View Full Version : Angered!

Darth Rath
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:52:20 PM
The angered Sith walks out on the streets, stomping and yelling all the way. He was mad, mad at everyone. All of the sudden as he was walkign a strong urge built up in him, he drew his double-sided red lightsaber and began attcaking people, screaming all while he was doing it. No one could stop him now, no one.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:09:09 PM
The Sith was out of control. Something had gripped him with anger--a usual emotion exhibited by the Sith. It was sickening, really. The way the dark one blatantly disreguarded the life around him. This was the chance Jeran was looking for. The oppurtunity to show his true skill.

He quietly stalked into the street. He had watched the Sith destroy enough life today. Quietly he drew his saber hilt but didn't yet ignite the blade.

Easy there fella...why don't you take your aggression out on someone your own size...

He spoke with the Force, reaching out telapathically to the enraged Sith. There he stood...waiting...