View Full Version : Time to Grieve(open)

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:05:32 PM
Corin was walking along one of the many jungle paths taking in the scenery......he was walking to his favorite spot on all of yavin. it was a tiny grotto enclosed in a ring of dense foliage. there was a small waterfall falling down into a pool of perfectly clear water in the small cave-like space. a space where he could think and evaluate things in life.

a small blade of light cut through the tree tops to land on a patch of grass near the water. Corin laid down and fell asleep almost instantly.

He lay there seeing memories of by-gone days in his past....happy memories of his mother and Naboo and his little niece, Elise. he lay dreaming these memories for a long time his attitude one of complete joy at seeing them so happy. but then his expression turn to one of sorrow and pain. sorrow at his family's sudden and violent deaths , and pain and grief at the fact that he had done nothing to save them....it was his fault and it was tearing him apart. then his feelings turned to some of rage and hatred towrds thier killer, Darth Uhlen. he lay there suddenly thrashing out at nothing in his slumber.

He saw Uhlen before him and all he wanted to do was reach out and grab him, capture him.....DESTROY HIM!!!





"Why, did you have to kill them?"

"Why couldnt i save them?"

Then corin awoke. sweat was dripping down his face in huge beads. he moved to the edge of the pool and splashed some water on his face trying to get himself under control, but he couldnt. he sat down and cried...he let the tears flow fully down his cheeks, letting go of the sadness and grief that had so encompassed him since his family's deaths. non-recognizable as the usually quiet, serene,controlled person he usually was he curled up into a miserable little ball of wrechedness and wept until his eyes were dry. he had finally let go and found the time to grieve his losses and near losses(Enya), and the grief and pain was too much for him to bare. his missed his family so much and couldnt do -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- to bring them back! he had failed them!

Corin just sat there for hours it seemed staring into the waterfall. never changing alwyas flowing. why couldnt life be like the waterfall?

Jul 8th, 2002, 11:21:19 PM
Zeke stuck his head through the thick bushes.

"Haha! This place is great! Huh?"

Zeke spotted Corin, apparently crying (though he coulda been wrong) and cocked his head to one side.

"Why must we grieve?"

The smile on Zeke's face clashed horribly with the somber mood.

Enya Ramelian
Jul 9th, 2002, 01:16:23 AM
Enya moved quickly through the familiar paths that she and Corin had traveled before. It was his favorite spot and when she had been told that he had went for a walk she knew just where he was going.

Spotting him lying peacefully on the ground she smiled softly. The love she felt for him out weighed any other. She had come in search of Corin to tell him what she had planned. How she could find a way out of the hell she had been living in and she hoped he would understand.

She watched him smile in his sleep wondering if it was she, he thought of. When he suddenly grimaced and began to thrash around she frowned, bitter tears burned her eyes. She knew of who and what he dreamed. "Uhlan!" The one that haunted both of there dreams and offered them no peace. Corin had begun to cry out. Clamping a hand over her mouth so she would not add her cries to his. Enya drew back behind a tree her hand still covering her mouth, and the tears still falling from her eyes.

"Damn you Uhlan why can't you leave us alone."She thought to herself. Her heart ached for him, for her, and for there losses. She could not ease the pain he felt. She could not undo what had been done. But perhaps she could rid Corin of his nightmares once and for all. First she would have to pay the price of another darksider and then she could give Corin some measure of peace.

Hearing another voice she glanced around the tree. A Jedi one who was new to the GJO. Hopefully he would take Corin's mind off his aching heart. Sliding down she still hid. She needed to find a way to tell Corin what she planned to do...

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 9th, 2002, 07:53:10 PM
Corin not even seeming to notice the presence of Zeke or anything for that matter sat near the pond staring at his reflection and the scar on his cheek....the pitiful attempt for revenge on Uhlen that had ended in failure. the rage boiled inside of him. building up. more and more with every second that passed.

Jul 9th, 2002, 08:02:42 PM
Zeke pulled himself from the undergrowth and leaned on a tree.

"It's a tree." he commented unnecessarily. He studied Corin for a moment, then his grin broadened even more. "YOU look like you could do with some happiness! M'name's Zeke! And I know the 5 secrets to happiness!"

Corin's unresponsiveness was the last thing that was gonna deter Zeke from trying to make a friend.

Enya Ramelian
Jul 10th, 2002, 04:57:30 AM
Enya stood up and moved from behind the tree. She could feel Corin's pain, his anger building. She had always been able to feel his moods.

He did not seem to notice her as she bent down beside him. She gave The young Jedi a wounded smile. Turning back to Corin she ran her fingers through his hair, and called his name softly.

He turned his eyes to hers, all the pain he felt sitting plainly on his face. "Corin, my sweet, please don't do this to yourself. I am here with you. I know I can't replace what you have lost but if you will et me I can give you the sweet revenge you need so much. But I do not want you to lose the light in your soul. I do not want you to let the anger lead you to the darkside. It is to late for me Corin. I have already lost the force. I have a way to fix this my love." She said softly still brushing her fingers through his hair.

"I can feel Uhlan calling to me, he eats at my soul. But there is someone who can take Uhlan's words from my mind and give me back what I need to defeat him. He is a darksider and I know his price will be high but for you I will pay it." She could see his eyes widen at her words. He would not want her to put herself in danger but she no longer had a choice, it was either pay the price or die. Bowing her head, she laid her cheek against his hair. Closing her eyes against the familiar softness. Breathing in the sweet familiar scent. "We can defeat him my love, if only you will let me regain my and my mind. I need to take back what Uhlan has stolen and then we can defeat him." She pleaded softly...

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:28:41 AM
Any source of happiness or joy that was still left in Corin was suddenly run over by a steamroller. he suddenly seemed very small among evrything. he felt as though everything were crushing him all at once, smothering him away into nothingness. he like having Enya near but not this time.....something was different more alien about her. it could have been that she just told him she was going to learn the ways of the sith but somehow it wasnt registering as something to tell her not to do.....maybe the shock of now possibly losing his only family left now was too much for him to bare. then he seemed to notice Zeke there. he hadnt seen him or noticed him yet he could feel his strong presence in the force and he sent him a message.

OOC: Zeke check PM

Jul 10th, 2002, 10:51:42 AM
Zeke's eyes widened, the smile almost disappearing from his face.

"Whoa...hold on! Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! You're gonna WHAT?"

Zeke stepped toward them and sat heavily in the grass near them.

"It may be no business of mine, and I may not know all the details, BUT..." He pointed at Enya. "Unless I miss my guess, YOU'RE about to go do something that can potentially kill you." He pointed at Corin. "And YOU...well, you're facin' something worse than potential death. This ain't happenin', NOTHING is gonna happen bad if I have anything to do with it! There will be no darkside in my house!"

Zeke's smile returned, but still weaker than before.

"It's hard to be perpetually happy when none of the secrets are here..."

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:47:08 PM
Corin came out of his shock for a minute and heard and felt the truth in the man's words. it was the first time ever he actually had to find words and force them out to talk to the one he loved.

"Enya.............don't..........don't do it!"

Corin trailed off there wasn't much else he could say. he looked at her silently pleading with her to find another way. find a different way besides becoming a sith! he knew nothing would become of it but more bad memories and pain and greif.

Enya Ramelian
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:52:33 PM
Enya pulled Corin closer to her. Staring straight into his eyes. It hurt her to see the pain she had put in them with her ill spoken words.

"Shh, Shh my love. I am not becoming a Sith, I'm not turning to the darkside. I didn't mean to imply that. There is a darksider that can help me with my problem is all and yes there will be a price. What I do not know, but I am willing to pay it to give you back peace and to be what I once was. There is no other way Corin. If I do not rid myself of Uhlens taint I will die." She said softly her hand caressing his cheek.

"Please understand Corin. I need you to understand." She bowed her head bitter tears washed down her face...

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:39:06 AM
Corin stood backing away from her.......distancing himself from this NEW Enya. She was wrong and he knew it...he could feel something was wrong but he didnt know what to do.


"Its not right. its going to change you. i dont want you to change!"

He shouted at her. he had never shouted at her ever before and it was strnge but he obviously just didnt understand. he loved this woman before him more than anything but he knew that this was the wrong path for her. then he ran....he ran out of the grotto and down a path to someplace. someplace away from the pain, but where. he didnt know. he didnt care. he ran for hours until he was to tired and he couldnt lift his legs anymore. he collapsed on the moss near a tall massassi and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Jul 12th, 2002, 04:54:32 PM
Zeke rose as well, staying crouched low. His hand had found its way into one of his multitudinous trenchcoat pockets...coincidentally, the one bearing his lightsaber.

"I dunno WHAT's going on, what you two intend to do, but you AIN'T doin' it!"
Zeke's smile was still there, but his voice was firm, completely lacking its usualy happy tones.

"I got a feeling that no good can come of this."

Corin was long gone, and Zeke didn't know the grounds well enough to track him.

"You, chick. Ya gotta help me find him. He's in no condition to be alone...His expression was angry...it'll take a cool head to figure this out. He don't got it. I'm fairly certain you don't got it either."

Zeke took a deep breath, and the Force moved through him. He felt instantaneously calm....

"I'll figure this out. Let's go find him."

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:28:12 PM
Corin woke from the dreamless reverie and sat up. he was in a deep forested part of the planet where little or no light flododed throught the treetops. he stood and looked around.

Where is everybody?"

it took him a little while to remember but then it all flooded back to him and he remembered. Enya, Enya was going to do something....something terrible. he had to stop her. even if it wasnt what she wanted....it was what was right. Corin knew that and wanted her to know it too. he sat down and mentally went over the different ways he could explain it to her w/out hurting her. there werent any.

OOC: zeke, to give you a little background:
Enya was at one time able to use the force and open herself to it. she was taken by Darth Uhlen or actaully a shadow of him projected in her mind by the real Uhlen who wasnt even on planet when she was being held in one of the massassi temples on Yavin IV. the shadow made her thinkl it was really him there and that he would do horrible things to Corin and Corin's love for her if she didnt cooperate. besides the fact that her food was drugged to keep her from the force and she was threatened harm to herself also. Corin found her and took her out of the temple. the shadow could only project to one mind and so it was fairly easy for him to rescue her. but since then Corin has been training for REVENGE (not exactly the greatest trait for a jedi) at the jedi academy to become a jedi and destroy Uhlen. Enya has been hurt badly by Uhlen and cant exactly tap into the force as she used to. she went to this Darksider for help, and thus far that is all that Corin knows.

Enya, if i left anything out please add or correct me.:D

Enya Ramelian
Jul 18th, 2002, 01:18:30 AM
"Enya looked at the young Jedi, her eyes lost, hopeless. "I never meant to hurt him. It is the last thing I wanted. But there is no other choice. I will not turn to the darkside but if they can help me and rid me of this suffering."

Enya bowed her head bitter tears filled her eyes. "I will do what I must. Even here he torments me, and hurts Corin. Why cant Corin see it's the only choice I have left."

Enya stood up her usually happy face was etched with sorrow, she eyes were flat and lifeless. Without Corin she had nothing, and she knew that she may lose him if things kept going the way they were.

"I will Kill Uhlan for you my love and if I lose you in the process, then I hope he kills me when my hand cuts his throat." She said with the force sending it to Corin on a wave of utter pain. Groaning she shut her eyes. Waves of pain lanced her body, she became ill and fell to the ground. " Damn you Uhlan," she mumbled after she had recovered somewhat.

Pulling herself up she faced the Jedi. Her face was ashen. "Lets go find him, I know where he is." She said coolly her voice had become as dead as her eye's.

OOC: I think you pretty much covered every thing :) huggles:)

Jul 18th, 2002, 01:25:06 AM
Zeke raised an eyebrow. What in the world had he gotten himself into? But still, this was the sort of thing a Jedi was supposed to do, and he'd help as best he could.

"Lead on."

Enya Ramelian
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:03:57 AM
Enya moved forward her heart torn between doing what was needed and doing what Corin wanted. She jut need to make him understand the price she was paying for not seeking help. What ever price the darksider asked was well worth it in her mind She could not live much longer with Uhlen in her mind.

"Corin please come back. I need to explain." She wanted to call to him as she had before using the force but the pain was to unbearable...

Jul 22nd, 2002, 09:52:48 AM
Zeke saw the hurt look on her face and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, it'll be okay. You seem to have some Force control despite this mind block of yours. Use it to calm yourself, and find Corin. Then we can sort this out and make you both happy again..."

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:17:26 PM
Corin was at that particuar moment making his way towards the temple and to the living quarters. he went to his master's room and knocked. Master Marcus let him in and a while later Corin wlaked back out. he seemed more calm than he was when he walked in. he set off in search of his love, for he had something to tell her.

OOC: hey guys srry but will be leaving tomorrow and wont be back for a full week. i am going up to toronto canadia for World Youth Day to see the Pope! will try and post again before i leave if not then ill post as soon as i get back.:D

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:44:57 AM
Corin went back to the grotto and looked around....they were both gone Enya and that other man who was with them at the time. He started to retrace the steps he had taken away from the grotto walking slowly and calling out for his love.



Enya Ramelian
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:33:25 AM
Enya heard Corin's call and turned back. "He seems to be behind us now." She moved toward his voice. "Corin I'm here. I'm coming." She called out. She just wanted to back in his arms and to try to fix the hurt she had caused...

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:39:54 AM
he found the both of them fairly soon, and pulled Enya close. he didnt let her go for a long while. he could also see the looks of confusion they gave him for having somehow come back behind them again.

"Enya......I came to an answer i think might help, i have to think about for a bit. whatever happens i just want you to know ill be here for you through everything."

Aug 1st, 2002, 10:14:14 AM
Zeke watched. They had gotten over that pretty fast. Guess it goes that way when you're in love.

"So what's this answer of yours?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 1st, 2002, 10:50:43 PM
"first of all sir, i would like to know the name of the man who tried to help us out."

"my name is Corin Zetith."

Corin extended his hand in greeting towards the man

Aug 4th, 2002, 04:07:04 PM

He shook the hand offered him.

Enya Ramelian
Aug 5th, 2002, 12:11:25 AM
Enya hugged him and nodded. She would listen to what he had to say and she hoped he would ahve the anwser. Turning back she smiled at Zeke. "Yes thank you for all you have done."

Aug 5th, 2002, 10:03:33 AM
Zeke scratched his head.

"I didn't really...DO much of anything...but you're welcome."