View Full Version : See if the Student surpassed the teacher....(Liam)

Tomak Ohara
Jul 9th, 2002, 03:41:50 PM
Tomak walked into the room. Empty. He looked around and then began practicing the things his master had tought him. Tomak looked back at the door,"Come on Master. I really want to get back to training." Tomak drew his saber and then did some aerial attacks at a moving target. He was ready to spar.

Liam Jinn
Jul 10th, 2002, 04:48:44 PM
Liam slowly made his way into the training room, his lightsabers hung at his belt. He smiled at seeing Tomak practicing. He felt that the best way of teaching his padawans was to give them pushes in the right direction and let them find out the rest on their own. Stepping closer to Tomak, he grinned.

"So you want another spar?"

Tomak Ohara
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:08:18 AM
Tomak looked at Liam, "Yes Master I would much appreciate that. So shall we begin?" Tomak held his saber up in a neutral stance and let himself be surrounded by the force. He would try and predict his moves. Oh well, no turning back now.

Liam Jinn
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:20:26 AM
Liam let his hand fall to his belt and unclip his saber. With a snap of his wrist, it ignited, the grey blade illuminating his face with an erie glow.

"We shall. Attack when ready."

Tomak Ohara
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:42:18 AM
Tomak took to the air and came in for a dive bomb attack, when he came to the face of Liam he sped himself up and flipped over him cutting him in the back. Tomak then let his saber do some slashing while his other hand did some punching.

Liam Jinn
Jul 12th, 2002, 04:16:46 PM
Liam sidestepped his padawans punches and slashes, then countered with a strong force push. It sent Tomak back into a wall and Liam took his defensive stance.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:42:01 AM
Tomak took an offensive stance and hit Liam with a force push. He came charging at him and threw his saber at him which distracted him and then came in with a side kick.

Liam Jinn
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:01:49 AM
He was knocked back a few feet by Tomak's force push, but kept on his feet. He held out a hand and the saber flying towards him stopped, then dropped to the ground harmlessly. Tomak managed to get a good kick at Liam's side, but figured out too late that it was the wrong move. The Jedi Master caught his leg by the ankle and spun in a half circle, taking the padawan off his feet and sending him to the ground a few meters away.

"Good, try and confuse your enemies if need be. Remember to use your surroundings though." He said with a half grin.

Taking a few steps back, he resumed his defensive stance.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:58:50 PM
"Yes." Tomak lo-oked around a few swords here and there and a piece of loose ceiling. He had a plan. He charged at Liam and threw his saber in one direction and jumped over Liam. He took to the sky and pulled the piece of ceiling loose with the force and threw it at Liam. He went back for his saber and grabbed it. He saw Liam fly back from the piece of ceiling. "Hope I did not hurt ya." Tomak then took to the sky again and flew towards Liam. He came at him like a bullet and wrapped his wings around him. He stuck his saber beneath his wings and continued towards Liam's body....

Liam Jinn
Jul 27th, 2002, 06:13:11 PM
He jumped back, narrowly avoiding the piece of ceiling that Tomak had thrown at him. When he caught sight of Tomak again, the padawan was speeding towards him like a bullet.

Liam held out his hand, palm facing Tomak, and the padawan slowed in his flight. The Jedi Master leapt up and the last second and came down planting both his feet on Tomaks back. This sent his padawan to the ground, while Liam flipped backwards and landed on his feet. As the padawan pulled himself to his feet, Liam threw his saber at his chest.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 28th, 2002, 02:59:09 PM
Tomak dodged the saber and before the hilt passed through his body he grabbed it. He came up to his master and hit him once in the chest and once more in the arm. "Well I am not unfair so here." He threw Liam his saber back and got into a defensive position. "Your move."