View Full Version : Inquiry

Gouyen Chee
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:34:34 PM
Gouyen entered the reception hall of the Sith headquarters, her soft-soled boots making no sound. Accompanying her was her faithful Cybernian wolf-dog companion, Robi, whose claws made soft clicking noises on the flagstones. Ther fur on the back of the Cybernian's neck bristled slightly as she detected an unseen presence.

Gouyen's hand brushed across the wolf-dog's head in acknowledgement and reassurance. "I feel it too, Robi," she murmured softly. "But it is not a hostile presence -- more of a questioning one." Then she spoke aloud, her voice ringing of the walls and the high ceiling. "My name is Gouyen Chee and I am an Assazi Warrior from the planet N'dena. I wish to join your order, but I have one question that I wish answered before I pledge my troth -- are you Sith in substance, following the old teachings and the old ways, or are you Sith in name alone? I ask that you answer me truthfully."

Silence filled the air as she waited for a reply.

Lady Vader
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:51:33 PM
*LV stepped forth from the shadowed doorway, addressing the woman.*

We work with the Dark Side, and practice the ancient magics constructed long ago by the Sith people.

If you look about, you will notice the writings on the walls, near the ceiling, are Sith runes... ancient spells made to keep and preserve the security of the Palace.

But perhaps I did not fully understand your question... if you care to elaborate...

Gouyen Chee
Jul 11th, 2002, 05:57:37 PM
"My pardon, Dark Lady," said Gouyen with a small bow, "I meant no offence. It was merely that it is rumored on my homeworld that there were sects of Force-users who called themselves Sith, but were Sith in name alone. It is also said that my race, the Assazi, is descended from the Ancient Sith themselves, splintering from the main line shortly after the conquest of the dark Jedi. We have kept much of the old tradition alive, but there is also much missing. So I set out on a quest, to find those Sith and to see if they kept the old wisdom." She paused for a moment, letting her eyes travel along the glyphs graven in the walls, feeling the ancient wisdom of the dark side that they held. "Now I see that the rumors I have heard are false -- you do keep the wisdom of the Ancient Ones and I would be most honored if you would accept me as a member of your order." She bowed again, deeply, to Lady Vader. "I am at your service."

Lady Vader
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:01:50 PM
*LV smiled.*

Perhaps we can both be of benefit to each other.

*She gestured to her.*

Come. I will show you to a room where you may stay.

Perhaps you would even like to explore our vast library, as we have many ancient texts there which have ancient writing, derivitive of the Assazi language, but too old for us too desipher. You may find them intriguing and perhaps help us to translate them.

Gouyen Chee
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:51:01 PM
Gouyen smiled warmly as she followed Lady Vader -- even her fathomless black-in-black eyes were alight. "I would greatly enjoy perusing your collection," she replied, her eyes idly scanning the glyphs that adorned the upper walls and ceiling. Glyphs of power and of protection, she said to herself, then turned her mind back to the matter at hand.

"As for a room -- I will need one with accomodations for my companion, Robi, here. She is a Cybernian wolf-dog, a recognized sapient, and we are bonded pair. And she is also strong in the Force -- like vornskyrs, wolf-dogs use the Force to hunt. But being sapient, they can also manipulate it --" and she was abruptly cut off by an unspoken message from Robi.

Jul 15th, 2002, 11:57:40 PM
Mistress, let me speak for myself, asked the Cybernian, insinuating her voice into the minds of both Lady Vader and Gouyen. As you can hear, I have speech and use of the Force. And I would be honored to join the Sith Order, along with Mistress Gouyen, although my Force skills are somewhat limited. Then she cocked her head with a rougish smile. And don't worry -- I'm housebroken and won't chew on the drapes or furniture. With that she gave Lady Vader a sly wink.

Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:20:15 AM
*LV gave the canine an amused side-long glance.*

And... you will not chase the cat. Though I doubt you'd want to get into a squabble with a full grown Corellian Sand panther.

*She chuckled.*

But don't worry. Iesis is not one to go looking for fights. You'll probably see her roaming the halls at will, as she likes to inspect tha area frequently.

*She stopped at a room, just down the hall from the library, large enough for both Gouyen and Robi.*

I do hope this is satisfactory?...

*She gestured with one hand through the open doorway.*

Gouyen Chee
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:50:44 AM
Gouyen looked in through the doorway at a spacious and comfortable room. In one corner was a large and comfortable looking bed; another corner held a small table and two chairs. A desk with a computer terminal sat against one wall and a six-drawered dresser stood just to one side of the bed. It looked altogether comfortable and inviting. "This will be more than satisfactory, Lady, er, Lady --?"

Jul 16th, 2002, 01:07:22 AM
Corellian sand panther? No way! she told Lady Vader. She added a long, ululating "Nooooooorororo," for emphasis. Besides, the cat lives here she added, I am just a visitor and have to mind my manners.

Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:22:18 AM
*LV smiled at the woman.*

Lady Vader. If you have any questions, just give me a call on the comm.

*She reched down and lightly scratched behind one of Robi's soft ears. The canine appeared to enjoy it as it went silent with content.*

You are free to roam through the Palace. I need not tell you about Sith magic, as you know it already. But I must wanr you the halls and pillars here are riddled with the magic, and they are enchanted to confuse travelers through the corridors. They will seem to shift and fade, making it easy to get lost.

But all you need do is follow the runes at the top of the wall. They will guide you.

*She paused before continuing.*

Also, I must ask you not to venture into the Palace gardens at night. A dragon dwells there, and though he is quite hospitable during the day, he does not enjoy the company of visitors in the evening, unless they are accompanied by myself or Live Wire.

As to the other areas, feel free to explore. There is much to see and learn here at the Sith Order.

Gouyen Chee
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:42:11 PM
Gouyen's obsidian eyes took on a somewhat vacant look as she listened to Lady Vader and made mental notes. Lady Vader -- use com -- follow runes on top of wall -- don't go into the garden at night -- dragon.... She abruptly snapped out of her memorization trance. "Lady Vader, did you say dragon?" LV nodded. "We have many legends about such creatures and I would like to see him some day -- but not today. I would like to go to my ship and collect my things and settle in. Tomorrow I can begin my studies." She smiled warmly at LV. "I am already beginning to feel at home here, and I hope that the order will become as a second family to me. Now, Lady Vader, if you will excuse me, I will begin to settle in." She bowed and waited to be dismissed.

Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2002, 05:18:48 PM
*LV smiled.*

But of course you can meet Shenraun.

But I will let you get to unpacking.

*She moved towards the door, before turning briefly.*

Again, welcoe to the Sith Order.

*Then with a slight bow of her head, she left Gouyen to do her unpacking.*