View Full Version : Smokes for Jedi Blokes

Syrius Cline
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:09:28 AM
It was a highly improper manner of conducting one's self as a Jedi. The body is a temple, blah blah blah. Sound body, sound connection to the Force, blah blah blah. He'd heard enough. Right now, his lungs screamed for the pain that felt so good. Sweet release.

His back was pressed against the wall, near the men's room and the pay comm units. He didn't try to conceal his face. Not many people knew him here anyway. He was swearing off of the naughty pleasures in life until now. Besides, with his usual thug outfit, not many people would peg him for a Jedi. He hadn't even constructed a Lightsabre yet. The only thing to link him to the group was the Learner's Braid he wore. He actually liked it. Fit with his decor.

"Got a light?" Syrius asked a man passing by. He was doing the 'I gotta whiz dance' as he headed for the bathroom. He stopped to fumble around before finally lighting Syrius' cigarette. A gold lighter once layed inside his pocket before he tossed it into the river. "Thanks mate. You're a life saver," he called after the quickly departing, full bladdered patron.

Ah, it felt good. Good thing he wasn't intuned witht he Force enough to actually 'sense' or 'feel' the smoke going into his lungs. It'd be like visiting the morgue and seeing deseased lungs, something his mother once forced him to do as a rebelious teen. Funny, he thought it was cool. Not many people can say they have a black lung. Then again, Syrius wasn't the model Jedi. Nah, he wasn't rebelious anymore. In fact, with his background he knew more about keeping the peace than any of the other Padawans. Yet somehow he always found a way to set himself apart. Maybe on perpose.... or maybe it was just his accent.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:22:31 PM
The figure of a woman passed by people in the Bar as she walked toward the back....to a presence of one familiar to her. A smile danced upon her lips at the sight of him....her Padawan, Syrius Cline. She saw him smoking, though...something a bit disappoining to her for she had taught him better than that. Sighing slightly, she removed the hood of her red cloak and let the light cast a gleam across her face.

Once she stood right in front of him, she smiled again....exposing her elongated canines and allowing the silver specks in her deep blue eyes to sparkle just as she bowed in respect to him.

"Greetings my Padawan....I see you have picked up a nasty habit....again...."

She said, taking the lit cigarette out of his mouth. The Knight grinned and shook her head as she examined the toxic little thing. Sighing once again, she shoved it back between his lips and crossed her arms over her chest.

"So how have you been? Skipping training, I see...."

The Garou winked slightly and then turned her attention to finding an empty table. Perhaps a drink would be good this night. Spotting one, she grabbed Syrius's arm and began leading him toward it.

"A drink would be good....good drinks and good conversation..."

Xazor grinned once again as they finally reached the table...though they had knocked over a few people in the process. She sat down and motioned for her Padawan to sit as well. It would be good to see how he was doing...what he had been up to lately.......

Syrius Cline
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:59:57 PM
"I've been here and there. Mostly there," Syrius spouted as he sat, relieved he wasn't getting a rather harsh thrashing. "I'm not like you love. I'm not like anyone here. I can't use the Force. Lately I've begun to think either my flames too low to start a fire, or it was never there to begin with. Sure, I get the feelings and precognition but what in the bloody hell good is that? I can see that someone's about to beat me to a pulp. This is a higher stakes game and I'm not your best player, if you catch my meaning love. The Jedi's time is better spent teaching recruits who they should give a damn about, not some poor sod like your's truely."

Syrius took one good-bye drag before distinguishing the cigarette.

"That's why I've been playing hooky. Because I'm a waste of your time."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:15:58 PM
Xazor nearly dropped her jaw at his words. She shook her head and sat back just to look at him for a second. Then with one fluid motion, she sat forward and slapped him across the face. She could tell that he was a bit surprised by her actions...but he needed it.

"You, young Padawan, are not a waste of my time. Now sit up, shape up, and start acting like the Jedi that you are!"

She said sternly. Something was either in his cigarettes.....or he had really lost it this time.

"Have you hit your head or something Syrius? After this, we're going to go train right away.....I've been waiting for you. Do you know how many nights I laid awake wondering where you were? Why you had left so suddenly? I thought perhaps you did not like the way I teach.....I though you though that I was a bad teacher period! You had me worried sick, then you turn up and basically tell me that you quite? I don't think so....here, how do you feel now?"

She leaned forward and slapped him again, hard across the other cheek. It was tough love.....she honestly cared for him and for him to pull this.....well, he would not get away with it.

"Now young Padawan must I drag you by your ear to those training ground?"

By thise time everyone in the bar had turned their attention to she and Syrius. It was a funny thing to see little groups break out in laughter....but even embarassment was not her goal here. She was out to save him from making a huge mistake.

Syrius Cline
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:40:35 PM
"Now I can't insult people by saying they hit like a girl. Shame," Syrius tried to keep it light. "You've got self esteem issues love. Just because I'm not training with you, doesn't mean your a bad teacher. Some people don't like being taught. For me it's a bloody pain learning this Jedi nonsense. It's like teaching a fish to walk. After a while he just wants to go back to swimming."

He eyed the cigarette... why did he put it out? He could use it right now. Oh wait, he had another. Reaching for his pack of smokes he addressed Xazor's question.

"You can try and teach me if you are bent on it. How some people like pulling teeth is beyond me. What would you do? How can you possible make me more adept? I'm a small wick, the flame can't rage that tall."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:44:31 PM
"Yes it can! Look at me! I was a pure blooded Sith.....a cold blooded killer! Thousands have died by my hands! And do you think I was any different than you.......no. I wasn't. I will teach you and you will learn. Your words will not persuade me any. Now, do I need to slap that into you as well? I didn't think so..."

The Knight said with a bit of a smile. It was an amusing thing.....speaking with him. He contradicted himself a bit, and now she would adress that as well.

"And self esteem issues? I have none, my young Padawan. Listen to you.....saying that you cannot learn! You can and you will!"

She was very persistant. He would become a Jedi....she promised herself that....

Syrius Cline
Jul 5th, 2002, 12:49:21 AM
"Okay, okay, love. You can try, it's your time you're wasting anyway."

Syrius finally pulled a cigarette out of it's pack. He slid it into his mouth before finally lighting it. He waited to take a puff, pulling it out.

"I'm not going to have to quit again, am I now? I hate going through withdrawl."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 04:06:15 PM
"You're going to wish you quite when we start....."

The Knight warned seriously. If he was to withstand any sort of physicality....he would have to quite or he would not be able to breath very well.

"We shall begin again, your training, tomorrow.....meet me in the Jedi Academy at.....five in the morning, sharp! It isn't a waste of my time either....."

Syrius Cline
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:34:13 PM
"Five in the morn? Maybe I'll learn better when sleepwalking, eh love?" Syrius joked, puffing on his cigarette. "I might just give you a run for your money, ya know, if we're doing the jogging bit. I was the fastest bloke on the force. Of course they were all tubby donut munchers. I would think you mean Force training though. I'm just having a bit of fun. I'm glad you don't slap me whenever I joke. Otherwise I'd have bloody cheeks 24/7."

Syrius extinguished his cigarette before standing out of his chair. He'd gone through two in the last ten minutes. He almost wished he hadn't started smoking again. It'd take a pretty penny out of his pocket if he wasted them all.

"I guess I have to nod off now, if I ever want to make your deadline. Nice speaking with you Xazor. Your cherry, go getter attitude is starting to rub off on me. Funny, I'm not sure if that's good or bad."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:11:48 AM
Xazor grinned and rose to her seat as well, a smile danced upon her lips.

"It was good to speak with you again....now don't be late tomorrow!"

She said with a gentle laugh and then left the bar for her Living Quarters to meditate as she did daily....

Syrius Cline
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:17:38 AM
Syrius smiled brightly until she left the bar. Then, he turned to the bartender. As he walked over he retrieved another cigarette from it's package and lit it.

"Now, see, she thinks I'm going to go home and sleep. But I know I'll have a drink instead. Scotch, on the rocks."

Syrius sat down at the bar.

"I have it all planned out mate, so don't give me that look. I just won't go to sleep. I'll pull an all nighter."

The bartender didn't say anything as he slid the drink to Syrius, but his eyes spoke volumes.

"What do you know? I think better when I'm sleepy."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:19:15 AM
"Oh really?"

The Knight tapped him on the shoulder. He forgot, she had ways of knowing what was going on...this time, she just held a mental connection with him as she left....and he didn't.

"You, young Padawan, need to go to your room and get some sleep! I should be the one drinking that!"

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:30:07 AM
Sometimes watching the antics of the Jedi were a good source of amusement. The quiet and hooded man in hte corner grinned, then returned back to his own pipe, puffing out a stream of smoke