View Full Version : OOC : Pulls up a cahiar and lies down

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 04:35:25 AM
Sorry... just not in the mood to roleplay. More in the mood to lie back and look at the stars. And contemplate life. I dont really know why, maybe I just wake up in the morning and wonder where life is going. I look at myself and I see someone older than I think I am. I wonder why icant move like I used to, Why I have to take better care of myself. I look at my wallet and I wonder where it all went. I get into work and wionder why the hell I'm doing this, what's the point. I stare out the window of the train and just look at the crap houses being built, with nowhere for children to play, the smog and the self possessed yuppie on the phone talking at the top of his voice, without caring about the people he pissing off. I look at my unfininshed server room and wonder why I ever started it. The garden out the back is full of weeds and I just dont see the point of weeding, they'll only grow back.

As i stare up in the sky, I just have to think there's something out there, because otherwidse this world has no meaning and no point. You live, you die. A few years later your forgotten. 100 years later, it was as if you never existed. Like, what's the point? Shouldn't there be a point?

Ahhh, why the hell am I even posting? I'm too depressed and confused to care anymore. All I seem to do is...... not much.

Whatever. I just think I'll climb on the roof, sit back and watch the sky tonight and greet the dawn.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 2nd, 2002, 05:40:29 AM
Oh great! I needed that....


Seriously though, I do believe everyone feels like this sometimes because it's only natural. My only advice is don't think too much on things that don't really need thinking about, which is what you've no doubt done, hence the depression.

You may be growing older and have to take better care of yourself; but you're growing older with someone like Helenias, who is there to take care of you, and you, her.

Money is nothing, it's a neccessity but an empty one and realy doesn't buy happiness. An abundance of it makes things easier and thus work is neccessary. Unfortunately we can't live in the world William Blake invisioned. The only thing you can really do is make the most of what you have, I guess.

The children are never going to be eternally unhappy, the people are certainly not going to be always pissed off and the yuppie, well, he'll learn humility with age. So you see, it all depends on your current perspective of things because at the end of the day, gardens and server rooms aren't what are important.

Be grateful that you are healthy enough to grow old, that you have someone there for you, be grateful that you have a job and thus a secure income, be thankful that the children you see have a family to go home to, food to eat and a warm place to sleep at night then be thankful that you can actually afford to put all of these things into perspective; garden and server room included and then realise that the greater percentage of this world cannot.

When you reverse everything and realise that when in these moods we forget about all the things we have and complain about all the things we don't have. Then everything feels better, because to my list of complaints when I'm depressed there would be: "The man who has everything he needs but complains about the things he doesn't need."

Take it easy and take cake.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 07:03:32 AM

Wow....powerful words spoken by both of you. I don't have anything to say that would even match up to that. I realized this year that things just don't matter anymore...just....worldly stuff. When my best friend passed away, I saw what was really important.....I think I'll go look at the stars tonight as well. I can actually get onto my roof......

Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:04:50 PM
*huggles to both of ya guys*

I like the stars. :)

I had a day like that some time last week. Sometimes you need days like that in order to appreciate what you have in life. At least, that's the way i look at it.

Did I mention like stars? :)

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:52:42 PM
I know the feeling.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:09:17 PM
As i stare up in the sky, I just have to think there's something out there, because otherwidse this world has no meaning and no point. You live, you die. A few years later your forgotten. 100 years later, it was as if you never existed. Like, what's the point? Shouldn't there be a point?

I think about that exact same thing way too often when I lie awake at night.

Wonder why I am not more depressed or scared crapless then I am already

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2002, 08:12:53 PM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin

I think about that exact same thing way too often when I lie awake at night.

Wonder why I am not more depressed or scared crapless then I am already

Oh gosh...I am so there. :cry

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:03:36 AM
:: warm fuzzy huggles for Leia-chan ::
