View Full Version : Can the Sith come out and play...

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:33:51 AM
Tomak walked into a large arena and began to practice, it was time to spar pure evil.....a sith. He continued to practice and wait for his challenger. The vampiric blood coursed through his veins giving him a will to fight.

Darth Vader
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:24:33 AM
<font size=-2>hohhhhhh.....pahhhhhhh............................ .........hohhhhhhhhh.......pahhhhhhhh</font>

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 06:17:17 PM
Tomak heard an odd breathing noise, and turned to see a dark figure, "Reveal thyself creature! What is your name? Do you wish to spar me, or have you come to lose? So what do you say odd one?" Tomak waited for the mans answers.

Darth Vader
Jul 9th, 2002, 01:52:41 AM
Only liars and fools can say they do not know who I am. Which are you?

:: The Dark Lord's gloved hands rested at his sides as he slowly approached ::

OOC: Bump :)

Tomak Ohara
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:20:51 AM
Tomak looked at the dark man and readied himself, "I am neither. I am only a man who has come seeking destiny. Now then reveal your name coward. I will not fight you until you tell me name." Tomak looked at the dark man. Sith, he had to be. But which member of the Sith. Maybe he was the Sith Lord. Only time would tell. Either way Tomak had confidence thaqt he would win.

Darth Vader
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:43:30 PM
Then you are indeed a fool.


Tomak Ohara
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:50:40 AM
Tomak readied his saber, "You make the first move creature! I am ready when you are." Tomak threw up his wings. He got into a defensive stance. He was ready to win.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:31:06 PM
"Coward fight me. I command that you do something!" Tomak flew up and went to hit the Sith Lord. He hit him in the arm and then used his metal blade to cut his leg. He stepped back and came in for a leg sweep, which succeded. He saw the man on the floor, "Are you sure your ready for this old man? Well, are you going to do something or lie there?"

Darth Vader
Jul 31st, 2002, 01:20:03 AM
:: The Dark Lord allowed the Jedi the first strike...letting the padawan vent the impotent fury of his prowess against him. The laceration at his leg was superficial, and served to only feed the Dark Lord's brooding hatred. He lay still on the ground for a moment, then as if magically, seemed to rise up to his feet without physical effort, as if a great wind had repositioned him upright. His mechanical breathing remained chillingly constant, and he did not raise his weapon. Instead, a gloved hand pointed slowly toward the reckless Jedi apprentice...as Tomak's ears began to pop, as the atmospheric pressure increased ::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:18:54 PM
Tomak felt his ears pop, but continued the battle. "Fight me you being! No more cheap tricks. Just lightsaber fighting." Tomak threw his wings into the air and then put his saber straight up to the sky. "This will be fun, boy! I have not had a challenge like you since Dios came to our side!" Tomak began to smile, finnaly a challenge. This man was stronger than Dios, stronger than Kindo, but with the things his master Liam tought him this fight would end quick. Tomak could not get to boastful though. He had to keep his mind on the fight. It was time to duel!

Darth Vader
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:30:21 PM
:: Vader approached slowly, but with malevolent intent, his blood-red blade swinging in a deliberate arc, until it clashed with Tomak's own weapon. There, they grappled, blades locked in opposition. Tomak's face reflected in the wan flashes of saber light, into the cold, lifeless visage of the Dark Lord. Tomak's ears popped again, as the air seemed to grow thick, latent with the obsidian figure's power ::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:36:36 AM
Tomak held the saber lock with the man, and pushed his blade up. He got one foot behind Vader and he took one hand and grabbed his wrist and then flipped him toward the wall behind them. Tomak was winning. But he kept his guard up. This man had to be toying with him. He felt his ears pop again. This was odd. Atmospheric pressure. He wondered why the man never took his helmet off. Tomak decided to take a chance. He flew to the ceiling and came down with a spinning kick to the mans face. Tomak did not knock the helmet off, and he did not even dent it. He could not even scratch the thing. He took his saber back out and used a force pull to bring Vader to him. Tomak held the man in the air and pulled him too him and told him, "Your not even trying. Go back home and eat some prunes. Your too old to do this. I wanted a challenge and you are not that challenge. Now fight me! Tomak then used a force push and almost effortlessly threw him into a wall. He turned and faced him. Tomak drew his saber again and waited for the mans move.

Darth Vader
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:13:44 AM
:: The Dark Lord was undaunted, and returned inexorably to the battle. He stood like an obelisk, immovable and foreboding, watching the Padawan as he flitted above . ::

Even now, you cannot fathom the ways you have imperiled yourself.

Fly on your wings, Insect. I am the Spider lurking in the shadow of your destiny. And you are already within the tangle of my web.

:: Raising his blade, the Dark Lord drove a berserker-style overhanded chop toward the Jedi, nearly collapsing him under the weight of his attack. Tomak's red-hued reflection flashed in the Dark Lord's ebony visage, as only now, he finally understood the dire situation he had fallen into.

Slowly, the pressure around Tomak released. His ears spurted blood like champagne bottles, as crimson trickled down his nose as well. It was only the beginning for the upstart. ::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:24:25 AM
Tomak felt the blood come from his ears and nose. He had to have had a concussion, but how. HIM! Tomak continued to fly and then put his saber in front of him and flew towards him in a missle like position. His saber extended. All Tomak could do was hope that hit.

OOC: Sorry dude. Its just i thought you were letting me win to have fun with it and then you were gonna come back and beat the crap out of me. So sorry again. BTW, what positon r u in the sith. thanks toodles.

Darth Vader
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:33:32 AM
:: Pressure released further still, causing Tomak to drop to the ground like a wounded duck, as his semicircular canals became affected by the release, plunging him into a depthless sea of vertigo. Limbs and wings flailed as the padawan writhed on the floor. Now, blood dripped from the corners of his eyes...the whites of which reddened as some capillaries burst. His pale skin became mottled with maroon blights, a testament to countless subcutaneous hemhorrages, causing excruciating pain to the touch.

Vader paced his pain-racked foe, the glow of his blade casting a morbid light across the ghastly afflictions of the vampyre. ::

Only now...at the end...do you understand...

Tomak Ohara
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:54:47 AM
Tomak smiled while facing the ground and jumped back on his feet. He was still gagging for air and could not see hardly. He was in pain. He remebered what his Master had told him. Use the force to feel out your enemies. Tomak let the force surround him and felt this huge life force. It was him. Tomak was in trouble, he was in deeper than ever. He tried it anyway. He felt the force around him and swung at him. He felt the arm get hit. Tomak then felt his air being taken away. He fell to the ground and rolled around. He began to pass out and then he saw black in front of him. The last thing he sent was a force message to everyone out in the GJO, "Come help me. After he leaves come and take me to the council. Thank you to whomever it may concern." Tomak stared back at Vader,"Die you bastard!" Tomak took his lightsaber and swung at his leg. He wondered what would happen. The next thing that happened was that Tomak passed out. He lay on the floor in shock.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:14:09 PM
A man dropped from the very top of the arena, landing with one hand to the ground. He then looked up, his attention on Vader. A night black cloak engulfed his body, and his face was covered in a hood, shrouding his identity in darkness. He looked down at Tomak who had passed out in due to the actions of the evil Lord Vader. Malice was heavy in his heart for what Vader had done to his friend, and Kindo would attack him. Although he knew he would only do minimum damage to the Sith. Instead he removed his black hood, and revealed his face. It was then when he reached for his weopon's belt and pulled out a grappling gun, and shot it towards the arena top, where he had entered in.

" A fight between us two is in the future."

With that said he press the button, propelling the two to the top and leaving to Kindo's ship.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 1st, 2002, 11:42:58 PM
Tomak felt the pressure adjusting back to normal. He started to be able to see again. Tomak looked at Kindo and said, "Thanks friend. I guess I owe you another dinner,huh?" Tomak looked down at Vader and took aim. He used all his force power and pushed Vader back into a wall. "Take that butthole!"

Darth Vader
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:11:12 AM
:: The Dark Lord was not impressed with the parting shot, and unmoved by the delusional, semi-concious padawan's attempt to save face. A narrow steam pipe on the far wall snapped away, white streams of vapor jetting above in a hiss. Guided by dark intent, and propelled by the Force, the jagged-ended durasteel shaft hurled upwards, spearing through the side of the vociferous padawan's face, and skewering through his accursed tongue. Otherwise, the obsidian-armored man offered no resistance to Tomak's rescue. It would do him well to live today. Hatred, like wounds, could fester and grow fat. Tomak's kin were creatures of evil. His damnation was unavoidable. Watching the pair escape...the Dark Lord turned away, leaving the scene. ::