View Full Version : A Starry, Starry Night (OPEN..Jedi)

Krystal Stargazer
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:09:12 PM
OOC: Open to Jedi , A challenge. I am not new by far but this character is. ^_^

One Coruscant Night

It was a clear starry night, even for the "city planet". Many sky ships whirled about haphazzardly across the skyline, always in a rush. But down below on the planet's surface there really was not much difference, especially at night. The hustle and bustle of aliens and people alike was a very common sight.

Krystal Stargazer was just one of a billion pedestrians walking down the avenues. The slender blonde had concealed her features with her blood red color robe. Her hood was drawn over her head. She strided through the crowds...while visions of her past played through her mind. Her rosey red lips began to purse as she angrily recalled her foolish past as a Jedi and the ex-love of her life. Much hatred and fiery rage glowed in those big dark eyes of hers. Suddenly an unfortunate citizen bumped into her.

Citizen: Pardon me..Maam!

Krystal's eyes widened as she reached down to the innocent citizen. Pulling him up off the ground by his collar. This was an amazing sight to some. But, her hatred, adrenaline and force knowledge alike would make this a very simple task to say the least

YOU are NOT excused!! Pathetic fool..watch where you going!

The sith threw the man like he was a simple Kanduu feather. BANG!! He flew into the crowd of people behind him. The crowd looked on but did not want to intimidate Krystal. She could feel their fear. A small evil smile of satisfaction crossed her face as she continued down the avenue

Now where is a damn cantina when you want one?!

Torriana Marx
Jul 3rd, 2002, 05:38:33 PM
She looks friendly.

Torri sighed exaggeratedly and, slapping her forehead, muttered, "These so-called bad guys. Always making a scene."

I almost forgot. That's your job.

Frowning, she unconsciously gripped her blaster in one hand and smacked the side of her face with the other. In light of the tumult, nobody noticed the young Jedi conversing without restraint to what was, ostensibly, herself. Which wasn't right; she might as well add some heroics to the little plot unfolding.

Pushing past the somewhat apprehensive crowd that had gathered behind the woman, Torri briskly walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder before boldly declaring, "Excuse me, lady - on second thought, no need for that - but what you did to that guy back there wasn't very polite. He deserves an apology."

(OOC: Ditto.)

Krystal Stargazer
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:48:40 PM
Turning her back ever so slowly to face the voice of interference

What did you say? Are you talking to me?

Krystal's eyes grew wide once again, but this time from the audacity of some simple minded fool that wanted to put her two cents where it wasn't needed. At first, she starred down the nosey buddy, before hissing out a reply

I suggest you mind your own business girlie or you just might find yourself in worse shape than he is.

OOC: kewlies ^_^

Torriana Marx
Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:34:25 PM
Torri rolled her eyes. For once, couldn't they come up with something original? All these Sith one-liners were so cliched. Arrogance is such a charming trait, wouldn't you agree?

"Well, I don't see too many people going around using others as a punching-bag and wearing painfully bright clothes that make them stick out like rotten diseased toenails, so you tell me."

I see you too have mastered the art of diplomacy.

Ignoring the comment, she continued, "And that's not saying much, sweetie. You didn't bust him up that bad, you know."

Krystal Stargazer
Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:45:10 PM
Fiesty little thing you are for a Jedi. Not so sweet and innocent. Tis ashame I just may have to teach you some manners for flapping your gums!

Krystal crossed her arms infront of her and glanced back to where the fallen man laid

Lets just say he was lucky this time, Sugar. Imagine if he really got on my badside.

Torriana Marx
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:05:06 PM
"That's what you get for being stereotypical." She idly twirled the blaster around her finger.

"And besides, from what I've seen, you don't know too much about manners to be teaching it to others. Bad side? I wouldn't know."

A shot fired from the blaster, only just missing Krystal's ear.

"Oops... sorry." Torri smiled, as sweetly as she could manage under the thick layer of black lipstick.

Krystal Stargazer
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:58:46 PM
As the shot blasted by Krystal, she did not flinch and inch

Hmmm...seems to me your little toy needs an adjustment.

The sith walked over very nonchalantly toward the jedi, very confidant in every step she took until she was right in Torriana's face. Krystal stood there while her eyes glared into the Jedi's eyes. She titled her head some, and began to walk around Torriana. At one point, she flicked her hand across Torriana's back touching the clothing she was wearing. As she completed circling the Jedi, Krystal stopped and once again starred Torriana right in the face

Your taste in clothing surprises me Jedi. A lovely shade of black you wear even on your lips. I can't help but wonder did you forget your Jedi Clothing at the cleaners?

Torriana Marx
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:05:43 AM
Waving the blaster in the air, she scoffed, "What, this thing? Nah, it's fine. And please. Don't. Touch. Me."

Torri scowled up at the woman as she came to a halt before her. "Don't tell me you're in uniform 24/7. Besides, I don't really fancy going around flaunting what kind of person I'm supposed to be, unlike SOME people."

Really, is that so?

"Shut up," she whispered, then raised her voice to address Krystal. "And here's a first lesson in manners for you, bub. Never quite caught your name. Me, I'm Torri, and I guess you've already figured out what I do. We kinda got off on the wrong foot, so a delayed 'hello' to you too."

The Jedi extended her hand. "Peace?"