View Full Version : Box Office Contest Week 11
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:21:05 AM
Okay here comes a really hard weekend, 4 films debuting and it will be hard to figure out what they will do.
You got the critically acclaimed Road to Predition, but according to early estamates its going to be on about 1800 screens, you have Crocodile Hunter, Halloween 9 and the wild card Reign of Fire. I have no clue what Reign of Fire will do there has been a lot of ads lately if that means anything, I think it could do anywhere from 15- 40 million that is how hard it will be to predict. So go ahead and make your predictions you have until 9am Saturday to do so.
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:45:34 AM
I know that Reign of Fire looks like the kind of film that many of US would enjoy, but I think this film could easily bomb. Matthew Mc. looks like crap with that shaved head. What were they thinking? I think this movie could easily making less than $50M. I wouldn't mind seeing a world being taken over by fire breathing dragons, but are women and older adult males going to buy tickets to this? I'm not making my guesses yet, but I'm probably going to place ROF at #3 or #4 for the week.
Jul 11th, 2002, 12:26:16 PM
Hmmm I guess I'll be brave and go first....
1. Men In Black II - 27.02M
2. Reign of Fire - 24.07M
3. Road to Perdition - 22.36M
4. Halloween: Resurrection - 12.10M
5. Mr. Deeds - 10.53M
I'm expecting most of us are gonna crash and burn this many variables.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 11th, 2002, 12:45:09 PM
I think McConney looks different, he kind of resembels Captain Ahab from what I can tell, so maybe there is something to that. Really though it could be # 1 if teenagers and young adults really want to go and see it, realize it wasn't woman and older males that made the Mummy movies so successful so there is the possibility it could flourish and at the same time if the same group I mentioned is not interested in it than it could do poorly. I agree with CMJ it is a tough weekend and I am going to hold on my guesses until I can try to figure out what the movies will do.
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:12:47 PM
Crash and Burn baby! That's gonna be the way it works for this weekend for sure! I'm not making my guesses yet either. But rest assured I'm going to sit up into the wee hours of the morning and ponder my estimates using my mathematically advanced brain.
Whatever. :p
Admiral Lebron
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:28:02 PM
I didn't recognize him at first. He looks barbaric! It's cool!
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:08:53 PM
1) Reign of Fire - $25.19 million
2) MiB - $20.8 million
3) Road to Perdition - $17.91 million
4) Mr Deeds - $11.05 million
5) Lilo & Stitch $8.31 million
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:21:22 AM
1. Men In Black II - 24.33M
2. Road to Perdition - 21.46M
3. Reign of Fire - 17.50M
4. Halloween: Resurrection - 11.87M
5. Crocodile Hunter - 9.95M
I put Croc Hunter in at #5 just because I want it to do well so badly! Steve Irwin is my hero!
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:57:17 AM
1. Men In Black II 25.5555M
2. Road to Perdition - 23.5555M
3. Reign of Fire - 15.555M
4. Mr. Deeds 10.7855M
5. Crocodile Hunter - 8.7555M
Am I the only one that thinks that Perdition could have easily won this weekend if they'd released it on 2,000 or more screens? Why such a low screen count? (Just under 1,800) It's the one movie opening this weekend that I'd go see.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 12th, 2002, 04:47:46 PM
Here are my guesses
1 Reign of Fire 32.45
2 MIB 2 26.48
3 Road to Predition 20.32
4 Crocodile Hunter 14.37
5 Mr Deeds 12.54
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:47:13 PM
I have no idea.
1 ROF - 31.32
2 Road to Perdition 28.02
3 MIB 27.999
4 Mr Deeds 10
5 Croc Hunter 9
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:58:31 PM
1- Reign of Fire $28.02
2- MiB $24.96
3- Road to Perdition $15.39
4- Mr Deeds $12.85
5- Lilo & Stitch $9.92
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:54:03 PM
going to roll the dice and see what happens taking a chance
1) Reign of Fire - $25.02 million
2) Road to Perdition - $23.64 million
3) MIB- $22.76 million
4) Crocodile Hunter - $16.12 million
5) Mr Deeds$ 13.44 million
Admiral Lebron
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:28:35 PM
1. Men in Black 2 - 29.21
2. Reign of Fire - 24.32
3. Halloween: Resurection - 15.22
4. Mr. Deeds - 13.63
5. Road to Perdition - 11.92
Must win!
Jul 13th, 2002, 12:39:47 AM
1. MIB II $24.62
2. Reign Of Fire $19.62
3. Road To Perdition $12.62
4. Crocodile Hunter $10.62
5. Mr. Deeds $9.62
Master Yoghurt
Jul 13th, 2002, 06:51:48 AM
1. MIB II 26.14
2. Reign Of Fire 24.55
3. Road To Perdition 22.59
4. Crocodile Hunter 13.12
5. Mr. Deeds 11.01
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2002, 01:50:19 AM
Well, it look slike I right royally tanked this week. So much for making my own guesses.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:42:36 PM
CMJ you were right most of us tanked here are the results and JMK is making a move it looks like
The Winner of the #1 film JMK
The Winner of the #2 film JMK
The Winner of the #3 film Jedieb
The Winner of the #4 film CMJ
The Winner of the #5 film Master Yoghurt
Weekend Totals
JMK 65
Jedieb 30
CMJ 25
Master Yoghurt 15
Sir Dizzy 10
Quadinaros 10
Admiral Lebron 5
Jedi Master Carr 5
Marcus Q. Dunn 5
Darth23 0
ReaperFett 0
Contest Totals
Admiral Lebron - 340
Master Yoghurt - 335
Jedi Master Carr - 310
Quadinaros - 305
CMJ - 295
Darth23 - 240
sir dizzy - 230
JMK - 230
ReaperFett - 205
Jedieb - 200
Marcus Q. Dunn 125
Mu Satach - 120
dbn - 105
Darth McBain - 70
CMJ you might want to check my calculations I think they are right but I rather be on the safe side.
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:44:12 PM
.....that was just humiliating
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:50:06 PM
Well you aren't alone at least there is one more goose egg up there and 3 of us who only got 5 points right and I am one of those I stunk this week I way overestimated Reign of Fire, I wasn't sure what it would do so I decided to put in the highest guess thinking it might be a surprise well was I wrong, to make things worse I underestimated Halloween and overestimated Croccidle Hunter.
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:55:36 PM
Last year I did good. This year Im sagging worse than when I went on holiday and put cats & dogs at about #5 :)
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:59:04 PM
There is still time you aren't completely out of yet epscially since the 4 of us at the top really didn't do that well, which gives everybody from CMJ to Jedieb a chance to capture one of the top spots and get a prize.
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:08:07 PM
Seen my in I led, now Im midtable :)
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:15:44 PM
Yeow. I should have done my usual and used a Guru guess
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:49:39 PM
I hadn't checked over there, still you could have a big weekend, look at JMK he was towards the bottom now he has jumped way up in 7th place another weekend like that he could be in the top 3.
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:16:32 PM
*Cough gag*
#1 AND 2????
I think I would have had Croc Hunter's total right too, but I had it in the wrong spot. I think I was .05M off on my guess.
Is there any extra points for guessing dead on? Has it ever happened????
Admiral Lebron
Jul 15th, 2002, 08:03:57 PM
Crickey! I'm still numero uno! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
<-- does the booyeah dance!!
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:36:37 PM
I think a few people have come close to getting exactly right but not certain if anybody has hit it exactly, have to ask Darth he has been doing the contest for a while. Also congrats JMK, you had a heck of a weekend.
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:57:16 PM
Thanks, yeah it wasn't bad. Clearly my best so far. I've never won a guess for a movie, let alone two.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:03:58 AM
I got within 10K of two last year. Ironically, they were movies I also marked as who cared
Jul 16th, 2002, 06:38:30 AM
Carr thanks for calculating this last night...I was gonna try to do it before I headed out to the set this morning, but BAM there it was. :) I'll try and be more on the ball next Monday, hopefully the day won't be quite as long.
Congrats JMK!
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:59:55 AM
No problem CMJ I figured you were busy with shooting and that and figured I help you out this week.
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