View Full Version : The arrival

Saul Mordeth
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:00:23 PM
Bleeding and hurt Saul had arrived. His fathers training had allowed him to survive the cowardly Sith attack. He was Sent here by his family to learn the ways of the Jedi. His arm and side hurt. The makeshift bandage that he had made had started to unravel and the course clothe made the wound tender. People looked away from him and ignored his rough appearance. Walking into the main chamber with a slight limp Saul felt a white hot pain in his side.

Reaching down he saw the wound had reopened and was bleeding terribly all over the floor. Someone in a Jedi robe spoke "You can't walk in here like that!" Mordeth grabbed the person and pulled him close "I can't stop now don't you see?" I must be a Jedi, I must." Saul fell down and passed out.

Jul 11th, 2002, 06:19:10 PM
Chance had been milling around, bored and having an urge to explore. He had been in the Registration Center when the wounded newcomer limped in, but his attention was diverted until his elongated ears caught another Jedi's spoken word and made him turn around.

It was then he saw Saul collapse, bleeding from a wound. Sprinting across the floor torward the hurt man, Chance tried to slide to a stop next to him but his boots missed their traction and the young jedi warrior padawan slid past Saul a few feet. Getting to his feet, Chance crouched next to the fainted man and clapped his hands together once; concentrating on his known teachings of the art of healing.

"Ok ok, Your going to be ok! Just hold still!." Chance quickly spoke, concentrating more with his eyes closed. The force flowed from his hands and into the man's bleeding wound, slowly, the wound nitted itself together. Tendons of muscle reconnected and the bleeding slowly stopped, the wound's pain to a dull throb.

Chance was tired, it was nearly the first time he had used the healing features of the force on someone else other than himself or his Tutor Xazor.

"Are you alright sir?" Chance asked tentivly..

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:53:47 PM
Xazor remained hidden in the shadows, watching the scene unfold before her eyes. She saw the wounded man enter...another Jedi shun him for walking in the temple as such....but then her young Padawan, Chance had the heart enough to aid him. A smile of satisfaction crossed her lips, but was quickly replaced by a look of concern for the newcomer. She quickly rushed out of the shadows, the light bathing her five foot six inch, muscular frame. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids that were interwoven with gold coins. The red robes she wore seemed to match the scarlet color of his blood that laid on the floor......but had stopped, thanks to the healing that she had taught her Padawan. Once close enough, she knelt down at the newcomer's side and wrapped one of his arms around her neck, careful not to disturb the settling wounds.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider...Council Member and devote to the Greater Jedi Order....I am here to help you! Please tell me what happened....it is evident that you were attacked...."

She said with concern, looking into his eyes to hold his attention so that he did not faint on her. That was the last thing she needed at this moment. A Sith did this.... She thought to herself as she eyed the wounds for a moment. They were deep, but Chance had done a nice job healing him up.

Thank you, my Padawan.....

She spoke softly in his mind, but kept her attention of the fallen man, waiting to see if he was coherent enough to say anything. His pupils were a bit dialated...but not bad enough for her to worry about him being in a right state of mind. He was very aware and seemed to have his wits about him. She hoped that he would be alright.....

Saul Mordeth
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:26:30 PM
Pushing the two Jedi back Saul ignited his father's lightsaber his control of the force was harsh and untrained but nevertheless effective. "You cowardly sith try to attack me when Im down you will find that Saul Mordeth is no one's easy prey." Saul looked around and instantly new something was wrong. Realizing where he was and who he had attacked a look of horror came over his face. Bowing low Saul apologized profusely "Im sorry so sorry." Saul had been through hell and now he attacked the people he had come to for help. Collapsing from the exhaustion of the whole ordeal Saul felt like crying.....

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:40:54 PM
Xazor immediatly put up a Force cube around the young man and eyed him cautiously. He fell to the floor inside of the invisible container.....and appeared as though he might cry at any moment. Shaking her head, Xazor removed the invisible walls and held out her hand to him.

"Young one.....do not fear.....you are safe and in the presence of the Jedi. We are the protectors of the Universe....and I sense you come to be one of us......"

She said with a gentle voice, continuing to hold out her hand to him so that she could help him up. He was a bit confused, obviously....but her suspicions had been confirmed....he had been attacked by a Sith. Now they had to win his trust.....

Saul Mordeth
Jul 13th, 2002, 11:35:25 AM
Saul saw the Jedi extend her hand reaching out he took it. Standing up Saul was somewhat embarrassed at his ragged apearance. When Mordeth acknowledged the other he realized something "I have no pain!" removing the bandages from his side he saw that the wounds where healed. "Thank you the wound was intense."

Bowing low Saul introduced himself "I am Saul Arturis Mordeth of the family Mordeth forgive me for my untimely arrival." " I have come to be Jedi what is required of me to do so." Can I request a specific master?" or is that decided for me?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:37:02 PM
Xazor smiled and helped him up. Once he was to his feet, he seemed oriented enough...but had so many questions! How eager this one was....and it was good to see. Smiling, she held up her hand and shook her head.

"First off....I must ask you some questions. You seek to join the Jedi...but why? This isn't a life of excitement and rewards....this life is difficult and only the strong willed and truly devoted will last. You will be needed by all....and you will be hated...hunted by many. Is this what you want?"

She questioned with a gentle smile, wondering what he would choose now that he knew some of what being a Jedi really entailed....

Saul Mordeth
Jul 14th, 2002, 05:01:33 PM
My father before me was Jedi as was my father's father. I come from a long line of Jedi devoted to the betterment of the galaxy. My father has trained me from my youth telling me of his adventures as a Jedi. I would train daily starting with the strengthening of the body. We would run the dessert daily it was how we traveled. My father would tell me" first, strengthen the body then the mind and the spirit." "The force is all around us a Jedi must be of the most serious mind if he is to be attuned to the universe." Was also one of his favorite lines. We would spend many happy nights out in the wilderness quitting the mind and focusing the will learning the subtleties of the force.

"It was during one such session that we both had strong vision determined to locate the source of the vision. I left my home and sought it out using the force as my guide. I now know the source of this vision. It is this place, this moment, The beginning of my journey as a JEDI!" So if you wonder if I'm ready the answer is with all my heart! You ask if I know what I'm undertaking. It is all I have dedicated my life to. Deloria,...Shimballla illuminata Molotaa. "May the Light of the Force shine on you."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:38:31 PM
ooc: Heya Leia! :)


Xazor listened intently and smiled. She bowed her head and nodded slightly, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"You have strong will, young one. You're very eager, I can feel it. I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master shall be appointed to you and shall contact you with training information soon!"

She said with a joyous grin. It was good to see new life borne into the Jedi....the sun smiled upon this new Padawan today...

Saul Mordeth
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:43:39 PM
Saul smiled at her words but more that her words interested him. That is why he knew she would not be the one to train him the vision showed another arriving and that she would be my master. A female master? The force knows best I need the calming presence of a female Jedi to tamper my wild notions.

There was another part of the vision that Saul had not divulged it concerned events further in the future though more vague. Saul knew that Xazor and he would meet again and may the Universe survive that encounter! Bowing low to Lady Leia "my father spoke of your beauty and grace but who knew that the reality would make the stories a pale comparison, " What would you have me do first "My Master."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:06:37 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed once again, then turned to leave.

"May the Force be with you....."

She said softly to the new Master and Padawan......then left in the shadows as she had come.....

Saul Mordeth
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:31:52 PM
Saul turned to chance, "Thanks I didn't get a 'chance to thank you earlier." Thanks. Watching Xazor go he had a small pang of regret. But knowing that they would meet again gave him some small comfort. Turning to his new Master he awaited his first lesson.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:11:50 PM
::The Jedi Master heard of the commotion in the recruitement and was sent to investigate. Moments later, the petite Jedi Master walked up to Xazor and Saul, indescretetly at first. She listened in for a few moments, but Saul discovered her prescence. Leia smiled at Xazor and bowed at her as she departed::

Thank you Xazor I will see you in Avalon a little later on this evening.

::Leia turned her attention back to Saul::

Why thank you for the compliment. I must ask you who is your father and how do I know him?

But first....

::The Jedi Master looked on to Saul's wounds. She pulled out some bacta from her belt and gently applied it::

I think we better treat this first.

What happened to you? I am sorry I only caught part of the conversation.

OCC: Sorry for the delay

Saul Mordeth
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:36:47 PM
"IM sorry, my father asked that his name not be mentioned and I will respect his desire for privacy I hope you understand." But I will tell you this while we were training out in the dessert region's a powerful vision struck us both the power of the vision lit the night sky in our eye's as the future unfolded before us. My father who was a great Jedi of renown knew the importance of the vision and sent me. He told me "The time for real training has come, I have taught you all that can be shown here in the dessert." He recognized you and this very room. He told me to go to you it was my destiny. There are events that are coming that I cannot speak of." Some of it is hazy, some of it is all to terrifyingly clear. I must prepare myself for that time that will come."

"As for my wound's they where unexpected the force does not choose to reveal all. Fortunately for me my father taught me well 2 of the 3 Sith who attacked me are now dead."

"And now the vision has come true in my eye's you are here my Master. Saul bowed low strong feeling's welling up in him. Earlier he felt like crying but restrained himself. But this time the emotions where to high he let the tear's flow free.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:57:31 AM
::Leia listened intently to Saul. She respected his privacy for now. She bowed back and Saul, then placed an comforting arm on his shoulder::

Listen Saul, its quite alright. You've been through a lot and I can truly see that. Maybe you should settle in the Living Quarters and relax some. I truly think it would do you some good. Please do not get consume with future visions. They tend to be clouded at times, you know? For now...

::The Jedi Master pulled out a datapad from beneath her cloak and handed it to Saul::

Take this. This will give you the layout of the order and show you where the Living Quarters are. Claim a room and meet some of the other Jedi here. But more importanly get some rest my friend. When you feel up to it go over the datapad, it has some information on GJO in it, that you may find interesting. As far as your training. I will begin when you feel rested. For now...I truly think you need some time to yourself. Ok?

OOC: This is just Leia's opinon under the circumstances. I will start a thread in training very soon :D

Saul Mordeth
Jul 20th, 2002, 06:00:08 PM
Bowing his head low. Saul spoke,"You are right I think rest will help me heal completely." taking the datapad from her he looked it over it showed quarters, locations and even a little Gjo history.

This is wonderful we dont have datapad's where I come from. If you wanted to know something some one just pointed to the location or handed you a book. Saul thanked his master and went to do as he was instructed.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 22nd, 2002, 09:03:48 PM
::Leia smiled at Saul ::

Very well then. I will see you tomorrow at the designated training room listed in that datapad.

For now...get plenty of rest and May The Force Be With You!

::With that the Jedi Master bowed her head slightly and started to headback to her chambers::