View Full Version : A concerned friend (CLOSED - Xazor)

Jul 4th, 2002, 01:54:07 PM
Anduril walks into the Bar and Grill, he knew that Xazor was about and he heard about the accident, he wanted to see how his friend was doing.

Sitting in a shadowed corner, he waited for his friend to turn up.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 04:36:50 PM
With slow movement, the Jedi Knight, Xazor Magus....moved into the Bar and Grill on her crutches. Bruises seemed to be all over her body.....but only a few scars remained visible. She was Garou and healed at an amazing rate of speed. Her body ached, though, for it had only been a few days after the confrontation with Lady Vader. Her side ached terribly and the deep gashes had been long scarred over thanks to her healing, once again.

Looking around she did not see too many familiar faces this day, but one stood out in the crowd....her friend, Anduril. A smile lit up her face as she slowly made her way towards him. Now she knew how her daughter felt, always having to make her way through crowds and busy places on two wooden sticks. They were not so bad....and she was grateful that she could walk at all. Once at the side of the table, she bowed her head, though her neck hurt a bit still. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with the same life and vigor she held even before the run in.

"Greetings my friend, it is good to see you....."

Her voice was soft as she spoke. The Garou woman laid one crutch against the table and moved herself into the booth. She then took both crutches and laid them under the table close to her feet for easy accessibility.

"So how are you this day, Anduril?"

She questioned with a gentle smile. A server droid buzzed over to their table, requesting to take orders of food and or drink. She did not know what she wanted at the moment, so she looked over at Anduril for a suggestion.....

Jul 5th, 2002, 01:15:09 AM
Looking Xaxor up and down he smiled.

"I am very well Xazor, and your looking good as new already! You garou do heal well. I am glad to see that you are on your feet again!"

As the droid came up, he thought for a moment.

"Could we have... Oh I don't know. Just bring us one of those horrible drinks that Sejah likes."

He looked at Xazor.

"What are they called? Oh yes! A Nehi please. They cant be too bad. And for you?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:07:25 AM
Xazor smiled brightly and nodded.

"Oh yes.....we Garou do heal quickly and for that, I am most grateful."

The Knight laughed when Anduril referred to the drink that Sejah liked as being horrible.

"I'll have one as well......"

She did not know what it tasted like....but decided that giving one a try could not hurt....

"So how is training?"

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:12:43 AM
Anduril looked, lightly at Xazor.

"My training? Well, I think I'm improving. I have been sparring a lot, so hopefully, I will be able to regain my previous skills. I am thoroughly enjoying my classes with Master Belargic, and the class Marcus is running sounds interesting. Is it that much different being a Knight to a padawan?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:23:34 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"Oh yes, it is a lot different! Being a Knight is so much responsibility! When you have a Padawan.....or fifteen like me, you are responsible for not only yourself....but them as well! You have to take care of them and teach them as if they were like a child to you......and in doing so, you develope a very special relationship. Knights are always under the Council's watch....so if I mess up.....everyone knows about it. But the Jedi are forgiving and compassionate.....so if something goes wrong, we're not punished. Wow, there is so much more that goes into being a Knight, but to tell you the extent of it would take a few days...."

She laughed slightly as their drinks were served to them....

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:34:32 AM
Anduril nodded then looks at the drinks that were being served. They were blue, they were thick, and they were sticky.

"Hmm" he said to himself. "Well! Here goes nothing!"

Picking up the drink he sipped it slightly. Then took a fair sized mouthful.

"Well! I'm moderately surprised! I thought it would have been much worse. A bit thick but a nice fruty taste to it."

"If you don't mind me asking Xazor, why is it that you choose to take on many padawan's at once, instead of taking the traditional one?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:41:46 AM
Xazor looked at the drink then gulped down part of it. It was good, not horrible as she had imagined. His question was something to think about.....but a smile crossed her lips for she already knew the answer.

"I love teaching and I once had one Padawan......but then I decided, this is what I want to do! I want to be fully active with the new Padawans....I want to have a whole lot of them.....as I do now.....for I just love it so much. But above all things.....it is by the will of the Force that I have so many and do not go by the old laws and tradition of one....."

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:49:08 AM
Anduril thoguth for a moment, then smiled.

"Well, if it is what you love doing, then I suppose that is what you should be doing. But how did you persuade the council that it was a good idea?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:52:16 AM
Xazor grinned slightly and shook her head.

"Anyone who trains can take more than one Padawan. The Council trusts my judgement....they know that I can handle it. I am head of the Recruitment Center besides....so I am always surrounded by Padawans. I just love planting such precious seeds......."

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:56:51 AM
Anduril smiles.

"What a lovely way of putting it. But I thought the code forbid that one should take more than one padawan lerner."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:05:01 AM
Xazor smiled but shook her head.

"That's the code of old times.....we had to revise it with the influx of Padawans. Otherwise, the Master Padawan ratio would be off the charts....."

Jul 5th, 2002, 11:44:35 AM
Anduril nods.

"Ah," he said "one of those good in theory but bad in practise situations, eh?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:55:15 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled as she took another sip of her drink.

"Indeed.....we must change rules in order to accomodate times here at the Order. It isn't a bad thing, though.....it helps out a lot."

She grinned and waved at a passing friend before reurning her attention back to Anduril.

"So have you done anything interesting lately? I see you have really adjusted here and have made some great friends."

Jul 5th, 2002, 02:46:37 PM
Anduril smiles.

"Yes, I have made a great many friends. It is strange, I never seemed to be that sociable before I came here, but this place has changed me a little.

Have I done anything interesting you ask? Well, I would expect what you and I would deem interesting would be two very different things. But I will continue, nevertheless... What have I done recently?" He mused, thinking of his past few weeks at the Academy. "Well, I have tried to bring a greater diversity to my trining here. Before, I was merely attempting to get along in your class, but now I have already trined in a few spars; Ambidexterously as well as with the single sabre. I am enjoying the class (as far as it has gone) with you and Master Q'Dunn, and my training with Master Belargic. We have progressed quite far I think. I think I am getting the hang of relying on the force more than my other sences."

Smiling in recollection he remembered being blindfolded then getting rocks thrown at full force at him.

"Yes, I believe we are progressing well. But how are you at the moment? How are your other padawan's coming along?"

He smiled, with an inquisitive tone to his voice.