View Full Version : Sssearhjing....

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 6th, 2002, 10:45:36 AM
An attractive young female slowly crept into the Recruitment Area. Her long tail wrapped around her feet as she stood and looked around. No one appeared to be there....so she continued to walk and search. Finally she came to a stop when a noise of some sort sounded behind her. Her sensitive ears swiveled back and forth before she turned around and saw....nothing. Sighing to herself, she decided to speak...though she was unsure if anyone would hear her.

"Greeetjings....mjy namje jis Kajiasssssuji Cjissssaronji. jI sjeek jto jojin jyour rjanks....."

She purred softly and cocked her head to the side, wondering where everyone was.....

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:10:48 AM
Taataani greeted the young female, smiling widely

Ahh....hello therrre! jYou mussst be new herrre!

Her ears fluttered, as she adjusted her wire-frame glasses.

Ssso, tell me about jyourrrssself!

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:30:16 AM
Kai quickly turned around and saw another female......of her species!! She smiled toothly, allowing her elongated canines to shine in the light.

"Oh! Greeetjings to jyou! Mmjy namje is Kaiasssuri Cissaroni, and jI am sjeventeen years old. jI come from a long linje of royaltjy on the planet Edjen. My people livje there wjith the Garou...which we do not get aljong with verjy well. On Eden, jI am a princjess......but jI am herje to servje in a greatjeeer organization of ourrrr kind."

She said with deep sincerity. The young female wished so much to be accepted into the Cizerack pride.....for she could be much more instrumental here than back on her home planet...

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 14th, 2002, 01:05:57 AM

Taa's eyes blinked.

Ssstrrrange. jI have neverrr hearrrd of a Cjizerrrack colonjy therrre. jYou mussst have been ssseparrrated frrrom home forrr a long tjime.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:38:26 AM
Kai smiled slightly and nodded her head. Her elongated ears perked up for a moment as she thought that she heard something...but it was just the nervous twitch of her tail...the end brushed against the floor several times in a minute.

"jIndeed....jI wasss separated forrr a long tjime...sjince jI wass born....jI have onljy sjeen othersss of ourrr kjind on Eden. jI have becomje tjired of the samje old thjing there....sameee routjine everjyday...same people to sjee....jI needed to fjind mjy trueee pride. Besides....there were only a fewww cute bojys....and thejy were Garouuuu...."

She purred softly, recalling her first love. Perhaps she would find her place away from there....she would start her new life in another place now....

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 18th, 2002, 01:43:29 PM
Taa swished her tail about as she listened.

Ssso...do jyou have a trrrade? jYou look ljike a model busssjinesssssswoman.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:44:58 AM
Kai nodded and smiled toothily.

"Oh jineed.....that jis what jI do besst. jI am qujite perssssuasjive when jit comesss to sssuch thjings."

She purred the words softly, wondering if she would be accepted to the pride. Her nerves jerked below her soft, stripped fur....but she calmed them quickly, focusing on Taa's sweet face. Perhaps they would become friends one day or she would make a friend as kind as her...

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:54:38 PM
Well, jI am on the Prrrjide'sss tourrrjisssm boarrrd, ssso jI know all about busssjinessssss herrre. Anotherrr good rrreferrrence jisss Ssseerrrrrrasssssseeji Tsssssseerrrrrraa. Ssshe jisss a sssharrreholderrr in Teerrrrrrousssssseeji Ssstarrrssshjip Cussstomsss.

She handed Kaiasssuri a stack of datapads

Herrre arrre a few trrrade lawsss to ssstudjy up on. jI'm sssurrre jyou'll do jussst fjine.

What busssjinessssss djid jyou sssajy jyou werrre jin?

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 2nd, 2002, 06:16:56 PM
Kaiassuri took the stack of datapads in her furry arms and smiled a toothy grin at Taa. It felt good to finally be a part of something much larger than where she came from.

"jI wasss jinvolved jin jinterrrrgalactjic trade assss well asss sssome tourjism......ssso what wjill jyou have me do?"

She questioned through a soft purr, looking forward to whatever it was that she would be doing in her new life....

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:52:53 PM
Sorreessa watched from nearby, her eyes half closed, as a KAR officer, she never attracted attention to herself but was always watching and listening for information since even the smallest detail could be worth something later on. Although she appeared to be half asleep, she was alert, gathering specs for later use on the newcomer as she spoke to Taa. The older female was known to the halfbreed female but never really had caught the interest of the Pride because of the female's trade in tourism, which never really yielded anything that would peak the KAR's interest. None the less, Sorr watched, the new woman would need to be catagorized and noted for the Pride's records for later use. So Sorr continued to watch from the shadows as she leaned against the wall, still as she could be with not even her tail moving.

OOC: we don't have fur unless your lines are part of something else that has fur.......

Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:19:56 AM
ooc: :lol Okay...fuzz? Not sure what you guys call it...hehe...lemme know so I don't sound stupid anymore. ;)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 3rd, 2002, 01:06:37 AM
OOC: *shakes head* nope, we have mottled skin and no fur other than some say we may have a tuft of fur on the tip of our tails.......*edit* basically our skin is normal just striped all over, Ciz aren't furry...the best example I can give is Aisha Clan Clan of Outlaw Star but with stripes......

Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 01:28:35 AM
Mottled skin....ookay, I can deal with that. Then the rest of the stuff is...hair????

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:30:19 AM
Yup :)