View Full Version : Take Out

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:50:27 PM
The doors opened to the establishment and in walked a tall red head, arms hanging lazily on the sides of the entrance, taking in all the local flavors with a quick glance of the room.


There didn't seem to be too many people eating at the bar and grill tonight.

Slim pickings..

The fiery redhead mused to herself before striding inside the bar fully.

It had been too long since Miranda Dunleavy had ventured far from the Coven's home. Hunting for prey lost its luster after Soth had left for other interests ... which did not include her .....

She had many fond memories of this place so this was going to be the starting point of forgotten the creature that stole her heart, but also gave her a new unlife.

It was time to start living again instead of the brooding that she mastered for over two hundred years.

Now the question was how to start....

For those that actually took notice that she was there, Miranda vanished from sight. In reality, she was using the Force to cloud her image from those around her so she could take a seat and not be disturbed. She found an empty booth and quietly slipped into it, still remaining invisible.

Miranda just waited; patiently. Watching everyone live their lives unnoticed.

And just to be made sure to be left alone ... she exuded an aura that would cause an unsettling feeling to anyone that happened to get too close in her vicinity.

Maybe she wasn't quite done with the brooding.

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:46:34 AM
Soft as silk, a hand both gentle and cold brushed the hair away from the back of Miranda's neck. Porcelain needles pressed against her flesh as their owner spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Why hello, my darling."

The teeth formed into a wicked grin as Mortaniuss, fellow vampyre of the Coven, took the seat next to her.

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:00:28 AM
The touch was electric as she felt her body come alive from the stranger's touch.

Miranda thought it was Soth but the voice was not his.

Emerald eyes gazed evenly at Mortaniuss when he sat across from her.

"Fancy seeing you here. And here I'd thought this would be a boring and lonesome night."

Jul 5th, 2002, 02:51:15 PM
The albino's ruby-red irises focused on her's as his grin warmed into a smile. His teeth, like the rest of him, were immaculately white and pristine.

"I'm always out and about, dear Miranda. So much so that I sometimes fear I've become an outsider at our home. An outcast among Rogues, so to speak."

He stretched out an open hand to the female vampyre, as if to prove to her that it was indeed empty. Then, with all the drama of a magician onstage, he closed his hand into a fist and raised it to his mouth. He gave a soft puff, his breath rising in a cold cloud and obscuring his hand as he opened it... to reveal a stemless rose. It was midnight black, with just a hint of blue around the edges of its petals.

"For you, m'lady."

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 6th, 2002, 11:14:00 PM
"Quite the contrast to myself, I fear. I don't get out too much any ...."

She watched with curious intrigue as Mortaniuss went through the motions of ...?

Miranda wasn't quite sure what he was doing until he peeled away his hand.

"... longer."

The Vampyre finally exhaled, feeling the breath pass between the fingertips that had come over her lips. Her eyes were quite wide, stunned, at the gift waiting for her.

Timidly she cupped the black rose within her palm, feeling similar coldness that all creatures like them possessed.

"Thank you."

A surprise was putting it mildly.

"I haven't seen a black rose since ...."

She swallowed a choke that was threatening to come up and crack her voice.

"... since Soth."

Jul 7th, 2002, 04:49:32 PM
Mortaniuss' face resembled nothing so much as polished porcelain, his demeanor showing only a detached interest.

"Oh? I'm afraid I do not know Soth very well. As I said: I do not spend much time at the Citadel, and so I have not become overly acquinted with all of its denizens. Saurron keeps me very busy."

Again, he focused his eyes on hers. A mesmerizing swirl of red hues danced in rythym to his words as he spoke. Idly, he took one hand and passed it through his bone-white strands of hair.

"Which is why I thought it interesting to find you here, Lady Miranda. Were you looking for some... exotic food? Or something else, perhaps?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:22:24 AM
Miranda's comely face looked scarred as her lips creased into a frown.

"Soth does not matter anymore. He left the Coven."

Her eyes grew a bit brighter, dazzling with mischief.

"Course, you would have known that if you were around the Coven more."

She settled cross-legged, to the side of the table, absently running her finger down its length. A look of disgust came when she found that a speck of food, most likely, had found its way on her finger.

Flicking the disgusting particle off, Miranda reached over for a napkin.

"I haven't had my fill tonight ... It is part of the reason that I am here and ..."

The napkin was course against her delicate skin but having been tainted by whatever germs were on those leftovers made Miranda's stomach turn.

"... I need to be out. Far away from the Coven. I did not want to be alone."

Her eyes drifted around the crowed.

"But all I feel is sadness."

Jul 28th, 2002, 07:00:54 PM
The albino reached out, gently placing one finger under Miranda's chin and lifting her gaze to his own once again. His face was stolid for a moment, taking on the statuesque appearance of carved marble. His face held its unwavering impassiveness as he searched for something to say.

Instead, his bloodless lips turned upwards and parted, revealing his immaculately white teeth - the canines protruding much lower than the rest of his teeth. The smile of a predator.

"I hunger, dear lady. Would you care to accompany me in a hunt? It's been quite some time since I've had to hunt for my food."

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 29th, 2002, 05:27:23 PM
No false words of encouragement were uttered. There was no sympathy that would fall on deaf ears. Instead, Mortaniuss held her still, studying her face, her eyes, the way her hair fell into place around her forehead and shoulders.

Miranda's thoughts cleared, curious as to what was going on in her brother's mind. There was no discernible way to see any facile expressions for his skin was seamless. No lines of age could be found anywhere upon his skin. And his hands! Hands so cold that it burned.

It felt good to be touched and to be understood.

Mortaniuss felt the deep chuckled first. Miranda's skin vibrating by the throaty laughter. Eventually, her lips parted with a fanged smile and her eyes finally were starting to grow brighter!

"A hunt is just what I need."

She let her fingers come up and slide down his hands. Dipping low down her brother's forearm lightly as she pressed her lips against his palm in thankfulness.