View Full Version : Fine Tuning My Character

Gouyen Chee
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:56:07 PM
This is a little bit of modification to my character, Gouyen Chee, who I introduced in this thread: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19363

Her hair is shorter, somewhere between her waist and her buttocks, she does not wear any ceremonial garb or bear any Sith amulets.

Modified Bio:
Gouyen Chee has been trained in the Assazi Way of the Force and holds the rank of Warrior in the Order of the Assazi Force Warriors (N'denia Assan Tendia). She has left her homeworld of N'dena, located in the Unknown Regions, to make contact with other Force-using organizations and ultimately join one. She has visited Courscant on several occasions; on one of them, she picked up a stray Cybernian wolf-dog, Robi, who is now her constant companion and assistant. She also has a ship, the Mantis, which is actually a sort of cyborg -- a human brain is the ship's intelligence (an idea I swiped from Anne McCaffrey's The Ship Who Sang). Remember, the Assazi are a very old alien civilization, rumored to be descended from the ancient Sith, with their own way of doing things.

She's a darksider, but having been schooled in an alien tradition, she's also a bit of a wild card. I hope this modification/demotion makes her more playable.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:50:58 PM
I like it. A lot. The brain-driven ship is an interesting touch, I should read some Anne McCaffrey books... I imagine it would also make controlling the ship with the Force possible, which is quite intriguing if not all that useful.

Very nice. Too bad you're a Sith, and will probably have to die messily at the hands of my own group of quite insane Force-users. ;)

Hope this thread doesn't get as derailed as the last one... I'll try to keep my sister in line this time. ;)

Temura Morningstar
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:07:44 PM
Well, I think you'll like "me" a lot too, that is if you're a Jedi and not with the Black Hand (just want to cover all the bases) -- a sixteen year old girl from Onderon who wants to become a Jedi Knight like her hero Nomi Sunrider. :D :angel

Temura (Tem, Temma) Morningstar
(aka Gouyen Chee's newly created light-side alter ego)

Sanis Prent
Jul 6th, 2002, 04:55:26 AM
And you've got a Maori guy's first name.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jul 6th, 2002, 10:26:57 AM
Hey, there are worse male Kiwi first names that she could choose. :) Temura is cool. Though a guy.

Sadly, Gouyen/Temura, I am with the Black Hand. But you could always turn. ;)

Temura Morningstar
Jul 7th, 2002, 12:31:25 AM
Yep, it was a Maori guy's name that inspired my name -- I kept reading "Temeura Morrison" as "Temura Morgenstern" (Jewish Maori??). I thought that would be a neat name for a Jedi character, that is, after translating the last name into English, and voila! here I am :D.