View Full Version : A New Order, a New Life...

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jul 8th, 2002, 07:12:07 AM
Raja walked into the recruitment area, a Shadowy figure in Black robes followed her in. The figure stood in the shadows, waiting for his mate's judgement and placement in the order.

"I am Raja Lindence, Jedi Knight from the Coruscant system. I have been a Knight for four years, I wish to become part of this order..." Raja's voice trailed off, hoping that she could become a Knight here, but that was probably not going to happen.

She was very nervous, Davka knew it, he responded by comforting her through the force. He had learned to do it after she came back. He was doing well from the 'episode' he had had at seeing her alive after so many years, he was still a little cold though, but that was probably just him. He just hoped Master Xazor would determine where she would be...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 8th, 2002, 08:48:18 AM
Xazor emerged from the shadows and eyed the pair before her. One, her Padawan...and the other, his wife. A smile crossed her lips as she approached them and bowed gently.

"Greetings Davka...and to you as well, Raja. You seek to become a part of this Order as your husband has? That is wonderful...but all who come here must begin at the rank of Padawan, despite previous training. Even I, who had much knowledge of the Force when I arrived due to past training....had to begin again. If this is your wish, I shall find a Master to train you...."

She said softly and bowed her head once again, then left the air open for Davka or Raja to speak...this would prove most interesting indeed....

Raja Lindence
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:27:08 PM
"Yes I understand that, I must prove myself to you, or whoever trains me..." Raja said in complete respect.

Master Xazor had shown compassion and patience with the couple, so she hoped Xazor would train her, but she would be trained by who she must...

"Would you train her, my Master?" Davka asked Xazor, she knew he wanted to train with her, but she doubted she would take another Padawan...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:41:14 AM
Xazor thought terribly hard about the question before her. She became a bit uneasy for a moment....thinking of the load of Padawans that she already had.

"I would love to train you, Raja.....for I know that both of you wish to train together....but I have sixteen Padawans, three of which I am preparing for imminent Knighthood. It would not be fair to you or the rest of my lot if I took you as well. If you still wish to train together, perhaps I could find a Master that would take both of you.....or, Davka could remain under me and Raja could train under someone else. This does not mean you will be separated....for on missions and things of the such both of you can go. I apologize, but I am quite loaded. I just took up a seat on the Council as well.....so I have been quite busy. It is nothing personal.....I hope that you understand......"

Her voice was gentle and filled with the compassion for this couple, that rested in her heart. She hoped that they understood the situation that she herself was in with so many Padawans. She felt an obligation to them, though.....and did not know what to do at the moment......it all rested within their descision.....

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:40:33 PM
"We understand Master Xazor..." Raja said in respect, "Do you know of any masters that you are friends with that will take me, but yet will allow close training with Geln?..."

She turned to Davka, "What do yuo wish to do?..."

"I will stay with Master Dawnstrider, she is my master and in me accepting her, she will always be my master..." Davka said in a serious tone...

"Master Xazor, I have noticed that we have not worked on my training lately, I was wondering if after you find or suggest a master for Raja, that we could train." Davka said and with that he ignited his green lightsaber that he had built out of the assembly kit in their quarters.

"I built this on my spare time but I knew I would ask you if we could train, so I brought it. I must let you know that I have not carried it anywhere but here." he said in a subjected tone, he knew that many did not like him carrying weapons around because of his previous affiliation with the sith... He now had four lightsabers, two red/blue changing and interconnectable blades, a yellow bladed that Raja had returned to him, and now his green one. He also had two throwing knives, and an sword that looked like the elven swords he had seen on Ferienfall, and two Holt blasters he had made... Most had been given to him by Raja upon her return but he locked them away in his chest in their quarters. He could see the shock on Master Xazor's face when he showed it to her, it was perfectly designed, with a chip to allow throwing while ignited, emergency cut off switch, and a processor that allowed only Raja and himself to use the weapon. He just hoped Master Dawnstrider wouldn't discipline him... He was ahead of most padawans she had, but he was still in connection with the dark side, and he would always be, but he now only used the light side. Even though this was the case he still came across as a Dark and scary individual...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:14:49 PM
Xazor listened closely to his words and nodded slightly.

"Indeed.....I shall go to the Temple and find a Master for you, Raja. I have someone in mind.....but I must speak with them first. Yes, once someone accepts you, you shall be able to train closely with Da.......Geln."

She paused and turned to him, a smiled crossed her lips as she eyed his new creation, a lightsaber. It was a beautiful weapon and came close to some that she herself had built. Xazor was a sort of connesuir of weapons and enjoyed building many different types. The Knight thought about his training for a moment and sighed slightly, knowing that she had fallen a bit behind as far as he went.

"Yes, we shall begin your training soon.....despite your previous training, you will begin from the beginning as I had to when I came to the Jedi. You will not be promoted any faster than my other Padawans either......just so you understand. Everyone here is treated fairly, no matter what previous abilities. Now....you must also understand that you are no longer Sith.....and there is no such things as a Shadow Jedi. You are either Light, or Dark and since you are here, you are a Jedi. Never will you be able to use the powers of the Dark Side again, and if you do.....I will know about it and then you will have a problem. I too was Sith, remember......and once I came here, I had to rid myself of that connection that I held with the Darkside. With training, you too shall be fully in the Light.....that is, if you decide to listen to me and abide by the Code."

She paused and looked at him for a moment. This was not a lecture.....she was not scolding him for anything, but it needed to be said and now seemed like the best time. The Knight smiled slightly and shifted her eyed between Davka and Raja, then sighed to herself.

"Now.....I shall go find a Master for you, Raja.....and in the mean time, I want both of you to memorize the Jedi Code and be prepared to recite it to your proper Master. Though not required, I highly suggest it....."