View Full Version : Micheal Jackson :(

Jul 10th, 2002, 08:36:38 PM
You know , for years I loved MJ.I have left no doubt in anyone's mind that I felt he was the king of pop, the Greatest of all time (next to Elvis) defended him when all were putting him down. Rocked to him on my ill faded trip to the Starwars convention.

But today I took my shot gun, tossed my Thriller 33 in the air and blew it to a million piece's. Took all the cd's from thriller -history and did the same.(although it took a few more shots).

You know when you go on one of the MOST racist people in our country (al sharpton) and accuse those who ( record company's and the avg joe) put you where you are and call them racist you are a piece of crap in my eye's.

Now I know (or feel) that it was just a way for MJ to get the love/respect back from the black population , but it was the wrong way to go about it,and JUST PLAIN WRONG :(

Jul 10th, 2002, 08:44:05 PM
He is going for publicity. He cant work out he is washed up.

Jul 10th, 2002, 08:44:17 PM
I agree, whole heartedly, I hope you didn't destroy those great records though.

Jul 10th, 2002, 09:02:16 PM
Oh yeah, they were great Thriller was my ALL time favorite song Ever , But If I like some I go to the extreme, if I hate something I go even further. Like Nike , I hate Nike and will not buy and or wear something by Nike (knowingly ) . I LOVE LOVE LOVE Starwars BUT let me find out that it was based on something that I truely hate , I would do the same( I pray I never find that something out :cry ).

Jul 10th, 2002, 09:11:10 PM
Well, I'm not gonna throw a monkey wrench into it, but go check out The Bombermen, or something like that. The end scene in ANH is almost word for word from that 30's film about a bomber squadron. I mean it, its almost word for word....

"Red leader standing by"

We're going in full throttle"

Lucas really ripped off that film, but its a great one, esspecially for its time.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:57:21 PM
Jackson is mad because he is not popular no more as far as Sharpton he is no racist he is an opportunist (which doesn't really excuse him) he says what he says to get attention that is all, he is still an idiot because all he cares about his publicity, much like Johnny Cochron who was there too. I think Jackson just doesn't realize that he is just not popular any more.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:07:36 PM
Yeah, it;'s the blame someone else syndrome. Dont look at yourself and realise what your doing is wrong, just hand the blame.

Which sucks, cause he is talented, but it seems he let his own ego get to him very badly. And anyway, he's had 10 times the career of anyone else, why complain now it is pretty much over? How many other people have lasted 35 years at the top?

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:02:28 AM
Exactly all the great stars careers hit bottom at one time or another even Elvis and the Beatles had rough spots, though they overcame them, not sure if Jackson can overcome this or not as long as ego is in the way.

Jul 11th, 2002, 08:13:07 AM
Of course there couldn't POSSIBLY be any truth to MJ's allegations.....


I think the point that MOST people missed is that Jackson is accusing thr record companies of ripping off artists.

Which they do to ALL artists, White, Black, Latin, whatever.

Jul 11th, 2002, 08:24:55 AM
Yeah, but WHY is he saying this? Because he is now anti-Sony. I had a big rally in London the other week where he could slate them. But now he's very cleverly started playing the race card.

He complains they didnt advertise his new album very well. I saw plenty of adverts. If he wanted people to buy it, he shouldnt have released that awful single :)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:55:29 AM
Or be a Pedo.

Jul 11th, 2002, 10:16:12 AM
Or be a Pedo.:lol

He just can't compete with the Ricky Martins, Enrique Iglesias', and boy bands of today. In his prime, MJ was 10 times better than all of those farcical acts, but he made some pretty silly choices, and now people are having a hard time relating to an alien.

Jul 11th, 2002, 11:58:25 AM
If I were black, I'd be particulary APALLED to see Michael Jackson playing the race card. Michael Jackson stopped being black 10 surgeries ago. Putz! He was born with a wider nose and darker skin than me and now I've got him beat on both counts. He's been ashamed of being black for most of his life, but now Sharpton is his buddy and he's been taken advantage of by the big, bad record company because of his race. Again, he's a putz. His career has been over for close to a decade now. Think about it, Janet has been the only Jackson people have been listening for the last few years. Sony spent over $25M promoting his last album. If didn't generate huge sales because it was weak, pure and simple. If there was any REAL justice, Jackson would be in prison now for molesting children. I hope he and Bubbles rot.:shootin

Jul 11th, 2002, 12:20:26 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Yeah, but WHY is he saying this? Because he is now anti-Sony. I had a big rally in London the other week where he could slate them. But now he's very cleverly started playing the race card.

He complains they didnt advertise his new album very well. I saw plenty of adverts. If he wanted people to buy it, he shouldnt have released that awful single :)

he's saying this because Sony is tryign to make him pay for the $25 million that they spent 'promoting' the album.

Do you see Universial tryign to recoup the money it spenty on Mystery Men from Kinka Usher?


But in the Music industry, they do thsi all the time. This is one of the reasons a group like TLC can sell 17 million copies of an album and still have to file for bankruptcy.

The reason Jackson hasn't said that the record company was acting unfairly before is quite simply that they haven't tried to rip him off in thsi way before, because his records have been making tons of money.


From what I understand, and I haven't spent a LOT of time on the issue, Jackson specifically charged Tommy Mattola with being a racist, this allegation was apparently based on comments Matolla made to people he and Jackson both know.


Media companies in general and records companies are ALL pretty slimy, you can look at their historical practices, or some things they've done recently and see that this is true pretty easily.

Jul 11th, 2002, 02:20:10 PM
From a local radio station:
14 perfectly legitimate reasons to hate Jacko.
1. Because you look like a freak
2. Because you paid money to look like a freak
3. Because you have the second most annoying voice in the world after Melanie Griffith
4. Because you recorded The Girl is Mine and Man in the Mirror
5. Because you keep announcing elaborate and never to be realised multi-million dollar deals with unknown sheiks
6. Because you seem to regard having been a child star as being equivalent to being a Holocaust survivor
7. Because you're a man in his forties who's best friends are in junior high
8. Because you live in a zoo with a chimp named Bubbles
9. Because you married your dentist's hapless assistant used her to produce two babies and then bought her out.
10. Because you threw a two night concert extravaganza that cost thousands of dollars a ticket and all of the money went to you.
11. Because your music has become irrelavant.
12. Because you named yourself The King of Pop
13. Because you can't do an interview that isn't a complete set up.
14. Because you're a freak faced, bambi speaking, bell hop outfit wearing nut who can't accept that the record buying public has relegated you to the remainder bins and just doesn't care anymore.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:26:33 PM
Oh for f**ks sake!

There goes the bandwagon. I'm not going to make anymore comments to this bs.

Jul 11th, 2002, 02:27:19 PM
I think at least 5 of those "legimate" reasons are actually just reasons they shouldnt bother gouing to 14 next time.

Jul 11th, 2002, 03:45:30 PM

I think I missed something on the news... didn't I?

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:02:06 PM
Because you recorded The Girl is Mine and Man in the Mirror

And good reasons too :x

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:20:07 PM
Man in the Mirror is my favourite song ever. What's wrong with it?

Jul 11th, 2002, 05:08:19 PM
Hey, people want to defend Michael Jackson, then be my guest. I've always thought his music was okay, nothing more, nothing less. He's EARNED the ridicule people throw at him. Look at his damn face! How badly do you have to despise your self and your racial identity to do that to yourself? He's spent the last 20 years transforming himself into a white woman. In the end though, that's just something he's done to himself. If you want to turn yourself into a freak and a walking joke then be my guest. But there's a better than average chance that MJ has molested kids. There's NO defense for that. If it weren't for the fact that he bought off the parents of that one kid (The parents should rot for leaving their kid in his care in the first place) he'd have gone to prison.
MJ = freak & bad, bad, bad, guy.

Darth Vader
Jul 11th, 2002, 05:37:49 PM
I liked Man in the Mirror too! :cry

"Bad" was still in MJ's "good years"...don't dis that album!

But yeah, if all we're doing is condemning artists for screwing up their face, then lets drop Marilyn Manson and Wes Borland in that blender too.

I just disregard MJ now cause he's turned into a MORON.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2002, 05:40:52 PM
Michael Jackson bought all this onto himself. If he kept slightly normal and just kept on producing the great music he CAN do.... then there would be no agrument. The fact is, it was his choices to do what he did, not anyone elses.

Jul 11th, 2002, 06:27:37 PM
I have no idea what you actually mean with that last post.

Because he's a weirdo it's his fault that Sony is trying to rip him off? wtf?

Why is it that it seems that everyone gets hung up on personality/individual issues an no one can even discuss the issues of whether or no record companies, systematically screw over their artists?

I guess it's a lot easier to play 'Laugh at the Weirdo' than to actually pay attention to issues being raised.

It's not like Jackson is the first artists to complalin about record company behavior.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:41:03 PM
WHAT? Sony ripping him off? Dude, where they hell did I mention anything to do with that?

I'm not even talking about Sony ripping him off. I'm saying that the image of him being a weirdo and child molestor is basically his own fault. It's his own fault he does not produce the music people want to listen to and it's his fault the records now tank. His decisions. From what I read in the article, he's accusing the record company of conspiring to bring him down, when that is clearly not Sony's fault. I bet Sony would rather have a JAckson who is selling shedloads than todays' wacko Jacko. And I bet if Jackson even had a clue why he's reviled and laughed at, then he might have a chance at selling some records.

So where in my points is Sony at fault for a truly major star self destructing?Jackson accuses Sony of some conspiracy, whent he fact is I bet Sony wants JAckson to be selling as much crap as they possibly can.

Jul 11th, 2002, 07:24:40 PM
I guess it's a lot easier to play 'Laugh at the Weirdo' than to actually pay attention to issues being raised.

Find me a old R&B artist that's facing hard times and was screwed out of thousands, if not millions of dollars, by their record company and I will listen to them and empathize with them. But Michael Jackson ISN'T one of them. He's had more than enough money thrown in his direction. The simple truth is that he's not sellling records like he use to, period. But instead of admiting that, he's attacking Sony. I have no doubt that Sony has done it's fair share of screwing artists, but I doubt MJ is one of them. I find the fact that he, of all people, is using the race card to be offensive. If I were a young black man, MJ would embarrass the hell out of me. I'd look at him and say, "Why is he so embarrased that he looks like ME?" That's a pretty screwed up message for one of the most famous African Americans of his generation to send to young black kids. But now, because it's convienient for him, he stands next to Sharpton and cries racism. Screw him, Janet's music is better anyway. :headbash