View Full Version : No Sabers- Kack Mebuf

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:39:51 PM
Corin stood awaiting Kack he had sent him a message earlier and told him to meet at the training grounds for some hand to hand training. Corin had spent the past few days getting his butt kicked all over the grounds in saber duals trying to improve his skills but he wanted to have a nice clean hand to hand fight with someone else who had some martial arts background....Kack did plus he was one of Corin's good buddies.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 6th, 2002, 10:07:38 AM
As Kack was preparing to head out to the training grounds he shed his usual Jedi attire for some more loose fitting, comfortable pants and a sleeveless over shirt.

He strolled toward the training grounds where he was to meet his good friend, Corin Zetith. As Kack approached he could sense his buddy standing there waiting patiently.

As Kack jogged up he called out, "Sorry I'm late, had to get out of those stuffy robes."

As Kack got close enough he and Corin exchanged a warm handshake.

"So what are the rules for this buddy? No sabers, I know, but what about the Force?"

There was a twinkle in Kack's eye, he had learned a great deal while sparring with the Shadow Jedi, Davka Volaw.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 7th, 2002, 12:47:49 AM
"Hey, Kack whats up?"

"The rules are as follows:
1.) you cant use weapons just yourself.
2.) no cheapshots, a clean fair fight.
3.) yes you may use the force to aid you."

"Simple enough?"

Corin got into his best stance the Mai Jau Dragon crouch, taught to him by none other than Shada Dou'kal herself. he waited for Kack's reply

Kack Mebuff
Jul 7th, 2002, 09:42:59 AM
Kack smiled, "Sounds fair enough to me." Kack knew he was pretty good with the Force in a fight and this would definitely help his cause.

As Corin prepared his battle stance, Kack did the same. His large frame in a rather awkward position for such a large man.

Kack was a big man at 6'1" and 275 lbs. But he was mostly muscle. He was built like a football player. Kack almost felt a bit of an unfair advantage over his 5'6" friend. Kack banished that idea from his head. "Never underestimate you enemy," he thought to himself.

Kack bowed to Corin. His friend did the same in return. The two resumed their stances.

Kack patiently waited Corin's attack as he tapped into the Force. Feeling for his friend's every movement.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 7th, 2002, 07:27:06 PM
Corin flexed his muscles than relaxed them, getting the adrenaline rushing. he was a small toned man his muscles more for use than show. by the looks of kack his friends were for both. Corin being at a disadvantage of hieght and brute strength in almost every fight he had been in had surprisingly won most of them. he started the fight with a full right roundhouse kick(his favorite). the kick came high for Kacks chest.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 8th, 2002, 12:39:20 AM
Kack ducked low, the kick barely missing him. Kack swept Corin's feet from underneath him, knocking Corin on his back.

Kack lifted Corin up to his feet using the Force and began his attack ...

He sent fists of fury flying at Corin, calculating each punch carefully, waiting for just the right moment, and as Corin concentrated on the flurry of fists before him, Kack side-kicked Corin in the gut knocking him backwards.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:33:39 PM
Corin stumbled and rolled backwards out of the fall, he darted towards kack and flipped high over his head and landed behind him. Corin portrayed himself landing to the side of kack into his opponents mind with the force. then while Kack was readying himself from an attack to the side Corin elbowed him in the back using the force to help push. he then scissor kicked kack's legs out from under him forcing the much larger man to hit the ground hard.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:53:42 PM
Kack attempted pushed himself to his feet as Corin was upon him, but then he had a better idea. As Corin hovered over him Kack grabbed Corin's arms and placed his foot on Corin's chest and flipped the smaller man over Kack.

Kack rolled him over and grabbed his arms and tightened his hold. The Gundark Grip as it was called, bent Corin's arms back while jabbing Kack's elbows into the back of his neck.

"Say 'uncle'!" Kack said with a wide grin across his face. Tightening his hold with every passing second.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 10th, 2002, 07:07:04 AM
Corin used the force to ease the submissioning pain.....then he kick back at Kack connecting with the mans shins, forcing kack to let go with just enough force to make it hurt(Corin didnt want to break his friend's legs with a full force kick. as the huge man began to stumble backwards Corin came aroung with his roundhouse again connecting with the side of Kack's head sending the giant to the ground.

"You first!"

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 09:21:25 AM
Kack pulled himself to his feet. "Nice kick, man," Kack chuckled. He shook his head, then tilted his neck right and left, cracking it.

Kack leapt in the air and using the Force suspended himself in the air in front of Corin and began kicking furiously at Corin's chest, knocking his friend back and the force of the kicks at the same time helping Kack stay in the air.

As Corin was reeling back Kack rushed him did a back flip off his chest and then landed a perfect punch to the same area knocking Corin off his feet.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:36:45 PM
Corin's body was like a shell....crumbling under the awful force of the attacks by kack. he flew backwards coughing up blood he fell to the ground. he lay for a while passing into a world of darkness. he forced it aside drawing on the force to strengthen him. he stirred pushing himself slowly to his feet. when he was standing he smiled at kack wiping the blood from his mouth. he loved to see peoples expression when he got back up for some more. being so small people instantly figured he was weak. it was not the first time he had gotten the -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- knocked out of him and he had been through worse.

"You too Buddy!"

Corin laid out a flurry of strikes as he advanced on Kack. Kack blocked them all and totally concentrating on the swift attacks. Corin used the force to create the allusion of more punches than there really were causing kack to focus more dropping some of his guard for an instant. Corin grabbed the instant and force jumped. locking his legs around Kack's shoulders and neck he flipped backwards catapulting Kack over his feet. Kack landed a few meters away hitting the ground like a starfighter at full speed crashing into the planet's surface.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:38:51 PM
Kack noticed Corin coughing up blood. That was not a good sign. He waited and watch as Corin recovered, using the Force to heal himself. Kack had not meant to seriously injure his friend.

As Corin drew himself to his feet Kack was a bit surprised. Not because he thought Corin was weak, but because Corin had incredible healing Force powers.

Corin caught Kack off guard and whipped the larger man to the ground, knocking the wind out of him.


He could feel his shoulder bruising from the attack. He touched it gingerly then looked up at Corin. Kack smiled.

"Nice move, where'd you learn that one?"

As Kack got to his feet, he bum rushed Corin, using the Force to speed his attack, and tackled the smaller man.

Kack then grabbed him and spun Corin in the air and launched him. Corin caught himself, but as he landed was caught with a hard left from Kack, knocking him on his back.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:24:32 AM
Corin felt the tackle. it hurt causing more pain from what he thought were already broken ribs. then he was picked back up again and hit hard with the left from kack. when he landed on his back he turned over he pushed off with his hands kicking kack in his stomach with both feet connecting at the same time(almost as if he were a horse kicking with its hind legs). Kack stumbled backwards still on his feet. Corin flipped up onto his feet with speed only the force could give him and jump-kicked Kack to the upper chest.

"Thanx, you've got some nice ones yourself!"

Kack Mebuff
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:14:45 PM
Kack stumbled back and landed on his rear. "Oof!"

Kack jumped to his feet.

"That was cool, show me how you did that," Kack said laughing as he walked towards Corin.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:25:31 AM
Corin smiled at his friends interest in his move.

"i think weve both had enough training for a day, why dont we go talk about it over breakfast? you up for it?"

"Im, Starving!"

Corin extended his hand for a mutual ending of the spar and ome food.

Kack Mebuff
Jul 12th, 2002, 09:40:15 AM
Kack smiled widely.

"Now you're talking! That is definitely more my speed!"

He laughed heartily.

The two exited together chatting.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:52:46 PM
OOC: look in the bar & grill for a thread.