View Full Version : Seen This Mug? (Open, S'Ilancy)

Elsius Brandt
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:01:09 AM
"Hey jack, know this crook?"

Elsius flashed a picture of Lok S'Ilancy at the bartender before laying it down on the counter.

"I know she likes this place. Sheep in Wolf's clothing, know what I mean? Hiding in plain sight. So, she around?"

The bartender shook his head before thinking over who had passed by in the last hour.

"Figures. My luck sucks lately. Ol' Jenre's gonna have my *** in a sling. Mind if I stick around, my man?"

"Go ahead."

"While I wait um... what you got behind there?" Elsius asked, pointing behind the counter, to the liquor lined against the wall.

Maester Wargrave
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:53:53 AM
Wargrave was continuing his study of the Jedi as he sat. At the mention of Loklorien s'Ilancy his ears perked up. The smuggler was a woman he was quite familiar with, given his association with her.

The Dark Jedi rose from his seat in the corner of the bar, silently making his way next to the man ordering a drink.

"How may I help you?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 6th, 2002, 02:32:13 AM
s'Il had almost made it to her ship when she realized she'd forgotten her commset at the booth she'd been occupying at Yog's, and with a silent curse began to retrace her steps.

It was still relatively early in the afternoon, and as she stepped through the doors once more, she was greeted by the door guard; the same door guard in fact....

s'Il flashed him a grin as she handed over her guns once again. "Hey there killer, how's your head there? Hope you find out who it was that rammed you in the face with the door."

He frowned down at her, and her grin widened.

With a slight laugh she turned and headed for her normal booth. Seeing the huge goose-egg on the man's forehead had done wonders for her mood. Lordy the memories of that evening, she smirked inwardly.

The Bar and Grill was fairly packed, and she failed to see Elsius Brandt sitting at the bar as she made a straight line to the booth she'd been at not an hour ago. As she got closer, she was relieved that no one had taken up residence, but her relief soon died when she saw the table had already been bussed.

Her hand shot out to a passing waitress, stopping the poor girl in her tracks. "Oi," s'Il started, "you pick up a commset from this table?"

The waitress's eyes lit up as she fished through her server's apron with her free hand, and two seconds later held the small earpiece out to s'Il.

"You'r a lifesaver, lady," s'Il grinned, letting go of the other woman while taking her commset back.

Satisfied that she'd gotten what she'd come for, s'Il started for the door once more.......

......and stopped. Now she did see Brandt.

With a smooth motion she backtracked to her booth, sliding into the cushioned seat to watch him from within the shadows. He had the look in his eyes; she could tell it all the way from where she was. He was here for someone, and odds were it was her.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 6th, 2002, 02:33:15 AM
Silus looked over to see a picture of Lok S'ilancy laying on the counter. Always one to help out law enforcement, Silus spoke to Brandt

Yeah ive seen her

Silus didnt wait to see if his words caught Brandt's attention.

But my memory's a little foggy right now, a bottle of Bothan Lager should help out a great deal....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 03:48:14 AM
At the other end of the bar, a lone being, enveloped in a cloak watched the bar sliently.