View Full Version : Going to be away

Lord Gue
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:54:33 PM
Next week
Monday through Friday
I'll be traveling to Florence, SC to help set up a new Target store, gonna be down there the whole time. I should be back sometime by Saturday morning....

Dae Jinn
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:56:28 PM

No...Evil Target! :(

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2002, 03:08:14 AM
Hehe, Target aint evil
not unless they stop payin me...

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:45:27 PM
Arg, this is so not my month, now my grandma on my dads side is in the hospital and they say shes never coming out, she's dying...

Darth Vader
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:48:39 PM
This sounds eerily similar to an experience I had a year ago. My deepest sympathies in everything.

Dae Jinn
Jul 12th, 2002, 12:04:43 AM
Awwwwwwwww!!! :( My poor Gue!


Crystal StarRider
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:19:34 AM
Deepest sympathies Gue..Hang in there..:\

Daren Trevelan
Jul 12th, 2002, 05:24:48 AM
Even though we haven't gotten along since I left Heather, I am sorry to hear that Gue, truly and deeply, I hope all works out for you.

Gabran Darkysa
Jul 13th, 2002, 10:38:48 PM
You have my deepest sympathies and condolances...

Slayn Cloak
Jul 14th, 2002, 12:45:22 AM
My condolence gue, but remember death is very important- You most likely don't care to hear this but; To truly live one must die, it is only proper. I would imagine she is old, find comfort in that. She has seen and no doubt taken part in far greater things, and times then we could ever hope to see. I'm sorry if that rubbed anyone the wrong way, but my intentions are kind. I hope very much for you to spend some time with her, and remember her always with clarity.