View Full Version : Sparring with the past(Tomak)

Dios Kane
Jul 1st, 2002, 11:06:50 PM
:: Dios waited at the door to the room. Tomak had a knack for being late and getting into trouble whenever he had to meet Dios somewhere. Dios reached inside his jacket and retrieved his flask, he took a long swig and sat down. You'd think a vampire would have enough supernatural powers to be on time but noooooo...::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:20:39 AM
Tomak stepped in, "Drinking again, eh? You really have to quit yha know." Tomak looked at Dios and drew his saber and then activated it, "So shall we begin?"

Dios Kane
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:43:06 AM
:: Withdrew his own and laughed as Tomak mentioned his drinking habits.::
What would you know? We both know we couldn't die from drinking, but anyways, I'm here to learn, so let's play my friend.
:: Dios watched Tomak's movements and watched his body tense before he moved, and he had to remember the wings. He could still fly. Dios moved forward and waited for Tomak's reaction. This would be fun. He slashed out at Tomak's left::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:13:32 AM
Tomak blocked the hit and came back with a side kick to the gut. "Is that all you got? Come on. You aren't trying very hard are you?" Tomak used the force to speed up his movements and took off from the ground. He then began to dive-bomb Dios from diffrent directions.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:23:42 AM
:: Dios took the kick and laughed::
No, this is not all I've got.
:: As Tomak accessed the force he put up the prototype and withdrew his other two short sabers. They buzzed on and he started the style he had learned from crono katon. He block the dive bombs and watched as Tomak came around again. Too predictable... He blocked the slash and let the other blade sizzle one of Tomak's wings. See how he flies with that! Dios stood back and assumed a defensive stance.::
Anytime friend!

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:49:21 AM
Tomak hit the ground hard. "Hey! Your gonna pay to get that fixed!" Tomak charged at Dios and then hit his hand anbd one of the small sabers flew from it. He then came in for a punch to the gut and a slash to the ribs. Dios would not be able to block both.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:02:15 AM
:: Dios watched his lightsaber fly and the combo attack fly at him. He ducked the punch and grabbed Tomak's arm and pulled him away and slammed his back. He stood on Tomak's hand until the saber was free. Dios laughed::
Lets dance, you and I... you became angry, bad, I practicaly moved through you... I couldn't block both so I just disabled one and blocked the other. Coolness can be just as good as anger can be... sorta.
:: He backed away asTomak got up and he retrieved his saber::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:16:21 AM
Tomak cleared his thoughts and tried to read Dios's. "Okay boy let's dance." Tomak moved in for a sideslash and then at the last second changed it to an uppercut slash. Tomak saw Dios go backwards and then came in for another downward slash.

Dios Kane
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:12:11 PM
:: Dios blocked up with one saber and came back with the other, he cut hard to right then brought it around in a circle motion to ward off Tomak's right side. His slash came into the left at the same moment in a similar motion also. He took the advantage of the flashy moves to send a force push behind Tomak and push him forward into the path of the sabers::

Tomak Ohara
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:46:28 AM
Tomak stopped himself before hitting the sabers and came charging at Dios. He used the force to speed up and went behind Dios and slashed him in the back and then force pushed Dios to the wall. He then came from behind Dios when he got up and hit him in the arm. "I may be old, but I promise I will not lose." Tomak flew back and got in a defensive stance like his master.

Dios Kane
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:57:54 AM
:: Dios had taken the tingle as a warning, spar sabers felt almost like a massage, real ones on the other hand didn't. He flipped around and smiled to Tomak, he hadn't seen everything yet, Dios sheathed the two sabers and withdrew Genesis. But before he flicked it on he drew his new toy. A huge silver revolver.::
Eat this.
:: Dios shot the bullet and watched as the high impact, non lethal bullet flew and hit Tomak. Tomak was sprawled on the floor holding his chest.::
You might be old but you sure as hell ain't young.
:: Dios put his gun away and walked to Tomak with his saber drawn, he placed it to his neck and smiled.::
You just lost and broke a promise friend.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:06:49 AM
"What promise do you speak of? My memory fails me these days. The losing I understand. So your better than me. Now then what promise?" Tomak gave a Dios a look of puzzlement.