View Full Version : Making new friends (Plo Koon)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 7th, 2002, 07:26:03 PM
:: Lance walked in the bar&grill as he usually did sitting at the same seat in front of the bar he then clapped his fingers as the bouncer came to him and slided his usual beer, on that day Lance was waiting for a Padawan he had met in the recruitement center the other day, he was simply intrigued by the way he looked he wanted to know more on his origins and his story.::

"Ahh nothing better then a beer"

Plo Koon
Jul 7th, 2002, 07:55:28 PM
Plo Koon walks in with his hood up. He looks around and sees everybody stare at him for he ws new to this place. He looked over at the bar and he saw his new friend Lance. He walked over and saw that he was drinking a weird liquid. As he walks over he bumps into this huge bestly looking monster.

Koon: Excuse me
Beast: Who do you think you are, walking in here like you own the place

Plo can smeel the stench of alcohol on its breath. He just turns and sits down beside his friend.

Koon: Hello Lance how have you been?

The beast puts his hand on Koon's shoulder

Beast: I really dont like what you did

The beast pulls Koon off his seat

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:02:37 PM
:: Lance quickly tilts his head to the side and gets up from his seat putting his hand on the beast's shoulder::

"This man does not mean any harm"

:: The beast sent a punch right to Lance's face but the force had told Lance that the punch was coming his Jedi reflexes quickly told him to move to the right as Lance struck his hand to the beast's arm gripping firmly::

"I warned you" he said with a grin as his lightsaber came to his hand SNAP-HISS !!! Lance slashed half of the beast's arm as it fell down with a thud and blood spraying on the floor::

"Sorry" He said as he saw multiple agents come and arrest the beast for causing trouble

:: He then turned back to Plo Koon::

"Sorry for that incident but it happens frequently that these roam around here, a drink ?" He said with a smile

Plo Koon
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:07:59 PM
Koon: Sure and thank you for the help. I wish i would be able to take him but I do not have a light sabar of my own.

Plo takes a sip out of the glass that was offered to him. A straw came out of the front of his mask so that he is able to drink.

Koon: What do you call this substance, it is very good, I wish to have more

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:10:05 PM
"Beer and ya better learn it cause it's what your more frequently gonna drink when you feel down, not meaning that I feel down right now but it's cold and fresh hehe"

:: Lance takes a sip of his beer sliding the drink through his throath::

"So Koon tell me where do you come from?"

Plo Koon
Jul 8th, 2002, 06:39:45 PM
Plo Koon takes another glass and slurps it down very fast

Koon: Well, I am from the planet Dorin and my species is Kel Dor. We are very in tune with the force from what I am told. Our bodys are more sensetive to the force then others. I come from a great line of decendance, my father and grandfather were Jedi masters.

Koon drinks another glass of this so called "Beer"

Koon: I have to say one more thing....

Plo looks a bit tipsy

Koon: I love you man, you saved me and now i gatta hug you

Plo Koon stagers over and gives Lance a hug

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 8th, 2002, 07:00:09 PM
:: Lance gives Plo Koon an odd gaze as he sends his arm upwards::

"Woha!! Hands off!" He says all freaked out

"This is not the appropriate things for these kind of things"

"Now what have I done??? I haven't saved you???" He says puzzled

OOC: Hey Bob check out the Living Quarters I created a thread forthe room thingy :)

Plo Koon
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:42:01 AM
Plo feels a bit more back to normal.

Koon: Soory about that. That was my first experiance with alcohol. Ill cut back a bit.

o.o.c: ok cool

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 11th, 2002, 01:46:57 PM
"Haha that's alright" He said with a smile

"Hmm you don't have a room do you. Meet me at this room" He said giving him a datapad.
"I'll be there."

OOC: The LQ thread is the continuing part of this one.