View Full Version : How low can you go?
Temper Grewal
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:27:25 AM
“Go to hell.” He growled. This was the nicest thing he’d said to her in weeks, yet still , she clung to his arm. He was cruel to her, cared nothing for her, and used her only for the pleasure she was capable of providing when he finally returned home late at night. And she didn’t seem to care.
“But why are you so angry with me?” She whined as she followed him through the gambling cruiser.
She ought to be the bounty hunter. He thought. She seemed capable of following him anywhere, and he was sick of it. He supposed he could have killed her and been done with her, but after all the money she’d initially wrangled out of him, back when he’d found her attractive, he felt she now owed him something back.
He was a bounty hunter, owed no allegiances to anyone, and was hardened past the point of really caring about anyone or anything. He would likely end his life a bachelor, for he refused to change his ways for anyone. And with the unfriendly glare that seemed to be his normal countenance, it was unlikely anyone would find much pleasure in meeting him.
Except Ariel had. But then, he thought, he should have known when she’d first approached him that she was crazy. He’d done all that he could to try to get his point across – he wasn’t interested in her anymore. But no matter how poorly he treated her, she always came crawling back.
It gave him a slight feeling of satisfaction from time to time, to have this woman at the snap of his fingers, but then, most of the time, she was also like a ball and chain, strangling the life out of him day by day.
And now he was in search of the man who ran this establishment, a Javus Parr, as he understood his name to be. Perhaps the man would be interested in acquiring this woman – taking her off his hands. It was low, he knew, to sell her into a life of slavery, but it seemed the only way to be rid of her – and get something out of it at the same time.
Javus Parr
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:37:42 PM
(Javus had just exited one of the bars on the Grand Pramenade. Just a tiny scuffle he'd been called down to settle. Not that he minded. He found it entertaining to see two drunk-out-of-their-wits men talking about which looked better in ladies panties. Needless to say, it was ridiculous, but even more so was the fact how hard it had been to keep a straight face. He had noticed that his Chief of Security, though always stoic and proper, with a face of stone, had also been having trouble to keep her eyes from rolling in disgust.)
(But now, the two men had been taken to the brig for an overnight stay, just long enough to get them sober. They'd be released by morning.)
(With a smile still on his face, he made his way back towards the lift that would return him to the bridge.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 12th, 2002, 10:18:00 AM
He stopped at one of the various bars to order a drink. He didnt bother to ask her what she wanted. She'd been drinking enough already. He could tell by the timber of her voice as it rose and rose.
"I dont know why you'd be mad at me...." She continued her whining.
“You were the one who was gone all last night. I don’t even know where you go, you know.” She stated accusingly, her lips forming a pout as she spoke.
As he waited at the bar, he lit a cigarette, then looked to her. He took a long drag, and blew the smoke in her direction. He didn’t bother speaking to her. He hoped maybe she’d get the hint and just leave him the hell alone.
“You’d better not be with someone else.” She blew the smoke back at him, waving it away from her. She looked like she might cry.
He only scoffed at this. As his drink was served, he tossed the credits on the bar and picked up his drink.
“You’ve managed to make the idea of getting involved with anyone else my idea of a complete night nightmare.” He returned coldly as he moved away from the bar and began to walk towards one of the lifts. It was quieter out in this hallways, as most patrons were at the tables, or the environments, or waterparks.
“You’re so mean.” She stated, but then only followed him and moved closer to him, reaching for his arm. He'd been raising the glass of whiskey to his lips as she did so, and her tug on his arm caused him to spill a bit of it. He switched the glass to the hand that also held his cigarette, then pulled his arm away roughly.
"Shut it." He growled, taking another drag of his cigarette. But this was where she chose to make a scene.
Instead she reached for him again, violently this time, and the glass of whiskey fell to the floor, shattering and making a rather loud noise. He reacted without much thought, backhanding her, and feeling no remorse when she fell to the floor and began sobbing.
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:25:36 PM
She saw that, the man obviously pushing the woman to the ground, her normally un-emotional face quickly turned to a scowl as she signaled to two plain clothes security guards as she walked over to Temper.
"Excuse me sir, but that kind of behaviour is not welcomed here."
She said that as sternly as she could, still scowling at the man her hands on her hips, one very close to the only weapon she carried with her, a ten foot whip.
"Are you okay miss?" she said with slight concern to the woman on the floor.
Temper Grewal
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:50:29 PM
Temper calmly raised an eyebrow at the feamle security and her two guards. His eyes fell to her whip, a faint smirk appearing briefly, before his eyes looked directly into Aki's.
"My behavior, or hers?" He inquired, giving Aki and even green eyed gaze. He didnt bother to reach for a weapon of any sort and he didnt move his gaze from Aki as Ariel climbed back to her feet, for he could see her in his peripheral vision.
"It was my fault." She offered as she came to stand unsteadily beside Temper.
"Really it was. I just fell. These darned high heels." She added, doing her best to clear her face of the mascara that had run from her eyes from her tears.
Temper ignored her for the most part as she clung to him, but he did do his best to get himself out of her grip without creating another scene. Her nails were sharp, and they dug into the skin beneath his clothing. He wished he'd worn his armor for it seemed his only option for protection from this witch that seemed destined to destroy him.
"Perhaps you could provide some assistance." He stated, to break the silence that seemed to follow Ariel's words.
"I'm looking for Mr. Javus Parr."
Javus Parr
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:23:45 PM
(A voice startled the couple from behind.)
And you seem to have caught his attention.
(Javus was frowning, having witnessed the whole scene from cady corner to the lift the man and woman had been heading too. He had been in the process of stepping into the lift to take him to the bridge, when the noise of the whining woman had made him turn his head to watched the whole incident. He raised an eyebrow at the man.)
You always toss women around to get them off your arm?
(A flick of his head brought the two burly guards with Aki to grab the man, each one on one arm with a grip much worse than the woman's nails.)
What do you think, Aki? Maybe a night in the brig might make this guy think twice about his attitude towards women?
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:35:33 PM
She smiled at Parr, "I think so Sir, how about we put him in the same cell as the two we had to take down there earlier?"
She blinked and the smile quickly left her face."And his lady friend can be escorted back to her room if she likes...With an armed escort of course."
Javus Parr
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:05:27 PM
(Javus nodded his head.)
Sounds like a solid plan, Captain. See to it.
(And as an after thought.)
Oh, and why not offer the young lady a complimentary ticket to the torpedo fireworks display for tomorrow night. She might enjoy that.
(He looked over at the woman, who was still wiping her eyes, and smiled gently. A tiny smile crept on her lips, making his smile broaden.)
A good rest will do you good, miss.
(He looked back at Aki, before looking at the man.)
Hope you like company.
(OOC: LOL! You have NO idea how hard it was not to type in "Make it so"! =p )
Temper Grewal
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:34:37 PM
Ooc: growls in frustration This is the third time Ive tried to post this thing….
Temper turned to see Javus Parr. The man looked every 100% businessman that he was from his calm expression and introduction to the perfectly tailored suit he wore.
You always toss women around to get them off your arm?
Temper’s green eyes stared evenly at Javus and he sighed almost in resignation. His eyes flickered to the ceiling, almost as if to pray that someone, for once, someone would understand that havoc this woman was wreaking on his life.
“Typically, no. This would be the first time.” He replied. He was hardened, but he wasn’t the kind of man who got pleasure out of picking on those who were so much weaker than him. He didn’t move as the claws of Ariel were replaced with the iron grip of Aki and the security guards. It was useless to struggle, and he didn’t plan on making a scene any more than had already been done.
And he wouldn’t have minded an evening in the brig. It would get him away from Ariel. And possibly even give him a chance to escape in the morning without her. Freedom. But no, he had something else to attend to. A bounty to collect before someone tried to claim his work as their own.
Ariel hadnt been the only reason he’d boarded the Saiatah High Roller this evening. He’d come following a target. And he’d made quick work of him. It had been easy, for he hadnt been dressed in the armor that all too often gave him away as a hunter of sorts. Hed instead played the part of thedrunken gambler, stumbling and falling into the target the moment he’d unlocked and opened the door to his room. He’d slit the mans throat before he’d known quite what had happened, and then hed rigged the room with a detonation device. He didn’t plan to use it, but used it as a precautionary method in case things went wrong somewhere between that point and when he was able to disembark. He held the remote with him at this moment. He would use it only if necessary. Nothing personal. Just business. He knew the ships owners would hardly want a death and an explosion to mar the good name – especially within the first two weeks of opening.
“This problem isnt something that’s going to be solved with a night in the brig.” He stated calmly to Javus. At this, Ariel seemed to realize that a night in the brig for Temper meant another night alone for her. She ran to Javus, clinging to his arm. Her petite frame of 110 pounds supported only by the arm she hung from. Her nails dug desperately into his neatly pressed suit.
“You cant do this, you cant!” She began to whine, her voice rising.
“He loves me. He does. Its all my fault. Don’t do this!” She began sobbing, and continued to cling to Javus.
It was all Temper could do not to smirk in amusement. He knew how annoying it was when Ariel did this, and briefly, he felt pity for the ship’s head guy.
Javus Parr
Jul 16th, 2002, 05:31:23 PM
(Javus' eyes widened slightly before his eyebrows furrowed back together to look quizically at the whimpering woman.)
Uh, honey, a man that loves you doesn't toss you around like a sack of potatoes when he wants you gone.
(He shook his ehad, having seen this scene before. It hadn't been the first time, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.)
(At the mention of her name, the Chief of Security came over and pried the tiny fingers from his arm, leaving him to smooth out the wrinkles on his suit.)
Young lady, i know you don't want your...
(He looked at the man and changed his words.)
...this man to be locked up. But he caused a public disturbance, and he needs to be punished for it. We have rules here onboard the High Roller. I'm sure you understand about rules.
(He looked from the pleading eyes on the petite woman to rolling ones on the man, each being having their own thoughts. Then he smiled.)
Tell you what? I'll inform you the minute he's released tomorrow morning. It'll only be a few hours. How's that?
(He could almost hear the man groan.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:32:25 AM
Ariel looked at Javus as if he'd just grown three heads.
"He doesnt want me gone." She pouted. Temper would have rubbed his temples to massage the headache he felt coming on had he had his arms free. If anything came out of this, maybe it would be that Javus talked some sense into the woman.
Ariel let her fingers be pried from Javus - for the moment. She was almost consoled with the idea of knowing it would only be a few hours, but not quite. She was thinking about it. And her brain worked on one speed only - slow as molasses.
It was at this point that Temper chuckled. It was all he could do. Javus Parr had essentially given him a good swift kick in the balls by promising Ariel he'd let her know the minute Temper was released.
"Thats worse punishment that a few hours in brig." He commented.
It was then that Ariel threw herself on him, her tiny fists pounding his chest, his arms, anything she could reach.
Obscenities rolled off her tongue, the demure rag doll turned hellcat emerging. Her hand, with the claw like nails raked across his face as the security held him defenseless from her attack.
Javus Parr
Jul 17th, 2002, 04:20:56 PM
(Javus' hard command actually did the trick, stopping the petite woman in mid scratch. He shook his head, seeing her nails had done a bit of damage to the man's face.)
(Enough was enough. Time to end this party. Sighing, he looked at Aki.)
Please take the young lady to the nearest hotel and book her a room for the evening. Charge it to my account.
(He turned to look at the man, a stern look on his face.)
As for you, time for a trip to the brig, where we'll also take care of that scratch.
(With that, he began walking, leading the way for the two burly guards and the man. He could hear the young lady sobbing loudly in the background as Aki dutifully went about with her orders.)
(He made a mental note to cut his shift short tonight for a longer than usual rest.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:08:05 PM
Ariel sobbed loudly as she was lead off, and Temper only sighed in relief. It wasnt the first time she'd let loose on him like she had just now. He was surprised he hadnt hit her before now with the number of times this had gone on.
As Parr began to lead him off toward the brig, he walked quietly, thinking for a moment of how he wanted to handle the situation. There was no way he was going to the brig. Not tonight.
He'd try to rationalize. First.
"Thanks for your help back there." He stated, a bit of sarcasm in his voice as he raised his shoulder and dropped his head just a bit to wipe the blood that was now dripping from the gash in his cheek.
"Maybe you could pipe in a tape recording of her whining so I can listen to it all night." He added, the sarcasm now ringing quite clear in his voice.
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:13:58 PM
Aki rolled her eyes at the crying woman, now she knew why the man had hit her like he did. She wouldn't shut the bloody hell up!
"Now, now Miss, you'll be okay. I still don't understand why a woman like yourself is with a scumbag like him." Aki said pointing back in the direction in which Temper was being taken. "But it's your choice to be tossed like a rag doll."
She led the woman to the hotel area on this floor not saying anything else.
Temper Grewal
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:20:03 PM
Ariel continued to sob, pausing only in her dramatics to explain to Aki why she was with Temper.
"Because he loves me. He cant live without me, you know." She added, her voice demure once again.
And then she began sobbing again. This time louder and more hysterical.
"You cant keep him there. He'll leave in the morning and I'll never find him!" She howled in between sobs and then turned suddenly, and began to run off in the direction Parr had begun to lead Temper.
Javus Parr
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:12:52 PM
(Javus let his eyes roll. Maybe he'd have the med droid put this guy out for the night to spare the poor jailer. He gave the man a sidelong glance as they continued to walk, disgust evident on his face.)
Really, I must know... what the hell crawled up your ass and died?
(Yeah, it was rude, but it was what this type of scum responded to. He'd been in security detail before, and knew how to handle himself around these types.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:50:49 AM
Temper’s jaw clenched as Javus made a rather rude reply to him. He took his annoyance out on one of the security guards by giving a good yank of his arm. Enough of the games. He wasn’t going to the brig, and that was all there was to it.
“You try dealing with her for more than ten minutes and you’d know exactly what my problem is.” He replied, trying through the tight grip of security to wipe away more blood that was trickling down his cheek.
He set his green eyes on Javus Parr. For all the hardness of Temper, he really wasn’t all that bad of a guy - for a bounty hunter. It was a business, and that was the way he looked at it. And being a businessman himself, he knew Javus had a ship to run – and putting someone who’d caused a scene in the brig was all part of business. But he hoped the guy could at least cut him a little slack.
“Look, I -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ed up back there. It’s the first time I’ve done it, I don’t plan on doing it again.” The tone of his voice calm and collected as he spoke. It wasn’t smooth talking, it was the truth. He’d never hit Ariel before, not even when she’d attacked him before as she’d done only moments ago. He’d just had enough and finally snapped.
“I didn’t plan on doing it in the first place.” He added, the annoyance with Ariel coming out in his voice. She was really making a mess of his plans. He continued to look to Javus.
“I understand you have a ship to run, but I don’t need a night in the brig to know what I did was wrong. You could give me a little credit.”
The tightened grip of security on him was testing his limits. He didn’t care for being handled by anyone in this sort of way. But he tried to remain calm and reason with the man. Anger and outbursts, he knew would get him nowhere.
“Im not here to cause any sort of trouble. I came quietly, and I intended to leave quietly. I have nothing to do with the woman. She’s not my wife, she’s not my girlfriend, she just follows me around and I cant get rid of her. And you’d be doing us all a favor – even her - if you’d just let me go so I can get the hell out of here and be done with it all.”
Javus Parr
Jul 18th, 2002, 05:04:47 PM
(Javus stopped and looked at the man, causing the guards to stop as well, the man still in their vice-like grips.)
So... you want to be thrown off the ship? Is that it?
(He crossed his arms.)
Hell, I'd rather have you off my ship rather than take up space in the brig.
Temper Grewal
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:26:58 AM
Being thrown off the ship wasnt exactly what he was looking for. He wanted to be able to come back called for it. And he still had a bounty to collect, from his client on one of the uppe decks.
"I'd prefer you threw her off." He retorted before he could stop the words from coming out. He sighed.
"Look, I just want to be released. I've got business I've got to take care of, and then I'll leave." His green-grey eyes stared at Javus and he gave a slight tug on the guards holding him. They were going to cut off his circulation shortly if they didnt release their grip just a bit.
Javus Parr
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:13:56 PM
(Javus eyed the man.)
Business, huh? Well, Mr. Business-Man, I'm pretty sure you understand that I too have business, and my business is to see that order is kept on my ship.
So, it's either you get off the ship, or spend a night in the brig. Hell, I'm being generous in evening giving you a choice.
(He shrugged and smiled smuggly.)
Hey, it's just business.
Temper Grewal
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:49:41 PM
This pushed the bounty hunter past his limits. He'd been trying to deal rationally with the situation, but the man clearly disliked him and didnt respect him enough to cut him a break.
His eyes narrowed and a slight smirk of amusement crossed his features.
"Thanks for the choice." He retorted.
"And since you're being so generous, let me return the favor. I happen to know the location of a dead body on board your ship, as well as the location of a detonation device. You set me free and let me go about my business, and I'll be sure the good name of your brand new spacecraft isnt tarnished with a rather nasty murder and explosives. Or, you can make my life the living hell you're making it and I'll do you the same favor for you in return." His voice was a low snarl as he spoke.
Javus Parr
Jul 19th, 2002, 04:42:00 PM
(The Commander of the Saiatah High Roller just stared at the man for a bit longer, frowning, his Imperial military training kicking in.)
Oh, so that'll explain the silent alarm the sensors set off in the security grid.
(He waved a hand.)
Eh, I'm not worried about whatever detonation device you're refering too. Something Lady vader made sure of when she had this ship comissioned was a very very high security grid, one that also prevents various remote detonations from taking place.
(He wasn't about to give all the secrets away, but what he spoke of was true. Each level of the ship had it's own security grid, with various radio frequency blockers about. Each level was broken into sectors, which in turn were broken into sections. Unless you knew the codes to override each radio frequency within each section, sector, and level, there was no way to set off a bomb with a remote. Further more, each room on board had it's own private detonator-detecting droid, a tiny silver sphere that cost near 25,000 credits each. There were a LOT of them on board, seeing as how there were a LOT of rooms.)
(Javus reached for his comm and activated it, giving orders for the detonator-detection droids to be activated. Within the hour, they'd find this bomb, if there even was one.)
(As to the dead body, he gave an order for each hotel to check in with each of their guests, using the heat seekers in the ceiling's panels. Whoever showed up as cold, was either asleep or dead. And those would be the rooms to check.)
(He finished giving his orders, and looked back to the man.)
Well, looks like your choices have been narrowed to just one. The brig. And it looks to be indefinite.
(He began walking again.)
Oh, and we'll be adding endangerment of private property and possibly murder to your public disturbance charge.
(He continued walking, the two burly guards dragging a fuming prisoner.)
Really, you should have just shut-up when you had the chance.
Temper Grewal
Jul 22nd, 2002, 09:12:46 AM
And they were indeed dragging him along. He fought them every step of the way from this point. He wasnt going to the brig indefinitely.
Lady Vader....a Sith. He should have known better than to mention anything. He should have known that they would think of these things, plan for these things. Damned force users...
And damn the fact that he wasnt wearing his usual armor. He felt rather unprepared for the grip of the guards. This, he thought, could have been taken care of if only he'd had his armor on.
And likely if he escaped, he wasnt going to get a chance to get back to his room to claim it. Thousands and thousands of credits this trip was going to cost him. In his head, he calculated what he had left in his various bank accounts. There would be enough for new armor if needed, but it would rather change his comfort level until he was able to pick up a few more bounties. But the account he was most concerned with was the one that transferred funds on a monthly basis for child support. He had enough in there that a few months could go by before he'd have to deposit more into it - but he couldnt - he wouldnt - miss a payment.
He had a daughter who would be ten in three weeks. She hadnt been expected. The relationship with the girls mother had been a tumultuous one – they just didn’t get along, and likely never would – except when it came to their daughter. He was as good a father as he could be, given the career path he’d chosen. He visited when he could, and always sent money to her mother – more than necessary, more than sometimes he could really afford, to help with raising her.
“You cant do this.” He replied, trying to keep the feeling of panic from hitting his voice.
He wouldn’t have cared so much about a little time in the brig – it would have perhaps gotten Ariel away from him for good – but indefinite time – could not be done. He had a child to support.
He continued walking along, trying to keep his senses about him.
“Who’s going to hear my case?” He asked. He wasn’t sure where in space they were at the moment, and who would actually have jurisdiction over him. Who they would have try this matter before them….
yakali tarian
Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:24:48 PM
Ariel may have appeared weak but in only a short time she had outdistanced Aki and dissapeared around a corner. She then quickly boarded one of the lifts to the li'l planets. Li'l crouscant wasn't very little and was just as crowded as the real thing. It was not hard at all to get lost in that crowd...
Temper Grewal
Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:42:32 PM
*ignore this post*
yakali tarian
Jul 22nd, 2002, 03:18:02 PM
ignore this as well
Javus Parr
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:36:12 PM
(OOC: o_O)
And why can't I do this?
(It was almost a rhetorical question as the they finally reached the brig. The guards placed the man inside, letting the jailer activate the force field. Javus looked at him for some time from the other side of the glowing blue field before speaking.)
On this ship, know that I am Commander and judge. But you will have ample freedom to aquire some council. Like I said earlier, we follow rules here. We're not savages.
(He turned to leave.)
I'll be checking up on you tomorrow morning.
(With that he left.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 23rd, 2002, 05:29:48 AM
Temper had merely stared back at Javus. And then he sighed deeply and looked away. He had some time. The guys wasnt going to keep him locked up forever - it would take up too much space on his ship. And, as low as he could go sometimes, he wasnt about to use his daughter as a tactic for getting him released from prison. Even if he had legitimate concerns about being able to provide for her.
After Javus left, he walked over to the bench that served as a resting spot and sat down to try to work through a new strategy. Somehow, he had to get Parr to understand that he wasnt really all that bad of a guy. That was really his only chance, for even if he escaped, he'd never make it off the ship - not with the security on board.
And it wasnt going to be easy to convince Javus of this. The man clearly disliked him. Temper cursed himself under his breath. He should have shut up when he had the chance. One bounty wouldnt have made all the difference in the world - but opening his mouth certainly had....
Javus Parr
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:03:21 PM
The next morning...
(Javus walked into the brig with two steaming cups of coffee, each in one hand. He came to stand before the force field to the cell that held the man they'd apprehended last night, watching the still form on the cot, sleeping.)
(With a look over his shoulder and nod of his head, the jailer deactivated the field, letting Javus walk through. Once he was inside, the field was reactivated.)
(Walking over to the cot, Javus set one of the cups of coffee on it, and then poked the man, stepping back at the same time.)
Wakey wakey.
Temper Grewal
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:58:29 PM
He couldnt believe he'd fallen into such a deep sleep. Normally he slept lightly. It must have been the fact that he'd been out all night the few nights before tracking someone for a client. Or perhaps it was the fact that he hadnt fallen to sleep for quite some time as he'd worried about how he was going to get out of there.
He opened his eyes to see Javus in front of him. And shaking his head slowly, he sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Good morning." He stated grimly. He was surprised to see Javus there, in all truth. He'd expected the man to leave him there for some time to mull things over. He wasnt sure if this was a good or bad sign.
Javus Parr
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:17:51 PM
(Javus regarded the man and gestured towards the cup of coffee on the stool beside the cot.)
Brought ya some coffee, and from the looks of it, you could use some.
(He reached down as the man picked the cup off the stool, and grabbed the stool for himself, sitting on it. he watched as tyhe other man took a healthy gulp from the cup, not caring whether he scorched his tongue or not, and then spoke.)
I did some background checks on you last night. You are a bounty hunter by trade, and were on a hunt. Thing is, you never got your pay, even though the job had been done.
(He knew a bit more, as it wasn't hard to find out the man had once been married, and had a child, but he opted to leave out this information for now. best to let him digest one thing at a time.)
Temper Grewal
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:30:53 PM
He was grateful for the coffee, and drank it down. He needed his wits about him, and quickly. He hated having to rely on caffeine to do it, but beggars couldnt be choosers at the moment.
As the information about himself was revealed to him, he sighed deeply, and merely nodded. If they knew, they knew. He didnt think the man was bluffing about running the background check - and he was registered with the bounty hunters guild. It helped in keeping good relations with other hunters, and it usually brought in a few more bounties rather than being a rougue hunter.
Of course, no allegiances were required - no hunter wanted to answer to anyone - only registration, and a hefty fee each year to keep your name on the list.
As for the bounty last night - he'd mostly admitted to it in what he'd thought at the time to be a shrewd way to do business the night before. He didnt doubt they had film of him entering and leaving the room.
"Your sources are right." He finally replied.
"Though I didnt believe for a moment that they would be wrong..." He added, indicating that he did have some respect, at least, for the Sith order and the establishments that it ran.
Javus Parr
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:22:41 PM
(Javus nodded.)
You may be one to shoot off your mouth when things are thick, but you're not stupid... Temper Grewal.
(The man looked at him, blinking.)
And yes, we found the body. Didn't take long. And we found the device and disarmed it. That didn't take long either.
(He sighed and let the mug rest on his lap, still holding it.)
And in a sense, I owe you some thanks as that man you killed was actually smuggling some rather nasty contraband on board.
As it is, all charges have been dropped concerning murders and bombs. No real harm done.
(He quircked an eyebrow upward.)
As to that girl you manhandled yesterday, well, you've done your time for that, as I said only a night in the brig. But as to where she is, I haven't a clue.
All I know is she's still on the ship.
Temper Grewal
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:12:59 PM
He sat silently, for at the moment, silence seemed to be his best ally. He was only slightly surprised that Javus had known his name, but to hear it out loud did surprise him. His name was almost foreign to him, for in his dealings with his clients, it was rare that they ever spoke his name. And it was rare that he ever actually introducd himself to anyone. He preferred to be low key. even Ariel did not know his true name.
When Javus told him of the charges being dropped, a clear wave of relief set across his features.
"Thank you." He offered, his tone appreciative, but subdued. He knew he'd gotten a bit lucky on this one, and wouldnt take it forgranted. This Javus guy wasnt so bad afterall. He seemed to be being more than fair to the bounty hunter.
When Javus mentioned Ariel, and not knowing where she was, he looked slightly curious. He was quite surprised she wasnt here. She was always there when he didnt want her to be. Even on the rare occasion that he wanted her to be there - she was always there.
He felt a twinge of guilt at her strange disappearance. He didnt love her....or at least he didnt think he did. And he did want her to just leave him alone and move on with her life...But he did feel slightly at a loss for her disappearance.
He looked to Javus, his green grey eyes sincere as he spoke.
"I've never done that to her, or to any woman before." He stated. Not that it did any good, really, and not that it even mattered, for he was being released, but he for some reason felt the need for this to be known.
He was silent for a moment again before he spoke. He took another drink of the coffee, then set the cup down on the bench beside him.
"I thought you were going to escort her here in the morning...." He stated, speaking of Ariel. Not that he'd wanted them to - he was rather glad she wasnt here - but her disappearance really was puzzling to him. And despite how much she annoyed him, he didnt truly wish any ill will on her. He even felt a bit guilty for having even thought of trying to sell her into slavery, but quickly brushed this aside. It hadnt happened, so he didnt need to feel bad about it.
"Did she drive your security personnel insane as well?" He added in his own subdued humor.
Javus Parr
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:08:53 PM
(Javus shook his head.)
Actually, she squirmed her way from my Cheif of Securities grasp just shortly after I took you to the brig last night. For a petite woman, the Captain said she was quite strong. Nearly knocked her to the floor escaping.
Last she saw, she was heading in the direction of Little Coruscant. And lemme tell ya, if she's in there, it'll be hard to find her. That place is everything Coruscant is.
(He stood, motioning for the jailer to drop the force field.)
You're welcome to look for her. Hell, I'll even lend ya some men.
(He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, slightly perplexed.)
I was sure she'd be here this morning, what with all she was saying last night...
Temper Grewal
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:23:33 PM
Ariel? Strong? He looked visibly surprised by this. He had removed her tiny fists from pummeling him many times before - and she'd never been strong then. In fact, he quite easily recalled how weak she was when she'd had to ask him to help her - she hadnt been able to open a jar on her own and had needed his help. He remembered more intimate moments when she'd playfully pushed him - but there had been little behind her shove at all.
"You sure they had the right girl?" He questioned. He didnt want to search for Ariel any more than he wanted to spend his life in the brig - but there was a nagging feeling within him that something just wasnt quite right. And despite how much he tried to tell himself he didnt care for her....maybe he did. Just the tiniest bit.
"I can look for her on my own." He replied, his bounty hunter instincts kicking in and his voice slightly gruffer than usual in his concern.
"But if you do see her..." He voice trailed off, for he wasnt sure what he really wanted. This was his chance to be rid of her...yet...
He sighed.
Javus Parr
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:27:00 PM
(Javus nodded his head, letting his arm fall again at his side.)
Yeah, I'll inform ya.
(He reached int his pocket and withdrew a silver comlink.)
Here. Best way to reach me.
Temper Grewal
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:42:51 PM
Temper paused for a moment. He stared at the silver comlink, his eyes flickering to Javus and studying the man's face for a moment.
And then he accepted the com and tucked it safely away.
"You were going to drop the charges this morning anyway, werent you?" He asked as he stood up from where he'd been sitting on the edge of the cot. There was something about the 180 degree difference in the way that Javus was treating him that made him think this.
And the way he asked it wasnt taunting or tossing it in the face of the ship's commander. It was asked with a new found respect for the man that had dealt so fairly with him.
Javus Parr
Jul 25th, 2002, 04:42:33 PM
(Javus shrugged.)
Well, after finding out all the info I did, and you being a Hunter on a mission of sorts, there was no reason to keep you indefinitely for a murder charge that was legal anyways.
And as for the shoving the young lady last night, you served your time for that.
So, yeah, you're free to go.
(He stepped past the door of the cell, stopping to look over his shoulder.)
Just don't cause anymore trouble on my ship.
Temper Grewal
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:30:15 PM
Temper almost smiled. Almost. But smiles were rare with him, and the amusement showed only faintly in the slight quirk of his lips and the crinkles near the corners of his eyes.
"You've got it, Commander." He replied to the order of not getting into any more trouble on the ship.
And then he set off on his mission to find Ariel. It still puzzled him that she had managed to escape from the clutches of security - and that she hadnt found her way to the brig.
He walked through the ship toward lil Coruscant, his eyes peeled for the petite woman that had plagued him for the past couple of years.
yakali tarian
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:39:31 PM
((ooc: sorry they took me away from the computer.... I had no choice... but now I'm back... and none to soon))
*yakali was not used to being directionally challenged but this planet on a ship was something she was not used to. finally she found what she had been searching for. the bathrooms. slipping into one of the stalls the changling pulled out the bag of cloths that she had stashed there eirlier and shifted out of Ariels form. TThe girl had indeed been very useful, but Ariel couldn't collect the bounty. she switched to her usual guise: the body of a homeless Twi'lek that she had given shelter to during a sand storm on an outer rim planet called Zikera. the girl had died later that same day from a wasting sickness and therefore wouldn't show up inconveniantly. she changed clothes and put Ariels garbs into the bag... then left the bathroom and traveled quickly to the lil Tatoine Cantina. at a little table in a dark corner she collected the bounty for the murder Temper had commited and then went back to her own room. opening the closet door she hushed Ariel and untied the gag and her other bindings.*
"How is he? where is he? you didn't let him hurt himself, right?"
It's alright Ariel... the only stupid thing he did was throw me off his arm.... if you hurry you might still be able to find him in the brig... if not I'll help you find him again like I always do.... thank you for your help and cooperation...
"I owe you sis... I don't know what he would have done if you had not found him for me all those times... he needs me you know"
*smile and nod* of course... now you'd better hurry to find him....
nods "yes of course" runs out of the room
*closes the door behind Ariel, puts on her bounty hunter armor, and signs out of the lil Naboo inn.*
yakali tarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:02:50 AM
*as her business on the Saiatah High Roller is done she leaves ship and heads for Corellia*
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