She gave a quick glance at Lion then looked at Lance.

I still don't approve of a roach running around our kitchens ...

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:31:04 PM
Wu Wei felt a gentle, but small voice in his head.

"I'm sorry to hear that. The dancing and the cockroach, I mean. Well, if you don;t feel like dancing, that's fine. This is a big enough party that we can find other things to do. Is there anyting in particular that you would like to do?"

It seemed Salemn was a shy type of girl. Wu Wei hoped that she would warm up to him. He let her be. He didn't want to scare her.

Salemn Lysce
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:36:26 PM
Well I ... Uh ...

Salemn shrunk further back against the wall, hoping that somehow she'd become invisible.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:40:24 PM
Wu Wei sighed.

"I seem to have upset you. I'm sorry if I have said something wrong. I'll let you be and maybe we will talk later on."

Wu wei smiled at Salemn again and drifted off to find some food. His stomach was really greowling.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:41:24 PM
Morgan drifted about the crowd, managing to tune out the music. He wasn't entirely sure why he was here. Sure, it was a sort of get-away, but large social functions were never a subject of partictular enjoyment.

He sought a friend who wasn't engaged on the dance floor through the mass. Twoard the back, Navaria and Rie had managed to find a bit of solace.

"Good evening Rie, Navaria." Morgan smiled and nodded. Hunk offered Navaria a cup of what he guessed to be Namana juice.

"Is this seat taken, Lady Mystt?"

Chase Starwalker
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:39:20 AM
Chase smiled.

"I'm not sure...it didn't sound pleasant."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:55:04 AM
::Azhure walked in, a blood red long dress on, and her hair done up for once. She hadnt wanted it done but the ti0ps she'd gotten from someone insisted she did. She did nto come with anyone for Tomak had never asked, and had decided to come on her own::

Jul 17th, 2002, 02:18:25 AM
The bar was very busy but he needed to get a drink anyway. Hi usual Ice water would go down very nicely. What with all the moving bodies in the room it was begining to feel very warm. He pointed over to an empty side table for two.

--Shall we sit there? If you grab the seats I'll get you a drink, what would you like?--

Oriadin was a little unhappy at the fact that Plo Koon had asked Estelle to dance with him after she had only just arrived, and especially given the fact she already had a date. He was a pretty easy going man so didnt say anything and Estelle refused anyway so it made little difference.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:09:35 AM
"Why Eldrak.... this is wonderful!"

So simple a gift, but still... it was not the size of the gift or the value, it was always the sincerity of how the gift was given. I wound the simple device around my forearm.

"I thank you for this and I will remember. You may now escort me now"

(And I also apologise for taking so long to reply)

Kelt Simoson
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:08:08 AM
Kelt tilted his head as Miss Darkstone walked in alone, Tomak had missed out on asking her to the dance?, that was no good.

Kelt gave a short smile as if he had an idea but he would play this set out before he would ask her. his eyes glanced down and placed the third CD onto the decks as Starbucks came to a close, Kelt gave the new CD a headstart spin and the CD was underway with its introduction, Kelt smiled as this track he liked alot.

' And now guys back to another good song by Feeder its "Feeder Buck-Rogers enjoy"' He smiled and beated to the music.

OOC: Download "Feeder - Buckrogers"

Jul 17th, 2002, 06:41:51 AM
Satine sees AB and Nav, and Morgan just walking up to them, and decides to see if he can join them for a while. His clothes shifting back to his formal attire, Satine walks over to the small group and bows.

"Hello. How are you guys?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:11:20 AM
::Leia laughed::

I don't think so either Chase. So,

::The Jedi Master did not know whatelse to say at the moment.::

Care for a drink and possibly mingle? Or would you rather dance some more Chase?

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:38:17 AM
Wu Wei wandered around the outskirts of the dance floor, trying to find something to eat on one of the tables. As he looked around, he wondered to himself about what the Bar and Grill was like every other day. It probably wouldn;t be as formal as the dance, but he hoped the friendly, laid back atmosphere stayed the same. At last, he found a table bearing fruits and cookies and such, so he began to eat.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:41:00 AM
Kack noticed Azhure walk in ... alone. He was surprised, by the way Tomak had been talking Kack thought for sure he would have asked her.

Kack walked over and smiled. "I see you're alone too. What happened Tomak?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:10:49 AM
There was quite a loud commotion coming from the kitchen. It sounded like the cook lost control of a few pots and pans. Hopefully no one was hurt.

She noticed that Leia and her Padawan, Chase, and taken note of it as well. Navaria couldn't help but laugh because it was amusing. Returning to her musings, taken in the people around her, welcoming them and saying hi to those Jedi that spoke to her briefly .. she waited for Hunk to return.

And he did. There was a small tap on her shoulder and she turned her head to smile at him.

"Cute. Very cute."

Navaria accepted the cold drink and eyed Hunk's suspiciously.

"You mean your actually going to try it?"

There conversation was cut short by Morgan. Navaria was surprised to see him here but it was a welcomed one.

"Good evening to you, Morgan. Nice of you to make it."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:21:52 AM
"A drink would be nice....what'll you have?" Chase broke from Leia and stepped toward the refreshments, awaiting her answer.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:42:58 AM
Xazor lofted a brow at Dasquian's words. She blushed slightly and looked into his eyes once again.

"I take your words as a great compliment, for no one has ever said anything like that to me before. Perhaps you do something like that to me as well and I forget to speak as you do..."

She giggled slightly as the music changed over several times. It sounded to her like many people were making requests...and when she looked that is what she saw. A smile crossed her lips as she and Dasquian continued dancing. The air around them seemed magical....

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:31:44 PM
“You are most welcome milady”

With a smile and a nod of approval, he raised one hand and crooked out his elbow so that they could enter as was customary.

It was not long before they were approaching the area that had been prepared for the gathering, and Eldrak’s nervousness finally kicked in wholly. For one such as himself to be escorting one so beautiful it was quite the surprise. Most beings gave him odd looks and scowls because of his appearance. The Jedi that he had become a part of seemed much different than the average person. It was pleasing to be accepted, but he still could not help but feel somewhat out of place being the only of his kind.

The area prepared for the gathering was noisy with the many people who had already arrived as Eldrak And Helenias entered. He tried to keep his head high to mask his embarrassment, or maybe it was just an odd awkwardness at being in such a situation. He spent so much time alone and social gatherings were not something he was practiced at being a part of.

No sooner had they gotten inside than Eldrak heard a familiar voice speak his name and request his presence outside. He turned to Helenias.

“If you will excuse me? It appears that my instructor wishes to see me. I hope it does not take too long.”

He bowed to his date and turned to leave as he was requested.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:48:44 PM
Kindo walked back in pain but glad to see Rie. She was siting at a table sipping on her drink. He apporached her and sat in the seat next to her.

" I told you I would be back. I just had a little training to do. I apologize for my absense. You look winderful tonight! I can't help but remind you but you and me have got to dance. "

He arose from his seat and extended his hand to her.

" May I have the honor of dancing with you?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:08:50 PM
"But of course Maia you know I will" He said with a slight grin then turning back to Salemn who seemed somehow....odd.

"Something wrong Salemn?" He said with an odd gaze to her

"Or maybe you don't like to dance?"

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:21:52 PM
Lion walked over to Azhure and smiled.

"Hey, Azhure. So you decided to turn up, after all, eh?"

Jakob Burton
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:22:04 PM
Jake walks into Yog's, to see everyone partying. He hadn't heard anything about a party. He shook his head and stepped inside. The music was loud, almost deafening, and the air clung with the smells of various foods and drinks. Jake wasn't much for partying in huge crowds, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't hopefully handle. Dressed in his usual attire, he walks through a congested crowd to get to the bar. Luckily, he found an empty stool, and sat, ordering a Correlian Whiskey. He looked around at the partying Jedi. Hard to believe that he once thought that the Jedi had such a hard image to keep that they couldn't party. But once he got to the GJO, he realized that he was wrong. The Jedi were just regular people, and once they were finished with their jobs of keeping the galaxy safe, they, like anyone else, wanted to relax and have some fun. They were just regular people. Regular people with an understanding of what makes them who they are. And such an understanding that enabled them to do incredible things. Jake shook his head. Too much deep thinking and pondering. He should relax, and have a good time. After all, with the hellacious life that he had to put up with before, he was more than entitiled to have his time to do as he wished. So, he spun around and remained seated, leaning against the bar, watching the people dance and taking sips of his whiskey.

Jul 17th, 2002, 03:28:26 PM
:: AB looked up as Morgan walked up to their table. Her jaw just about hit the floor as she had never seen him as he was now. It was amazing how a formal dance transformed everyone. ::

:: She smiled broadly. ::

Of course, Morgan. Please join us. Nav and I were just commenting on how the place didn't look much like a bar anymore, but more like a ballroom.

:: She chuckled. ::

I had no idea this place had so much floor!

:: It was about this time Satine came up to their decorative table. She waved him over as Morgan took a seat beside her. ::

Hiya, Satine. We're doing quite alright. Enjoying the party?

:: And then Kindo came back, looking a bit haggard, but otherwise cheerful. She smiled as he complimented her again. She laughed lightly. ::

You keep doing that, Kindo, and I'm liable to turn as red as those roses you gave me.

:: Then he asked her to dance with him. She reached up and took his hand, easing herself out of her chair. ::

I'd love to dance.

:: As she made her way around the table, she looked back at Morgan. ::

And you, don't go anywhere. I expect a dance or two.

:: She favored him with a smile, before turning back to accompany Kindo to the dance floor. ::

Jul 17th, 2002, 04:50:23 PM
Satine plops down into the chair by Morgan, and grins at him.

"So, how are things Morg?"

Salemn Lysce
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:00:01 PM
What ? Oh, I'm fine ... I just don't dance.

Salemn could sense that Lance thought she was acting a bit odd, but this was how she normally acted. Tonight she made an effort to come and try to meet her fellow Jedi, but things just weren't working out. She wasn't used to so many people, or the attention.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:06:18 PM
" You don't dance!?....My you don't know what your missing." He said shaking his head.

"Come on just one dance.....don't tell me you came to this party looking just gorgeous and you won't even dance!? Now now you know your wasting your youth. " He said with a wink

Salemn Lysce
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:44:34 PM
Feeling her cheeks redden a bit, the Padawan balled her hands into fists and shook her head.

I waste my youth how I wish to, Lance. I'm sure you waste yours another way.

Salemn didn't want him to take her words too seriously, so she added a small smile afterwards.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:18:51 PM
Some Alderaan White Blush wine sounds very nice Chase. Thank you.

::Leia smiled as Chase walked to the barcounter::

::The Jedi did overhear Navaria's comment and decided to walk over to where she was standing::

::Leia smiled at Nav, Hunk and Morgan::

Good evening everyone. I must say this is a lovely dance everyone put together.

::Then suddenly Leia broke out into a slight chuckle::

Hey Nav..what was the comment of "cute..very cute"" suppose to mean? This dance thing is harmless you know.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:25:51 PM
"Well, now that you mention it, Leia."

A mischievous grin crossed her face. It almost looked like something Dalethria would do, but it was easy to see that the malicious intent was not there.

"You and Chase did look cute."

She laughed.

"I meant Hunk was being cute by sneaking up on me. He is taking advantage of me since I am not using the Force today."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:32:14 PM
::Leia seemed a little shocked yet amused by Nav's comment. She did not know what to say at first. All she could do was laugh and thank the force she did not have anything in her mouth or she might have very well spit it up::

Cute?! Oh my gosh..you are too funny. He is my padawan and I really don't think he has an interest in me. Now..you and Hunk..hmmm I find that kind of amusing he is trying to take advantage of you in an innocent way.

::Leia laughed once more::

Soooo..are you two going to be the King and Queen of the Dance tonight? You know you guys actually make a cute couple.

::Leia gave a playful yet mischievous wink at Nav::

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:35:44 PM
She didn't miss a beat.

"Well, Hunk is being thoughtful since there was no namana juice here. Hence the cuteness. Who else would be making all that noise in the kitchen"

Navaria pouted.

"And to think these people thought I wouldn't attend. Well ..."

She sighed.

"You know."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:41:34 PM
::Leia felt bad. She was only playing in a friendly manner with her friend Nav. The Jedi Master's smile went to a slight frown, as she walked up to Nav and gave her friend a quick hug::

Listen Nav, I am sorry. I was only teasing. But honestly, Hunk is a sweetie. I can see that and I am sure happy you made it here. Its good to get out more and mingle with everyone you know?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:45:47 PM
She accepted the hug emphatically.

"Thank you. I know you meant well and you're right. I'd rather be here then alone in my quarters. I think I had quite enough of brooding to last me for years, Leia."

Navaria turned to look at Hunk and smiled.

"I'm very happy with having him as my Padawan too. I think I'm the lucky one in having a good student."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:52:01 PM
::Leia could not help but sigh::

Oh Nav...I do understand what you mean more than you know. Listen things will get better I promise.

::Leia then gently patted Nav on the shoulder::

Keep a stiff upperlip. You will see and yes, Hunk is a wonderful student. But then again...look at who his master is. Its really no wonder why.

::She smiled back at Nav::

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:36:25 PM
Wu Wei looked around a bit more and nibbled on an entree. he supposed he should dance, but he didn't know who to ask. He shrugged. He could wait for a dance. So he patiently snacked away.

"These things are good..." he said after swallowing another bite.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:59:19 PM
Lion got up from his chair and walked over to the snack table. Looking around quickly to see if anybody was watching, Lion took the entire platter of sandwiches with him back to his table.

"Heh, if only Zeke could see me now..." Lion thought, lying back in the chair.

Jul 17th, 2002, 11:34:28 PM
Too bad for Lion, Zeke did see him.

"HEY! If you're gonna eat sammiches, you best share!"

He put Maia up on his shoulder and walked over to Lion, then stole half the plate for himself. He put them in one of his Multitudinous Pockets for later, walked back out onto the dance floor, set his date down, and started from where he had left off.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:47:33 PM
Maia put her hand on her chin and balanced herself on Zekes shoulder with a small sigh. When he spotted food there was no stopping him. She would have asked to be put down but it would have done her no good anyway. He was on a mission for a bite to eat. Maia figured it was easier to just stay where she was at until he was done.

Glancing down she watched him grab and eat what he wanted and then slip some away for later. Maia reached down and snagged one before he had pushed it in and began to nibble on it. By the time he was done so was she.

As he put her down she laughed. "This was turning out to be some night."

Jul 17th, 2002, 11:52:47 PM
Zeke grinned.

"That's the point!"

He bowed low.
"Shall we continue dancing, then?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:57:44 PM
She had asked Oriadin for orange juice (her usual choice) and got settled at the table, waiting for him to return. They seemed to have lost Plo Koon to the crowd or dance floor again. She would try not to keep too close an eye on her padawan as tonight was 'time off' from training etc. But the habit was hard to break.

While Oriadin was gone, Estelle took the time to look over the crowd. She heard a crash from the kitchen direction, and her gaze followed what had been the source. A fit looking fellow who made his way over to his date, a long dark haired beauty, whom Estelle didnt recognise, though had heard others call "Navaria". So many here, she had never even spoken to.. The pair were joined by JediMaster Leia and a young man. Now Leia Estelle atleast knew and waved across the crowd. Morgan Evanar had joined them also - him she knew by sight, but couldnt remember why.

A slight jostle, and Estelle realised Oriadin had returned and bumped the table slightly as he sat, trying to make certain not to spill the drinks.

Estelle smiled at him as he maneuvered his legs under the table as he sat. "These tables dont give much room do they, Oriadin?"

She thanked him for the drink and sipped at it, suddenly feeling a little awkward and trying to think of something witty or intelligent to say. The more she tried to think of something, the blanker she got. Oh no. To ward of her inner panic, she took another large sip of her drink.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:57:55 PM
Maia grinned back. "Yes, that is the point, and yea lets continue. I'm having to much fun to stop now." Maia glanced around it seemed everyone as having a good time tonight. I sure hope the council does this more often. It's nice o get a break like this."

Jul 18th, 2002, 12:01:32 AM
"Sure is!"

Zeke started to bust a move, then stopped.

"Oh, and if I step on you..."