View Full Version : Shrouded Past - Prologue

Daren Trevelan
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:05:09 AM
<center>A warrior lifts his sword high above his
head in an attempt to uphold his just
ideals, and in turn a legacy is born from
his very muscular action. This is the way
of a warrior. This is his legacy.</center>

The storm raging outside could not even begin to compare to the one pounding inside of his body as he watched her on the table, kicking and screaming at the pains of child birth. What more could he do than be lending support to her? What more could he do than stand there and pray that she would suffer less with each push? Daren had no way of actually, medically helping her now, not in this condition, it was all up to the doctor, who sat on a stool before her, propped up and stained with sweat.

"Come on, give it another push now," he yelled out, just before another resounding crash of thunder blanketed their eardrums. It appeared as though Jolie was not listening however as she jerked her head back and screamed again.

Though excited as he was, for he was about to be a father, it killed the man to be watching her scream and cry out in such underlining agony.

"It'll be ok," he said as he knelt at her side, holding her hand and giving it a strong squeeze. "I promise, it'll be ok."

"Oh dammit, Daren shut up!" Jolie screamed, and for a second he honestly took her seriously. The doctor had assured him that that would be the most miniscule of things he'd hear from her tonight. His hand gently caressed her's as his other futiley attempted to wipe the sweat that seemed everpresent on her brow, Daren tried to comfort her, he was really trying. "Oh my god it hurts."

"Yes it's going to hurt, now, give me another push," the doctor said, his hands working in ways the Imperial officer did not want to see at the moment. Therefore his eyes remained locked on Jolie's, his tangible hazel locked on her piercing blue.

They shared a moment then, a moment that he would forever remember.

"I love you Jolie," he said to her as she seemed to slowly ease out of the agonizing moment. She looked back up at him, a smile caressing her tender features as she managed out the words.

"I love you too Daren," she said before lulling her eyes back down to the doctor, the smile fading from her face as she hit her head against the table they were using to prop her on. She had suddenly gone into labor while they were just visiting their house on Balmorra, they had no time to rush her to a hospital or anything, it was so spur of the moment.

Fortunately a doctor had lived only a few houses down and was able to get down there in close to no time at all.

"Got it!" the doctor's voice called out, signifying he got the baby. For that exact moment, he did not care, Jolie wasn't moving, her body was cold, it was going stiff.

"Jolie?" Daren asked, at first calmly. There was no response. "Jolie?" he pressed again, this time a bit more firmly. "Oh my god, Jolie!" There was no response from his fiancee, she simply lay back, eyes shut...her chest unmoving. "Doctor what the hell is going on?" But something else hit him then. Asside from the storm raging outside it was silent in the room, dead silent.

There was no baby crying like there should have been.

Frantically Daren spun to face the doctor, who's own eyes were wide with horror. The baby lay limp in his arms, as unmoving as iits mother.

"Doctor what the-," Daren was cut off as a tear ran down the medical man's cheek.

"He didn't make it," the doctor said, refraining from bursting into tears himself, knowing full well that Daren would surely be unable to control himself. Judging by the rapidly dropping temperatures and inability to breathe by Jolie, the mother had not made it either.

In only forty minutes Daren had lost both his unborn son...and his five year fiancee. His first reaction was to grab his end table, which he wasted no time in flinging at the door, shattering it to splinters and meanwhile throwing the portal from its hinges.

"No!" he screamed, running to the doctor's side. "There has to be something you can do, please tell me there's something you can do!"

"This isn't the damn hospital Daren, I don't have any tools, there's nothing I can do!" the flustered doctor yelled back, and Daren simply fell to his knees. What had just happened? How in only such a brief time could he lose everything?