View Full Version : Open Challenge to a Sith or Dark Jedi (first ever! hope to learn the ropes)

Jeran Conrad
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:42:17 PM
Entering the dark alleyway, the lone figure of a man known only as Jeran the Hunter silently stalks the dirty path. He is graceful--each step ceasing to make sound. Medium sized, he seems to be built well but not overly muscular. All that is visible is his dark cloak, sweeping around his figure gently. The hood drapes over his face, revealing the detail of the lower part of his mouth and his chin. He is truly a master on concealment.

Jeran is known throughout the core worlds as a lone vigilante of justice. Justice--not peace. He was once a Jedi Knight, following the Order to the best of his person and observing its codes of honor. The quality that separated Jeran from the rest of his colleagues was simply the fact that he had no traces of the dark side in him. He was pure--unable to be tempted, immune to the wonders of the dark side. There were others like him, Jedi who were strong willed in the light side of the Force. They were trained by similar masters and were called Redeemers. A special rank in the Order, most commoners knew nothing of these Jedi Redeemers. But other Jedi grew to respect them. Their sole task was to redeem those Dark Jedi who had embraced a shadowy path. It was a difficult role, as more often than not, those who were seduced by the dark side would not return. And then it was the Redeemer, and the Redeemer alone, who was to destroy the dark presence. All Redeemers trained vigorously with their lightsabers and studied powers of persuasion, truth, and healing. Few Redeemers were skilled in force attacks.

Jeran left the Order after one particualar incident. He and his master had pursued a lost Jedi on the planet Arschlon, a small, jungle planet similar to Dagobah. They encountered the fallen one, dueled fiercely, and then bested the dark one. He laid on the ground and pleaded for life. His master, who believed him, began to help the fallen. But as he let his guard down, the Dark Jedi struck him down. Out of anger, Jeran released a series of vicious strikes, killing the Dark Jedi without offering an alternate path. This was against the Redeemer's code. But Jeran found it to be more sastifying. He felt the threat of the dark side was not something to try to eliminate through rejoining the lost to the light. Rather, he felt that the true path to redemption was to destroy the evil.

So here he stands, scanning the scene with his watchful eyes. No intentions of offering a choice to those who pratice the dark arts.

Redemption is cleansing. Only then can a dark soul see, in the moment of death, that he has truly become clean.

Suddenly, he smelt something. He sniffed the air twice--it was the scent of the shadow. The stink of the dark side. He could not see this presence, but he could feel it. He reached to his belt and touched the hilt of his saber for comfort. Soon the Dark One's position would be revealed.

Da-ku Etanial
Jul 9th, 2002, 01:48:13 PM
He was squating among the trash of the alleyway, his slender hands picking at his dirty brown trenchcoat. He ran one hand through his unruly black hair, and then he smiled. Someone had entered his alley, Da-ku grolwed quietly and sent a single probing thought out towards the interloper.


Jeran Conrad
Jul 9th, 2002, 02:51:21 PM
Jeran slowly came to a stop. Something had penetrated his mind. A thought from another--the Sith he had sensed.

Hello, the thought reached into his head.

He reached out with the Force scanning the scene. With a bit of concentration, he located the figure. He--Jeran thought he felt a male presence--was squatted in a dark corner of the alleyway, his hand probing the dirt below him. He then turned to face the man, his dark cloak sweeping with him. He looked out from the under his shaded face, hidden by the hood he wore. His first hunt of the dark side. To say he wasn't a bit nervous was a lie. But he was a Jedi Knight, and he had confidence in his skills.

Jeran felt a hint of passion in the Sith's voice. Something of...territory? Was he on the Sith's home turf? He chuckled to himself--as far as he was concerned the Sith owned nothing but fear itself. He reached out to the other telepathically, calling on the Force:

Hello to you...perhaps we find ourselves in a predicament of sorts?

Da-ku Etanial
Jul 9th, 2002, 06:14:53 PM

Da-ku laughed out loud, his rice voice echoing off the walls of the buildings."I think not my dear Light-sider friend." he said raising a hand and shaking a finger at Jeran. "tut, tut, thinking me to be a Sith, how droll...But I am neither a Sith, or Dark Jedi, my firend...I'm just the one who'll kill you today." he stood up, and brushed himself off and took one of his twin sabres from his weapons belt, but did not ignite it.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 10th, 2002, 11:37:02 PM
Correct, you are, that I am of the Light. But do not confuse this with the Jedi Order. I am of the light side of the Force you may have never seen before. The Light of Cleansing. A healing light that destroys diseases like you from the system of the Force., Jeran sent in thought to his opponent. Aggression was shown and combat was surely near.

The...other, not Sith not Dark Jedi, seemed a bit confused. Jeran didn't care whether or not one claimed to be a Sith or took on the infamous title of Dark Jedi or not. It was the stink--the utter disgusting stench that turned his stomach--of the dark side that drove him to hunt those who practiced it. Jeran was strongly connected to the Force. He felt it in his every breath--but combat was not his strongest point. He had become a hunter in order to sharpen those skills. Coupled with experience in combat and his excellent coexsistence with the Force, he would be able to serve and protect those in need and wipe out the feeble scratchings of the dark side. He could do all this now that he was free from the cumbersome and overbearing eye of the Jedi Council.

He produced his lightsaber hilt in front of him, not igniting the saber yet. He would not attack first. He threw aside his cloak, revealing to the man, for the first time, his face. He had a square, unshaven jaw. His eyes, dark blue, pierced the other's gaze. His dishevled brown hair tossed in the cool breeze that blew through the alleyway. He stood, saber hilt at his side, reaching out to his opponents thoughts:

Be sure you want to do this, friend. Be sure that you would give yourself openly to the dark side...for your soul will be sent somewhere after this is over.