View Full Version : Uh...the fuk?

Wolfgang Schreiger
Jul 8th, 2002, 12:43:53 AM
What is Gue doing on Hoth?

Can I kill him :)

Darth Viscera
Jul 8th, 2002, 01:36:24 AM
Session Start (MSN - Walter LaBiche:The Lord): Mon Jul 08 03:37:49 2002
[03:37:50 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: you doing anything?
[03:37:58 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: reading schreigers' posts
[03:38:08 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: wondering what he meant when he said that you were on hoth
[03:38:23 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: where he say that?
[03:38:29 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Christopher is on Hoth
[03:38:36 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: TGE super-secret high command
[03:38:37 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: my son Christopher
[03:39:05 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: (Link: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20605)http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20605
[03:39:33 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: I didnt mean it to be a group fight RP, its just gonna show what Chris has turned into over the years
[03:40:30 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: BTW, why does TGE even have a high command still?
[03:41:07 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: lol. because i took quite a long time building that forum, and establishing good relations with my members
[03:41:14 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] *** lord_gue@hotmail.com (The Lord) has joined the conversation.
[03:41:20 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: and where else can i command them to become warlords?
[03:41:39 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: command them to become warlords
[03:41:41 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: thats funny
[03:42:09 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: maybe so, but control must be exercised, even during chaos. this ain't no 2-bit operation, you know.
[03:42:38 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: to my knowledge it aint no opperation
[03:42:54 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Unless youve got a side motive
[03:43:23 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: their orders allow them to be warlords in any respect apart from hostilities with planets which are "locked-down". that includes hoth.
[03:43:48 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[03:43:57 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: good thing i dont fall under that
[03:43:58 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: the stratcomm forum is now sort of an "Odessa" for imperials
[03:44:22 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: neva seen the stratcomm forum
[03:44:32 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: soo the point falls on deaf ears
[03:44:33 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: super-secret
[03:44:39 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: I kinda figured
[03:45:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: kinda like tellin the blind man about a color
[03:45:03 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: and shreiger is in charge of hoth, you should know.
[03:45:20 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Why should I know?
[03:45:23 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[03:45:35 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: The thread is called Masacare, not take over
[03:45:39 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: because i'm telling you
[03:46:17 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: That and I dont know if ya noticed or not, but Lord Gue, works for Khendon
[03:46:33 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: LOL crimson empire
[03:47:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Yeah, lol, I liked it, thought ppl that didnt read it or hear it might
[03:47:14 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: funny thing is tom IM'd me and said the same thing
[03:48:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: okay, what is the intended scope of your "massacre"?
[03:48:31 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: i can't be leaving shreiger a tainted planet, thus I cannot allow you to taint it.
[03:48:50 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: oh god, here we go again
[03:49:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Another 3 AM arguement over something on Hoth
[03:49:22 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: well these things always come out of nowhere.
[03:49:27 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[03:49:41 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: ya cant account for the crazy ppl
[03:50:55 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: the thing is, if you tell me the intended scope of this massacre, shreiger will likely let you get away with it and, of course, live.
[03:51:04 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Maybe I should get the thread moved to storytelling
[03:51:13 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: as I dont want much outside involvement
[03:51:14 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: if we don't know what you're going to do, charley is very handy with walker platoons
[03:51:46 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol, u cant kill chris anyways
[03:52:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: you can't massacre our hoth base anyways
[03:52:05 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: same thing
[03:52:17 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: not quite, it says Massacare on Hoth
[03:52:22 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: the only way this RP can go forth is with a spirit of cooperation
[03:52:23 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Not Massacare of Hoth base
[03:53:34 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: yes well, I intend to RP my son as a Royal Guard whos lost a bit up top, until I get another to play him
[03:53:55 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: And come on, a walker platoon? against a Royal guard? HA!
[03:54:15 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: similar to a walker platoon against a jedi master in clone campaigns, i'd say
[03:54:20 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: dismount the troopers
[03:54:28 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: have the AT-AT blast away
[03:54:39 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: a lot of dead personnel, a dead jedi master
[03:54:54 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: An untrained jedi padawan can take down an AT-AT, weve seen that
[03:55:20 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: yeah, given that he's already behind the lines and the AT-AT doesn't suspect him.
[03:55:22 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: A royal guard can handle a rather large sum of troopers
[03:55:47 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: even a Jedi can't handle a shot from high-powered laser cannons
[03:55:49 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: we've seen that.
[03:56:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Yes, but then again, they both can avoid them
[03:56:09 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: and be thrown to the ground.
[03:56:33 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: no matter how skilled your mini-gue is, he'd be kaput against a walker platoon
[03:56:42 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: I doubt it
[03:56:47 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Id have to see it played out
[03:56:51 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: or at least he'd stand his own
[03:56:55 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: but Id rather not have it so
[03:57:19 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Im tryin to have the thread be like 2-3 people large
[03:57:46 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: ive developed my sons story line quite well I think, and I dont want it to be messed up now
[03:58:30 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: right. we can allow the thread to take place, so long as it doesn't affect things on Hoth in more than a negligable manner. no setting up a beach head for an invasion, or building up to something bigger through this thread.
[03:58:43 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[03:58:53 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: I told ya its Massacare, not invasion
[03:58:56 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: or conquest
[03:59:02 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: or whathaveyou
[03:59:07 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: i've developed my own storyline quite a bit, and it won't be messed up at all.
[03:59:32 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: how do you intend the thread to end?
[03:59:35 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Bah, Hoth was always in my storyline, lol
[04:00:10 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Prolly with Chris either being captured or stealing a TIE and escaping
[04:00:23 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: alright, that's workable. definitely.
[04:00:35 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: how many dead people on the imperial side do you intend?
[04:01:34 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Enough where he could go somewhere and be recognized as a mass killer type person
[04:01:51 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: alright, 52 killed.
[04:01:57 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[04:02:00 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: No numbers
[04:02:11 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: Im just gonna rp it smoothly
[04:03:14 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] Walter LaBiche: alright. massacre approved. carry on, carry on.
[04:03:19 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: lol
[04:04:01 EST 07/08/2002 Monday] The Lord: but seriously though, Hoth will always be a major center of Gue activity, so ya might as well get used to these convos, lol

Wolfgang Schreiger
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:21:48 AM
Over my dead body. He's not gonna like me much >D

Darth Viscera
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:10:47 PM
Give him hell.
