View Full Version : Finding Home (Open to all)

Andraq Novkar
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:34:48 PM
Andraq had sighed as he looked around the halls of The Order. He had been walking around and had decided to take a room, such as Xazor suggested. He was searching in the East Wing, also where she had said to go.

He saw a door that was half open and went towards it, he pushed it inwards and stepped in. It was empty, except for the bunk, and misc. other things such as dressers and shelves. Andraq moved towards the windows and touched a button on the control pannel, the shutters retracting letting sunlight pour in.

Xazor was right, it was indeed beautiful here, the view of the Jungle and everything else was so breathe taking. It reminded him of home. He sighed as he went back to the bed and sat down, staring out the window.

The last place that he had actually seen a bed was his home, and now that place was no more. As he layed down on the bed, he closed his eyes and it was as if he was put back to the scene of his families death.


Andraq had been returning home from running around with some of his friends. He was coming into a decent view of his home and saw his father fighting someone with his dual glaive. It must have been one of his friends in the area. But there was more than just one person there. And the homestead was on fire!

Andraq dropped into a dead sprint towards where his father was, but rather quickly blaster bolts were hitting around him. Some of the men were alerted by his running and had been shooting at him. He had dropped to the ground and rolled. The firing stopped, they must have thought that he had been shot. But he hadn't been. He looked up and watched as his father was fighting another person.

He was certain that his father would win, he never lost against anyone. But what was it that the other person was fighting with? It was glowing crimson. It must have been a lightsaber that his father had told him about! His father was shouting at the man as the fight progressed on. His father had moved the left blade of the glaive to the mans hip, but it was thwarted downwards and suddenly, his father fell...

He had been stabbed in the chest with the glowing red blade. Andraq's heart stopped, or so it seemed. Everything seemed to happen rather slowly from that point on. The man with the lightsaber had deactivated it and it seemed that he was looking down to Andraq's father and was speaking to him. But soon he began to walk away, the band of men that were with him also trailed off. After a few moments they were all gone.

Andraq stood up immediately and ran towards his home, and wounded father. As his feet led him to his father, he kneeled down and looked at him. He was still alive, but seemed to be dazed and shocked. Offering his father his hand, Andraq watched him push it away. He was coughing blood and suddenly Andraq felt another twist of horror...Where was his mother and sister?

<center>"Where is Relenia and Mom?!?!"</center>

He didn't say anything, just kept stuttering, and seemed to be choking on his own blood. The flames from the homestead were lighting the area, and sometimes caught the eye of Andraq as he was looking around for his other family members. His father spoke, his last word before dieng...

<center>".....Inside...." </center

Andraq looked around, confused. Where were they!?!?!? He stood up and started to run around looking for them. He ran back to his father and tried to stir him, but he wasn't moving. He was dead. But his face was leaned into the direction of the doorway to the main house...

Andraq was awakened to the painful realization. They were in the house, the house that was on fire and almost completely burned to the ground. He moved towards it as to go into it, but fire pushed him back as the wind whisked it back and forth. His heart sank as he looked at the burning building.

He dropped to his knee's as he looked into the fire, all the sound around him seemed to drown out as he began to speak..



Andraq was rolling around on the bed, he was having a nightmarish flash back, but it was accompanied with his screams. His screams of fear, and felt the loss of everything..


imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:57:30 PM
Corin was wlaking down the hall to his room whenhe saw the door next to his (which used to be empty) open and a man yealling and rolling on the bed. Corin remembered his earlier encounter that day with a nightmare and he couldnt bare to watch another go through the same torture as he had. Corin knocked on the door the man awoke. he was disoriented and it took him a while to regain control before he noticed who had knocked.

"You look like you need someone to talk to pal. the names Corin Zetith last of the royal Zetith line of Naboo. pleased to meet you. and you are?"

Corin extended a hand to the man.

hey buddy, read my topic in the living quarters called "time to greive" it seems we both seem to have the same problem with families. or read my bio. see ya around post back soon.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:50:02 AM
Xazor had felt a disturbance in the Force, on her way to her room. She continued down the hall that would take her there, when she suddenly came across an open door. Inside stood Corin Zetith, and a Padawan she had greeted not too long ago. She rushed in and knelt to the side of the bed and placed a hand on his forehead, sending warm calming waves through the Force. Within a few seconds, he was calm again, laying still on the bed.

"Padawan Navkar....what in the Force is the matter?"

She questioned with obvious concern in her eyes. She looked up to Corin for a possible answer, but he looked about as confused as she did. Shaking her head, she turned back to Andraq. He looked distressed, and his skin was warm to the touch.

"Please...you can tell me what has happened...you can trust me."

The Knight said in a warm and calm voice. She was here to help him....she would do whatever she could to ease his mind....

Andraq Novkar
Jul 11th, 2002, 03:10:30 PM
He was disoriented as he looked upwards to Xazor. His uniform was sweaty, even though he only fell asleep for 30 minutes. His breathing was eradic as he was trying to calm down, and seemed to be calming rather quickly, and was calm after Xazor touched his head.

The nightmares had haunted his dreams ever since the night it had happened, he looked to Corin, he didn't know him, but he had talked. Andraq didn't remember what he said, but stared back into hers and started to calm his breathing...

...."My mother...Father, and my sister...Gone..."

The dream had been quit intense to him. He doubted he would ever shed himself from it, it would be a reminder for all eternity. He gulped as he looked at Xazor. Could he trust her? He looked at her again and decided that he could indeed.

"A haunting nightmare, ever since that day..."

She would probably ask him to go into more detail later, but right now he couldn't. He wouldn't. He even doubted that he could tell anyone the full story...

"I can't tell you.."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:42:11 PM
Xazor nodded and listened to his broken words. Indeed, she understood.....for her past had haunted her for a good while when she came here. Looking into his eyes, she smiled gently and touched his forehead once again.....sending more calming, gentle waves of the Force into his body.

"And you don't have to tell me......but sometimes, talking about things does help. I too have lost people I loved.....but that doesn't mean that they are gone. Sometimes......those that are in your heart, are closer to you than those you speak with and see before you everyday......"

She said softly, her eyes sparkled with the same hope she held for herself.....wishing to pass it on to the young Padawan laying on the bed. She sighed slightly, knowing that just by sitting here in silence with him, might be a comfort......

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:32:27 AM
Corin thought about Xazor's words, but they just were not registering in his brain as something sensible to say to someone who recently had their whole family killed........like his mother and niece. his father too had been killed by a sith but he was too young to even remember what his father looked like. Corin tried to help out the best he could.

"Hey, Andraq, why dont you come with me over to the bar & grill. it appears we seem to have the same problems with memories of family. maybe something to drink might calm your nerves. then you and i can swap some stories of our pasts maybe? sound good?"

Andraq Novkar
Jul 12th, 2002, 04:31:48 PM
Andraq sat up on the bad and looked to Xazor and nodded to her. She was right in what she was saying, they were no doubt still watching down on him. His family didn't deserve that death, no one deserved that kind of death....

"Your right, Xazor....Thank you"

He looked to the other person that was in his room as he began to stand up. His arched his brow, swapping stories about the past didn't exactly appeal to him at the moment. How would he break it to him, if he had somewhat the same past?

"No thanks...At least to the part about exchanging pasts. But I wouldn't mind a drink about right now. Xazor, would you like to join us?"

He looked at her as she was sitting on his bed, he grinned as he looked down to her but then stopped as he awaited her answer. Everytime he went to the bar no one was there, or at least no one would talk to him, perhaps now he would have company...

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:08:31 PM
OOC: look for thread at the B&G

IC: Corin nodded, he didnt mind not being told about Andraq's past he didnt really like to tell many about his either. he just thought since they were both basically on the same path with it he might make some conversation that way.