View Full Version : Any Golfers?

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:01:04 PM
Does anyone here play? I've decided to give it a try. I got some clubs for my B-day. I've hit the driving range and I'm going to be taking a lesson sometime soon. It just seems like a fun activity (I don't consider it a sport) and something I've been wanting to try for some time. If anyone else plays maybe we can compare rounds, bad shots, etc. Anyway, I'm off to the driving range...

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:42:08 PM
I love golf, but I've not played since last year because my best friend is always too busy doing other stuff to go out and play like we did last summer :( We played about twice a week, or three times per two weeks at least.

I went out to the range once this year. That's about all. He has played with his girlfriend (who doesn't even play) a bunch of times, but not with me. Grr...

Anyway, I do consider golf a sport given the amazing coordination and strength it takes to be as great as Tiger Woods. If it were just the coordination, I wouldn't consider it a sport, but also in the PGA Tour they are required to walk (with one exception because of a disability) the entire 18 holes, which is a solid length that means you're going to be tired if you're in awful shape and the sun is beating down on you and you're taking that many swings. You can play if you're overweight, but let me tell you, hehe, Woods has a massive advantage over anyone who is in lesser shape. He is so incredibly strong!

You are right though, golf is a fun activity, but only when you don't let it become too frustrating, haha. I've sworn so much on the golf course and just gotten so pissed off. My dad is hilarious when he starts doing bad. Everyone is like that after a while. You are not mad at anything but yourself, but you're like, "GOD D**** THIS F***ING PIECE OF S**T GOOD FOR NOTHING CLUB! AHHH! *SMASH*" lol.

It's a fun game though. I definitely recommend taking some lessons. It helps a lot at first, but then I think you just gotta go play in between your lessons so you can practice what you learned.

FORE! :)

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:44:35 PM
Did you have to open your gifts before I started your happy birthday thread??????

BTW, I'm not a golfer and I hope I never am! :p
My girlfriend is a waitress at a golf club, and some of the members are the foulest humans I've ever heard of. I've been to the range, but although I have no form and no idea what I'm doing, I can still get the ball about 225-250 yards.


Jul 12th, 2002, 12:50:02 PM
I've only played once, I shot about 135 for 17 holes and it started to storm at the 18th, so I can't even say I've played a full round... Pretty lousy, but for a first time out and never having taken a lesson, I had a lot of fun doing it... I'd like to play more.

I can tell this much though - as frustrating as it is, and as bad as you're playing, right when you're about at the breaking point, you hit a shot so cleanly and beautifully that it makes up for all the crappy holes you've played that day... I can see how it can be a game that you love and hate at the same time. :)

Jul 12th, 2002, 12:50:43 PM
Well, I went to a driving range on Wednesday for the first time. 75m best. Not bad considering I've never tried it properly before :)

It was funny, if you looked 45 degrees left of where I was aiming, there was literally a straght line of about 6 golf balls Id sliced :)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:07:21 PM
My dad's into golf. He tried to get me to play it. It's too..boring. Not enough excitment for me.

Jul 12th, 2002, 03:38:17 PM
I went to the range this afternoon. While I was there I signed up for a lesson next Thursday. I hit a few ball over 200yds. I'm just trying to work on basic things like my grip, my swing, how I address the ball, etc. I'd much rather play softball, but I just haven't been able to get together with a team here.

I got my clubs early, my B-day isn't until the 24th. I'm hoping to break them in that day and play my first round. I can only imagine how horrid my score will be that day.

My girlfriend is a waitress at a golf club, and some of the members are the foulest humans I've ever heard of.

I can imagine how snobbish some of those people are. I've got a few public courses around here. You can see people playing in shorts and even jeans sometimes. You can find places where the greens fees are less than $30. That's not too bad.

Fire Marshall Bill
Jul 12th, 2002, 04:25:16 PM
I play, not often though, just when I can enjoy it

Jul 12th, 2002, 04:36:30 PM
EB, just go armed with a sense of humility, the attitude of playing to have fun, and a good stock of Caddyshack quotes, and you'll do fine... ;)

Jul 12th, 2002, 05:44:54 PM
I don't want to come across as a putz, but how I can play a round without spouting out Bill Murray quotes is beyond me! :D
Caddyshack is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. As a kid it was one of those movies you saw behind your parent's back over and over again. For years, whenever I was playing someone in any sport and I wanted to hecklle them I's say;
"Noonan! Nooooonan!"

Jul 12th, 2002, 07:06:05 PM
I belong to a private country club here in Portland, probably one of the nicest if not the nicest in the state, but I doubt we'll be there for that much longer because my dad's back just prohibits him from playing much so he doesn't think it's worth the money :(

Tiger Woods won his third amateur tournament at that course, Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club.

I love Pumpkin. It's super hard, but so well kept and beautiful. They have a public side too, but it's a nice course. I mean, you have to dress up nice if you are going to play there... At least, on the member's only side.

I don't think people are snobby or stuck up there in general. I suppose there are all kinds of people, hehe, but mostly they are fine. Of course, most people at Pumpkin drive super nice cars, but we're guilty of that too :) Not guilty, but point is, if you drive your crap-mobile to Pumpkin you're going to look like a fool. haha.

I usually play at Claremont here, $14 per 9 holes. It's only a 9 hole course. I personally cannot tolerate 18 straight holes of golf. I mean, 4 to 4.5 hours of golf in a row? No thanks. 2 hours is great for me. Most games are 2 hours long, not 4. Baseball can be like 3 to 4, but 2 hours is just the right length for something like that.

I have played 18 in as short as 2 hours and 40 minutes, but as long as 5 hours and 30 minutes too. Yikes...

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:47:46 PM
I played gator golf once....

Gator golf give it a whack!
Gator golf he'll through it right back!
Nothing is greater than golf with a gator! :)

Jul 12th, 2002, 09:34:15 PM
Have you ever been told that you are weird?

You are weird. :)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:37:23 PM
Heh. You have one small conversation with a guy on AIM and he thinks you're weird...what is this world coming to?!?!?!

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:40:07 PM
I played glof once ..... I hit the ball hard long and high.... and so far off course the ball smashed the window of a passing car

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:44:25 PM

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:03:17 PM
That's not what the car owner said!

Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:49:08 PM

Sanis Prent
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:38:56 PM
Golf is a game for affluent right-handed people with bad fashion sense and too much damn free time on their hands.

And since I fall into none of those categories...except having free time...I do not play golf. Though I know its a necessary evil in the art of corporate brown-nosing. I suppose I'll get into it when I graduate from school.

Figrin D'an
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:13:36 AM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Golf is a game for affluent right-handed people with bad fashion sense and too much damn free time on their hands.

And since I fall into none of those categories...except having free time...I do not play golf. Though I know its a necessary evil in the art of corporate brown-nosing. I suppose I'll get into it when I graduate from school.

Don't knock it before you try it... you might find that you'll enjoy it.

Good to hear that you are starting to play, Jedieb. I've played actively for about 4-5 years or so, although it was tough to find time to play during college... I somehow managed to squeeze it into my schedule, though. :)

Just try to avoid the mindset that you will be able to hit the ball effectively after just a few trips to the driving range. You'll just get frustrated if you do. I always try to stay as relaxed and laid-back as possible when playing. I'm a little more serious when I'm at the range, since I'm attempting to tweak my stance, grip, backswing, etc, but not so much that I get pissed and start throwing clubs. I try to remind myself how expensive it would be to replace them, so that usually helps to curb any such tendancies.... :)

Lessons definately help to early on, to make sure you get the correct form in place before you end up creating bad habits or technique for yourself. Early on, I had a huge problem getting comfortable addressing the ball, so I would take far too long to set up a shot (not quite as bad as Sergio Garcia, but bad enough). It took a while to break myself of that habit... best not to let those habits develop at all... :)

Have fun... it can be very enjoyable, albeit exceeding frustrating at times... very much a "love/hate" type of thing... :D

Sanis Prent
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:14:29 AM
I tried it.

I can't use right handed clubs.

I suck at it.

I don't have the patience for it.

And now, I'm 20 dollars poorer thanks to greens fees.

Jul 13th, 2002, 10:25:20 AM
I'm looking forward to my first lesson next week. I'll probably try to head out for a round the following afternoon. I think I'll stay away from the range until my lesson. I don't want any of the bad habits you guys have mentioned to sink in. Anyway, I'm actually a bit sore from from just two trips to the range. buff would be so ashamed of me.>_<

Jul 13th, 2002, 03:20:57 PM
Are you left handed or something? I cannot imagine someone hitting a golf club left handed, LOL, it looks absolutely ridiculous. I respect them just for being able to do it because it would be so incredibly hard. I actually use my left hand for a lot, though I'm right handed normally...

You cannot dismiss golf as just something that "certain groups" do, that's really wrong. A lot of people get into golf who are just normal, everyday people, not big corporate big shots. Go out to the public courses and see how many people play. It's a wonderful sport because you can play it well into your later years, even when you are like 75, if you're in good shape, you'll be able to swing a club somewhat and have a little fun at least. Can't do that with basketball or anything else. Plus, every sport, to be truly good, requires a lot of free time. But I never had much free time for golf and I still have enjoyed the game with whatever time I have given it. I just cannot expect to be good if I'm not willing to put the time into it. It's like expecting to be a great writer just because you want to do it. I mean, it takes a lot of time, like 3 to 4 hours a day for months, and if I really wanted to be good at golf, I guess I'd do it, but given that it is just a sport and would just cost me a lot of money (because you know I'm not going to be pro, lol), then I think I'll stick with something like writing where I can make real money and its value is greater than just something you do on a golf course.

Bad fashion sense?! People who play golf are, for the most part, some of the best dressed people around. You have to wear nice clothes to play at nice country clubs. Some of the golfers wear totally ridiculous, idiotic outfits, but for the most part they dress well. Like Tiger Woods, for instance. I wear the same looking clothes as Tiger pretty much, but I have been wearing my stuff for as long as I've known Tiger, so it wasn't a copycat deal. He always wears black pants and a red polo on the last day of a tournament (well almost always), which is an outfit I wear a lot too. I have copied him with that idea, though, and worn my red shirt on test days because that was like "game day," so I felt I should wear what I like best. I love red, I love black, and so it just makes sense. Tiger is the man.

Anyways, I play pool left handed. I personally don't think it should be called left handed because it really is right handed. If you hold the front of the cue with your right hand, HOW is that left handed? Just because you are using your left hand for moving the stick? That is ridiculous! I hold a pencil with my right hand, so obviously I hold the cue with my right hand too. The left hand just moves the stick, which is nothing, it's meaningless, but the right hand is what steadies my shot and how I can get up and over balls no matter where they are. That's probably why other people who play me have such difficulty winning. Their left hands are, obviously, not as coordinated as their right hands so if they're going to use the left hand to hold that front of the cue stick and expect to have the same control I do, guess again!

Not to mention I can switch hands and use my right just as easily. I learned to do that after about six months because I personally felt it was ridiculous to have to use a granny stick or put the cue behind your back or any other ridiculous thing. Switch hands, take the shot with the other hand, and you have a massive advantage over any competitor. Two-handed is the only way to play pool :)

Chase Starwalker
Jul 13th, 2002, 03:59:47 PM
I bowl.

:D Now there's a REAL sport.

Jul 13th, 2002, 04:53:50 PM
I think I know what you mean Sanis. I can't play hockey right handed. I have to use a left handed stick. I have absolutely no idea why, but using a right handed stick feels extremely awkward. A left handed one feels very natural. With baseball I throw and hit right handed. I can't even come close to being able to switch hit. A left handed slap shot feels very natural to me. I get more power and control on that side. I just can't explain it. You should try going to a range one time and asking for a left handed driver. I was actually considering trying out left handed clubs to see how they felt, but I just decided to go with my natural side.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 13th, 2002, 05:18:26 PM
Golf is a very, very technical sport - hitting the ball even in the right direction is nasty stuff.

I actually find goign to the practice range and belting a few buckets of golf balls to be a stress relief.

Jul 13th, 2002, 10:40:24 PM
Does anyone in here play golf???

have you heard of ELS?? DALY?? nicholson?? palmer?

all of those are NOTHING compared to me !!!

On my computer ;)

But I love a good round of golf:)

the best LAGIT round of 18 I have ever had was 85.BUT it was at a country club that I lived at and played the course a million times:) :(

I avg about 265-275 a drive BUT I only use my upper body, no legs.(my swing is AWLFUL!!!!!!!!! But it does go where I want it SOMETIMES:mad

BUT learn to use your irons first. I would start with my pw first than my long irons than work on your putter, than worry about your drive. Cause it is true Putt for doe drive for show. That is unles you can hit it 450 yards.

sorry LONG irons first than PW oopss.






buff would be so ashamed of me.

Hit the ball harder, MARY :lol :lol

Jul 14th, 2002, 03:27:44 AM
I admit, I do not use drivers at all. I used to use them back a long time ago, but then I thought, you know, I get just as much power out of my 3 iron and I get a heck of a lot more accuracy, so screw it, I'm not using drivers or woods any more.

I just use irons now. I find it to be much more accurate overall because I just cannot use woods. The swing is totally different. I cannot swing that way very easily. It's too much side to side and not enough up and down. It's like a TOTALLY different swing. I hate woods. I just love using my irons. My best part of the game is my short game. I've always been great at putting and my chipping is usually laser accurate. My game off the tee and on the fairway leaves a lot to be desired, but when I'm up close I can play with the best of them. I used to just practice putting and chipping, which is probably why I am so much better at them.

My friends basically all hit further than me, but when it comes down to close to the green, I blow them away so hard I can make up for my errors the rest of the way.

Jul 20th, 2002, 02:30:46 PM
Well, I went out for a round on Friday. I went to a local public course with a neighbor. It was just a 9 hole course, but it's perfect for beginners. Lots of open space to chase wayward shots. Par was 34 and I shot 69. I had a few nice drives and on the last couple of holes I hit some decent short irons. The most important thing was, I had fun, I really did. I'm going to a local 18 hole course next Wed. afternoon with a group guys who play in my neighborhood. No matter what I score, I just want to get that first full round under my belt. Hell, after Tiger's 10+ today I feel good about whatever I shoot!:D

Jul 20th, 2002, 03:53:00 PM
Not bad! I would certainly shoot at least 90 on a par 34!

Tiger did that poorly today? He's the suckiest golfer ever.;)

Jul 20th, 2002, 05:48:57 PM
Tiger did that poorly today? He's the suckiest golfer ever.;)

Jul 20th, 2002, 05:59:32 PM
He really isn't having a good tournament is he? Yesterday he blew up at photogs, today he was smashing his club into the ground after failing to get out the rough, and I saw a few other shots that he missed that he usually makes with his eyes closed.

He really is the worst golfer I have ever seen!

Jul 20th, 2002, 06:20:14 PM
Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you. The weather gave him problems, and then the wheels just came off. Tiger actually had an excellent day yesterday. He had 3 birdies and NO bogies. He was 2 shots out of the lead when he started today and in excellent position. But he just had a bad day. The weather was bad, but some of the other leaders managed to cope with it. I think he'd be the first to admit that his game was off. As for the photogs, they're not suppose to take pictures when you're preparing your shot. Spectators aren't even allowed to take cameras onto Muirfield. I know he had to reset before a shot yesterday because of a photographer, and then proceeded to hit into the rough. Today, he just couldn't get out of trouble.

But if you want to talk about screwed up days, what about Monty?! Colin M. shot an incredible 64 yesterday, then promptly shot an 84 today. WTF? I wouldn't mind seeing Els or Garcia win. A Garcia win would probably be the best thing for the sport. It could give Garcia the confidence to be a legit rival to Tiger. Wait, did I say sport?;)

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:00:59 PM
I played my first full round yesterday. Oh, the horror... With only a couple of rounds at par 3's and a lesson, I tackled the 18 holes at Hanging Rock Golf Club. I shot a blistering 156 on a par 72! I had a horrendous front nine that included 2 16's, but I did much better on the back nine coming in with a 65 on a par 35. I played with my next door neighbor and his father-in-law. I think the pressure of playing with them made me try to hit the ball waaay to hard. I kept hitting over the ball hitting grubber after grubber. But I was HONEST about my score. I didn't take a single mulligan. If I hit a crappy tee shot I played it. One of the guys I was playing with routinely rehit drives if he wasn't satisfied with them. Personally, I think that's just plain cheating. But he's not cheating me, just himself, so I'd never say anything. I'd rather take an honest 16 then a par with a couple of mulligans. Drops are perfectly acceptable and within the rules. I only used one of them because I honestly could not find the ball. I had a couple of opportunities to use them and it would have saved me some scracthes, but that's a lesson for another day. So, does anyone here take mulligans or just play for fun without sticking to the rules?

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:04:34 PM
Well I used to play golf on sega and if I didn't like my initial drive I'd reset the game! :D

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:05:40 PM
So you're an 84 handicap Eb? Not bad at all. ;)

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:08:49 PM
Hey - we should play sometime. It sounds like we both equally stink at the game... :) I've only played once and shot around a 135 for 17 holes (started storming right at the 18th...) I played fairly except for one mulligan off the tee. It was one of those funny things - I'd been hitting the ball so terribly that day, I figured I'd take a real whack at a ball since I probably wouldn't get it more than 60 or 70 yards anyway - as it was, that was the one I absolutely CONNECTED on. It was like a Happy Gilmore shot - who knows where it ended up - I lost track, but it was one hell of a shot (unfortunately not really in the direction it needed to go, but a hell of a shot anyway...)

Doc Milo
Jul 29th, 2002, 02:22:00 PM
Hey, McBain. I think I found your ball in my back yard! ;)

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:28:20 PM
Was it a titleist? :lol

Doc Milo
Jul 29th, 2002, 02:29:50 PM
Yeah. And I know it's yours because it has in big black permanent marker: "Property of D. McBain"

How you got all that on there is anybody'd guess! :) :huh

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:42:15 PM
Played only once, a 9 hole public course in DC.

Had a lot of fun, but stopped counting after the 2nd hole. I really want to learn and play, i'm trying to get my father into getting me some clubs and lessons.

Now my dad, he plays golf, a lot. He usually sleeps until midday on saturdays, but he plays golf he's up and running at 5:30 AM. The sport has him, really bad. But actually he has made a lot of business deals in the golf course, so it's more than a sport.

Jul 29th, 2002, 05:13:04 PM
So, does anyone here take mulligans or just play for fun without sticking to the rules? If you are playing for fun take one mulligan per 9 holes.

Jul 29th, 2002, 05:40:54 PM
That's what the two guys I was playing with were doing. Although one of them was abusing it a bit. He basically stopped taking score after 8 holes and took at least 3 mulligans on the back 9. What was really annoying was that he kept bragging whenever he did hit a good shot. He wasn't bugging me that much, but he was really annoying his son-in-law. I think I walked into the middle of some family thing. I don't like the idea of taking a mulligan because then I won't be able to get an idea of the progress I'm making if my score is artificial. What I need to do is make better use of my drops. I played a couple of shots that I probably didn't have to. I need to read up on the rules concerning drops. I bought a copy of the USGA rules so I've got some reading to do.