View Full Version : Bar Raid.. or something..

Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:45:36 PM
Chance was crouched low behind another patron as he entered Master Yog's Bar and Grill. Hoping to sneak by the bouncer again, which for the last six times failed, Chance crouched low.

"Mornin' Sir." The bouncer greeted Chance's 'Ticket man' as he passed by with Chance out of sight beside the man.

"No luck, boy' Found ya." A voice spoke behind Chance and he frowned as a large burly hand clampped down on the scruff of his shirt.

"Ah crud." Chance moaned as he surrendered down his sabers and rapier. "I'll get past you eventually!"

"Heh, You do that and I'll get you a startship." The bouncer grinned as he let Chance by. "Hey, Chance. No beers!"

"Yeah Yeah! I know. Soda's all the way." Chance replied, taking a empty table near the center and ordering a coke. Geesh, How can I get past him? He's good at spottin' people..

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jul 2nd, 2002, 11:51:51 PM
Davka and Raja sat in the corner, very quietly watching... waiting, the boy who entered was caught by the bouncer, it drew their attention because the boy had two lightsabers and a rapier taken off him, their types of weapontry. Davka had sensed the boy as he had entered behind a man, star pilot perhaps... He was a small boy and Davka knew Raja felt an aurora about the boy. Davka got up to invite the boy to the table, to discuss the bouncer...

"Hey boy, you can come and sit with my wife and myself if you wish..." Davka said in as kind a tone as he could, but it came out as scary to the young boy.

He saw the boy look up, a chill running down his spine. Davka did not like to scare people, but being a Shadow Jedi and a previous Sith, it was hard not to scare people. He was tall and the boy could only see his icy blue eyes glowing under his hood.

Davka outstreached his hand a touched the boy on his back, suggesting, leading him to the darkest table in the corner...

Avolon Bisel
Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:19:55 AM
Avolon had walked over to the bouncer by now, watching the two converse. Now Chance was speaking to someone else. Avolon gestured towards them, leaning close to the bouncer, so only he could hear.

"Why do these Jedi Padawans want to carry weapons in here? Like I couldn't pop some heads if the going got tough."

The bouncer laughed as his four arms flaired. His blue complexion was a somewhat peaceful reminder that he was a kind giant.

"I know, you'd do okay too," Avolon joked, patting the huge man on the stomach, which was just a tad lower than eye level.

Raja Lindence
Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:22:41 AM
Raja noticed the boy as he entered, he was cute, sneaky, but to no avail. She watched as he was caught by the bouncer. She saw how he walked alone to the table. "No Beer" the bouncer had said, she agreed with that he should not consume alcohol, but he could do what he wanted.

"Why don't you invite him to out table, Davka?" she asked turning to her husband. He had changed since becoming a Sith, more disciplined and serious. He was wise though and she loved him.

Without a word he left the table and asked if the boy would sit with them. She knew that Davka was thinking the same thing, they would teach him the Jedi mind trick. She had learned quite a bit since she had been reunited with Davka, more about the dark ways. He had helped her complete her training as a Shadow Jedi. She was not as strong as him, but he gave her his all, indirectly. She was only five foot eight, latino type skin, short black hair, duck finned in the back. Small compared to her partner who towered over her at six five. That was okay... She focused her attention as she waited to see if the boy would come to the table...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:06:49 AM
ooc: I would request that you do not teach my Padawan anything.....he knows how to do such things for I have taught him the ways of the Mentalist and Elementist. Thank you. :)

Jul 3rd, 2002, 06:53:48 PM
Chance popped the top of the soda at nearly the same time as Davka stood to invite him to their table. Abit startled as he spoke, and a chill running down his spine as the ice blue eyes centered on his golden.

"Hey boy, you can come and sit with my wife and myself if you wish..." Davka asked, trying to be nice by Chance's standards.

"If you wouldn't mind," Chance replied, retreiving his drink and following the guide to the table in the far back. Sitting across from Davka and Raja, he extended out a hand in greeting..

"Hello, Name's Chance."

OOC: Ahh Xaz' Spoil my education will you! :)

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:44:59 PM
Raja leaned across the table shaking Chance's hand gently. Davka did not offer his hand, he was a Jedi and he only bowed his head in the Jedi tradition of greeting.

"This is my husband Davka Volaw, my name is Raja Lindence." Raja said introducing them to the young boy.

He was not very big, but he had potential. Davka sat as the two conversed, he not saying a word. He felt the presence of eyes watching them. Jawas, a Wookie, and a Human pilot. He glared at all of them, quickly they turned to their drinks and company, scared out of their wits. Davka was never beaten at a staring match, he sent chills up people's spines, it had it's uses.

"How long have you been a padawan Chance?" he asked in a dead tone. Raja had quieted as he asked his question. He awaited his answer...

OOC: Yes, my master...

Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:47:19 PM
Chance retracted his hand after the shake and held up a hand and counted quietly each finger folding down in unison, "A month and two weeks I belive under Xazor's teachings."

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:35:04 AM
"Good..." Davka responded, fading off, thinking.

He remembered when he had first started his training at the other temple, he had enjoyed training under his master...

As quickly as it had come up the only one who predicted it was Davka, a human man had come and sit next to Raja.

"I suggest you leave." Davka said in a serious tone.

"What r' u gonna do, this ain't yr' wife..." the drunk man slurred his speech.

"Yes, she is. Now I will tell you one more time, leave this table." Davka said. He could tell that his anger was there. He saw Raja was sitting there quietly, this had nevere happened before.

Davka waited for the man to remove himself, whimpering back to the table he came. This was not working.

"You don't want her." Davka said nudging the man's mind with the force.

"I dunt wunt her." the weak minded man said repeating, slurring.

"She is not the type of girl for you." Davka said, again nudging his mind. Again he repeated what Davka said. "You want to go away and think of something else." Davka said finnaly, and the man repeated this time as well.

He waited for what would happen...

Raja Lindence
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:13:49 AM
Raja was surprised that Davka was actually trying to use the force to resolve the situation. Both her and Chance were feeling the type of force Davka was using to manipulate this man's mind. Chance was most impressed.

She was uncomfortable because of this man sitting next to her. She only liked friends sitting next to her, but she only liked Davka sitting that close to her. This man had his arms draped around her.

<<This is not working Raja, he has friends back there, most droids, though, one other human.>> Davka spoke to her in a tone she had recognized to be his fun tone.

**I don't know why this is fun..** she had toi think of something.

>>Ready...<< she communicated to him. She saw a slight nod from him.

The alcohol had made it where no parts of the brain were working right, the force could not control someone who did not control even his own actions. She unsheathed her dagger, setting it up so the man felt it's presence.

He got up and went to his friends. All of them walked, droids, federation junkpiles, circle them.

The two humans stood infront of the table, she saw Chance sink in his chair. Since she had come back to Geln, she could not but be noticed...

"Now I don't appreciate your lady friend sticking a knife in my brothers side, freaks." he called the Jedi freaks!!

Before they could predict, Davka had his rapier against the neck of the non-drunk human, his dagger on the drunk humans neck.

"Yeah, well I don't appreciate your 'brother' hiving his hands on my wife." Davka said. He towered over both the men, that was enough to make them shut up and listen. Davka had height, muscle, and above all, the force as his allies.

"No problem, um let us get you something to drink for the inconvienience..." the smart one offered.

"Sure, two White Wolves, and a soda for the kid." Davka told them, they had respect for him now.

Davka sat back down on the end, so no reoocurences would happen again. Raja now sat next to Davka, cuddling him so all would know that she was his and he was hers.

Chance had managed to look non-petrified now.

"All right?" Raja asked, making sure that he was ok. He had seen that his company, although attracted unwanted company, earned respect from criminals very quickly.

Davka was cold, but she liked the cold just as much, they awaited Chance to respond he was alright...

Sejah Haversh
Jul 5th, 2002, 03:53:55 PM
"That's them, right there." Sejah pointed at the small group, as he spoke to the large, four armed bouncer.

<font color=blue>"Thanks, pal," The bouncer replied and he waded through the small sea of tables to where Davka, Raja, and Chance sat. "Okay, you two, out. Now." He spoke in a surly tone to Davka and Raja. "The rules are posted on the door, pals, no weapons. Now get out now, or I throw you out."

His face was dealy serious, and he couldn't give a waampa's hind end whetehr or not they were protecting themselves. They weren't knights, and had threatened with their weaponry. That was all he needed to know

Wrapping his lower left hand around his lower fist, he massages his knuckles as a solemn reminder of just why he was the bouncer. "Come on, folks, I don't have all day."

Jul 5th, 2002, 04:23:50 PM
Anduril, surveying the scene from a table in a dark corner on the other side of the room, caught Sejah's eye and gave him a respectful nod.

Zara Drecker
Jul 5th, 2002, 04:36:11 PM
I entered the Bar and Grill known as "Master Yoghurts" and looked around. The door guard obviously did not recognize who I was....and tried to take my weapons away. Shaking my head, I took out my badge and shoved it in his face.

"Next time you pull something like that, you'll be demoted!"

I said loudly.....then turned my attention to the corner of the establishment where I saw a scuffle going on. Sighing, I made my way over to the crowd and slammed my fist down on the table, looking right into the eyes of the male.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm Zara Drecker, fleet Commander of the NRSF.....obey the rules next time....for your time is up now."

I said and stepped to the side, allowing space for the rock head to move out of the booth with his little woman. Smiling slightly at the innocent looking boy with.....green hair.....I cleared my throat a bit to make my purpose my...clear. The Bouncer standing beside me seemed to have quite the influence on the situation as well....maybe for once someone of this caliber would listen to me without being taken out of here with the barrel of my railgun to the back of their head.....

Jul 5th, 2002, 04:42:42 PM
Anduril noticed the creature that called himself Zara come in and take authority of the situation. "Hmmm," he thought to himself. "He seems to have too many negative emotions in my opinion."

Jul 5th, 2002, 05:02:27 PM
Chance watched intently as Davka issued forth a mind trick then shrunk into his chair when the weapons become drawn. He wasnt afraid, just stressed that he was nearly defenceless not counting his force experience.

His emotions were 'shipped out' when the bouncer came forth and asked the two to leave, of course he would loose his company but he wouldnt want to become intwined in trouble for breaking the rules. Anyway, Chance nearly jumped out of his skin when Zara slammed her fist onto the table-top. But the smile let his fear to rest again.

He decided to keep quiet for now unless spoken too..

OOC: I dont have lime hair anymore, :)

Sejah Haversh
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:43:14 PM
<font color=blue>The bouncer laid a heavy hand on Zara's shoulder and wagged a finger at her with another hand.

"Excuse me, pal, but, I don't know you, and this is my bar. And until Mr. Bisel says you're who you say, you can just sit right over there and let me handle this."

Looking back to the table, he saw Chance, and smiled slightly, "So, you finally got past me. No biggie, I was just messing with you. Your friends, though," he shifted his gaze to Davka and Raja, "Will have to leave. Now."

<font color=white>OOC- Just show him your badge or something, he's the new bouncer, someone killed the last one...

Zara Drecker
Jul 5th, 2002, 06:40:49 PM
I looked over at the man beside me who had put his hand on my shoulder. Naturally, being that I am a woman.....it was probably difficult to for him to see me in such a position. Of course I was dressed in a neat uniform and my short hair was done up in a plain ponytail at the back of my head. I reached to my belt and pulled out my wallet with a badge inside and my identification card.

"No listen here......do you honestly think that I could have passed through security with this?"

With that I grabbed my railgun and held it at his head....but then quickly put it back on the side of my hip where it belonged. He shook his head and I smiled slightly.

"I didn't think so. Now, you seem like a smart man.....get these people out of here!"

I commanded loudly and forcefully, not realizing that he was new on the job.....I had not been informed at the time.....

Jul 5th, 2002, 07:04:35 PM
The huge Gargoyle placed gently down the dishes it was carrying. it had been assigned to be a 'bouncer' by the Fleshed one called Helenias, which it understood was to..... actually Lochabre had no idea what a 'bouncer' was. It just did what made these nice fleshed ones happy and it learned fleshed ones who carried 'weapons' were to be thrown out - that is if they were not the nice soldiers or the kind Jedi. Red burning eyes glanced at where someone was causing noise.

Helenias Fleshed one would be unhappy if Lochabre didnt throw trouble makers out the window!

The huge beast snarled, turning and beginnning to stomp onimously in the direction of the group

Dwayne Hicks
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:24:02 PM
Holy crap, what was that thing?

The soldier got a god-awful fright as the bartender sunddenly unfolded itself into some walking and snarling pillar of..... who knows. All he knew is that now was a good time to duck behind a table

Sejah Haversh
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:32:37 PM
<font color=blue>The bouncer suddenly felt stupid, but, he hadbn't seen her before, so, it was right of him to ask for proof.

"Sure thing, Ma'am." he saluted with oen hand as ht reached out and grabbed Davka with another pair firmly at the troublesome padawan's shoulders. "Congratulations, you just won a free trip to the curb." He grinned in a mocking manner, lifting him up to a stand and turning him to march him to the door.

Looking to Zara, he spoke to her quietly, "Sorry 'bout that, didn't mean no disrespect, ma'am."

Zara Drecker
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:41:53 PM
I watched as the man did the job given to him by myself. Beginning to feel a bit badly for being so harsh, I stepped aside to hide my guilt as he took the troublemakers from their places.

"It's no problem.....really......just be sure to remember next time. By the way, what is your name? I may have to put a good word in for you...."

I smiled slightly, but my words were spoken with all seriousness. He had done his job well.....and seemed a bit more attentive than the last Bouncer. Though I had to admit.....Lochabre did a nice job all on his own....

Avolon Bisel
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:22:32 PM
Avolon walked over casually.

"His name's Karooth Jassan, Drecker. Glad you like him. I gave him this job because I knew he'd scare the patrons straight," Avolon laughed.

OOC - I made Karooth in one of my first posts. He's an old buddy of Avolon. The story is, once Avolon was put in charge, he hired Karooth to be the bouncer. Although he only works part time, which is why he wasn't the bouncer who was killed, or why Lochrabe is usually the one to do the bouncing. I've been procrastinating, but I intend to make an account for him. Good job playing him too Sejah.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:39:35 PM
<font color=blue>"Mr. Bisel is right, ma'am, I'm Karooth. But, I'd better get rid of these scoundrels before I get chatting." The multi-armed bouncer said as he reached out and grabbed Raja firmly by the arm with a free hand.

All eyes watched as the hulking blue behemoth dragged the troublesome pair through the maze of tables and to the door. Lining each of them up at the doorframe, he pointed at the sign outside. "See, in big letters it says, 'No weapons allowed: Jedi Knights ansd Masters excepted.' So, you shoudl ahve known. You pull another stunt like that again, and you'll eb otu for life. Now get out of here."

Placing two palms on each of their backs, he roughly shoved forward, launching them out the doorway. Clapping his hands together and lockign them in two fists, Karooth turned back around and took his station by the doorway again, happy that he was able to get the job done without it being messy or anything. He ticked a slight nod to Avolon and Zara to indicate that it was all good, and things were back to normal.

<font color=white>OOC- Thanks, Avolon, I'm glad I played him like you wanted.