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Sejah Haversh
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:07:13 AM
Seven letters. Each postmarked from his hometown.

Seven letters in the last four days, and all the envelopes empty except for one.

Sejah turned it over in his paws as he sat at his table. It was fine paper, white with a 25% cotton weave to it, adn a light texture. A watermark of the company that produced it was visible when he held it up to teh light, and it had been folded into thirds by hand before it had been stuffed into the envelope.

It was also blank, except for the bottom right corner where a faint brown ink had left a mark he recognized. Sejah was going to get a visitor. A visitor he could do without for the moment. Lifting the page, the mongoose sniffed it again.

Cigarette smoke, expensive tobacco from the eastern fields of H'karrajash, a prime tobacco growing area on Nehantish, his homeworld. The paper might as well have been completely blank, he knew the smell so well. But the mark was there just to make sure he couldn't mistake it.

Seven letters, six empty. The only page blank. An onld friend was coming.

Folding the paper once more, Sejah returned it to the inner layer of his vest and then stood up, makign his way to the bar, his face daunted by his own personal demons. "Tom Collins, with a slice of lemon, too," He said to the barkeep, who mixed hsi drink for him. "Thanks, bottle of gin, too. And a couple more lemons."

Recieving the order, Sejah went back and sat at his table alone. He hadn't drank much since he came to the Jedi complex, but, this was different. Lifting the Tom Collins to his lips, he took a sip and sighed, then rememberign to squeeze the lemon into it. The bitterness gone, he took another drink, and thought abotu wat was coming.

Seven letters.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:32:24 AM
That is no way to confront your problems, Sejah.

(Jubei relieved the mongoose of his drink, replacing it with a steaming cup of fragrant smelling, but bitter-tasting tea.)

Seek solace from within, not from within a bottle. Answers you find there, are derived from clouded reason. The only thing more numerous than bottles in a bar, are regrets.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:50:38 AM
Looking up to Jubei, Sejah sighed and let his head hang again.

"We're not in class, Master Jubei, I respect your judgement, but let me be to my own devices, today. I ordered what I wanted." He said, his voice slightly perturbed. "Where I come from, one's favorite drink is ordered when he is expecting company, and more for his company as well. So, either you smoke expensive cigarettes, or you're not my company."

Sejah was bitter in his speech, even thugh he knew that Jubei was right. But at that moment, he didn't want to be right. He had always been right, and wished to make a change that day. He could still smell the letter in his vest.

Looking back up at the Knight, Sejah then closed his eyes and sighed. "Sit down, if you're going to hang around. Make yourself comfortable, I don't know when my company will be here."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 08:39:18 AM
(Jubei sat)

No, we are not in class. We are in life. Yet lessons and learning are no less important here.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 4th, 2002, 04:06:57 PM
"Did it cross your mind that I might have learned that lesson before?" Sejah crossed him back. Leaning back in his chair, he set his paws on the tabletop and let his face remain still.

"I was a teacher, too, you know, and my master did teach me the importance of breakign rules on teh occasion. If you were to just follow blindly, you lose sight of why you travel a narrow path. The occasional variance is a reminder. Now, pass me back my glass and let me remind myself why I shoudln't have it." He said firmly. Though he never had true formal training, Sejah had learned under many masters in several arts of defense, and was a fair teacher himself.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 4th, 2002, 06:05:15 PM
(Jubei's voice was low and serious)

Be careful what you use that to justify, Sejah. More than one have dabbled in the Dark Side, if only to find out why they became Jedi.

Not all of them returned.

(Jubei smiled, returning the bottle)

But if you insist, finish your drink.

(He eased the lip of the bottle to the padawan's mouth, and began to tilt the bottom of the bottle up.)

Sejah Haversh
Jul 5th, 2002, 02:13:51 AM
The bottle was tilted, yes, but no excess bubbles rose to the top as it drained. Reachign up, Sejah took ahold of the the bottle of gin and removed Jubei's hand from it.

Counterign the tip, the mongoose pulled the bottle of alcohol away from his mouth and a small popping noise was audible as he popped his tongue out of its neck; having acted acted as a stopper. With a deft move, he set the bottle aside and shook his head. "I said that I would order my favorite drink, and more for my company. That's for my company."

Realizing that he would nto get rid of Jubei so easily, Sejah began to welcome his presence, though still resenting, it, slightly. Reaching out, he picked up his tom Collins form the next table where the Knight had placed it and took a sip. "I never said I wisehed to deal with the Dark Side, you read a bit much into that." He stated, taking another sip from his glass, "I only was providing excuse for my current actions. As far as I know, a Jedi is still allowed to drink, if he wishes."