View Full Version : A Distress Call

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 6th, 2002, 02:55:27 PM
From a single colony ship (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20483) floating stagnant above Arcan, this pre-recorded transmission is sent on a broad frequency signal, meaning that all who have the means to recieve such transmissions heard the following chilling message:

"This is 3rd Medical Officer Jenkins of the ISM Nomad. Our ship has bezzzzzz....zzz.....zzz by zzzz..zzzz.z.zzzzzzzzz......survivors and...zzzzzzzzz....zzzzz three days ago. We've zzzz.....zzz..z.z..z and are trying to zzzz...z.......zzz......z. Please send zzzzzzz.....z.z... quickly. We don't have much zzzzz........"

Jul 6th, 2002, 03:23:33 PM
Anduril was sitting in his usual dark corner of the Bar and Grill sipping his tequila sunrise slowly. All of a sudden, a message came onto his Portable Transmitter. Watching the transmission carefully he sighed.

"I should goto my master about this." he thought.

He finished his drink, flicked some payment to the bartender and left the bar and grill.