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Kelt Simoson
Jul 9th, 2002, 09:54:25 PM
"You know theres always a time in life when fear is your main weapon, where you need to run to save your life. When ether your fighting, arguing with a loved one or in a situation between life and death. One day it will come around to you, maybe not today or tomorrow, maybe not even in 20 years it may even lead to your death.So to be scared is not a failure its nothing you should be worried about, its simply a defense mechanism that serves you well...never discard it, never be rid of any of your valuable feelings."

It had been the first time in a while since Kelt had stepped into the B&G after a trip to his homeworld. And he did so with a face expressionless as a stone. He did not look like the kelt he once was. he looked tired and looked so pale it could have been the living dead walking through the doors. It just didn't make sense.

Where had they gone?. Had they gone on vacation without notifying Kelt, had they gone to see another relative?. Kelts family home was totally empty. Not a trace of his two older sisters, nor his dad or mom. It was like they had vanished in thin air, it was like his family had never lived there. all there cloths and furniture were all still there, even a few candles glowed and the fire still raging its warmth in the rooms. But they were gone. of course he talked to the local people, asked so many questions he was reapting himself over and over again. he had searched the perimiter of the town, knocked on doors and taverns....but nothing.

Normally the family would send word if they were leaving, they would tell kelt if they were to visit a family relative. kelt slumped onto the bar stool so tired he nearly toppled over and crashed to the floor, he just managed to stay upright. His face remained empressonless and his userual smiles and laughs were not there, he was deadly worried and he wouldent sleep until he had found his family again.

For a few minutes while the bar tender talked to others he was worrying himself with the fact they could have been kidnapped...even lie dead in a gutter somewhere. he rubbed his stubble of a beard several times thinking long and hard. Had he missed something...maybe the package did not arrive yet.

' What can i get you young sir?' Said the barman.
' err, a meat curry and a glass or juice if you don't mind'

The barman nodded and left Kelt to wallow in his worries

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 10th, 2002, 06:23:17 AM
"What troubles you this day, friend?" came a light voice from Kelt's left.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:58:16 PM
'Ah, my friend Dasquian, a slight problem yes, my family have just vanished into thin air, i dont know where to look, ive searched everywere..'

The steaming hot curry arrived and so did the ice cool juice. He dug the fork in and started to chow down the good food, nearly burning the roof of his mouth and sipping the orange juice to cool his mouth off. He looked like he did not care how hot it was or even what the food was, it could have been pig slop and he would still have eaten it.

The juice was gone in a few mouthfulls and the curry was gone soon after and he quickly mopped the source up with the provided bread. he looked at Dasquian with a face that could have made him cry. Kelt looked very lost and very affraid.

'I cant find them Dasquian, i dont know who to turn to...'

Sanis Prent
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:31:00 PM
(I'd seen plenty of morose individuals from the vantage of a barstool, but the grizzled guy next to me was in a class of his own. He didn't say a word. It was all in his eyes, a burden unseen, but heavy enough to break a man in half. I couldn't look him in the eye, because I didn't want to share in that same kind of misery.)

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:58:23 AM
"Your family?"

A pang of pain struck Dasquian's heart.

"If you wanted help looking for them, you should have told me."

Kelt Simoson
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:21:29 AM
' No no, how can i ask a fellow Jedi come on such a quest?. You and i both know family don't vanish without a single trace, blood stain or body, there is something rather chilling about this whole sherade and i intend to find out...if you wish to "follow" me then i cant stop you, but please by all means do not feel pressured' The Crusader said with his first light friendly smile for at least a month.

Something just struck him like a brick in the face a god awful pain stung his eyes like a bee had just pearced them. This "Sixth Sense" seem to affect him often, he quickly rubbed his eyes with finger and thumb and looked back up to his blonde friend.

' Something troubles me my friend, something close, a man, a hunter of sorts...but a different hunter not your average Joe so to speak. Hes close, hes watching!' Kelt said, the pain intense like his brain was being crushed into a pulp.

' Hes here...' He finaly said panting like a out of breath dog, turning to view the crowded bar.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:26:09 AM
"If it will help you, then I will follow,"

Squinting as Kelt remarked that the captor was here, he looked around the bar slowly.

"...Where?" he questionned in a whisper.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 12th, 2002, 01:51:38 AM
Kelt suddenly went for his sword on his back but found that the hilt was missing, he twisted and turned franticly looking for it on the floor and counter remembering seconds later it was back at the gaurded door.

his head moved side to side, his eyes looking about quickly in the room like he was in a fit, but he was looking for where his sence came from but he could not find the source, he heair flopped from side to side like a overgrown plant in the wing as he scanned the large busy room.

' I cant....i cant sence it anymore' He cried, his face like a bull in a rage, he was not mad but he could hardly keep his fear locked away.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2002, 01:57:33 AM
Dasquian grabbed Kelt's shoulder and shook it lightly.

"Hey...hey... calm down."

A concerned look spread over the Knights face.