View Full Version : Learning from Professor Seuss.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:43:15 AM
It was with hesitation that Sejah approached the Academy that morning. For twenty-fve years he had wanted to know what he ws about to learn, but never had access to it. Closing his pink eyes, the mongoose put pne footpaw forward, and then opened them as he let himslef carry on through the doors and head doen to where he knew the archive was.

Looking around, he didn't recognize many othe the others, which was good because he didn';t want anybody seeing him. At the counter, he asked for his usual Narrating device, and then hung around a bit longer before finally returning to the desk and asking another question of the Archivist on duty.

She pointed to a corner of the great building, and smiled kindly at him, though he knew it was just for pity. Another devide with a screen on it was passed to him, and he nodded in mock appreciation before turning and headign off into the far corner.

It was a lonely walk, thoguh there were many others around him, they didn't seem to see him, or at least care. That was quite alright with Sejah, for he didn't want to be seen, only to get to the corner unnoticed. He was heading to the childeren's corner.

Thankfully there were a few full-sized seats in the corner, so he sat down and pulled on his headset before activating the screen on the datapad he had been given. An animated face came to life upon it and greeted him merrily. It was a program made for children,a dn young ones at that. He winced at the tought of someone else seeing him like that, and looked up and around before focusing on the screen again. After a few minutes, it went on to show the alphabet. The program was designed to teah you how to read; a skill that Sejah had never posessed in his lifetime. Finally, at twenty-five, he would be able to read a menu, or tell the men's and women's bathrooms apart by text rather than the pictures on them.

But he only hoped that nobody would find him in his infantile staged of learning to read. He allready felt stupid enough compared to most Jedi as it was. Then came the letter G; it was a fnny shaped letter, indeed...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:41:08 PM
At the other end ofthe library, a Jedi Master was looking up at the rows of data pads, lips moving slightly as he muttered what he read, looking for a particular volume. Contrary to opinion, just because you were a Master didnt mean you stopped learning. For life was a learning journey that never finished. Now, he did have his own archive hidden away that had information simply too dangerous to out in here in general access - techniques and discussions on Dark Side powers, plus Light Side powers that were truly dangerous in the wrong hands. Things the Jedi had to have someone know, but should never refer to.

today he was looking up about something he knew a former Jedi named Nupraptor could do - interact with machines with The Force. Marcus was puzzling out part of it, before he would attempt it for himself.

"Ahhhh. here we are"

Taking down the datapad, he wandered over to a lounge and began to read.