View Full Version : Flying to your Dreams: Research. (Open!)

Jul 5th, 2002, 04:48:38 PM
Chance confidently strolled down a particularly long corridor near lunch-time by his wristwatch. His mission for this long day was to begin research on a specific aircraft in which he was attempting to gain a space-craft that he could call his own. Rounding a corner and nodding to another person who traveled down the same corridor but in the opposite direction. Chance followed directions given to him by yet another Jedi of his rank, a Padawan learner, that were rather vague.

Looking left and right, reading each plaque on the door frames that locked away different rooms, Chance mumbled each name as he read it;

"Room 102, Room 105, Storage, Rec. Room, Archives, Repluser lift, Med.-bay…" The boy mumbled then stopped in mid-step. Turning around, he retraced his steps to the double doors with the ‘Archive’ tag and pushed softly on the doors while stepping back to watch the doors fold inward revealing the books and datapads filled with information on just about everything!

Stepping into the quiet ‘Library’ Chance noticed his attire stood out greatly instantly. He wore a white with red trimmed coat with rather large sleeves and a tail down the front that nearly reached down to his kneecaps. Under the undone coat, he wore a white sleeveless shirt and gray denim jeans with black buckle boots. Overall, Chance really enjoyed wearing the out-fit quite often to the regards of his adopted father Kanji.

Folding his arms and inserting his hands into the large voluminous sleeves, Chance walked down the main corridor between the shelves of informative items, looking left and right until he reached the section on the times long ago. Scanning down the shelf, Chance picked out a datapad on Past Aircraft’s and Vessels and reviewed the cover before returning to the center line of tables inside the Archive.

Setting down the datapad, Chance pulled out a chair and glanced around with his ears perked up attentively before sitting down and skimming the datapad;
<img src=http://www.airventure.org/2002/news/images/harrier.jpg >
<p align="left">
AV-8B Harrier II

Primary function: Attack and destroy surface targets under day and night visual conditions.
Manufacturer: McDonnell Douglas
Propulsion: One Rolls Royce F402-RR-406 or F402-RR-408 turbofan engine
F402-RR-406: 21,500 pounds
F402-44-208: 23,400 pounds
Length: 46.3 feet (14.11 meters)
Wing span: 30.3 feet (9.24 meters)
Cruise speed: Subsonic to transonic
Ferry range: 2100 nautical miles (2416.64 miles)
Combat radius:
close air support: 163 nautical miles (187.45 miles) with 30 minutes time on station
interdiction: 454 nautical miles (522.45 miles)
Armament: Seven external store stations, comprising six wing stations for AIM-9 Sidewinder and an assortment of air-to-ground weapons, external fuel tanks and AGM-65 Maverick missiles; one centerline station for DECM pod or air-to-ground ordnance. A GAU-12 25MM six-barrel gun pod can be mounted on the centerline and has a 300 round capacity with a lead computing optical sight system (LCOSS) gunsight.
Crew: 1
Introduction date: 12 January 1985, AV-8BII(Plus) introduced in June 1993
Unit Replacement Cost: $23,700,000

Mission: The mission of the VMA STOVL squadron is to attack and destroy surface and air targets, to escort helicopters, and to conduct other such air operations as may be directed. Specific tasks of the AV-8B HARRIER II include:
- Conduct close air support using conventional and specific weapons.
- Conduct deep air support, to include armed reconnaissance and air interdiction, using conventional and specific weapons.
- Conduct offensive and defensive antiair warfare. This includes combat air patrol, armed escort missions, and offensive missions against enemy ground-to-air defenses, all within the capabilities of the aircraft.
- Be able to operate and deliver ordnance at night and to operate under instrument flight conditions.
- Be able to deploy for extended operations employing aerial refueling.
- Be able to deploy to and operate from carriers and other suitable seagoing platforms, advanced bases, expeditionary airfields, and remote tactical landing sites.

Features: The AV-8B V/STOL strike aircraft was designed to replace the AV-8A and the A-4M light attack aircraft. The Marine Corps requirement for a V/STOL light attack force has been well documented since the late 1950's. Combining tactical mobility, responsiveness, reduced operating cost and basing flexibility, both afloat and ashore, V/STOL aircraft are particularly well-suited to the special combat and expeditionary requirements of the Marine Corps. The AV-8BII+ features the APG-65 Radar common to the F/A-18, as well as all previous systems and features common to the AV-8BII.

The datapad read, humming in curiosity Chance continued down the datapad deeply engrossed into the information it gave..

Jul 5th, 2002, 07:31:15 PM
Half an Hour Later

Chance had returned to the archive shelves four times before settling down with two books and four datapads. In some way or another, each book and 'pad related to the first datapad Chance had pulled from the shelves.

One of the two books was open to a page on areodynamics, three of the datapad's showing X-Wing, Y-Wing, and A-Wing schematics while the other showed mechanics.

Chance made notes on a spiral binder as he read. Several passerby's stared for moments at the reference material the young boy read furiously.

"Alright.. This could work... maybe.. with that and that in it. With that chassis." He mumbled and wrote, if some passed by and happen to glance over the boy's shoulder they would see a very well drawn airplane that was strikingly similar to the Harrier file before with exeptions; The rearward sloping wings where inverted to point torward the nose of the craft. Note's were made off to the side of the drawing pointing out flaws and advantages.

"Put two fins here.." Chance mumbled again, sketching in two triagular fins that jetted up into the 'air'...