View Full Version : Night-marionette

Angelique Rien
Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:42:49 PM
(ooc) Gitane here. :D With yet another character! Yay! ...;_; Someone please posty? I like this char... And I wanna use her again!

The large boulder that Angelique was perched on stood above a deep, over-grown valley. Her wings gave a small flap in the breeze before curling up to her shoulders. Cradled in her arms, Angelique held a dirtied porcelain doll; it's painted face cracked and chipped, and its dress of lace and fluff hidden under the dark black veils of Angelique's sleeves. She hugged the doll closer and bowed her head to look through the brightly colord valley, dark locks draping over her eyes.

"That's what Heaven looks like, Miss Margarette, all flowers and sweet smells..." Angelique cooed to the doll. "But it feels like Hell with its thorns and stinging bees." A wet red was undertoned in her wings, where bits of feathers were missing, and her skin was scratched and torn where thorns had claimed strips of her dress as their own. Angelique gave a small smile and pulled a piece of dirt from the doll's hair, adding rather bluntly, "You're lucky I saved you."


That night, Angelique was haunted by the same dreams she always faced; screams of exile and accusing faces, and a light she could never quite reach. She awoke with a start, her skin coated in a cold sweat, her breaths short and rasped, panting, and her legs tangled among covers.. She hugged the doll to her bare chest and blinked hard. She was perched upon a low branch of a tree; above her, stars and moons cast an alluring glow upon the night. Below her, thorned vines twist with menacing shadows, snakes hissed and crickets chirped, creating an enchanting song together.

"Stay here, Miss Margarette," Angelique whispered before she slipped her dress over her head and climbed from the tree. Her feet felt cold upon the dew-coated grass, and the normally loose, silky cloth of her dress clung to her skin in the warm humidity. Angelique's mood quickly lightened, and soon she was dancing gently, a hum mixing into the night's own music.

"...and she can reach across the ocean deep, and break my heart in-" Her voice cut off sharply as Angeliqe became rigid, a twig having snapped behind her. "Who's there...?"

Jul 6th, 2002, 08:23:59 PM
A shadow froze rigidly behind the tree. Stepping out slowly, a young boy with strange elongated white ears revield himself with a slight shy smile on his face from the shadows. He wore a white with red trimmed coat with rather large sleeves and a tail down the front that nearly reached down to his kneecaps. Under the undone coat, he wore a white shirt and gray denim jeans with black buckle boots that stood out dull in the fading light.

"Will you please continue singing?" He asked slowly, carefully, not knowing if the person ahead of him would react to his request..

Angelique Rien
Jul 7th, 2002, 05:41:37 AM
Her eyes scanned over the boy as she lifted an eyebrow, her wings absently extending, then recoiling. Angelique's feet moved lightly through the wet grass as she stepped up to the boy. Her eyes squint and she reached out a hand, for a moment, seeming as if she were planning to strangle him. Her fingers lightly grasped his shoulder, her head leaning down, eye-level with his as she whispered:

"Tsk... Little boys shouldn't be sneaking around in the shadows."

Jul 7th, 2002, 10:52:23 AM
Chance flinched slightly as the hand touched his shoulder. Ears drooping, he pointed past Angelique to the clearing. Flying around in circles, a winged lizard chittered in it's own voice adding it's song to the cascade of natural music.

"He lead me here.. told me to be quiet.." Was all he could muster to reply in a low tone.