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Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 7th, 2002, 03:48:28 PM
Dalethria stepped down the ramp of her ship and was not surprised that this place had not changed.

Bleak, desolate ... the acrid smell lingering in the air because of Vjun's deadly environment. There was barely even a breeze as she stepped onto the rocky soil and was right in thinking to leave her cloak inside the ship.

Locking down The Koriolis, Dalethria proceeded to walk towards the gates of Bast Castle.

Normally Hob would be the one to meet her. In what capacity that meeting would be, Dalethria had no idea ... but he must have been told what happened on Meras when Taylor had paid her a visit.

Perhaps a test then?

"Hmm ..."

She stopped short of the gate and waited. Someone would notice another presence on the planet. Perhaps it would be Millard himself. He was the one, after all, that force Dalethria to verbally admit her mistake in leaving the Black Hand.

Memories of another time surfaced. Sorsha and her were still close, Ogre was supportive and everyone at that Hand made her feel belong ....

And like a fool ... she left it all behind and for what?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 7th, 2002, 06:38:34 PM
Bast Castle had no edges per say. It's base was a wide circle that stretched up from the ground, so there were certainly no corners to form a literal edge.

Nonetheless, there was a point at which a person walking around the structure would be obscured from view. It was at this edge of obstruction that a small figure walked, aided by a cane and making good time.

Dalethria had met him before. It was Hob.

The Dark Dwarf had not hidden his presence, or made any attempt to conceal himself whatsoever. When Dalethria noticed him, it was with her own eyes and not the Force.

There was tension in the air as Hob approached, dark tension that translated into an unmistakeable antagonism. It was, perhaps, a moment where the large would clash again with the small.

Hob paused at the bottom of Bast's stone steps. He stared up at Dalethria from beneath a hood that did not really obscure his face, but rather gave Hob a window from which to look out at the world.

The two stood there, looking at one another, and gradually, the tension ebbed away. When Hob spoke, it was in his Trickster brogue.

"Come, lass," he said, one hand beckoning her to the bottom of the steps. "Old Hob is not as young as once he was. Come, an' walk with him. We shall talk of things."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 8th, 2002, 06:52:56 PM
Her lips lined together as she studied Hobgoblin. He was known for his tricks, deceits that actually spun some truths.

Accepting him for face value would be foolish. There could be more then just a dialect that was passed back and forth between them. It could turn physical ....

She strode forward with confidence and caution to the blacken stony steps. It was there, that close to Hob, that she smiled lightly.

"Will I be starting the discussion or would you?"

Dalethria kept her guard up, just in case, but was curious in knowing how this conversation would go. When they were siblings at the Hand or two beings on other sides of the lines, she always learned something new ....

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:35:47 PM
"Hob will begin it."

Hob extended his free hand. Dalethria hesitated, but took it after a few moments of internal decision. The two of them then began to walk along Bast's outer walls, Dalethria walking easily and Hob using the cane to make his way.

"It has been a long time, lass," Hob said aloud.

Hob did not speak for a short period after that. The silence grew to the point that Dalethria felt she should respond to this in some way, but before she could do so Hob spoke again.

"A very long time," he said.

The dwarf slowed in his pace, as though to give himself some freedom of attention he could use for thinking. Hob spoke again eventually, a note of mistrustful curiosity in his voice. "Why have ye come here, lass?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:12:18 PM
The small tone of mistrust that Dalethria had picked up on was warranted and expected from Hob. They did leave on relative good terms but Dalethria had found out how the Dark Jedi trickster really felt in her leaving. His harsh words at Rama's Bar whispered painfully in the back of her mind.

Now that she was walking hand in hand with him again ... She couldn't help but feel ... whole. It was a feeling that had escaped her grasp when she sat amongst the Empire's Council. Little did she know that the feeling of loneliness had festered as soon as Vjun had become a memory.

She felt alone ever since leaving her brothers and sisters..

"Taylor visited me on Meras. He was on a 'fact finding mission' he said. We spoke of many things ..."

She paused, gaining her wits about her. Then Dalethria spoke easily like there were no barriers surrounding her soul any longer.

"... one of which was my regret in leaving here. I had not admitted it nor thought of it until I saw him that day. He must have brought those feelings out of me ... making me admit my error."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:28:55 PM
Hob paused to listen to Dalethria's words. Her leaving had been a devastating blow to the Black Hand's ranks, and with her had gone Ogre Mal Pannis and Sorsha Kasajian. They had fielded much battle on that day of reckoning against the Sith Empire, and their previous departure had spat in the face of that which the Hand had worked so hard to build.

The Dark Dwarf then continued on, forcing Dalethria to start walking again.

"Ye must know, lass," he said eventually. "The Black Hand has been burned too many times by similar errors."

Suddenly, Hob's voice changed, taking on the grand, deep bass that echoed with the power the dwarf had mastered. "I will not allow it to be burnt again."

The cane disappeared within the folds of Hob's cloak, and Hob began to walk without it. "You say you regret leaving," he said. "Why? What did leave in this realm of forsaken wanderers that you could not do without?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 11th, 2002, 09:49:16 PM
She was not surprised by Hob being able to walk alone. Perhaps it was a sign of trust he was looking for that Dalethria had accepted his hand ...

The hairs on her arms and neck stood on end ... It was more then just hearing it in his voice. The Dark Dwarf had indeed gain in much power since they last saw each other face to face.

Instead of replying to Hob's adamant statement about the Hand being crossed, for it was understood, she answered his question.

"I'm something that was not meant to exist. A fabrication of a scared child that took true substance. I've been looking for my path since my mother's death. I have walked many shoes and still wear some ... smuggler, Sith and Dark Jedi. Insane, violent, brutal, loving and sincere. Sister, lover, friend mother."

They had made their way up to the top of the stairs and Dalethria stopped, wanting to look out the opening in the wall. It was not a chiseled window that was meant to be there ... whether it was through battle, the acid rain ... it was there. What was beheld was a clear view of the desolate landscape that was Vjun. No life flickered there at all ... just the cold stones that encased the Dark Jedi.

She closed her eyes and heard them. The voices that had tried to cause her madness long ago when she was first here. They were angry at her for leaving too ... She could feel their hatred but there was also elation ...They have missed her as she has missed them.

"This place called to me during my insanity. Once that had passed ... I thought I did not need this place any longer but I failed to realize that this was only a beginning. I was meant to stay here and face the obstacles that stood in the Hand's way ... instead I went back to the Sith..."

Her eyes slowly opened and they shifted to look at the Dark Jedi.

"I was ... afraid."

Her body tightened up in amazement that she said that out loud in admittance.

"Of change. I knew the Empire and I knew my place there. Here ... this is where I was meant to be but I was afraid and left."

In shame, her head lowered.

"I left knowing full well that I never felt more free and powerful then with those I called brother and sister. I had no idea that I would shame the Black Hand like I did."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:12:55 PM
"Shame," Hob laughed aloud. "If there is any shame here, it is yours, Dalethria Mal Pannis. You ran from destiny and nursed your own weakness. What you did was crippling to the Hand, but even worse, you crippled yourself. Truthfully, what have you done since leaving those wretched beings the galaxy calls Sith? Barely anything, or I am not the Hobgoblin of little minds."

The tension that had been present earlier roared back, and with it came a sheer power that filtered itself through Hob. "You left the Hand. You broke your intent with us and let yourself be made useless! That injury you have inflicted on the Hand can never be forgiven!"

The dwarf stopped in the midst of the swirling, dark and terrible power he had called upon. "It cannot be forgiven!" he intoned, and the echo rang out across Vjun's blasted lands.

Then Hob released his power and let the emotion drop away. When he spoke, it was with quiet sincerity.

"But it can be forgotten."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:24:56 PM
Each word was an indescribable truth that caused Dalethria's mouth to go dry. She was breathing through her nose now, each intake of breath causing her nostrils to flare. Her ears burned with the shame that Hobgoblin proclaimed to the very land she turned her back on.

She deserved everything and did not deny his right ... everyone's right at the Black Hand, to never forgive her. It was inconceivable.

Then Dalethria calmed down when the word forgotten finally registered. Her eyes became wide with wonder and felt her lips part slightly in awe.


She repeated as if wondering if she heard the Dwarf right.

"Does that mean ....?"

Not wanting to finish the sentence ... Dalethria waited, wondering if her shame could have a chance to turn into pride once more.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:02:38 PM
Hob sighed heavily, his back bending under the weight of sorrow and loss. "The old Black Hand is dead. It deserves to be buried, and the memories of that time lost to the galaxy as well."

"But a new Hand has arisen," Hob proclaimed. "From the ashes of the former, failed attempt, lies our opportunity. We saw the truth back then; now we know what we must do to remain faithful to it."

"This new Hand is willing to forget your past acts against us, if you will renew your faith with us."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:49:17 AM
This wouldn't be easy. To accept the invitation back meant proving that she was worthy of this second chance. It would be difficult, but Dalethria wanted to be back amongst the people that she respected and believed in once again. Not to fail them...

The surprise and hopefulness faded away from her face, replaced by a new resolve. Her voice spoke with conviction.

"Yes. I would not have come if I did not believe. Now I will have to prove each day that passes that I deserve walking the halls of Bast with the Hand once more. Mere words cannot prove it alone."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 13th, 2002, 10:08:11 PM
Hob's eyes closed briefly, sleepily. He tilted his head to the side. "That sounds as though you expect a fight, Dalethria. Unless you would see me dead, that will not happen."

Hob beckoned her with a hand, and Bast's doors opened behind him. "If you would truly be a member of the Hand, you must come with me to the top of Bast."

Hob suddenly turned and began hurrying away. "Come, come," he called back. "To the top we must go."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 14th, 2002, 03:12:11 PM
Hob disappeared into the folds of Bast's shadows but still Dalethria could hear his voice, beckoning her to follow.

She followed quickly, the voices of the Keep still wavering back and forth to welcome or scream in hatred to her presence. But then ... a sound of creaking metal caught her attention and Dalethria afforded a moment to look behind her.

The doors to Bast were closing. She couldn't help but watch them fold in on themselves, blocking in the light from outside until it was nothing more then a narrow strip on her body.

When the finally closed, Dalethria let out a breath she was holding ... Seems she was doing that a lot this day. It was a breath of anticipation that she held. Those doors represented her only second chance of making things right here on Vjun. It also represented her old life as a Sith ending. It ended for her a long time ago but now she embraced the feeling.

She was chained by beliefs that were old and stale but those chains that the Empire had forged were long since broken. In time she found new ideals in Kashalla and still in some of the teachings that Sorsha bestowed upon her.

Now, here .. finally ... would Dalethria come under the true power that was still waiting for her that she denied ...

... but she had to get to the top of Bast first, as Hob's cackling voice reminded her.

Her feet made haste up the nearby staircase, following the voice of Dark Trickster.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:57:26 PM
When Dalethria reached the very top of the grand staircase that led to Vjun's tallest tower, she found no one there.

But with Hob, of course, appearances were not to be believed.

"Some call this a desolate wasteland," his voice filtered into the room. "What think you, Dalethria Mal Pannis?"

Even though superficially, it seemed a straightforward question, there was a slight edge to Hob's voice that indicated the answer might not be the obvious one.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:17:56 PM
Hob had decided to hide. Typical.

She walked to the end of the tower and peered over the crumbling wall. Desolate landscape was putting it mildly. The ground was pitted with the effects of the acid rain. Rocks littered the area. The air hinted of sulfur which was more noticeable at this height.

"On the surface, perhaps. It is bleak and miserable. To me, as I have always seen it, is a deterrent to those that don't understand what true power lays here and a constant test for those that choose to stay."

Dalethria smirked to herself.

"Keeps most of the fools away."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:10:09 PM
Hob suddenly popped up a little to the left of Dalethria. He had chosen to hang just below the tower for the purpose of getting a better view.

"That is the Sith answer," Hob grunted with no small amount of displeasure. "You can do better."

"After all," the Dark Dwarf said, gesturing at the landscape about them. "Power lies in opportunity and potential. What has more potential to grow beyond itself than a land with nothing? What grand sculpture was not at one time a lump of stone in a lava spew?"

Hob suddenly and abruptly did a headstand. "Everything has a use and a place in time. To truly appreciate Bast, and call Vjun home, you must remember that phoenixes arise from ashes."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:25:24 PM
Dalethria's eyes narrowed at Hob. The urge to push him over sideways was quite a pleasurable thought but then, that would be like a Sith would it not? There was a lesson to be learned here and she was not a quitter, even if her first answer had failed.

Once again, she stared off into the landscape and tried to clear her mind of simple answers that came forth quickly. She instead focused on the words that Hob had said and then something dawned on her.

"What you are saying is the land is a reflection of myself, as well as those here?"

She paused for a moment, her eyes narrowing further.

"I appear to have nothing, just like the land. I seemingly have no purpose, just like what is seen here. There is nothing ... "

Her eyes drifted over to the trickster.

"... and I'm nothing ... Yet. I just need time .. to learn."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:45:49 PM
Hob nodded. "The power to control destiny lies within you, Dalethria Mal Pannis. You can shape lives, cultures, star systems with the Force. Already, you possess the powers of a Goddess. You must simply learn what you are a Goddess of."

"Power is nothing if not put to a proper use."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:13:54 PM
"I'm beginning to see that now. But I know real understanding will take time."

Dalethria walked over to where Hob was, who still was performing a handstand, and knelt down. She made sure that there eyes met, upside down or not.

"I'm tired of having no purpose."

It actually felt quite good to say it out loud, surprisingly. With Taylor, she hinted at her feeling of uselessness. Here it was out right admission.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:00:39 PM
"Then let me give you one," Hob said suddenly.

One of his powerful arms flexed and he leapt off the tower windowsill to land next to his erstwhile companion. "The galaxy will tear itself apart, you know," he told her, turning his face to look up at the sky. "The Jedi and Sith will ruin it with their wretched misuse of the mindless masses and their pathetic philosophies. We must save them all from themselves. We must bring them under our care and teach them. For that is what Gods should do, is it not?"

Hob turned to the kneeling Dalethria and motioned for her to stand. "And Gods should not kneel needlessly, either."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:16:18 AM
The perplexed look to Hob's words merely caused Dalethria to blink at first, absorbing what had been said. His answer came quick and to the point. As if this was something the Dark Dwarf had been planning all along.

Not just for Dalethria. No. Something grander. For the Black Hand.

Then her mind went to the words that her said before this revelation

"The power to control destiny lies within you, Dalethria Mal Pannis. You can shape lives, cultures, star systems with the Force. Already, you possess the powers of a Goddess. You must simply learn what you are a Goddess of."

It was already hinted there at what her purpose was. Now it was laid out before her... Waiting for Dalethria to accept her true destiny.

So she stood up and smiled. Some of the fire that was lost returning to her eyes.

"Yes. Yes, Hob. That is what we should do."

Her eyes shifted out the desolate wasteland of Vjun again, looking upon the land with newborn eyes and towards the direction of her ship.

"I didn't wish to ask this of you until I was accepted back amongst you. It wouldn't have been proper to ask then. But now ..."

Dalethria returned her gaze into the wise eyes of her Brother ... She was truly blessed for being able to think of Hob as a Brother again ...

"... it is. I haven't come alone. My Sister and I have reconciled after a year of infighting and wanted to come before you for the same reason. To start anew. To stop feeling useless and mend the damage of our departure. If I wasn't meant to be here, then nor should she ... But now that I have returned... Sorsha asks for the same opportunity."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:27:18 PM
Hob's head turned sharply. "Sorsha?"

His brow furrowed with concentration. "It is not proper for you to ask in her place. If she wishes it, she should speak."

"Come," he said, starting to walk after a moment of thought. "Let us go back to the gates. If she is here, she can ask."

Tirsa Krylana
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:40:30 AM
:: Tirsa sniffed the air as they were almost upon the gates of Bast Castle. Reluctantly looking upwards, she prayed that it wasn't going to rain. She was finally completely healed from her injury on Arcan and being pelted by acid rain wasn't on her list of things to do next.

She huddled closer to Sorsha as they continued walking ::

"Okay. Now, explain to me again ... slowly .... why we're frelling here!"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:47:21 AM
"This is a new beginning for the Hand, especially you. It's time for you to become what you really are."

Tirsa Krylana
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:53:28 AM
:: they came to a stop right outside the gate and Tirsa crinkled her nose at Sorsha ::

"Huh?! I already am what I am. And I like me." :D

Taylor Millard
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:17:25 AM
There was no point in pretending to be Wargrave when dealing with these two. Both knew he was Millard, both knew he was Wargrave.

He stood inside the gates, watching the exchange between the two as they made their way to the gates. The Dark Jedi revealed himself, allowing the gates to open as he did.

"Madame Kasajian, Madame Tirsa," he spoke eloquently, "Welcome to VJun. I see you have come with Madame Mal Pannis."

He held out a slicker, designed to protect the wearer from the acid rain. It was something no one at TBH used since they were used to the acidic rain, but if a visitor ever came it was good to have it for them.

"To protect you from the rain, Madame Tirsa.

"If you do not mind me asking, if you are what you are, then what are you?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:23:15 PM
Before Tirsa could answer Taylor's question, two shadowy forms took the attention of both women. Sorsha knew who they were immediately and eventually, the black arms of the shadows revealed Hobgoblin and Dalethria to the trio outside.

Dalethria closed her eyes and offered a nod of respect to Taylor and when their eyes met once more she said one simple phrase.

"Thank you."

Her attention was then centered around Sorsha, Tirsa and Hob. The same amount of time had passed between them as they did for Dalethria but it would not be quite the same meeting as she had with the infamous Dark Trickster.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:35:30 PM
Sorsha was here.

It was an odd moment, and an odd expression was on the face of the Hobgoblin of Little Minds. Blended in his features were mistrust, wariness, resolve, and cautious hope.

Sorsha was, and had always been, strong and vicious. Hob had always considered her a kindred spirit in the way of wolf packmates, and yet in a grandfatherly way as well, like she was something to be nurtured and encouraged.

Her departure had always rankled with him, but not on the personal level. It was denial that he saw in the act: denial of greatness.

But now, Sorsha was here, of her own free will it seemed.

"Sorsha Kasajian," Hob said quietly, but in the deep voice of his darker side. "It has been a long, long time. Why have you come here?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:54:30 AM
"I've returned to fulfill a destiny that I abandoned, and to reclaim my rightful place among my Brothers and Sisters within the Hand."

:: Sorsha could feel Milivikal, and De'Ville, watching unseen from somewhere within the castle walls. And there was another, watching them from deep shadow. Dark and alien. Her presence was unmistakable. She grins wideley at Hob ::

"We have much to do, old man. Isn't that right?"

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/7-08/Art01.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 26th, 2002, 12:47:51 PM
"If SHE walks through that gate," Milivikal's voice tore through the air with an artic chill, "I will slit her throat."

The Dark Jedi seethed as she stalked out from her room, and her whole body shook with rage. Around Mili, the air hummed, shaking smallish objects as she passed them. A rather wicked dagger came free from a boot sheath, and snapped up into k'Vik's hand. Only a miracle would protect Sorsha.

Jul 26th, 2002, 01:55:15 PM
:: Shadow sprung up around Milivikal, and the Serpent hissed in her ear ::

"Put it down, Milivikal, lessst you prick your own heart. Sssshe livesss, becaussse I wisssh it."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 27th, 2002, 01:53:01 AM
The Lupine stood watching Milivikal as she passed, one eyebrow rising. Pacing after her, he came to stop just short of the gates, gaze shifting to slide from Dalethria to Sorsha. A smirk played on his lips as he tried to hide a growing laugh.

"Very interesting.."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:06:45 PM
Her lower lip trembled with now-impotent rage. Mili's knuckles went white around the hilt of the dagger, her chest heaving up and down. She had ceased her stalking, and stood still.

The air grew very still for a time, a hum building.

"WHY?!?!?" she screeched a tsunami that tore Vega off his feet, and momentarily cowed Hob and his visitors. Milivikal whirled, and stabbed the dagger into cold, hard stone, which it gobbled into like a starved rancor.

Slowly, her grip loosend from the blade that was now firmly imbedded in the wall, and fell to her side, The Dark Jedi slumped against the wall, staring at the floor.

"Damn you Vicet," she muttered to herself, "I don't want to let that Sith Wench live."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:20:36 PM
Lilaena heard the screech coming from her sister, k'Vik, and immediately sensed the new beings just inside the building. She tensed. Kasajian.

Here was an interesting turn of events. However it was no secret that Sorsha had at one time been a member of the Hand, and her sister, the wife of Ogre Mal Pannis, had also been one of the fold.]

They were back? It was worth investigating. De'Ville stood up from her desk, and made her way into the passages, moving towards the front gates.

Tirsa Krylana
Jul 27th, 2002, 11:20:38 PM
:: she clenched at the sides of the trench coat, cowering at the familar wale of Milivikal.

The thunderous scream was quick and littered with venemous anger.

Tirsa poked a head around Sorsha and finally blinked ::

"Tell me you knew she was here cuz if ya didn't, we're frelled."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:10:32 PM
"That is enough."

It was evident that Hob had recovered from the surprise of Milivikal's outburst, and quickly. He fully intended to maintain control over this situation whether his brethren liked it or not. The first step to that was to speak in a quiet and logical tone that brooked no argument.

"I would remind you, Milivikal, that many others feel the same way you do. That Sorsha lives in spite of their efforts is a testament to her power."

Hob began to pace and make calculated gestures that drew the eye. There was no mind control at work here- only showmanship of the grandest kind.

"Out differences may cause us to disagree, but that only makes us stronger for overcoming them. Imagine, the kind of strength Sorsha would add to our growing pool of power."

"There will be a price paid, however," Hob said, whirling back on Sorsha. "Your sins were sins of arrogance, not self-doubt. If you wish to come back to us, then you will accept the price set by those who would set it."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 29th, 2002, 08:58:08 AM
"No. Let those who would exact a price from me come and claim it. I shall not be tamed so easily."

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/roc/roc16.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 29th, 2002, 08:31:45 PM
"She leves me with quite a conumdrum, Hobgoblin." Mili said, somewhat coldly. "The only way to free myself from her debt is to end her life. We can't have that, now can we."She hissed the last part, her eyes boring into Sorsha, locking her light icy blue eyes with the Sith Witch's gold ones.

"So. So we have a bit of an impass, mmm?" The slender Dark Jedi began to circle Sorsha and her entourage, slowly moving closer with each passing.

"The problem, the problem is that I think your word to be nearly worthless. Yes, Vicet decided I was to do her work. But killing me would have not won Vicet's favor."

"You're more complex than you let on, Sorsha. It was more than simple jealousy." Her nostirls flared, and a blade from the other boot snapped into her hand. Mili's lower jaw clenched, her eyes narrowed.

"We have to bury the blade, somehow. Not in each other, but into the earth. I hoped to be with a kindred spirit, Kasajian." Milivikal let the blade drop, and it hit the ground with a metallic clink.

"I can stop." She let her eyes widen a bit. "Can you, predator?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:17:27 AM
:: Sorsha glares at Milivikal as she draws her kris knife ... ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/roc/roc87.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

:: ... then grins as she draws a line across the palm of her left hand. Her acid blood drips upon the ground ::

"By Vicet, we are Sisters. We shall not turn our blades against eachother."

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/roc/roc86.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:26:03 PM
De'Ville stood still, watching the proceedings, and then turned, and started walking back the way she had come. She was less than impressed. Sorsha was wild, and a predator, subject to her own whims just as the "Sith" were.

She would not be tamed easily. And her attitude suggested that she would never be tamed. If that was the case, what asset was she to the Hand?

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 1st, 2002, 10:48:26 PM
Hob nodded, a sublime look on his face. "Very well. Take my hand, Sorsha Kasajian, and join us."

And Hob held out his hand, his flesh beginning to glow with unreleased power.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:33:20 PM
:: takes Hob's hand as she smiles at Dalethria ::

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:55:06 PM
:: this was too easy, Tirsa thought. Sorsha still hadn't talked with De'Ville yet but at least things were settled between her lover and Mili.

She looked behind her were Dale's ship was and frowned. Vjun was their home once more and something Sorsha said was bugging her again. ::

"This is a new beginning for the Hand, especially you. It's time for you to become what you really are." :\

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 3rd, 2002, 08:57:13 PM
Accepting Sorsha's hand in his own caused a thought to occur to Hob. He smiled, then frowned, then pinched his face together.

"I forgot," he said.

And then his hold on Sorsha's hand became a vice grip.

"I forgot I have a price," he added.

The bright glow that had been emanating from Hob's skin turned dark black and leapt around Sorsha's nearby form.

It was one of Hob's most complex and unique powers: the ability to absorb the life Force of living creatures and do with it as he wished, to take for his own or to change and use. The power was given form in a web of the Dark Side.

Even as the life started draining from Sorsha's body, she could hear words from Hobgoblin; thoughts with no sound but with the force of a thermal detonator's explosion against a wall, and the wall in this case was Sorsha's mind and soul.


Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 4th, 2002, 02:28:00 PM
A miracle happened. Dalethria was on the same page as Tirsa.... For once. It was too easy and watching Hob attack Sorsha without warning was no surprise.


It was Tirsa's voice that caught her attention and the Nebari was stupidly going to intervene.

Dalerthria grabbed her around the waist, avoiding flailing arms and legs.

"Calm down!"

She hissed in her ear.

"This is between them. No matter the outcome."

Just because she said the words, didn't mean Dalethria shared Tirsa's concern for Sorsha.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:19:53 PM
De'Ville stopped, and turned in the doorway, watching the drama unfold. The Nebari female was almost frantic, but calmed outwardly as Dalethria grabbed her. Lilaena's eyes took in Sorsha, and waited for her reaction.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:01:34 AM
:: The psychic backlash Hob felt was punctuated by a stabbing pain in his chest. Sorsha plunged her Kris into his body and hissed a strange word as she fell to her knees. More disturbing than that was the tip that broke off inside the wound. Hob could feel the shard, steadily crawling towards his heart ::

"Filthy little trickster!!! Tonight you sleep in hell ......... "

:: She stares into his eyes with a feral grin as her lifeforce is stolen, then falls motionless on the ground ::

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 5th, 2002, 06:34:13 PM
Hob watched as Sorsha fell to the ground. He had not drained her completely, but she would die soon if her life Force was not restored.

One of the things Hob had hoped to accomplish with his act was to see if there was a reaction from the creature known as Vicet. That there was none, meant that Vicet either had no method of influencing things without an agent, or that she had chosen not to interfere. Either situation was satisfactory: the Hand could have no uncheckable outside influences on its' ways of thinking.

Hob had not drained Sorsha completely- that would be neither proper, nor advantageous- and now, he believed it time to restore that energy to her.

"I had not believed you so easy to bring low," he murmured. "But I see that I was wrong."

The extra energy within him reversed its' flow and began to rejuvenate the fallen woman. With her energy, however, went something else- a bit of Hob that would cripple her if his own life ended. Given time and proximity, the bond would grow to something more lethal for her. But at the same time, it meant that should Sorsha suffer serious harm, Hob would feel an incapacitation of his own.

With Sorsha's life energy again in its' proper place, Hob turned to the assembled. "It is done," he said. "Sorsha is one of us."

With a wrenching effort, Hob pulled the kris knife from his chest, unable to focus. His head throbbed and his wound ached and he needed to return to his chambers to properly recover. He lifted his foot to enter the castle, but it seemed to be very heavy and not functioning properly. Hob's simple footstep became a stumble.

In the next moment, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:31:41 PM
"LET ME GO!!!"

:: it was over and Dale holding her wasn't going to cut it any longer. Dale must have been too into the moment to realize that Tirsa was elbowing her in the side and forced her to let the Nebari go.

Or ... was it something else?

Tirsa ran and slid on her knees to a halt right at Sorsha's side. She cradled her lover's head within her arms while glaring at the unconscious form of Hob with eyes filled with malice ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 6th, 2002, 09:22:03 AM
She rubbed at her ribs while looking at Tirsa.

That actually hurt.

It was the least of her concerns seeing as Hob had fallen as well and if looks could kill, Hob's body would be a smoldering ash heap by the way Tirsa was looking at him.

Hob needed more then help to his chamber at this point. Those Brothers and Sisters that had witnessed Sorsha's counterattack would not have known that even now, that small tiny shard of the kris was still doing its damage. Burrowing straight towards the Dark Trickster's heart.

Fortunately for him, Dalethria knew how to reverse the magick and held out her hand towards Hob, speaking only one word.


Dalethria could see in her mind's eye the steel chip obeying the spell and stopped suddenly before it reached his heart ... with room to spare.

Now, anyone knowing what a kris knife was would realize that pulling it out through telekinesis would be foolish. It was designed to even cause more damage by pulling it out then it was going in ... Even with only a small tip of the blade inside.

Carefully, Dalethria eased Hob over with her mind and got to work.

She used her command over the Force to pull the blade apart. Her eyes were calm and completely focused on Hob. Little by little, the broken tip melted and then split into four pieces, almost as if a cell was dividing. Then Dalethria pulled it out through the way it came since the now useless metal was small enough to not harm her Brother.

Mere moments passed and the four small fragments floated out of his chest, radiating this strange black aura around them. They dropped to ground, harmless and useless, away from Hob.

The worse was over but he still had a lot of recovering to do.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:13:48 AM
Lilaena pushed forward, watching Dale work on the small figure. When the other woman sat up, her work finished, De'Ville held out her arms. "Let me take him to his rooms. He will need rest."

She glared at Sorsha and the blue Nebari, and gently lifted Hob into her arms, as Dalethria offered no immediate refusal. With direct skin to skin contact, she could probe inside him with the Force, and gain insight to what Dale had done. He would still need healing, but the best place to do so would be his own quarters.

Getting him down into the Closet would be no small feat, but it was almost child's play to De'Ville. As it would be to either of the Force sensitive women there with her. But she resented their intrusion, and didn't know how to deal with it yet. But for the Hand, she would try.

Aug 8th, 2002, 11:33:39 AM
With a great yawn, Surpanakha slowly ambled down the ramp of the ship Koriolos. The Sister did indeed own many a curious non-magickal object, and the insistent drone of this strange vehicle had lulled the demon to sleep.

A growl rumbled in her throat as she caught sight of the sizable crowd that had gathered around her Queen. She didn't much like the look of them - particularly the blue-eyed one. The woman reeked of the Chaos Spirit, and that alone warranted Suri's fear. Lordess Vicet was watching.

And then there was the dwarf.

He took Sorsha's hand. He yelled. He attacked.

The dwarf attacked her Queen, and her blood family did nothing. Or at least, this was what Surpanakha saw: the demon knew little of the powers the Sister manipulated. However, if they had chosen not to intervene, there was no sense in her doing so either.

Hobbling up to Dalethria, the Servant hissed in her ear.

"What is this??"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:50:59 PM
Her eyes bore down on Surpanakha, appalled that her Sister's Apprentice would dare take such a tone with her. Dalethria grabbed at the Apprentice's chin, breaking skin with her sharp nails.

"Listen, whelp ... Know your place when dealing with me!"

She shoved Suri away.

"It was a test. Sorsha passed."

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:44:27 AM
((OOC: Just so you know, Suri isn't exactly Sorsha's Apprentice. She just follows her around in case Witchy needs something done. Her servant, basically. :)))

Surpanakha gingerly massaged her chin, lips curled high in amusement. The Sister demanded respect, and quite rightly so. The demon, however, bowed only to one human, and her current disposition was indeed worrying.

Squatting next to Dalethria, she rubbed the shriveled soles of her feet and stared fixatedly at her Queen.

"Who is she now?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:40:55 PM
De'Ville walked through the echoing corridors of Bast, until she reached the <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21891>Closet.</a>

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:37:24 PM
"She's one of the Black Hand now ... Like me."

Dalethria left Suri kneeling on the ground, aborsbing what she had just said. Her concern now was Sorsha and went over to her and Tirsa's side.

Aug 19th, 2002, 02:48:17 AM
One of the Black Hand. One of. Surpanakha's forehead creased in frustration, adding to the numerous lines already on her face. If Sorsha had chosen to belong to a cause ... where did that place her?

She watched Dalethria stroll over to her Queen and her lover. This was not a matter that allowed for her intrusion.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:48:58 AM
:: Sorsha's eyes snap open suddenly and she sits up as a loud hiss rises from her throat ::

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:29:06 PM

:: Tirsa jumped back, startled ::

"Take it easy, Sorsh ..."

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:28:27 AM
:: rises to her feet, standing unsteadily as she looks around ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:24:12 PM
She gives her Sister a few moments to collect herself before speaking.

"Ready to go inside?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:42:05 PM
"Where Is The Goblin???!!!"

:: walks through the gates and into the castle ::

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:57:50 PM
:: looks at Dale ::

"Uh ... oh ..."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:00:35 PM
"Don't worry. Sorsha can handle it as well as Hob."

She playfully elbowed her Sister and led the way inside.

"I have something to ask you. A favor ....."

Their conversation was drowned out by the walls of Bast Keep as the two entered their new home to discuss the details.

Aug 28th, 2002, 06:19:43 AM
She watched Sorsha and her Sister leave into the Bast. Once their footfalls were out of her hearing range, she turned to Tirsa, her face etched with confusion.

"I'm going back to the - the ... ship."

The word was unfamiliar to her in the sense in which these people took it. Surpanakha rose to a stand and staggered back to Dalethria's transport.