View Full Version : Dovi Jod

Xazin Alexander
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:34:22 PM
Dovi Jod,

I have created a new charcter like you asked. What I want to do on the Trade Federation is this. The Trade Federation has an army, or so Im told. I would like to be in command of it, under command of you of course.

Xazin Alexander
Jul 8th, 2002, 12:00:04 AM
The Federation has a droid army. Im not power hungry, but my favorite group is the Trade Federation. I would be under your command, by your side at all times. I want to be the commander of the army, thats all.

Dovi Jod
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:55:15 PM
We currently have two battledroid commanders at the moment, but I see no reason why you couldn't participate in the military in some fashion.