View Full Version : Consolodation: Reuniting the duo

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 6th, 2002, 08:41:31 PM
Damn it's good t'see 'er agin, the black haired man thought as he took a drink from his glass. It was almost like the last time he'd met the girl. Crowded, dark, jizz music in the background.

But things were a bit different this time. For one, the girl was older now, not by much- only a year or so, but older still. She'd matured too. Gotten a promotion and now, two padawans. Groupies as far as he was concerned, but groupies could learn.

If m'teachin' helped the kid. Then the groupies'll go far.

The bounty hunter was no longer searching for information to collect a bounty, now he was looking for information on a bounty on him. He'd been fairly successful, too. But he still had a long ways to go.

Whoever put the bounty on m'ain't jist gonna come out 'n say, 'Hey...it was me!', bloody fool.

He took a drink, then a puff off his cigar. The damndest thing about the requirements of the bar was it only let someone smoke mild cigars. The man had been forced to bring one of the ones he'd picked out for Estelle.

Aurelias Kazaar sighed, Damned New Republic whinos.

Kazaar finished his drink, paid for it, then slipped into the crowd. The Jedi Knight still hadn't seen him, and frankly, Kazaar wanted to keep it that way...for now.

He slid in between a Gran and a Rodian arguing over some score which had to be settled. Here he was ready to drag Estelle off on some adventure again.

Wonder what th'Jedi Council'll say t'that.

Kazaar elbowed the petite woman in the back. She prentended not to notice. Then he did it again.

He saw slight annoyance on her face, as Estelle Russard turned around. Annoyance quickly replaced by brief shock.

"'Ey kid...long time," Kazaar smirked, "Good t'see ya."

Estelle Russard
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:47:12 AM
The "Hangmans Noose" bar was jam-packed with as a nefarious looking bunch characters as its name would suggest.
The place reeked of cheap beer and smoke and the close smell of unwashed bodies packed together in a tight press. Not to mention stale ale and other assorted beverages spilt hapazardly from glasses and tankards on the dusty floor.

The Jedi Knight was not such an incongruous sight. Her rough woven robes were of a dark wool blend and even though her hair was pulled back into a neat tight bun, she managed to sit relatively unnoticed.

Estelle had arrived at the Bar in the company of her padawans. It was here they would hire a transport..and a pilot - both low-key and inconspicous as possible...to take then to Tr' Nuva, the Knights home world. It was to that end, Maximas and Plo Koon were moving discreetly through the crowded room, making inquiries.

A sharp jab in the back was uncomfortable. The second sharp jab in the back was plain rude, and warrented a response.

Turning brusquely in her seat, Estelle was prepared to coff some drunkard over the head or catch some quick hand trying to pick her pocket...She was not prepared for the handsome, smirking face that greeted her, cigar clenched in grinning teeth at the corner of his mouth.

"Kazaar!" she said delightedly. "Well aren't you just the bad credit that keeps turning up!"

She wrapped him in a hearty hug, laughing, glad to see him. It had been quite some time.

"Please, sit. Join me."

Jul 10th, 2002, 05:37:50 AM
It was very fair to say Maximas was not a fan of the "Hangmans Noose". The smell of the smoke and the beer was almost untollerable for the padawan. The dust lay on any surface Max cared to look at. The whole place made him feel dirty. Hed been brought up on a very fresh, clean plannet so this place didnt go down well with him at all.

He was walking descreatly through the crowd as per his masters instructions. Quietly inquiring about a transport and a pilot. Many of the characters looked very unsavery or very dangerous. Max was uncomfortable talking to some of the people but felt confident he wouldnt get into any trouble.

He wasnt having much success in finding anyone suitable and thought maybe it would be best to conspire with his master. He bagan to make his way back. Through the crowd of people he could see a fairly smart man with a cigar in one hand, elbowing his Master! He sped up his walk to intervien but before he could get there Estelle had turned round to talk to man. She hugged him and began laughing with him. Perhaps they knew each other.

He made his way over and stood by the two of them. He looked to the man with a disaproving look.

**Everything ok Master?**

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:19:44 AM
Kazaar shot a brown-eyed glare at the padawan.

Jedi, always stickin' their noses where it don't belong.

Slowly, he took a long, deep puff off of his mild cigar blowing it into the face of the man who walked up. He chuckled, smirking even more as the padawan coughed at the smoke.

"Kid, I see ya haven't taught ya students th'fine art of cigar smokin'," He turned a mock glare towards Estelle, "I figured, th'way ya were smokin' on Bespin you'da kept it up," the bounty hunter laughed again then sat down at the nearest semi-clean table.

Aurelias stared at the padawan, as if saying 'You still here?', then puffed on his cigar again.

I swear if I don't getta stronger cigar in my body before the day's over, Imma gonna hurt someone.

"Hey boy, how 'bout ya go do me a favor," he threw a couple credits to Maximas, "Go get me a bourbon. Tell 'em it's for Kazaar they'll give ya the right kind.

"And get ya master here a rum. And some water or sumthing for you."

The bounty hunter turned to Estelle, "So, first time back to Kuat since that situation wit'Riz. Couldn'ta made it through that without ya, kid. Why're ya 'ere now?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:51:37 PM
Now he was pushing it.

Kazaar loved to press all the buttons. He couldnt help himself. But sometimes she wished he would just grow up a little bit and not make things always the hard way. She saw the anger flash in her padawans face.

Estelle was just getting to know Maximas - trying to teach him was a wonderful challenge and one she wanted to do well. She didnt want things to get off on the wrong foot at the very outset.Why did Aurelias have to be so maddening??

"Kazaar" she rebuked, "you can be such an ass." He guffawed so loud at her use of a cuss word, that he almost shot the cigarra from his mouth right at her.

She turned to her padawan, and placed a light restraining hand on his arm - unsure of his reaction, but she could hazard a wild guess..and thus the gesture. "Ignore his taunts, Max. He was... an abused child.."

Kazaar laughed again, completely unperturbed. "But not abused enough, it seems." And gave his trademark wink. She did her best to ignore it, but grinned despite herself.

"Maximas - please meet a good friend of mine - bounty hunter Aurelias Kazaar. Believe it or not, he is one of my favorite people."

Hoping Max would take a seat, she waved off the server droid not wanting or needing a drink. Too bad if Kazaar wanted one. He could just wait. Gah, the man was impossible.

"To answer your question, " she spoke in a polite tone, trying to convey that she was serious, "we are here......on business."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:12:44 PM
"Is that a fact?" Kazaar smirked as he took a puff from his cigar. He was laughing inwardly, both at Estelle's cursing and the waving off of the drink. He just loved to annoy Jedi Groupies.

He looked at the boy, Maximas. Not a bad guy, little hot headed but who wasn't in this galaxy.

"Well Max, ya gotta good teacher there. Ya listen t'her ya got it? And I was jus' messin' with ya. No hard feelin' allright?"

He stuck out his hand in truce.

As he waited for the padawan to accept his hand, the bounty hunter spoke to Estelle, "So, kid, anything I can help ya with? Dutchman always has a few extra cots if ya need 'em."

Jul 11th, 2002, 06:08:34 AM
Maximas blinked his eyes in attempt to clear his eyes of the smoke from Kazaar's cigar. It was disgusting. Maximas looked right back at the man with penetrating eyes just as Kazaar asked him to get everyone a drink. That was the last straw. As he spoke Max was grinding his teath and tightning his fists in an attempt to hold in his anger.

:: Do I look like a servant!!!!

Max thought to himself. He was about to jump down Kazaar's throat when Estelle saw what was going on and stepped in to cool the situation. It was a good job too. Max wasnt thinking straight and probably would have had his block knocked off.

Estelle raised her hand and placed it on the arm of Max. It was soothing and calmed him down just enough to make him stop and think. She went on to tell Max how Kazaar was a good friend of hers, something he had trouble understanding from his first impression. Max pulled up a stool and took a seat, he got the impression thats what his Master wanted.

Max was still giving Kazaar the eye when the man looked at him. He lightend up the tension by saying what a good mentor Estelle was and saying there were no hard feelings. A hand extended towards Max, as if to make a truce. He glanced up at his Master for a split second before taking his hand and giving it a cautious shake. He was still weary.

Plo Koon
Jul 12th, 2002, 06:46:15 PM
Plo Koon prowled through the crowd and saw his master sitting at a table with another man. He could also see his fellow padawan learner, who was in kind of a bad mood. Koon made his way through the crowd and steped towards the table.
" Hello Master. "
Koon stood next to his master as he studied the man across the filthy table. There was something strange about the man that he could not figure out. His Antiox mask could be heard barley over the loud music and others in the bar.
" Who is this man Master? I saw that he was giving you and Max some trouble when I was making my way through the crowd. "

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 13th, 2002, 04:22:25 PM
Kazaar laughed at the word 'trouble'.

"Nah, Estelle's an old frienda mine," he chuckled as he puffed on his cigar.

I swear this cigar's too mild.

"Beena'while since I've seen 'er. Ya can't blame a man for wantin' t'see an old friend can ya?

"So who're ya? 'Nother one of the kid's Jedi Groupies?" he smirked, then puffed on the cigar again.

Plo Koon
Jul 13th, 2002, 04:37:15 PM
Plo Koon had an aura of pride comming off of him
" I am Plo Koon. My ancestors were Jedi Masters and I will prove to them that I too will become one. Another thing sir, would you please not call me a "Groupie" because I am not and also it would be of your best interest to not smoke that cigar in our faces. Thank You"
Koon stares at Kazaar through his eye patchs

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 13th, 2002, 05:09:22 PM
"Well are we a bit high on ourselves?" Kazaar smirked as he took a puff from his cigar.

"An' why's it in my best intrest t'not smoke 'ere? The kid don't mind why should ya? Plus, the crowd don't mind either. It's a mild cigar ya know."

He puffed again, then turned away from the padawan.

"So kid," he asked Estelle, "Ya 'ere on bizness. What can I help ya wit?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:22:40 PM
And there it was.

Max and Plo Koon's introduction of how not to win friends and influence people, given by the master of in-your-face-ness himself, Aurelias Kazaar. With a gentle movement of her hand, the Jedi Knight used the force to bring the cigar smoke to a gentle swirl around Kazaar's head alone and away from Plo Koon.

"There are many ways to deal with an obstical Plo, even such a lump as our nefarious friend here."

She smiled at Aurelias as he simply blinked at her. She knew he was probably wondering what other "jedi party tricks" Estelle had picked up in the time since they had seen one another.

The atmosphere was still a little tense between Max, Kazaar and Koon, as the latter, too, pulled up a chair and sat. Estelle was proud of her padawans for their restraint. She knew all too well that being a jedi, did not automatically mean one did not get angry or violent when provoked. That took time and discipline and sometimes even then, was not achieved. It was not an easy road, but it was the one they had chosen and were comitted to following.

Estelle decided the best thing was simply to come to the point of their business.

"Kazaar, we are looking for transport to Tr' Nuva - my homeworld as you recall. There are some things I need from there and wish to make this journey as quickly as possible and return with all haste."

A certain argument broke out at a table across from them and drinks were thrown, a glass being flung in the fracus and just missing Max's head by an inch. None at Estelle's table even raised an eye. Such was the norm at establishments like the Hangman's Noose.

She continued taking a deep breath as she made her next statement.

"I wish to cut through Ylesia"

Aurelias took the stubb of cigar out from his mouth, getting ready to say something, but Estelle pre-empted him before he got his chance.

"I know, I know" she waved him off (the cigar smoke scattering again now) "..its right in Hutt controlled spacelanes...But Im in a hurry Kazaar. The pirate activity has been quite slow in that region and the less direct route will just take too long. And besides..." (smiling her challenge at him as she already knew who her pilot would be)... A good pilot will get us there and back before anyone knows we've been through there.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:30:02 PM
Kazaar smirked his trademark smirk.

"You got it kid. Ya know my usual fee 'f course. Seein' ya drunk 'least once," he smirked again as he saw Estelle blush just a little bit.

"Long story guys. One've us'll tell ya when ya grow up."

He took one last draw off the cigar, blowing it in Koon's direction, then said, "So when ya wanna leave? Dutchman's all ready if ya wanna go now."

Jul 16th, 2002, 06:05:43 AM
Max was feeling more and more tense the longer they stayed in this dirty savage ridden place. The glass only just missing his head did not help matters any either. Max hated it here and the sooner they left the better.

Something of a negotiation opened up between Kazaar and Estelle. Was he to take us on our trip? He thought to himself. the prospect of letting Kazaar take them didnt make Maximas feel any better. This was turning into a bad day. Estelles other Padawan, Plo Koon was obviously unimpressed with Kazaar too. Kazaar was very full of himself. Very confident and he seemed to enjoy putting people down.

Estelle knew him better than the two she was with so he decided to keep quiet for the time being and give him the benifit of the doubt. If he keeps out of my way, I'll keep out of his, was his general attitude.

Plo Koon
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:18:27 PM
Plo Koon waved the smoke away from his face and glared at Kazaar. He just smirked back at him. He turned to his master who gave him a conforting smile. Plo felt more at ease.
"Master, can we please leave as soon as possible? I do not like this place"

Estelle Russard
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:01:16 PM
The Bounty Hunter's manner was not lost on Estelle and neither was the reactions of Max and Plo to him and their current surroundings.

She knew Aurelias well. That was a fact. And if ever a resourceful, cunning and dependable person was needed for a job, Kazaar was the one to do it. She knew that from experience. They had many close calls during their travels together, and Kazaar had never let her down - he always came through. Cigar lit and perpetual grin on his face. Although, most his tactics were wildly unorthodox. But that was the point wasnt it?- you want that wildcard on your side if you can get it.

She was in a hurry to begin their journey as much as her padawans - this bar was as awful as any she'd had the ill-luck to be in, but Plo and Maximas thoughts on the matter were important to her, and she would hear their input, before anything definte would be decided.

She looked with a direct gaze at Max and Plo in turn. "I sense much reservation from you both. Tell me what is on your minds."

Her soft brown eyes looked expectantly one from the other, demanding nothing less than honesty from them.

Jul 17th, 2002, 04:00:12 AM
Maximas didnt feel entirely comfortable talking in front of Kazaar. The fact was he didnt like him and didnt trust him.

'Master, are you sure this man is the right person to take us. He seems rude and to put it simply, I dont trust him.'

Max looked him up and down before returning his attention to Estelle

'Im sorry. You know him much better than I do, its not my place to make judgement but it wouldnt hurt him to be a little more curtious'

Plo Koon
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:23:39 PM
Plo Koon looks at his master and has a nervious tone in his voice

"Master...Please may we leave. The people here look very vicious and seem to not like Kel-Dorians"

Koon looks over his left shoulder and sees a group of men looking towards him and laughing

"I do not think we can take them all on"

Plo Koon suddenly turns towards Kaazar and seems to trust him more.

"Kaazar, I know we got off on the wrong foot but if my master trusts you then I do too. May you please take us to your ship as quickly as possible. I do not think the inhabitants of this place like us"

Estelle Russard
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:33:44 PM
Estelle listened, appreciating both Max and Plo Koons take on the situation.

"It is a good thing not to trust too easily, Maximas, as I know you are aware. But trust and like isnt always the same thing. Kazaar is the best out there, in time, you will see that for yourself."

She too had noted the attention that Koon was starting to attract, and agreed that leaving as soon as possible was a good plan.

She turned her attention back to Kazaar, who had been sitting there quietly - he, too, perhaps noticing the group's growing interest across from them.

"If you agree, Aurelias, then perhaps we should get going."
She pulled her cloak closer around her in preparation to leave. "Is the 'Dutchman' docked far?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:16:24 PM
Kazaar smirked, "Since we ran inta that trouble last year, didja think I wouldn't dock close enough fer me t'make a quick getaway?"

Upon exitting the bar, Kazaar handed the cigar to Estelle- in his words, 'Jist in case she wanted it.'

From his own black jacket pocket he pulled out an even blacker cigar. He poked a hole in the tip with his silver punch cut, then lit it with an ink black lighter.

He breathed in the flavor, savoring it...puffed again, then exhaled with a satisfied look on his face.

"I love these things," he smiled, "C'mon, Dutchman's over here."

The quadruplet walked in silence down the crowded streets of Kuat, the bounty hunter's black eyes keeping a sharp eye out. Being a hunter with a 50K credit bounty on his head was not an easy time. But Kazaar had stayed one step ahead of the hunters. And he planned to keep it that way.

He heard Estelle breathe a sigh of relief as the familiar sight of The Flying Dutchman.

"'Ey, ya knew I wouldn't get rid of it," he directed the Jedi to the ship, "So what yer problem? Why ya need t'talk to th'slugs?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:37:35 PM
As Kazaar handed her the cigar, she noticed both Max and Plo looking at her oddly.

"You guys gotta try this some time." She looked at Plo Koons mask. "Ok, well maybe not you, Plo" she smiled. "They really are very good."

It didnt take them long to arrive at the "Dutchman" which was fine by Estelle. One could never assume one was safe when in the company of Kazaar. Someone somewhere was always wanting to take a pot-shot at him.

And she remembered about the bounty on his head, and the trouble they had been embroiled in because of it.

They boarded the craft and Estelle answered Aurelias with much feeling.

"I dont want to run into the Hutts at all. That is why we hired you. Quick and trouble free. Thats the general idea Aurelias."

She repeated, making eye contact with him. "Quick and trouble free."

Turning to her two padawans, she asked them both.

"Either of you fly?"

Plo Koon
Jul 27th, 2002, 10:40:01 AM
Plo seemed to be uneasy on the craft. He was better on the ground

"Master....Is this thing safe?"

Plo looked at Kazaar who had a smirk on his face. Koon could only wounder what was going through his head at this time

o.o.c: You guys, you gatta tell me how cool my new sig is.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 27th, 2002, 02:57:37 PM
"'Ey!" Kazaar shot a look at Plo, "That's my ship we're talkin'bout 'ere. I keep it in tip top shape. She'll outrun ISDs if we need t'do that."

He pointed towards the cot in he corner of the ship. The bounty hunter knew Estelle remembered the cot well. It was where her 'incident' with the brandy at Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Kazaar hid a smile, then pulled out two more cots from a closet.

"You- whatta the Jedi call ya- padawans? Ya can set up th'beds I think. If not, then sleep on th'floor. It ain't too uncomfortable."

He chuckled, then pulled open a bottle of bourbon. Kazaar still had the feeling he was beginning to drink a little too much, but it tasted good and normally kept the other hunters away from him. Going through Hutt space was something he didn't want to do. But if it was quicker, he was okay with cutting a few corners here and there.

"Quick and trouble free...sure kid, whatever ya want," he gave a half-way smile, then poured himself a drink.

"Any of ya guys want anything before I shut down th'bar while we take off?"

Plo Koon
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:24:53 AM
Plo koon set up his bed quitely

"No I do not wish for anything else"

Jul 28th, 2002, 12:41:34 PM
Maximas had kept fairly quiet for a little while. As they arrived at the Flying Dutchman his face gave no expression. Inside however he felt all giddy, like a school child on his birthday or something. He wasnt a bad pilot but could only fly small, one man ships. The flying dutchman was very impressive.

He could sense how uneasy Plo felt and as he asked if the thing was safe Max laughed within himself. He was a keen pilot and was looking forward to traveling in this impressive ship. Of course, he didnt want Kazaar to be aware of how impressed he was.

"Well, the ships not bad. Could use some work though."

He watched as Kazaar poured out a bourbon at the bar. He asked if anyone else wanted anything before he closed the bar up before take off.

"Ah, finally. Now your talking my language! I'll take a Bourbon if your offering?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:25:40 PM
Estelle declined the offered Bourbon also. The bunk, the liquor, all brought back some pretty queasey sensations all of a sudden. Some memories were too real and best not revisited.

She caught Kazaar smirking at her, as if he could read her thoughts. "Yeah, that was fun that day eh'kid?"

She took a seat on one of the bunks across from Plo Koon and just smiled, remembering, shaking her head at that whole escapade so long ago.

She was pleased that Maximas and Kazaar had atleast found some common ground. It would be a long trip if they all took snipes at each other the whole way.

"Im gonna get some rest, here for a while. Let me know when we enter Hutt space."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:11:19 PM
"Will do kid, will do," Kazaar smirked then took a swig of his bourbon, feeling it fill his body with flavor. He stifled a cough then smiled.

"Damn that stuff's good," he smiled again and filled the glass, "Oh an' kid...we should be'n Hutt space in six hours."

"So ya want some drink eh boy?" he took out an unmarked bottle of liquor.

"'Ere...some of Aurelias' special stuff," he poured Maximas a glass, "Cheers."

He raised his bourbon glass as a salute.

Aug 1st, 2002, 06:58:51 AM
Max looked slightly suprised when Kazaar brought out an unmarked bottle. He watched the liquid pour into his glass. He didnt trust Kazaar and made to attempt to hide the fact that he didnt. This seemed slightly suspisious to him.

'Arent you going to have some?'

He said as he examined his glass and took a smell of his drink.

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 10:57:37 PM
Kazaar chuckled, "I've got th'bourbon and you ain't havin' any'f that.

"What ya don't trust me? C'mon...it ain't gonna kill ya," he slid a glass across to Maximas, "Have some."

The bounty hunter took another puff from his cigar savoring the flavor.

"Tell ya what...lemme get th' Dutchman into hyperspace. When I get back...we'll drink together 'll right?"

Then without waiting for an answer, he strode to the cockpit, motioning for Estelle to come with him.

He slid into his pilot's seat, sticking the cigar in the ashtray as he did.

"So tell me kid...what'cha been up to? Done a bitta growin' I see. What else is new?"

Estelle Russard
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:12:06 PM
Plo had made himself comfortable as Estelle followed Kazaar out. She noticed Max had the glass in hand but only swirled its contents languidly around inside it. She wondered what he was thinking.

She sat in the seat beside him.

"Growing? You think so?"

He nodded.

"Well, I have been busy at the Order. As you can see (she leaned forward looking in the direction of Max and Plo) I have taken on some responsibility in that regard."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:33:56 PM
"Good luck on 'em. The human seems pretty normal. The alien...I dunno...bit of an ego don'cha think?"

He looked at Estelle and saw her face.

"Don't gimme that look...I'm jist sayin' what I think. C'mon help me wit' th' launch sequence.

"We will hafta stop near Ylesia, but it shouldn't be too much trouble. Jist a refuel that sorta thing. Any problem wit'that?"

Estelle Russard
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:52:48 AM
She was about to go off into a rant and lecture Kazaar on his personality skills and how he was selling Max and Plo short. They would prove themselves, though, she knew it. And she would never let him hear the end of it either.

But his comment about Ylesia stopped her mid-thought.
She paused, letting her fingers rest still on the switches.
"Wont that be risky Aurelias? I thought we could bypass all together, just kinda skim through."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 4th, 2002, 01:56:15 PM
"Relax kid," Kazaar winked, "You'll be with me. If we can keep th'students from frelling up, we'll be jist fine."

He keyed the switch for the hyperspace jump.

"Sides, we'd hafta make a stop anyways... Dutchman'll need refuelin' and all. And 'sides it'll only be near Ylesia...not in Ylesia...

"Relax will ya...I got it all under control..."

He sent The Dutchman in to hyperspace then smiled...

"Good t'be back together huh?"

Estelle Russard
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:02:44 PM
Originally posted by Aurelias Kazaar

"Relax will ya...I got it all under control..."

Oh dear....why did that statement always make her nervous..

The ship made the jump to hyperspace, and the stars streaked by in a vibrant dazzling spurt.

Plo Koon
Aug 4th, 2002, 07:42:57 PM
Plo stared out of the window and watched the stars go by rapidly. He thought to himself where were they going and why did it have to do with the hutts? Why is Estelle worried about where we are goin to stop? All this ran threw Koons head repidiatly and rapidly

Geeda the Hutt
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:43:32 PM
The air was acrid with smoke and heavy with spice aboard the Hutt cruiser. Geeda sucked back hard on her pipe and her bleary golden eyes dilated even further as the drug hit her system once again.

A blue skinned Twi'Lek slave made her way quickly to
Geedas dias, and held out a data pad. The Hutt waved her chubby hand knocking the pad to fly across the room.

"Gor boodu na binndoowa"
("tell me, instead you idiot")

Geeda couldnt even see, how did this slave expect her to read the print on the datapad.

Leaning forward the slave spoke quietly into her Mistresses hearing.

A routine sentinal ship's radar sweep of the outter rim had picked up a small craft exiting hyperspace and crossing the tradelanes of Ylesia.

Geeda shrugged carelessly growling in a low gurgle. As if she cared.

The slave girl continued, not yet finished relaying the infomation.

Geeda sat forward and instantly ordered Gorgja to be informed. They had been on the look out for the "Dutchman" for quite some time now. Geeda's enormous tongue slid along her smiling lips. Gorgja would be pleased.

Dan bo sand ooba Kazaar, udo sand ooba"

("you've been careless Kazaar, very careless")

Plo Koon
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:01:34 PM
Plo sat in the corner meditating. He had a quick but faint fealing, he sat up suddenly and walked over to Estelle

"Master...I felt something like we are not supposed to be here. It dose not feal right."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:17:40 PM
Kazaar looked up from his reading, then took a swig from his glass of bourbon.

"Ya think too much boy. And thinkin' too much'll get ya killed or worse. Go on, get sum rest and well chat later."

The bounty hunter got up from his pilot's chair, then walked to a armory of the Flying Dutchman.

He pulled out two wicked looking blasters and tossed them at Maximas and Koon.

"You two know how'ta fire these I trust? Oh, 'n Max. Gimme a drink a that."

He took a swig of 'Aurelias' Special Stuff' and smiled as the alcohol flooded his senses. Shaking his head, Kazaar gave a wide smile.

"Always th' best," his voice as strong as ever, "C'mon boy. It'll put hair on ya chest."

He held the glass out to Maximas, smiling as he did.

Plo Koon
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:20:35 PM
Plo looked at the blaster, then looked at Kazaar. He tossed it back to him.

"Thanks but no thanks. I trust my Light Sabar more then that bulky blaster"

Koon opened his cloak to show Kazaar his sabar witch was cliped onto his belt

Aug 20th, 2002, 07:57:24 AM
Max took a look at the weapon. Hell, you never know. He thought to himself as he held onto it. He took the glass from Kazaar and held it up to his nose. He took a smell of the aroma and that alone was almost enough to put him flat on his back!

He couldnt back out now however. He couldnt let Kazaar think he was better so with a quick count to three inside his head he downed the drink.


He said with a refreshing tone. He looked at Kazzar before letting out a huge cough. It caught the back of this throat like nothing had before. His right eye twitched slightly as he stamped the floor with his right foot. With a husky voice he turned to Plo and said...

"Thats good stuff!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:45:41 PM
"Well good fer ya," Kazaar smirked then took a drink from his own bourbon glass, then he caught the blaster, "Ya may think th'lightsaber's enough for ya...but trust me..blaster's jist as good."

The bounty hunter smirked at Maximas.

"Hah! 'Ey Estelle...ya gotta good padawan 'ere. Keep 'im!"

He puffed on his cigar and smiled.

Estelle Russard
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:19:11 PM
She, too, smiled as she joined the 3 mens company once again, but her mind was not completely on the conversation at hand.

Plo had a bad feeling about something - and she was inclined to agree with him, though just what, she wasnt certain.

She looked Maximas over, seeing the warmth of the potent bourbon flush in his cheeks. Then she looked thoughtfully out the viewport screen at the passing stars.

"We should stay sharp. We are now in not so friendly space."

Quite some distance behind them, deep space probe tracker droid units whiscked silently through the dark expanses, trailing the "Dutchman's" wake.

Plo Koon
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:20:36 PM
Koon check his belt making sure he had his trusty light sabar cliped on it. He pulled his cloak around him and anticipated the worst. He walked to the port hole on the side of the ship. He noticed something darting back and forth

"Ummm...Kazaar...What's that?"

He pointed to the black figure that kept darting back and forth, almost invisible.

Aug 27th, 2002, 07:50:06 AM
Plo seemed a bit on edge and indeed Estelle looked a little concerned too. Maximas couldnt sense anything. Plo looked out of one of the windows and pointed out. He asked Kazaar what is was that seemed to be darting back and fourth.

Max stood up to take a look himself. At first he couldnt see anything but then it caught his eye. He glanced back at Kazaar and awaited his response to Plo.

Estelle Russard
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:36:39 PM
Estelle was at first alarmed as Plo, then Maximas announced they had seen something following the craft. She took a moment though, and considered, - they had just entered Hutt trade lanes and to expect no sentinals or any form of "gate keepers" not to keep tabs on the comings and goings of vessels in the area would be naive of them.

She couldnt sense any immediate threat, and Kazaar seemed unperturbed, and so she put it down to "the status quo" of travelling into Gangster territory.

Responding to Plo and Maximas, she said with careful confidence
"I think they are just probably your standard watchdogs trailing us. Still, if we keep our heads down so to speak, we shouldnt have much bother."

She turned toward Aurelias, hopeful, "But...if we can avoid stopping in Ylesia altogether, I would feel much better about it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:05:22 PM
"Relax kid, we're stopping at Gmlik Station. It ain't as crowded 'n I know more people there than ya think."

He relit his cigar, letting the strong flavor permeate the Dutchman. A swig of bourbon later and he continued.

"I knowa guy...Tom Regart...he's gotta refuelin' station at Gmlik. We can stop there and be on our way...

"Oh and...what was ya name...Ploo?" he nodded at Koon, "What ya see're Probe Droids...or a version of 'em. They guard Hutt Space...Gorgja's gotta few of 'em...I'm sure one of 'em's his...relax...it's nothing."

He stood up and stretched...

"We'll be comin' outta hyperspace in 'bout 'n hour. Get ready for it...then we'll be on our way t' Tr'Nuva...

"Relax...everythin'll be just fine..."

Plo Koon
Aug 29th, 2002, 04:41:20 PM
Plo still seemed on edge, he didnt like it. Not knowing everything, these "Probe Droids" bothered him alot. He could sense that something was going to happen, he just couldnt think of it. He walked over to Estelle and talked to her in a low tone so that Max and Kazaar couldn't hear him

"Master...Why are we here? Something bothers me and I don't know what it is. Something tells me that this isn't right"

Aug 30th, 2002, 08:57:39 AM
It seemed there was a real mix of emotions in the room. Kazaar was very laid back and not really worried about anything, and Plo seemed to be the exact opposite.

Maximas didnt trust Kazaar, that much was obvious but Plo was begining to get on his nerves now. He watched him as he trundled over to Estelle to whisper something to her.

"You got something to say, why not say it to us all? Its rude to whisper afterall."

Maximas lifted an eyebrow and stared at Plo. Maximas was a handsome man and always looked kinda cocky but now he looked stern, deadly serious and intimidating.

Plo Koon
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:31:11 PM
Koon turned and eyes Max

"Actually I do...I don't know why we are here and I'm a little concerned"

Plo had a little bit of anger in him, he didn't like it when he is interupted

"......Sorry Max...I'm just a little edgy with thos droids fallowing us"

Estelle Russard
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:04:22 PM
"We are here because it is the quickest route to Tr' Nuva. Thats all, Plo."

She tried to reassure him.

"It is easy sometimes, as force-users, to be overly sensitive to things. This could be just one of those times."

Inwardly, she wasnt absolutely sure this was actually the case here, but she didnt want to make Plo edgier than he already seemed.

"We.." (and she swept Maximas with her eyes, not unmindful of his tone to Plo or his feeling toward Kazaar) "..all need to keep our senses alert and be ready to protect and help each other should anything occur."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:16:23 AM
"Yeah," Kazaar added in, moving towards the cockpit, "'Cause if we run intany unfriendlies you'll be usin' ya lightsabers fer more'n just trainin'.

"We're gettin' ready t'come outta hyperspace so strap in."

The Flying Dutchman came out of hyperspace near Gmlik Station, and headed directly towards the docking bay.

"This is Tyrel Johannsen of the ship Harker's Corner inbound. I got three passengers....two males and one female...my..." he smirked at Estelle, "'Serving girl'."

"All right Johannsen, you can land in Bay 22. Gmlik Station out."

"Well whatta ya know," the bounty hunter shut the comlink down, "Bay 22's where Regart is...this works perfectly. Oh Plo, Maximas...change clothes.

"Gmlik Station ain't gonna be happy t'see three Jedi on their station. And kid, ya got some clothes in the closet. Wear those too. Now go!"

Geeda the Hutt
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:26:48 AM
The Twi'Lek slave thought the Hutt was sleeping when she came to give her updated news of "The Dutchmans" progress. Only the intermittent gurgle as Geeda sucked back on the spice pipe revealed that it was otherwise.

With a solemn nod, Geeda absorbed the information.

"Oob doonga ba wass na doo"
("Continue as I instructed.")

The Twi'Lek slave girl left the great chamber immediately to pass on her Mistresses order.

Estelle Russard
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:48:10 PM
Serving Girl?? Kazaar must think he's funny.

She gave him a punch in the chest for good measure, and then retreated into the small recess where a closet still held some of her things.

Grabbing what she thought looked "serving-girlish" from the very few items there, Estelle went to Kazaars sleeping room (a bunk in a slightly larger closet) and changed.

Having shed her jedi robe and clothed in loose fitting kahki pants and white button-up blouse, she took one of Kazaars loud colored shirts and fashioned a makeshift waistband. Tucking her lightsaber inside it.

She studied herself a moment in the mirror, unimpressed with the result, and then joined the others.

Upon seeing her, Kazaar, Max and Plo all agreed non-comittally that she looked "fine."

She slumped into a chair beside Aurelias and waited for the others to get ready to disembark.

Sep 6th, 2002, 03:52:51 AM
Maximas went to the back of the ship and found some clothes. They looked pretty pitiful actually. Maximas was definitely someone who cared about image and always tried to look his best. He held up a grey, worn looking jumper with pads on the shoulders.

"There is no way I would ever wear this through choice."

He undressed and began to get changed. Pulling on the grey jumper along with a rather plain looking pair of black trousers. To try and maintain some dignity he reached into his own clothes and pulled out his smart looking sunglasses. It wasnt particularaly needed, it was all about his image. He came back out and smiled at Estelle. He too sat down and awaited Plo to join them.

Max was interested to see what Plo would come out wearing, given the fact he wasnt the most hadsome of people!

Plo Koon
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:46:33 AM
PLo felt uncomfortable changing from his cloak witch he wore all the time. He went to the back like the others to get changed. He pulled out a pair of baggy blue jeans with a slit rip on the bottem, he also pulled out a black kangaroo sweat shirt with "Darkstar" writtin on the front. He even changed his shoes to a pair of black "ES" labled shoes. Looking at himself in the morror he decided to put on a dark blue "Etnies" cap to hide his head. Plo looked at himself and felt like he was a different person. He walked out and asked
"How do I look?"

Sep 9th, 2002, 04:34:55 AM
Plo seemed to be taking his time in getting changed. Maximas sat there and waited for the padawan to reappear. Finally he did with a quick question of how he looked. Max looked him up and down before he had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing.

He didnt really want to laugh in front of Estelle incase she thought bad of him but if she hadnt have been there, Maximas just knew he would be laying into him right now.

"Erm...you...look great!"--

He tried to hide his laughter as he spoke.

Estelle Russard
Sep 9th, 2002, 03:50:10 PM
Max looked good - it would take alot for Maximas not to look good.

But when Plo game out, Estelle threw a hand to her mouth to stiffle the gasp and then the smile.

"Plo, I would never have recognised you."

The Padawan looked quite unhappy.

"Maybe...maybe you should rethink the cap?"

Kazaar spun around to see the results of their "disguise" and the drooping of his cigar from the corner of his mouth said it all..

The Bounty Hunter got up and opened the closet door again, pulling form it a grungy pair of cover-alls. They were heavy dark blue denim and covered with grease stains and oil marks. Tossing them at Plo, he receeded to grab the rest of the things he felt necessary to have on him when taking in the sights of Ylesia.

"Good idea" Estelle remarked when she saw how natural the coveralls would seem. Every ship had its mechanic right?

"Lets be going."

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:56:13 PM
The bounty hunter nodded.

"Yeh, we need t'get the supplies 'n get outta 'ere...specially if ya wanna make it to ya planet in time."

Kazaar strode from the Dutchman's ramp to the station. A thin mixture of aliens and human greeted the foursome as they reached the durasteel flooring of Gimlik Station.

Aurelias smirked at Estelle, "Ya know, since you're my serving girl ya oughta act th'part."

The look on her face was enough to have him burst out in laughter.

"C'mon let's go."

Sep 12th, 2002, 09:23:45 AM
Plo's change in clothes were a vast improvement although, Maximas thought he would probably look funny in anything! Still, Max managed to keep his laughter and jokes to himself. There was no need to make the poor guy feel bad.

They left the ship as Kazaar led on. There were various races of people here, some of which Max had only read about but never seen in the flesh before.

A smile came to the padawans face as once again Kazaar called Estelle his 'serving girl'. Shes not going to like that, he thought to himself.

Plo Koon
Sep 15th, 2002, 05:49:21 PM
Plo felt very uncomfortable in the dirty overalls. He didnt really liked being called a machanique but if this is what it took, then he would go with it. As he fallowed the group he was hoping to run into his own kind. Hoping to find some Kel-Dorinans, to not feel alone in this universe since he was far from home. He could picture his family and how it felt to not always be confined to this mask all the time. He saw some species he had confrontations with and he didnt really like some of them. He saw one who had sword like spikes comeing out of his fists witch attarcted Koon towards them. He couldnt help but see that the alien didnt like being stared at. It started to fallow Koon who walked a little faster to be near his master.

Geeda the Hutt
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:34:01 PM
As the small party of new arrivals moved through the crowded spaceport, many curious eyes looked them over.

Some saw them as opportunities for trade or business, others saw them as just another four bodies in the endless stream of life that came to and from the spaceport. It was crowded and one blank look their way looked much like another.

But there were those that watched from hidden vantage points and, unnoticed, reported into their transmitters to Geeda the Hutt. And there were others yet again, who followed in the press of the crowd, closing in on their targets.

Sep 18th, 2002, 06:50:32 AM
Maximas took a look at the guy now following the four as they moved. Several 'dirty' looks came from people around. Max didnt like it. It was busy and dirty here and the further in he walked the more anxious he felt. The guy following behind was now begining to get on his nerves. He did the opposite to Plo, he decided to slow down. Thoughts were racing through his head and he began to feel a little twitchy. He brought his hand up to the blaster Kazaar had given him and rested it there. Ready to pull the weapon out at any time.

He didnt really want to cause a scene or shoot anyone but he was begining to feel very wound up.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:15:06 PM
Kazaar acted first. He'd caught the movement behind him, three men moving to pull out weapons. Aimed for him.

Th'best defense is 'lways a good offense.

His blaster was drawn and it fired two shots behind, causing people to scatter at a firefight in the middle of a supposedly crowded spaceport. The blaster bolt struck a Rodian, sending him to the ground clutching his shoulder.

"Let's go...looks like we got some bounty hunter who want m'head."

He dove through an open door, tossing a thermal detonator behind him as he did.

"C'mon kiddies lets move!"

Estelle Russard
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:03:14 PM
The crowd scattered for the exits at the sound of gunfire - atleast the ones that were not intent on apprehending Kazaar.

So much for keeping a low profile..

Estelle should have known Aurelias would draw trouble like moths to a flame. He always had. He always would. She urged Plo and Maximas to run forward to escape the impeding detonation. There was no time to stop it.

Hard on Kazaars heels, the trio had each taken their weapons in hand for defence, and followed the Bounty Hunter through the door.

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:27:38 PM
The door slammed hard behind them. The small party unwittingly had been effortlessly herded into the anteroom and found themselves surrounded by a heavily armed force made up of Gamorreans, Trandoshans and a motely assortment of cut-throats. The repeated clicking of metal scraping as all weapons were levelled with one accord upon the small group revealed that resistance would be bloody and brutal for all concerned.

Geeda was mildly disappointed. She had heard so much about the elusive Aurelias Kazaar and yet with only one casualty, he was in her custody.

A boom resounded from the room next door and the floor shook a little as the grenade went off.

Ok, maybe a few more than just one casualty.

"Ommba du Ylesia, Oooreleeus Kazah, ho ho ho"
(welcome to Ylesia, Aurelias Kazaar)

The ominous Hutt laugh indicated he was not welcome at all.

"Goond tuug don saaaboondo noss"
(We've been looking for you a long time)

A twiddle of stubby fingers and a quick once around her lips of her thick tongue in glee at her cleverness, and the order was given to secure the prisoners and take them to Geeda's dungeons.

Plo Koon
Oct 4th, 2002, 07:05:42 PM
Plo pulled his sabar into his hand but kept it hidden by his cloak. He watched as they were surrounded and trapped. He watched every movement that the guards made, waiting to strike.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:07:01 AM
"I bet ya have Geeda," Kazaar stepped forwards defiently. One of the Gammoreons raised his axe to block his advancement. The bounty hunter threw a punch at him, connecting on the pig-like snout.


The butt of a blaster connected with the back of his neck, sending him down to the ground.

"Cute Geeda...Cute," Kazaar spat at the Hutt, "Wha'the hell do ya want m'fer? Gorgja give immunity t'all his employees."

He pointed at himself, "I'm onenna 'em. So lemme go."

Kazaar motioned at Estelle and the Padawans.

"Them too. 'Less ya want th'Jedi after ya."

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:33:01 AM
"Gorgja boos noom do bodna, Kazah"
(Gorgja is not your problem now Kazaar)

"Geeda do bodna"
(Geeda is your problem)

And here the enormous Hutt went off into a lengthy tirade which was duly interpreted by her Twi'ilk slave who spoke flawless basic.

In a nutshell, "Kazaar had violated the beautiful and exquisite Geeda's authority by his unauthorised flight through her spice lanes on approach to Ylesia and she was with in her juristiction as beloved and auspicous Spice Lord to apprehend him.

Oh yes, (the Twi'lik added) the wonderful and gracious , tho oft lonely, Geeda liked the look of Maximas and she would keep him for her amusement.

The Jedi female and the Mechanic in the illfitting coveralls, could go."

Geeda clapped her hands happily together and with a surge of unity, her forces swarmed around the two prisoners and ushered them off to an awaiting barge to take them back to her Fortress.

Oct 7th, 2002, 03:01:55 AM
Maximas didnt have a clue what was going on. It didnt help any matters that he couldnt understand a word Geeda was saying. Geeda was a dispicable looking creature. Maximas had seen pictures of her race before but they looked far more disgusting in real life.

He got the impression that Geeda was looking at him differently to the others though. He looked around at the others to try and see if they also noticed this. Maximas too had his saber in hand but hidden but wasnt sure what to do. Before he knew what was going on, Geeda clapped her hands as her forces moved in to take Estelle and Plo away. Maximas looked to Kazaar as if to ask what he should do. Maximas was feeling pretty worried by this point.

Plo Koon
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:55:32 PM
Plo watched as they were seperated from Maximas and Aurelias. He put up a bit of a resistance as they were being pulled away.
"We cant leave them..."
Plo broke free from the pig like creatures grasp. He stood there as he was surrounded by a swarm of them, woundering why anybody wasnt doing anything about it.

Estelle Russard
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:05:42 AM
Estelle touched lightly to catch Plo Koon's sleeve to restrain him.

"Not here" she said quietly. The tone of her voice indicating to Plo they would choose when and where they made their stand against the Hutts.

Her eyes caught Maximas before he disappeared in the crowd and he saw her look directly at him.

Through the force, she touched his mind and told him to bide his time for a better opportunity for escape. To both her padawans she visualised the bloodbath that would ensue around them, killing so many, if they all went ballistic right now. She intended to avoid this if possible. These people were scum, but that didnt give them free reign to just slaughter them, even tho provoked as they were.

Maximas would find himself in the unfortunate position of entertaining Geeda, Estelle had no doubt. But he would be able to deal with that himself. Or so she hoped, for his sake. Aurelias, they'd probably toss in a cell someplace - heavily guarded - to keep him outta trouble. Shows how much they know about Kazaar.

She urged Plo to hurry as already Estelle was forming a plan. She may be a stranger to Ylesia..but that didnt mean she didnt have a contact or two that may just provide some insider help.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:46:41 AM
"WHAT?!?" Kazaar exploded, pulling his blaster.

"I wasn't disruptin' anythin'. W'had t'get a damn ship refueled!"

He lurched out of the grasp of the Gammoreon and raised the blaster.


The bounty hunter was sent to the ground again by a blow to the back head, causing him to see stars. It was then a Gran started kicking him, and a human hit him again.

"Get him out of here," the Twi'lek ordered, then smiled at Maximas.

"Geeda's gonna like you."

Oct 8th, 2002, 05:26:36 AM
Maximas gulped. Not really knowing what to do with himslef. The situation had been turned on its head in a matter of seconds. A million questions were running through the padawans mind. What did Geeda want with him? Where were the others being taken? Was Kazaar ok?

Al he could do was stand there. He looked back at Estelle as she told him through the force to bide his time. He nodded gently so she knew he would do as requested. He had no idea how they were going to get out of this one though. Kazaar had let them right into the middle of trouble, and that was weighing on Max's mind.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:48:09 PM
Kazaar was pulled up from where he lay and dragged from the chamber. With Max, struggling just a bit, the two were led to a large ship...much like the one Gorgja the Hutt had.

The bounty hunter spat blood and snarled, as he was taken into the ship, "Gorgja'll get you for this Geeda! He will!"

Two stinky Gammoreons threw the Jedi Padawan in a cell, followed by Kazaar in the one next to him.

The gates closed and the two were left in darkness and silence.

"Ey, Max," Kazaar hacked from the darkness, "You all right?"

Estelle Russard
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:46:17 AM
Estelle and Plo hurried out into the hectic and outrageously congested streets of Ylesia.

"We need to get some transport of some type. Can you see any cabs?"

She looked at Plo, who seemed...put out that they had left Maximas behind. She hoped he felt the same for Kazaar, but she couldnt be sure. She decided not to ask.

Instead, she encouraged him.

"Geeda wont get away with this Plo. But there is much to be said for picking your battles. Especially when you are smack in the middle of Hutt territory. It is not cowardice to know when and where to live to fight another day. It is the difference between victory and defeat. Do you understand?"

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:01:34 AM
Ensconced finally in her grand palace chambers, Geeda ate first. A bucket of delectable banjun toads (with their toes cut off, as their little suckers always caught in the Hutt's throat). After which was followed by a dish called "bubble N squeek" which was a lot more horrid than it sounded. Small hairless rodents were sauteed live in a mixture of garlic and persimmon (the squeek part) and then simmered for flavour (the bubble part). This all was topped of by an ice confection made from mango and dubai fruits.

A fresh application of lipstick (cherry pink today) and eyeshadow (easter blue) together with a new coating of mascara and a spray of eud e cologne, and the Spice merchant was ready.

The Twi'lik slave primmped her mistresses coushions and moved the spice pipe within easy grasping distance, and all was in readiness.

"Doollun dos naabahn sooo booodnum"
(bring in the skinny, pretty one)

Plo Koon
Oct 10th, 2002, 08:51:11 AM
Plo was looking over the crowds to find any type of transportation

"I understand...But what are we going to do?"

He continued looking for a means of transportation as he spoke

Oct 11th, 2002, 06:32:29 AM
Maximas grazed his knee as he was thrown into the cell. It wasnt bad but it stung a little. He rubbed it for a few seconds before Kazaar spoke to him.

"Yeah, Im ok. How about you?"

Maximas had his weapons taken from him, just before they were put in the cell so he couldnt use them as a means of escape. He began to search the small bricked wall room that held him, trying to look for a weakness of some kind but there was nothing. He leaned hopelessly up against the metal bars and looked out. Two guards were stood talking amoungst themselves, making sure the prisoners did not escape.

Max could here footsteps aproaching. Three people came in and unlocked the door to Max's cell. They placed his hands behind his back and fastend them with handcuffs. They then pushed him out towards the door.

"Where are you taking me!?

:: Geeda wants to see you ::

This, Max wasnt looking forward to. He looked back towards Kazzar, looking helpless from behind his cell bars. He hoped that Plo and Estelle wouldnt waste their time in comming to thier aid.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:11:33 AM
Aurelias spat blood as he wretched on the floor of the cell. Even though he had an iron stomach, getting the crap kicked out of you by two Gammoreons, a Gran, two humans, and probably a Weequay or two was not his idea of fun.

He preferred there be atleast a Rodian or three whose asses he could really kick.

But now he was stuck in a dungeon on a ship of, who he thought was an ally of his employer Gorgja, Geeda the Hutt. Kazaar was smart enough to know that if anyone had a 50,000 cred bounty on his head...it'd make anyone do anything. Even try and cross an ally.

The bounty hunter eased himself down to a sitting posistion on the floor of the cell. Geeda's men had been hasty in their search, and forgot to check Kazaar fully.

He eased the holdout blaster from his ankle holster, then the vibroblade from his other foot.

I ain't dyin' on th'floora this hellhole.

Estelle Russard
Oct 12th, 2002, 09:38:48 PM
As Plo waved in the hovercab, the two Jedi got in and Estelle gave an address. Without another question, the driver accellerated and the transport veered back into the traffic.

"This man will help us get into the Palace." she said in a hushed voice. "He has former close connections with Geeda, and Im sure he will be willing to do a favor for the Jedi."

Plo nodded. Estelle did not elaborate as to how she knew of this person, for now, she stuck with what was absolutely necessary information.

"We will enter the stronghold quietly, but our exit more than likely will prove less easy. Are you prepared to fight, Plo? Fight for both Max AND Kazaar?"

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:06:08 PM
Maximas was brought in and uncermimoniously shoved up to Geeda's dias.

The great Hutt thudded her tail delightedly, and her thick tongue escaped her smiling painted lips in anticipated pleasure.

She commanded with a shaking fist at the Twi'lik slave, who immediately helped Maximas up beside her to sit on some elaborately (if not gawdily) embroidered coushins.

The blue slave worked methodically to make the Hutt's little treat comfortable - pushing into his one hand a glass of some purple colored wine, and in the other a spice pipe.

Geeda nodded encouraginly to Maximas, her eyes dilating slightly.

"Ood doonda sum needboo?"
(Are you hungry, flower?)

Back outside Kazaars cell, a particularly beligerent Gran sneered at the Bounty Hunter. Calling him a sniveling green-bellied dog. The Gran mocked Aurelias and laughed, telling him the last thing Kazaar would see before Geeda tossed him in the suulag pit, would be the Grans hairy butt as he gave him the traditional Gran sendoff.

Plo Koon
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:08:40 PM
Plo looked at Estelle

"I am always ready to help those in need"

Koon had thaughts running through his head on how it was going to go. His head ached because of all he was thinking, so many different senario's

Vargo the Hutt
Oct 13th, 2002, 08:15:33 PM
Yooba ja wango ba!
-It looks like a party!-

The doors to Geeda's main audience chamber widened, and a Hutt that made even the rotund Geeda look small began to slither in. Vargo's incredible girth was flanked by a small entourage of personal lackeys as he made his way inside, to a sloosh-sloosh sound of his slimy, blubbery body as it crawled forward at a slow, but inexorable pace. Large, red eyes were glazed and unfocused as he entered, slopping away a sheen of spittle with a swipe of his tongue. Most denziens of Geeda's palace recognized clout in personality, and if they didn't, they at least understood that a Hutt isn't to be trifled with. However, one ill-attentive Rodian had his back turned to the approaching slug, and continued to yammer at his comrades, telling a joke with a very poor punchline. The two Gamorreans dimly looked past the Rodian, looked to each other, and began to take very deliberate steps away from Vargo's line of approach, which was about to directly intersect at the point where the Rodian stood. The bug-eyed alien continued to snortle, and when he realized that the pig-faced guards weren't rolling in laughter at his joke. Indignantly, he huffed, made a rude gesture, and turned...at the sound of a sloosh-sloosh....

...a soft mass of gut pressed into him with gentle impact, but inexorable mass. The result was that the Rodian bounced off Vargo's belly, and fell to the ground. The obese Hutt guffawed, a boiling laugh that could peel the paint off a wall, even if you ignored the halitosis. He didn't apologize. He didn't help the Rodian up. He didn't move around him. He didn't stop. He didn't even slow down. Tons of slime, fat, and whatever other vile mess that the Hutt consisted of began to slowly roll over the Rodian, the great weight causing bones to crack like thin spaghetti noodles. The Rodian shrilled in pain, writhing about until the rest of Vargo undulated over his torso, flattening his ability to scream with a squish sound. Vargo continued to slither over the creature, laughing all the way, and slapping his stomach with a fat hand for emphasis at the hilarity of it all. His tail finally slid over the point where the Rodian fell, revealing a mess that looked like it had been hit by an AT-AT. Vargo halted, waves of blubber carrying forward with inertia, and dying down in time with his receeding laughter. He gave another great sigh...farted...and seemed to settle in among the folds of fat he consisted of. Licking at his chops, he addressed his gracious hostess.

The two Gamorreans finally squealed with laughter.

Yo vooda kreeshto, Geeda! Ba lambo ma dooda waboska!
-Thank you for your hospitality, Geeda. This should be a stimulating event!-

A protocol droid attended to the Hutt's whims, which were spice, food, alcohol, and play-things...all of which were demanded in ridiculous abundance. Excess was a word Vargo never recognized.

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:47:31 AM
"Vargo, Dos Boomba!"
(Vargo, my prince!)

Geeda greeted her fellow Hutt with enthusiasim as, behind him, the squashed rodian was swept away with a broom that resembled a snow-shovel (kept for just such evenualities as dead minions cluttering up the grand palace floors). The gamorreans and other revellers barely skipped a beat at the demise of a fellow parasite as he was swept across into a dispenser grid in the floor for handy disposal. Vargo was here, and the party was surely only going to get livlier. Or deadlier, as the case may be. Many smug glances were cast towards Maximas's direction followed by hearty chortles and guffaws.

"Boon do suba sa namoo"
(I have a surprise for you!)

The spice and booze and food all flowed into the chambers in a never ending supply. Maximas, who for some reason Geeda couldnt comprehend, hadn't yet sipped or smoked a spec of her generosity. She tapped his knee with a chubby hand, giving it a little squeeze to encourage him to relax.

"Boon do lubbdana dos boonty hoonter, Kahzaar"
(I have captured that scoundrel bounty hunter, Kazaar!)

She laughed uproariously with delight and smacked her hand happily again on the Padawans knee.

Estelle Russard
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:28:55 PM
It was the answer she had expected from her padawan, and her eyes told him as much. "I am glad to hear it, Plo."

The hovercab pulled up sharp and they paid the fare as they exited.

Stepping up to an old stone building, its windows dirty and barred. It looked very uninviting, but Estelle knew this was the place.

"Lets hope he's in." Estelle murmered to Plo as they ascented the cement steps and moved in through the heavy wooden doors whose dark brown paint was chipped and peeling.

They ascended the oldfashioned staircase, the grubby carpet worn and threadbare, its wide base spanning most of the entrance floor. As they reached the landing a series of offices greeted them, and in bold black print across the smoked-glass pane read "WEDNESDAYDALE."

A little bell tinkled in announcement of their arrival as they stepped into the ramshackle office. Plo looked to his master dubiously, but Estelle knew the very ramshod appearance was deliberate. Mr. Barnaby Wednesdaydale knew his game and knew it well. This "ambiance" was all just a part of his disinformation where the Hutts were concerned.

A rustle of papers and movement from an inner, smaller room confirmed that someone, atleast, was home.

Oct 15th, 2002, 04:54:43 AM
Maximas had no idea what Geeda or Vargo were saying. He was begining to get a bit worried about the situation. Some food was put in front of him and it looked horid to say the least. Not what Maximas would choose to eat at all.

Geeda had squeezed his knees a couple of times too many and the Padawan lept to his feet and yelled.

--What do you want with me!? I am of no use to you. I demand that you let me go imediately!--

He spoke aloud with a stern and serious tone. if was obvious he was not happy. A frown appeared on his face as he looked straight at Geeda

Vargo the Hutt
Oct 17th, 2002, 12:10:29 PM
Vargo's mass twisted in Geeda's direction with a fluid sound, and his drug-hazed eyes widened.

Da choba wando cheeba Kazaar! Yurga go wan bee so dooda Gorgja....HOHOHOHO!
-You caught the errand boy, Kazaar! Gorgja must be in an angry fit!-

This of course pleased Vargo to no end, as anything to take the jam out of Gorgja's immense doughnut was pleasing to the obese slug, as his belly laugh no doubt proved the point to Maximas, the hot, foul breath changing the part in his hair. The great Hutt rolled forward a little, huge red eyes narrowing to slits at Geeda's little toy. He eyed him up like one might look at a lamb chop. Of course, for the constantly inebriated slug, that probably wasn't too difficult...considering that when impaired judgment met the munchies, things and people turned up missing. One particular evening, Vargo had taken it upon himself to consume a quarter korg of spice alone. By the time he'd toked out, his majordomo and a pair of dancing girls had gone missing. Such was life, and employee replacements in Vargo's employ were frequent...even when compared to other Hutts. Overhead was a lot cheaper as well, as no facilities were needed to house an entertaining monster to violently dispatch a guest, nor was required to pay animal trainers or cover the cost of offal when insolent guests were in short supply. After all, Vargo thought, what was the point in a thing if you couldn't do it yourself.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:56:47 AM
"'ey Gran," Kazaar croaked as he staggared towards the bars of his cell.

"Why're ya gonna wait. We all know Geeda's gonna kill m'soon. Why not do it here. Now," he smirked, "Ya know ya wanna do it."

The Gran muttered something along the lines of 'Sure why the hell not' and walked to the bars. Kazaar was close enough that he could knock the Gran over...but without the keys, there was no way he could escape.

The three-eyed alien unbuckled his pants and prepared to moon the beaten up bounty hunter.

It was then the vibroblade stabbed the Gran in the back.

The alien fell to his knees, clutching his back, then fell foward as Kazaar slit his throat.

He motioned to the Gammoreon.

"C'mon pig-boy, get ya -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- here...You'n'I're gonna tango."

Geeda the Hutt
Oct 20th, 2002, 01:12:03 AM
Originally posted by Vargo the Hutt
Vargo's mass twisted in Geeda's direction with a fluid sound, and his drug-hazed eyes widened.

Da choba wando cheeba Kazaar! Yurga go wan bee so dooda Gorgja....HOHOHOHO!
-You caught the errand boy, Kazaar! Gorgja must be in an angry fit!-


Geeda's belly rippled with every laugh.

"doomba bonddo los noma Vargo!"
(I am hoping so, Vargo)

She wanted to show Gorgja that even though she was his underling, it would be wise for him to not forget to pay her the attention she craved. Left alone for too long, she could be adverse to his interests. This was the basis of her apprehension of Kazaar - her own insecure and vain ego needed stroking.

She laughed again, but her deep rumbles were cut short by Maximas's outburst.

The whole of Geeda's court drew in a sharp shocked intake of breath. No one - especially not a prisoner - made demands of any kind to the Hutt scumlord. What was he thinking??

Leering eyes, hungry for punishment of any kind against the brave, but foolish captive, all were upon Maximas as all held their breath for Geeda's reaction.

The enormous slug leaned forward, if she had ears to speak of, they would have twitched. A flickering tongue would have to suffice. Her blurry eyes rolled in her head - up and then back down again - as if to try to focus on the incredible lapse of submission.

Geeda yanked Max foward, and all the court as one craned their necks (all of various lengths and flexibilities) to get the best view. And then......she again began to laugh.

hohohohohoho bossso no bandion, petal"
(laughs: I love the fiery type, petal)

She tickeled Max under the chin and smiled, her gaping mouth and bright pink lips threatening to almost swalllow him.

The music struck up again and the party resumed, while in the dungeons below a dim-witted Gran passed violently into the great unknown, compliments of the bounty hunter..

Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:01:50 AM
Maximas thought he was going to pass out from the bad breath of Geeda. As far as he could remember he hadnt smelt anything so horrid. His head pulled back the instant she tickled him under the chin. He still had no idea what she was saying to him, he wasnt sure if he wanted to know either.

He really wanted to slap her arm out the way but he didnt fancy his chances with all the guards and what not about. He was holding on to the hope that Plo and Estelle would come back and resque him, oh and of course Kazaar.

Plo Koon
Oct 26th, 2002, 01:38:29 PM
Plo fallowed Estelle into a dark little place. He didnt really liked the vibe it gave off. He wispered to her

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

He heard something comming from behind the door they were standing at. HE didnt like this place.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 05:52:30 PM
The Gammoreon threw his axe to the ground and muttered something unintelligable.

"Yeah well, ya deal wit' it," Kazaar smirked, "Ya wanna piece o'me? Ya buddy sure did 'n lookit him now."

The bounty hunter popped his neck, feeling pain shoot down his back.

Damn must've pinched a nerve 'r sumthin'

The Gammorreon opened the door and grunted again. This time in pain as one of Kazaar's boots slammed into his pig snout-nose.

Gammoreons are definately tough creatures. Their ability to withstand pain is one reason why crimelords hire them as guards for castles and various establishments. Give them something to guard, and they will. Ask them to fight...and they will. They know how to take a punch.

But not a hold out blaster right in the eye.

The pig-like alien soon joined his three-eyed companion on the ground, dead from his wound in the eye.

Aurelias smirked, then fell to the ground.

"Dammit...frelling back. I need a drink. And a cigar."

Mr Wednesdaydale
Oct 28th, 2002, 11:32:53 PM
Blimey! Ef yoh sohlicitin' wares, squiyah....

Wednesdaydale muttered a few gravelly lines that were incomprehensible, finally arriving at the door, and pulling it open. There he stood for a moment, blinking through thick spectacles at Estelle and the alien.

Cor....'ello, Barney Marlin. Ah'ma hopin yew ain't priveh tew requestin any charity...as yew Luv's 'n Guv's o the cloth es apt ta dew.

His big eyes shifted side to side, evaluating the periphery and determining that the two Jedi were alone, and not followed by anyone nosy.

Estelle Russard
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:41:23 AM
Estelle and Plo both moved a step or two closer towards the door, encouraging the older man to allow them entry.

"Mr. Wednesdaydale? We are sorry to disturb you, Sir. But we need your help."

The door slightly moved to close, rather than open up to them and Wednesdaydale was already beginning to shake his head in the negative.

Estelle spoke quickly.

"We can pay. Please, this wont take long and then we will be gone."

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:34:52 PM
Kazaar lurched to his feet again, stretching his back and testing his limbs. Yep, they all still worked. He still wanted a drink.

The bounty hunter walked through the depths of the dungeon, looking for something...anything...that might replace the holdout blaster he possessed.

He found it after almost five minutes of searching...and two human guards who were busy trying to outdrink the other.

A cornucopia of weaponry, ranging from blasters to heavy rifles to thermal detonators. And a few mines.

Geeda's been stockin' up 'n th'weapons...wha' she up t?

Kazaar took a variety of weapons, all would help him in what he had planned. Hell, he loved bein' the underdog.

This was gonna be fun...

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:40:14 AM
As soon as Kazaar passed back out of the room that stocked all the weaponry, an alarm was triggered as the guns passed an infrared beam.


(It must be that scum Kazaar!! Hurry Hurry)

A number of guards - 13 in all - detatched themselves from their places around the great Hall and scampered out of the room and towards the detainment block at their Mistresses command.

Geeda yanked Maximas closer in warning not to try anything foolish.

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:40:57 AM
Maximas was suprised by the foul beings strength. It really was a powerfull yank she gave the handsome padawan. He didnt like it and he instantly pulled back but she had a very good grip on him and didnt let go.

Max looked up for inspiration and just as the guards were about to leave the room in search of Kazaar he used the force to slam the door shut. He knocked the first guard out cold.

He smiled to himself but quickly took on a more serious look. He then looked at Geeda innocently.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:54:36 PM
The Chamber erupted into pandemonium with the slamming of the door.

Everyone was agog at the effontry of this Jedi! Would his insolence never cease??

"Kill him, Kill him!"

The chant rose and the myriad of parasites moved forward in a press eager and anticipating that surely Geeda would skewer, fy and flambay this pretty jedi for his outrageous behaviour.

Geeda herself was flabbergasted. Her tail thumped backwards and her chubby grubby hands opened and closed in consternation. She rolled her bleary eyes toward Vargo...how embarrassing.

But Geeda didnt want to kill Maximas...he was so handsome and surely he would be sooooo enjoyable once she got him alone for a time. If he would just stop being rebellious. Her thick tongue darted in and out - a physical action that illustrated her indecision as to what to do.

Oh what a shame to just mash him like a peanut.

To gain some time, she sucked back on her spice pipe, the grey/blue smoke curling up to sting Max's eyes.

Plo Koon
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:34:37 PM
Plo watched as the door opened and a strange looking man emerged. Plo woundered how this man would help them rescue Maximus.

Vargo the Hutt
Nov 10th, 2002, 12:42:04 PM
Vargo recoiled from the locking door...as an entourage of gamorrean guards enclosed the two important Hutts in the room. The giant slug muttered at the inconvenience of such things, slapping away a Twi'lek serving wench with his thick tail, and somehow managing to catch the basket of Naboo hill moles with his stubby hands. Snatching out the fattest of the blind rodents, he grumbled, shoving the squirming animal into his slimy maw, crunching the animal up completely, before swallowing. Licking away residual ichor, he wolfed down another, then two at a time, bypassing chewing completely. Finally, his temper got the best of him, and he simply leaned back, dumping the rest of the screaming critters into his gaping mouth. Filled to capacity, he chomped, fumed, and gulped...bits of offal going this way and that as he complained to his host.

Choba we dango bar tooma Kazaar!
"Can't you keep a leash on Kazaar?"

Mr Wednesdaydale
Nov 10th, 2002, 12:48:48 PM
"An why should Ah be priveh ta helpin yew. Ah'm sure yew can compensate weth quite a bitta quid, but yew gotta realize, a sov 'ere an a sov there ain't all Ah'm int'rested en."

He waited...hoping the Jedi would sweeten the pot a bit.

Estelle Russard
Nov 10th, 2002, 11:46:06 PM
She should have seen this coming. Of course, Wednesdaydale would not help out of the goodness of his heart, nor for the meager credits she could offer.

But they had no time for such bartering back and forth. Lives could be at stake and Estelle would not waste precious minutes to quibble over payment.

She breathed deeply and Plo could sense she was bringing her impatience under some form of control in order to remain polite and not alienate Mr. Wednesdaydale.

"Forgive me, Mr. Wednesdaydale, if I sound a little impatient, but this is important, and we have no time. We have friends that have been taken into Geeda the Hutts palace and we need to get them out."

She tried to slow down, but it was with much difficulty.

"I understand you would know a way for us to enter the palace...er..not through the usual chanels. Please tell me what you require in order to agree to help us."

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 11th, 2002, 12:01:00 AM
Vargo's comment was a slap in the face, and Geeda flushed redly as if he physically had hit her.

This made her very angry and humiliated and she needed to do something, anything to rectify the situation.


Geeda felt the whole court watching her, expecting more.
She slid her bleary amber orbs over to Maximas and pursed her lips grimly.

(Prepare the Dasagon Pitt)

Cheers and applaudes exploded in the court at the command. Finally all those gathered would at last get to see some sport.

Nov 12th, 2002, 04:18:49 AM
Maximas had no idea what she was saying, which perhaps was a good thing. It didnt sound good though by the sound of things. Kazaar was somewhere but being hunted down, Estelle and Plo were no where to be seen. What was he going to do. He was begining to feel worried now. Panic began to come over his body. He tried to remain calm but he could help it.

Al he could do for now is hope that someone would come to his aid. He glanced over the room trying to find something of use that could come in use but nothing came to mind.

Was help even on the way?

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 16th, 2002, 05:24:06 AM
"Aww <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>," the bounty hunter cursed as the gangsters ran into the prison area. They took up an offensive position, hoping to run over the injured Kazaar with their strength.

A thermal detonator ended the lives of four of attackers.

"Ya know..." Aurelias smirked, finding one of his cigars (hidden in a special place, next to the vibroblade on his ankle.

"This could b'fun," the bounty hunter fired a heavy blaster, watching it ricochet off of the (had to have been) magnetically sealed doors of the dungeons.

"C'mere ya cowards...lemme show ya what courage really is!"

Or stupidity... one of the attackers thought of the smoking, smirking hunter.

"Farra! Satah Boota, Kazaar!" a Twi'lek cursed the dark haired human.

"Yeh well I don't like ya mom either, ya bastich!" Kazaar returned then let a hail of blaster fire go at his attackers, sending them scattering.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 23rd, 2002, 06:46:17 PM
A particularly ambitious Gammorean guard rushed forward, which Kazaar dispactched without so much as batting an eyelid.

However, hard on the heels of the unlucky guard was another, and he had the foresight to arm himself with a huge solid pike. Striking out immediately as the guard infront of him dropped, the pike landed squarely on the side of Kazaars head, dropping the bounty hunter like a bag of bricks.

The remaining men swarmed over Aurelias and each grabbing a limb, dragged him to the Dasagon Pitt. They tossed him inside, after stripping him of all his weapons, and a plume of dust engulfed Kazaar as he landed.

Before sealing shut the door, Maximas who had also been escorted from the Great Hall down to the pitt area, was tossed in also behind him.

Two long sticks were thrown in after them, and at first Max assumed they were supposed to fight each other. A sort of gladiator show.

As the Jedi padawan bent down to check if Kazaar was even still alive, a thunderous growl was heard from along a dark tunnel leading into the Pitt.

Out of the darkness, the blood red eyes of the creature Dasagon (http://abberition.homestead.com/files/Dpitt.jpg) peered at his new victims.

Holovids built into the Pitt afforded all in the great hall a close-as-if-you-were-there view to the crowd in Geeda's hall, and the booze and spice flowed as all eagerly awaited the bloody conflict to start.

Geeda slide her bleary eyes to glance at Vargo, hoping atleast he would forget her momentary loss of control of Kazaar and the insolent Maximas, and remember only that she showed him a good time while he was here.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:38:45 AM
Maximas gave Kazaar a hand up before letting his eyes fall on the source of the noise. At first Maximas had to squint to see what it was that came out of the darkness but slowly it began moving into the light. The blood red eyes were terrifying enough. Maximas looked down at the sticks they had been given. It seemed he would not have to fight Kazaar afterall.

"Ive got a bad feeling about this"

Maximas's heart started to pound as the creature moved ever closer. He swollowed hard and took a glance to Kazaar.

"You fancy taking this one?"

He said with a touch of frightend sarcasm.

Estelle Russard
Dec 14th, 2002, 03:53:11 AM
ooc: Mr. Wednesdaydale? Please come back to this thread, honeybunchy - we need you :)

Mr Wednesdaydale
Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:03:54 AM
"Yoh ah bit six's n' sev'ns, ain't ya Luv? Yew 'xpectin Ol'
Shoestone tew jes' gev's yew tha ol ball af chalk, rot enta the Hutt's cat 'n mouse? Ah'ma gonna tell ya, et's a rot sight 'xpensive back door, China."

Estelle Russard
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:03:53 PM
Estelle was becoming exasperated.

"As I've told you Mr. Wednesdaydale, I am not in possession of alot of credits."

The older man started to turn away.

"Wait, wait."

She tugged on his sleeve.

"I - perhaps there is something I can do for you, something you need from the Hutts ...or something a Bounty Hunter could get for you. But we need to save that bounty hunter first! Please wont you tell me your price. We have to go - there isnt much time. We may already be too late."

She was imploring him with all she could - some how, she felt that time was indeed running out.