View Full Version : Arrival of Nemesis

Jul 11th, 2002, 04:04:52 PM
Night had fallen on a small town on Tattooine. Lighthearted music could be heard playing from the only lit building, the tavern. A lone figure moved across the desert sand that had not yet cooled from the heat of the day. Careful the shadow crept towards the slightly cracked door of the building. Peering in through the small shaft of light revealed a smoke filled room. The occupants were human and alien alike of all shapes and sizes. The door slid open slowly and stopped halfway allowing the yet unknown visitor to clearly see the entire room.

"Come in or go out, but shut the door!" shouted the somewhat burly bar keep. His voice, like sandpaper, fell harshly upon the stranger.

The shadow at the door, without hesitation or protest, stepped into the room. Light revealed a the figure to be a rather pale and frail man. His eyes grew blood shot due in part to ever present cloud within the room. All eyes were on the the new comer as he stood rigid and immobile in the doorway.

"Are you gonna sit down or do you like standing there?!" again spoke the harsh voice of the man behind the bar.

"Maybe your tables and chairs aren't good enough for him, Stu!" said another voice from the crowd, chimming in to assist in the harrassment of the man who had still yet to take his place among the tattooed and scared patrons.

The man's garments were beginning to soak with sweat as several others began to stand and walk towards him.

"No I didn't do anything!" frantically shouted the obviously paranoid man.

"What are you talkin' about." spoke one of the men as they proceeded to shove their way past him and toward the door.

The rest of the bar errupted into laughter, for now even the music had stopped as a result of the new man's unusual behavior.

"Please have a sit Mr. Idnor." echoed a distictly mechanical voice from behind the stranger who was still shielding his face from an assault that never came.

Idnor dropped his arms and cautiously turned around to find himself confronted by an floating TX 12 type droid.

Trembling from head to toe he asked the strange droid, "How do you know my name?"

"Let us dispence with the purposeless questions. We both know why you are here." replied the droid. "Now let us get down to business, time grows short."

TX directed his companion to a darkened table in the corner of the room. The laughing had now died down and again the band began to play. As the pair took their place at the table a waitress approached.

"Would you care for anything to drink Mr. Idnor?" inquired the droid.

"Some jawa juice would be nice." he replied timidly.

The waitress left them and Idnor turned back to TX.

"With the pleasentries now out of the way perhaps we can discuss the real reason that we are here." spoke the droid.

"Are you Nemesis?" asked Idnor. He glanced at his new aquaintance with a suspicious glare. He half expected the answer to be yes.

"Master Nemesis."

"Do what?" Idnor said startled.

"You will refer to him by master, his proper title. And to answer your entirely obvious question no I am not. I am merely his spokesman. Master Nemesis never meets anyone face to face. You see in his line of work a one on one encountor will only lead to complications." Had he been human one might have sensed distain in the voice of TX as he spoke with Idnor.

The waitress returned with Idnor's drink. He gulped it down hastily in a vain attempt to calm his nerves. As he lowered the glass much of the liquid was still in his thick black mustache.

Somewhat calmer he spoke. " I need Nemesis, er...Master Nemesis to kill someone." He whipped his head around to see if the privacy of their conversation had been violated.

"That is generally why someone hires an assassin. And if you are worried about the sanctaty of this conversation, I assure you no one here cares. This is a haven for those that don't want to be found."

"You see my uncle" he continued "is a powerful man here. He owns most of the water and uses that ownership to enforce his will on the people. Now if Bores, my uncle, were out of the way I could take over."

"Do you map layouts of his home and anything else we may need." TX asked.

Idnor handed him a disk.

"That should be everything."

"Now, Mr Idnor, the price to kill your Uncle will be 2 million and a speeder."

Idnor stood to his feet and boomed "That's outragous."

"Then I suggest you find someone else." TX said as he began to hover his way out of the room.

"Wait!" shouted Idnor "I'll.....pay it."

"Good doing business with you Idnor." TX hovered to Idnor as he again handed the neccessary disk to TX.

TX turned and hovered out across the desert night to a hill 3 miles away. There stood a masked and darkened figure.

"Master here are what you requested."

Nemesis glanced at the material then put it away. And began to walk back to his awaiting speeder. His snow white eyes locked ever forward. His mind focused on the mission.