View Full Version : My Wings....(Dios, Azhure, Xazor, Sejah, and Count Kindo)

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:04:18 PM
Tomak emerged from the darkness,"I am here to ask you a question of importance. My body is becoming older and to show my transformation into an adult I need to have my wings chopped off. To do this I need someone who truly cares about me to cut off one wing and another who is a great friend to cut the other. Afterwards the wings will grow back white and silver. I was wondering if anyone in the order could help me?" Tomak stood in wait for the councils answer. "Get them here and I will explain the ceremony which is very quick and painmless to me. Thank you council."

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 9th, 2002, 02:40:42 AM
::Azhure emerged and listened silently. His wings needed to be cut off? She nodded towards him, wondering what he might consider her as, she wasnt even sure how she considered him, it was all very confusing now more than ever::

I will help, but I do not know what catagory I am under. I do not want to hurt you, I have hurt enough people already.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:38:12 AM
Count Kindo approached Tomak and Azhure calmly and peacefully.

" I would be glad to be of any assistance to you Tomak I can. "

Kindo gave off a smile. Tomak was a great friend.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 9th, 2002, 12:16:21 PM
Tomak looked at Azhure, "Good, I am glad to see you here. You Azhure are the one I care for. You will cut off my right wing, it will not hurt me." He looked over to Kindo,"Ah yes Count Kindo, my newest and best friend, when Dios arrives I need you two to removce my left wing. Sejah and Xazor will be here to receive a gift and to be witnesses. Thank you all you are all great friends. You will have to cut them off at the same time or else the wings will grow back oddly. Thank you once again." He threw Azhure and Kindo two swords, "These will be what you will use to cut them off. Thank you again."

Dios Kane
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:05:23 PM
:: Dios walked out from behind a door.::
Tomak... I must refuse... I will not see you cut in anyway, tradition or not. I am grateful for you to honor me so but I must refuse from doing so. Friend, forgive me.
:: He walked over to a pillar and leaned against it. He wasn't real sure why he didn't want to, maybe it was remembering when he had held Tomak against the wall at a bar and slashed him to near death. Not good.::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:57:21 PM
"I understand friend." Tomak looked at Kindo and Azhure. "Alright, Xazor and Sejah caan show when they wish. We have a witness. Azhure, Kindo. You may begin the ceremony." Tomak got on one knee and then extended his wings. It was time.

Dios Kane
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:59:28 PM
:: Dios was no witness, but a prisoner to duty. He would have cut his own arm off again then see this, but to be his friend, he would want him to be there, with such a friend Dios would've had him be at his own celebrations.::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 9th, 2002, 10:50:29 PM
The Count had never participated in such tradition before, but he was glad to do such for a good friend. He picked up the sword, paused for a second to mediate on what he was doing, them at a good pace drived the sword down till the wing was removed. Because of the sword's sharpness it was quick. The wing fell to the floor, leaving Tomak single-winged. Kindo stepped back and placed the sword to his side.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 10th, 2002, 05:35:52 PM
Xazor stepped into the Council Chambers and eyed the happenings. Tomak had requested her presence this day...for reasons unknown to her. She smiled and bowed her head to everyone in the room and then stepped up to him.

"Greetings dear friend....you wish to see me this day....are you in distress? I see that you are missing a wing!"

She said, a bit takenaback.....but he appeared to be in no pain....

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:02:29 PM
::Azhure nodded, and watched Count Kindo, cutting them off at the same time, the wings she cut off falling on the ground after Kindo's. She cleared her mind of the feeling that she might hurt him and concentrated on the wing being alone, apart from the body. The wing came down and she almost whinced::

Are you ok?

Tomak Ohara
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:05:34 PM
Tomaks back skin began to ripple, his eyes glew with a blood red. He looked at the small amount of blood on the floor. He threw his head in the air and growled some. He stood up and he could feel his back sprout new wings. He could feel the new feeling of responsibility. He threw himself into the air and a bright light enveloped him. A sharp pain came over him and he could feel the new bones emerging.He could feel the tissue surround them and then the muscle. He felt the feathers emerge and then the light went away. He landed slowly flapping his new wings proudly. The length had doubled. The wings were twenty feet tip to tip. They were white with silver blazes in them. He looked around and his eyes went back to normal. He looked at Xazor and then picked up one of the old wings, "As the one who helped me to where I am I want you to have this as a gift. Thank you very much for everything." Tomak laid the wing at her feet. He picked up the other one and said, "To remind me of who I once was." Tomak laid the wing at his feet and took two feathers from it. He walked up to Kindo and gave him the feather, "Thank you for helping me and being a great friend Count. You are a true friend." Tomak took the other feather and gave it to Azhure,"Thank you for caring about me Azhure. You are a very kind and beautiful person. I love you very much Azhure." Tomak looked at Dios and said to him, "Bet you enjoyed that little show, huh. Thank you for being a good friend." Tomak looked around and spread his wings. He flew out the nearest window and looked to the stars. He spoke loudly to them, "I am Tomak Ohara and as of this day a new vampire race is born!" Tomak flew back in, "So anybody up for an after party? I am buyin."

Dios Kane
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:15:57 AM
:: Dios watched through the corner of his eye, ouch. He watched him, and the wings and the others... Then he came and spoke to him; he heard it and he registered the words, but yet he was still not really there. He saw his life fly before him and Tomak, one of the weavers of his life, someone who had changed the course of time with him. Wow... a lot of stuph, and Tomak had jumped straight through time, Dios had hit all the speed bumps on the way here. He absently nodded to Tomak as he flew out the window and slowly walked away. As he walked a feather flew by him and he caught it. It was black, one of the old ones, as he looked at it he heard a minute crunch, he looked down and saw a silver one underneath his boot. He bent down and picked that one up. He examined both, they were completely different and he placed them in his jacket. He needed a drink and he left.::

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 12th, 2002, 02:47:22 AM
::Azhure heard what he said and didnt know how to react. On instinct she threw her arms around him and gave him a hug. It may have been a more mechanical hug than any because experience in hugging wasnt the best but it said what it meant, and her words were only for him to hear::

Thank-you for loving me, no-ones ever done that before. It means a lot.

::Without a word she dissengaged from the hug and walked out the door silently, not watching anyones face for what they had just seen was very out of character::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 20th, 2002, 05:20:11 PM
Tomak followed her out the door. "Well guys afterparty is mine. Drink and eat all you want. As Dios might say, Get ready to party suckas!" Tomak turned and headed for the B&G, following Azhures steps closely.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2002, 06:29:15 PM
Xazor couldn't believe the gift that Tomak had given her. A smile crossed her lips briefly before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Thank you for this honor, my friend......it means a great deal to me."

She said as she held the wing in both hands. Her heart was joyed at his coming of age, and it was even more joyed to know that he thought of her as such a good friend....