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Figrin D'an
Jul 11th, 2002, 12:39:18 AM
The archive library was typically quiet in the evenings. A few padawans scouring for information needed for class assignments, the caretaking staff updating the records with each day's events. It was a place of solice, outside of his own private quarters, where Figrin felt comfortable. His scholarly pursuits made him a regular face amongst the rows of data storage units... the recorded history of galaxy at his fingertips.

This occasion, however, was not one of those times for study.

The Jedi Master approached an access console, not bothering to take a seat. He removed a small memory unit from his cloak, placing it into the data transfer slot on the side of the terminal.

The terminal chimed to life.

"Voice interface active. Please state request."

Figrin decisively responded. "Access 3-dimensional topographic maps for planet Tydan V and download to memory unit. Plot standard course using most current hyperspace waypoints."

"Working...," came the terminal's reply. Figrin glanced towards the large chronometer adorning the wall above the entrance archway. It had been a busy day, even by Jedi standards. Between his normal duties and planning for the upcoming training excursion, there was little time left for much else. He was looking forward to the time away from the Temple, however, and some much needed testing for his padawan. There was only so much that a Jedi learner could gain from the seclusion of the Jedi Temple. The vastness of the galaxy held many experiences valuable to the development of a Jedi. Often, Figrin thought, the only way to learn... is to do.

"Request completed."

Figrin removed the memory unit from the console and walked swiftly towards the doorway. He had to meet with a fellow Jedi, Ryla Relvinian, yet that evening, then check on his padawan, Keanda Arylar, before heading to hanger to prep his ship for an early morning departure.

His long day wasn't over quite yet...

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:01:06 PM
The message on my datapad simply read "Meet me in the archives." Signed, Figrin D'an. I had lived my life as a Jedi mostly in the Temple, or training padawans, and a summons was unusual. I wasn't the best mind, and hardly the best fighter, what could a Jedi Master want with me?

These thoughts were streaming through my mind as I made my way down to the archives, and caught up with Figrin as he was just leaving the archives. "Master Figrin, what is this about?"

OOC: Padawans, I'll tell you when to post, ok? :]

Figrin D'an
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:48:25 PM
Figrin stopped turned as he heard the voice. Ryla approached at a brisk pace, a subtle look of curiosity on her face. Figrin knew of Ryla well, as she no doubt knew of him, but their contact with each other over the years had been limited at best. She had arrived as a potential, eager to learn, and had proven herself as a padawan to the Council. Now, as a full Jedi Knight, she had taken on padawan learners of her own. It was of this that Figrin had requested an audience...

"Good evening, Ryla. I trust your day was productive. Please, walk with me for a moment."

She nodded, and fell into step next to Figrin as the casually headed towards the main atrium.

"Ryla, I have an idea would like to propose to you. I understand that your padawans are progressing in their training, but that they have not ventured much beyond the confines of the Jedi Temple. Similarly, my current padawan is in much a similar situation. She has much potential, but lacks in experience. With my schedule, it has been difficult to venture to distant parts of the galaxy and show the importance of experience... to apply what she has learned to new situations. This is something I intend to remedy."

The two Jedi continued to walk as Figrin elaborated.

"I've spent some time over the past few weeks planning a training retreat for myself and my padawan, Keanda. A distant system, unimportant on the galactic political stage, but diverse in many other respects. It should provide the type of environment I'm looking for. However, there is only so much that a padawan can learn from one master. Another Jedi, and even additional padawans, would make for a more fulfilling experience."

Figrin stopped walking, and turned to face Ryla.

"I want to invite you and your padawans to join us on this retreat. I think it could be beneficial to teaching our learners, and give them an opportunity to work with other Jedi. Part of my plan, however, was to make this a... well... surprise event, to see how my padawan reacts to sudden change. We would have to leave in the morning. I understand the short notice may complicate things, but I'd like you to consider it."

Figrin glanced at his datapad... it was approaching standard sleeping hours for Jedi padawans. He was, once again, pressed for time.

He let out a deep sigh.

"I must apologize, Ryla. I need to be off yet again. Think about what I have said. If you like the prospect, be at the Hanger Bay 2 at 0800 with your padawans and whatever personal gear you need. I hope to see you there."

He smiled, turned towards the living quarters wing and headed off at a brisk pace, his cloak flowing behind him.

Laric Nworb
Jul 25th, 2002, 01:01:27 AM
Laric waited at Hanger 2 looking at his cronometer, it was nearing 0800 standard hours and no one had shown up yet. He had a brown sack with a little food and a book on Jedi fighting styles throughout history. He looked at his cronometer again and wondered where the other padawans were or even the masters.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 28th, 2002, 11:00:29 PM
I walked into the hangar to see my padawan, Laric, already there and looking impatient. I too had a small traveling bag with me, hastilly packed and slung carelessly over one shoulder. I walked over to my padawan and set my bag down. "Looks like we might be here for a while." I glanced around the hangar again. "Nobody here yet... I wonder what the hold up is?"

Laric Nworb
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:09:30 PM
"They must be kidnapped by an evil sith lord and our only option is to rush in lightsabers blazing!" Laric said and cracked a smile.
"But seriously, I feel like its been weeks. Where are they?" Laric paused for a moment. "Master, do you have any information regarding this mission?"

Adisha Dije
Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:00:53 AM
Adisha walked into the hanger quickly, lekku twitching with excitement.:crack "I wonder where we're going????" she thought. All she carried for the upcomping trip was a small duffel bag with a change of clothes and some traveling rations.

She was glad to see she wasn't the only one there and smiled as she saw Laric and Master Ryla. "Hello, I hope I haven't kept you waiting."

Laric Nworb
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:50:52 PM
"Well, our group is here...Where are the others?"

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 22nd, 2002, 12:53:26 AM
"I am sorry, my padawans. I know the same amount of information as you do. I just wish we could get going... I'm getting a bit woried for out host." I set down the small pack I had hastily packed and crossed my arms over my chest. Looking about the hangar, I only saw the usual pilots and techs wandering around... Where is he?

Figrin D'an
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:14:10 PM
The chronometer above the hanger entrance ticked pasted 0800 standard hours as Figrin entered and looked about. Across the way, he spotted Ryla talking to two younger Jedi, whom he could only assume were her padawans. He walked briskly towards the group. They would need to leave shortly to keep the intended schedule, and Figrin was looking forward to the time away from the Temple. Despite it's sheer size and unrivaled diverse beauty even the home of the Jedi could could begin to feel claustrophobic after a while. He was long overdue a off-world excursion, and while it may be a quiet trip by his standards, it would be a good experience for the younger Jedi.

Figrin approached the group, and bid them greetings.

"Glad to see each of you here this morning. I know the hour his early, and your preparations made hastily, but such was part of the plan from the outset."

His tone turned a bit darker for moment.

"I'm afraid the group for this journey will just be the four of us. My padawan, Keanda, will be unable to attend. It is true that my primary reason for organizing this trip was for her benefit, but I believe it can be successful all the same. I'm sure Ryla will agree with me that any opportunities for padawans to train away from the Temple will be rewarding."

He pulled a data pad from his cloak, tapped a couple of buttons, then held out the pad for the others to see. The image of a planet was displayed.

"This is our destination. Tydan V. It's fairly remote, agriculturally-based, with a wide spread and small population. Only two major cities on the entire planet, both essentially acting as promenade trade markets for the farmers and imports from off world. We will not be near either. The edge of the northern tropic is covered with dense forest land surrounding a couple of small mountain ranges. No population centers, but plenty of animal life, including some powerful predators that we should be wary of. Far different from the Jedi Temple, to say the least."

Figrin paused, replacing the data pad within his cloak.

"You goals for the trip can be your own... you have been taught about how to be a Jedi... this is an opportunity to be a Jedi... to trust your instincts, and follow the Force as it speaks to you."

He looked at each of the three as the contemplated his words.

"Are there any questions thus far?"

Adisha Dije
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:49:02 PM
Adisha shook her head, " No Master D'an. " She was happy to finally begin the mission and could not wait to leave.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:25:40 PM
"I do hope that Keanda is feeling well... But let us continue with the mission. I'm sure that we can cover most of the specifics on the way there, don't you think, Master Figrin?" To my padawans my voice sounded calm and cool, but only Figrin could sense the subtle hit of chiding in my voice.

Figrin D'an
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:18:49 AM
The Jedi Master nodded in agreement.

"Yes, indeed. I've already prepared my ship for launch. Let us board and be off."

Figrin turned and began to walk to the far end of the hanger. Ryla, Adisha and Laric fell in line behind him, lugging their gear on their shoulders. Technicians moved about the hanger, conducting repairs and maintenance on most every ship. One, however, was not abuzz with activity. The Azure Starfire, Figrin's personal ship for many years, sat ready for departure.

Following behind him, the group walked up the main ramp and into the main hold. Figrin showed the others where to stow their packs.

"The quarters on my ship are a bit small, but they suffice for short term trips."

The group followed Figrin to the cockpit. The Jedi Master took the main controls, and motioned for Ryla to take the co-pilot seat. The two padawans took seats just behind the main control seats.
Figrin tapped a few controls on the comm panel.

"Azure Starfire to Launch Control... securing outer hull... ready for departure."

The comm crackled with a response just a few seconds later.

"Launch Control... acknowledged. You are clear for departure. Safe journeys."

Figrin responded in kind.

"Roger, Control. Firing thrusters."

The vessel shook and creaked as it lifted off the durasteel floor and slowly lurched forward out of the hanger. With the landing gear retracted and the launch bay now behind, Figrin increased engine power. The ship roared through the upper atmosphere, and finally into space high above the Jedi Temple.

The navi-computer chimmed as ready. Figrin confirmed the coordinates, and set the hyperspace waypoints.

"Engaging hyperdrive..."

The stars blurred from distant dots into bright streaks of light...

Adisha Dije
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:17:04 PM
Adisha looked out a view port as they took off. "I really miss this," she thought, "space travel was always one of my favorite things. But the best thing about it was being with my father." Memories came flowing into her mind and her eyes watered. She sighed and brought her emotions under control.

Then Adisha spoke, "I love space. So alive, and so empty all at the same time." Her words were not directed towards anyone in particular and she continued gazing into the emptiness.

Figrin D'an
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:58:49 PM
Figrin doubled-checked the plotted course, ensuring that the hyperspace lanes would be clear. Satisified with the situation, he switched on the autopilot.

The Jedi Master swiveled around his chair, away from the main control panel, to face his passengers.

"It will take some time to reach our destination. Some of that time would be best spent resting... but for now, feel free to do what you need to prepare."

Figrin couldn't help but notice the shift of emotion in Adisha, and her almost longing comments about space travel. He leaned back in his chair, speaking in a somber yet soothing tone.

"Space at times does seem empty and overwhelmingly vast... it's easy to forget that in such a great expanse, there are wonders beyond the imagination of the conscious mind. It has an encompassing feel... it reminds me so much of how simple, yet complex the Force itself is... surrounding us all, but so diverse in it's intricacies."

He pause for moment... glancing out of a side window, watching the blured lines of light that were distant stars...

"But, yes... I too enjoy space travel..."

Adisha Dije
Sep 7th, 2002, 09:03:10 PM
Lost in her thoughts, Adisha felt the connection made with Master Figrin and smiled. It was always nice to have these moments, the times when you know that others have shared and felt the same things as you. That was what the force was all about. The connection of everything, our similarites and even our differences.

"The force binds us together"

Adisha smiled remembering those words, and realizing how content she was, she decided to take the given advice. She picked a comfy looking spot in the lounge area of the ship and settled in for the long journey.

Laric Nworb
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:20:02 PM
Laric watched and listened to Adisha and Figrin. He could feel the meaning in their words through the force. As Adisha turned away from the window he gave her a quick smile and then brought his attention to his book he brought along.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 21st, 2002, 12:38:03 AM
My padawans were both engrossed in their own activities, and I thought it would be a good idea to give them their break, so instead, I got up and sat down next to Figrin. "Any idea what this is about?" I asked him, trying to contain the hint of worry in my voice. It had been so long since I had been called away on an actual mission, and I feared that some evil would befall us.

Figrin D'an
Sep 24th, 2002, 11:32:22 PM
Figrin glanced out of the cockpit, looking for Ryla's two padawans. Seeing that they were both occupied, and satisfied that they were out of earshot, the Jedi began to speak in a subdued voice.

"A few days ago, an NRSF monitoring station picked up elevated comm traffic coming from an area in the northern hemisphere of Tydan IV. The signals were all heavily encrypted, which raised further questions. After retasking a long-range sensor array, they took these images, identifed as the source of the signals."

Figrin handed a datapad to Ryla. She looked at the display, and clicked through the set of pictures.

"It's a base of some kind... several buildings, and if you look closely, there is a cleft cut into the base of the mountain, suggesting that there is further activity undeground. There is a definate military presence, but the uniforms are unfamiliar to all known groups. It appears to be well guarded."

"Whatever it's purpose may be, it's clear that it was established illegally. That sector was demilitarized several decades ago. Although it's not a Republic protectorate, it's close enough to Republic borders to cause concern. It was decided that a small group should investigate. That's where we come in. Infiltrate, discover the who and why, and report back to Coruscant."

Ryla's face turned grim. Figrin couldn't help but understand her concern.

"I'm sorry about the misinformation. The Council felt that a degree of secrecy should be maintained until we were en-route... NRSF can be a bit paranoid at times about potential information leaks." Figrin chuckled a little at that thought.

The Jedi leaned back in his chair.

"That is our actual mission. We can inform you padawans whenever you feel it is best."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:25:21 PM
I let my mind absorb every last detail of the pictures before setting the datapad down slowly on my lap. I brought a hand up to my forhead and rubbed the tension out of my temple. "Protectors of peace... Well, I guess it's time to go our job." I responded with a slight smile on my face. All too soon it was gone, with the gravity of the situation back in place. "What is your plan then? Walk up and ring the doorbell, or plan on a fight? Do you know anything about this group that is stationed here? Are they hostile?"

Figrin D'an
Oct 2nd, 2002, 12:55:07 AM
Figrin sighed, and sat up from a reclined position in his chair.

"Unfortunately, we don't know if they are hostile or not. That's part of our objective, to simply find out. NRSF is concerned because of how quietly this facility was constructed. If not for an adept comm officer picking up those odd transmissions, it might have gone unnoticed. That very fact seems to suggest that there is something going on at the location that someone feels should be a secret. Nothing more is known at this point."

Figrin turned to glance out the front viewport.

"We'll do some long range reconnaissance once we arrive. It may yield some information. For now, however, I would like to go by the book. Diplomacy first. I anticipate that, even if this group should have something to hide, they will not be inclined to refuse a Republic inspection request being carried out by 4 Jedi. We will avoid an armed conflict if possible. Nevertheless, we should prepare for the worst."

The Jedi Master closed his eyes, focusing deep into the Force. He took a deep breath before continuing, his voice now much more concerned.

"I have meditated on this for the past few nights, and each time I have reached out into the Force, I've found... a fog... a haze that has masked my foresight. In most cases, I can see, at the very least, brief images of what may come... but this, my gaze cannot pierce."

He opened his eyes, allowing his pupils to refocus on the streaking starlines that flashed by the main view.

"It may be nothing... it may be that my mind, so busy with other tasks, has not been able to properly concentrate... it is unnerving, to say the very least. That's one of the reasons I wanted you along on this mission, Ryla. You have a keen mind and a unique perception. I needed someone who might see things differently than I may... someone who can catch things that I may miss."

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:22:48 PM
"You flatter me, Master Figrin." I replied with a slight blush. "A second set of eyes is always helpful in situations like this, and I shall do my best to live up to your perception of me. Although meditation has never been my strength, I will still keep my ears open for anything... unusual."

Laric Nworb
Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:48:50 PM
Laric had been reading for sometime now, it seemed as hours could pass by as seconds. Laric put the book down and stood up and stretched out. He looked towards the cockpit and Master Figrin and Master Ryla were speaking, most likely about the mission.
He waited until they stopped and approached them. "Not to sound like a badgering child, but are we there yet?"

Figrin D'an
Oct 25th, 2002, 12:43:54 AM
The Jedi Master turned his head upon hearing Laric enter the cockpit. He smiled a little, amused by the padawan's question.

"Not a problem at all, Laric. We will be dropping out of hyperspace in a few minutes. It will then be a short journey into the starsystem itself. If you would, you and Adisha may begin to prepare for our task. In the main hold, there are a few storage lockers along the port bulkhead. The one nearest the entrance contains 4 sets of electro-binoculars, as well as a thermal scanning unit. We'll need to pack those for our journey."

Figrin paused as he responded to the beeping console. He confirmed the last waypoint manually, then turned back to Laric.

"Beyond that, take a small pack of basic survival gear. We'll need to travel light once we land."

Laric noded, and returned to the personal quarters.

Figrin looked back to Ryla, his face serious once again.

"I hope they are ready for some legitimate "on the job" experience... if diplomacy fails, we could find ourselves in a tight situation."

Adisha Dije
Oct 25th, 2002, 11:42:44 PM
Upon his return to the quarters he told Adisha the Master's instructions and they packed supplies, in preparation for landing.

"We're here finally, I wonder what were going to do." Then she looked up at Laric with a touch of concern on her face, "Are you nervous at all?"

Laric Nworb
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:49:56 AM
Laric semi-smiled to Adisha "Nah, I'm not...uh...not nervous." Laric tried to smile to hide the truth. "Um, what about you?"

Adisha Dije
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:16:53 PM
Adisha replied, trying to hide what she knew her nervous lekku would convey.

"Good, than neither am I." She went back to packing the equipment, and tried to calm herself by meditating as she worked.

By the time everything was packed she began to feel the ship coming out of hyperspace. "Well, I guess this is it." Adisha said and then headed back to the cockpit.

Adisha Dije
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:01:29 PM
Adisha and Laric made their way back to the cockpit with the supplies.

"All set and ready to go." She said, calmer now from the medation, but still a little nervous.

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 6th, 2002, 12:10:05 AM
(OOC: Sorry for the loooong delay folks, I really appreciate your patience with me on this one, especially Adisha and Laric. I feel I owe you both an apology for my spacing out on your training. Let's get back on that after this is done.)

IC: I wasn't the best mentalist, by far, in the order... but I could sense the nervousness in my Padawans. I was nervous too, to some degree, but for different reasons. I was confident that they had the skills to stay alert and the knowledge of how to learn from this situation.

"I think they'll be ok." I replied to Figrin while they packed the equipment in the back storage compartment. "They have learned many basic skills, but there is only so much that I can teach them, some things must be learned by doing."

He nodded in agreement and I stood up and walked back to prepare my own pack, as well as ready my light armor, only as a precautionary measure. My armor was delicate but strong, a simple construction of leather and small scales that lay over my tabard smoothly. It appeared to be more of a decorative piece than a functional one. The modifications on it I had done myself made me know otherwise, though, and I was glad to have it, just in case. I buckled my belt back around my waist, and ran a quick check on my lightsaber. All seemed good, and I bent down and touched my toes, just to limber up.

The more my padawans watched me prepare, the more they seemed nervous. "Hey, it's ok. Most likely we'll find it's a flock of sheep tainted by the dark side and have a barbecue." I said with a smile, trying to ease their tensions. "Just watch, and be confident."

Laric Nworb
Dec 6th, 2002, 07:01:45 PM
Laric smiled at the joke his master made and was glad that maybe this training mission wouldn't be incredibly tough. However, if it did turn into a violent situation, he had no way of defeding himself, besides the force.
"Master, suppose we end up fighting during this mission what would Adisha and I have to defend ourselves. I haven't constructed a lightsaber and to my knowledge neither has Adisha."

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 11th, 2002, 11:19:20 PM
"Ah, yes. Weapons." I dug through the pack I had brought on with me. "You can take one of these for use during this mission and in further training sessions, until you build your own."

I held out two lightsabers, simple and identical in design. "They were originally training sabers, but I've modified them back to regular power. Now I know I have not fully trained you in the use of the saber, but I know that you have both taken part in other spars between padawans at the temple. If needed, I expect you to use them with caution and discretion. Remember, a Jedi will act in defense first, never attack. You may want to take the time to study these weapons using the force in order to aid you in building your own, when the time comes."

Adisha Dije
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:01:11 PM
Adisha considered her master's words and made a mental note to look into that once they returned to Coruscant. Then she returned her thoughts to the present and attached the saber that Ryla had handed her to her belt.

Laric Nworb
Jan 4th, 2003, 02:46:10 PM
Laric took the lightsaber from Ryla and clipped it to his belt. After he did that he looked towards his master. "I expect we'll be landing soon. I can't wait to get underway witht his mission."

Figrin D'an
Jan 24th, 2003, 12:37:17 AM
Figrin pulled back on the control lever, dropping the ship out of hyperspace. As the starlines compacted back into distant dots of light, he took the controls and banked the ship port. A sizable planet came into view, filled with the lush greens of plant life, sparkling blue water of oceans, and large white peaks of craggy mountains and wispy clouds.

The approach to the planet was uneventful... for which Figrin was quite grateful. The Azure Starfire dipped below the clouds, continuing to descend until, with speed yet control, it skimmed just above the full treetops. Figrin decreased power to the engines, and began a gentle turn, causing the ship to cut though the air and turn perpendicular to it's previous course. The ship approached a clearing.

"Landing struts deployed. Prepare to disembark."

The ship jostled slightly as the struts made contact with the ground. Figrin went though the final shutdown sequence, grabbed his traveling pack, and joined his companions at the landing ramp. They slowly walked to the ground below, and double-checked their packed gear.

"Very well," Figrin said at last. "We will hike 10 kilometers due east. The terrain should be fairly favorable, until we get to within a kilometer or so. We'll then have to descend into a valley. There is a slope on the south edge of the plateau should make things easier for us, but I do have repelling equipment if it's necessary. From there, our destination should be clearly visible."

He paused... and sighed. A bit truthfulness would probably be prudent, he thought.

"I won't deceive you... there is danger here. The... group... that we'll be meeting may decide our presence is a problem for them. Be ready for anything, but more importantly, follow my lead, and be sure to listen to your Master. If there are no questions, we'll be off."

The Jedi began their journey, entering the dense foliage and heading east...

Adisha Dije
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:26:24 PM
As she follwed along behind her companions, Adisha tried her best to stay focused. But in a new world with new surroundings it was hard not to get lost in the sights. Also she was a little tense about what exactly this mission was about and the chance of danger that seemed to close for comfort.

It had been a few years since she had been in a place similar to this one, but those days were over and she had to concentrate on the present. Relaxing, she gave herself to the force and let it tune her senses into the world living around her.

Laric Nworb
Feb 9th, 2003, 01:27:58 PM
Laric looked at his chonometer and then looked ahead. They must be within two, maybe one kilometers of the site. He began to think about what waited for him there. It could be anything. What if they were to cross a Sith Master? He didn't have a doubt in his mind that his master and master D'an wouldn't be able to handle it, but what about him?