View Full Version : Grand Opening & Maiden Voyage

Javus Parr
Jul 9th, 2002, 05:20:18 PM
(A booming voice sounded over the comm speakers throughout the ship as various beings of every size began to park their ships and yatchs on the attached landing platforms around the massive behemoth.)

Welcome all to the Saiatah High Roller!

I am Javus Parr, commander of this grand vessel, and your gracious host while on board. I will see to your pleasures and safety, and make sure all goes without so much as a hitch.

As many of you know, the Saiatah High Roller is the largest hotel and casino cruise ship to date, boasting several experiences of gaming, dining, shopping, entertainment, and spas. We even have an indoor amusment and water park, a synth-ocean depicting one of Corellia's most famous beaches, and a spectacular nightly torpedo fireworks display at the Top Dome, where all that seperates you from the coldness of space is a highly sophisticated shielding.

And should any unwanted visitors attempt to crash our party, the ship is highly secured and armored with all new technology, having it's own compliment of fighter squadrons, advanced quad torbo lasers, and quantum torpedos. I will guarantee your saftey.

Once again... welcome to the Saiatah High Roller... be pampered, enjoy yourself... and remember, above all else, EVERYONE is a guaranteed WINNER!!!

(There was a thunderous sound as people throughout the ship clapped and whistled their approval. Javus shut off the comm, and sat back in his comand chair, looking out of the bridge's viewport.)

(After a breif moment followed by a sigh, he looked over to his chief of security, a bounty hunter of all people, but a reliable one... so long as you paid her well... and her paychecks would be quite fat. With a wave of his hand, they both made their way to the lift, heading down to meet the many beings that had come to expereince what the Saiatah High Roller had to offer.)

Lady Vader
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:24:02 AM
*LV was aboard for the christening of the new ship, just out of dry dock. She had been given the honor of smashing a large bottle of Wyren's Reserve, the best whiskey made and served on Corellia and possibly the galaxy.*

*She watched as several patrons gathered to watch the ceremony, taking place at Top Dome, the vast section of ship at the top, seperating them by a strong shield made for especially for the ship. As the place looked like it could hold no more on the vast gardens and walkways, Commander Parr appeared, in a neatly pressed uniform, his Chief of Security just behind him.*

*As they neared, she readied herself at the podium, and spoke into the comm.*

Ladies and gentlebeings from around the galaxy! Welcome aboard the Saiatah High Roller!

*There was cheering and clapping. Once it died down, she continued.*

It is with the Sith Order's greatest pride and pleasure that we send this ship off on her maiden voyage! May she bring pleasure to you all, and above all, make you all winners!!!

*With that, she smashed the bottle against the main strut of the ship, centering through it. The crowd errupted in a roar of approval and applause, while outside in the cold of space, torpedo fireworks exploded with brilliant colors and designs.*

*She smiled and stepped back from the podium to look at Commander Parr and Captain Aki.*

Well, I do believe that went well.

*She smiled to both and made her way down into the crowd to mingle.*

*With an unfelt lurch, the ship began to move towards a hyperspace point of entrance, it's intended route the rainbow aura constilations near the planet Hoth.*

Lord Gue
Jul 10th, 2002, 02:00:15 AM
[I]Having boarded just as the main doors had opened, He made his way from the ships lower levels towards an observation deck. There wasnt a site more beautiful in all of space that compared to his home, as viewed from space. Hoth, a wonderful place.

Jul 10th, 2002, 12:40:38 PM
Aki smiled and nodded in agreement with Lady Vader's statement, she then bowed to the Sith Lordess and to Comander Parr. "I guess I better get to work now." she said with a wicked grin.

Javus Parr
Jul 11th, 2002, 02:44:35 PM
(Javus watched Lady Vader walk into the crowd and then turned to answer Aki.)

Sounds like a plan, Captain. It'd probably be prudent to keep security high for the next few days, though not too noticable. Dont' want to frighten the guests.

(He began to move towards the steps at the back of the raised platform.)

I'm going to head back to the bridge to make sure all is well for our trip to the Rainbow Aura constilations.

Keep me informed of any happens.

Live Wire
Jul 15th, 2002, 04:57:22 AM
*live wire walked through the main hall dressed in the finest gown in her collection. This was a grand occasion and she had to be there for it. This was surely the new pride and joy of TSO. Everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves. She rarely had time to herself but she had cleared her schedule to be here and she planned on enjoying every minute of it*

Lady Vader
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:11:58 PM
*LV caught up with her friend and sister of the Dark Side.*

She's a catch, isn't she? I was almost afraid we weren't going to get her finished on schedule.

*She looked about at the smiling faces.*

I think it's made a hit with the populace. And we're already getting reservations! I heard the ship's booked for the next few weeks, and it hasn't stopped yet!

*She laughed.*

Commander Parr was nearly bursting with pride, I was sure his shirt bottons would pop!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:37:17 AM
**It was a black suit in which Dyzm found himself, a black suit, with a black tie, black vest, black everything. His blonde hair shown with sharp contrast to his clothes as he walked through the crowded gambling establishments. He could feel the emotions through the force. Joy and excitment, only played a small role, the undercurrents of the force where strong enough to taste. Anger, at losing a hand at sabaac, jealousy, over others who did manage to win, lust, over the dancers, and more. All this taken place in the elite section of the ship. Down below, in the lower class decks, all the dark side emotions where multiplied ten-fold. The ship was truely a work of art. If the people looked carefully enough, some might just think that the art patterns on the walls resembled some sort of writting. Those who did think it curious would dismiss it a second later as the action at the gambling tables stole all there attention. Laughing as he walked through the crowd, ignoring the glances some people shot him, Dyzm just had to belive, this truely was a Master Piece of a Ship.**

Jul 29th, 2002, 04:17:45 PM
A women garbed in all black walked around the main gaming area watching all the tourist gamble away their money hoping to hit it big. Underneath her hood the women smirked at the thought that someone would actually win more then a couple hundred credits. 'Its their money not mine,' she thought 'so let them do what they want with it.'
As she contiuned to walk around the room she noticed the strange designs on the wall. But as she look closer they resembled some sort of sith writting she had seen before. Shocked at the irony of the situation "Figures," she muttered to herself. "Only the Sith could pull something like this off and still go unoticed. I guess civilazation just keeps on getting dumber and dumber. Oh well I'm here to enjoy myself, not critize the Sith." And with that final thought she wandered off the explore more of the Sith pleasure ship.