View Full Version : Members of the KAR

Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 1st, 2002, 04:06:35 PM
There were a couple joined, I do believe.

Who are you and are you still active and around?

Sorreessa I know is here.

ps)cool new offices huh.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jul 1st, 2002, 11:59:25 PM
*wonders who and where the others are* yep, still here....

Saakaarruu Marrjeesso
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:50:30 PM
I am here...


Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:49:44 PM
hey Sorr! good to see ya. Dunno where the others are. I was sure there were to other dudes. Anyway.

welcome Saakaarruu - tell us a little about your char..his temperament etc, any details you wanna give us, and we'll see how best we can use him in the KAR

Saakaarruu Marrjeesso
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:16:30 PM
Well, I guess smart, very loyal, strong, calm until angered.

Misc others, but it's his personality, other than that.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:09:48 PM
* :wave * hmm, odd, knew there used to be others....ah well, anything else you can add Saak? general look? half or full Ciz, etc?

Saakaarruu Marrjeesso
Aug 3rd, 2002, 07:41:25 PM
Half Breed, actually. General look? Well, he would be considered an oddity, at least in appearance. He has bright, crimson hair. About 6' , and 180 lbs .

I am getting work done on a sig, should be done shortly.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:41:07 AM
Ravourro Mirrassa is KAR too - he is your manservant I believe Sorr. :)

Saak, just a heads up - Kajeela isnt fond of halfbreeds, just ask Sorr.

Any ideas what area you want to work in, Saak ?

Saakaarruu Marrjeesso
Aug 4th, 2002, 02:11:23 PM
What area's are there? Can you list them?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 7th, 2002, 11:01:08 PM
yep, Rav is Sorr's manservant......areas? uh, dunno, ask Kaj.....I'm just an officer......

Ravourro Mirrassa
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:33:42 AM
Djid sssomebodjy call mjy name? *Flutters ears in curiosity *

Rav serves as a spy for KAR as well as a servant for his lovely mistress.
So a spy, I suppose, could be a possible occupation.

Neejaarri Saaneessorr
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:14:00 AM
Hejy doesss Neej ssstjill worrrk for the KARrr?

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:22:01 AM
Neej does - or more accurately he works for Kajeela. He is technichally Assaurreei Cassarreesso's Manservant and has a "special" arrangement with kajeela. He works for both. Who he is most loyal to is stil in question, I do beleive. Aussaurri doesnt know IC of this arrangement Neej has made with Kajeela. He is a "sleeper" KAR operative - No one in the KAR In Character knows he is working for the Director both on and "off" the clock.

Waves hello to Rav - right you were one I was thinking of before. :) welcome!

And Saak - you could be in Recruitment, Propaganda or Field work (Spying). We should check with Cirr though. He may have some suggestions too.