View Full Version : AOTC kicks WIndtalkers @ss!

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:11:32 PM
Ok that's a bit of an overstatement. :p

But as some people speculated, AOTC managed to pass Windtalkers and land in 9th place for the weekend when the final numbers were released:


1 Mr. Deeds - 37.16 [1] ($37.2)
2 Minority Report - 21.59 [2] ($73.4)
3 Lilo & Stitch - 21.52 [2] ($77.1)
4 Scooby-Doo - 12.36 [3] ($124.0)
5 The Bourne Identity - 11.20 [3] ($72.9)
6 Hey Arnold! The Movie - 5.71 [1] ($5.7)
7 The Sum Of All Fears - 4.86 [5] (105.4)
8 Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya... - 4.05 [4] ($55.4)
9 Star Wars: Ep.Ii-Attack Clones - 3.67 [7] ($286.3)
10 Windtalkers - 3.50 [3] ($33.2)

With the coming July 4th holiday, at least 290 million is almost assured. :D

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:29:05 PM
Windtalkers is going to have to do quite well overseas to keep it from being a major dissapointment. It certainly doesn't look cheap. When is MIB opening, Wed. or Fri.? I would think the studio would want to capitalize on the holiday and open on Wed. or at the least Thurs.

Jul 1st, 2002, 02:53:28 PM
MiiB opens on Wednesday.

I wonder how quickly it will get to 100 million.

Have there been any reviews yet?

Jul 1st, 2002, 04:13:49 PM
Well, let's enjoy our last 2 days in the top 10!

:crack :smokin :rollin :crack :smokin :rollin

Jul 1st, 2002, 05:01:56 PM
Good point, Quadinaros.

Man, 29% decline, that is really good. Ugg it really makes me wish that AOTC had enjoyed the type of declines TPM did. That is the 2nd best decline in the top 10! Almost first, so close...

I called both of the "upsets" here, nice. I figured Windtalkers would lose to AOTC, but I also knew Minority Report would likely be 2nd, not 3rd. The saturday figures seemed to support MR winning, so that was another miscall by Disney.

I do not think I have ever seen two movies open with nearly the exact same gross AND both fall the same exact percentage the next weekend. That is just extremely weird. The odds of that happening are 3,720 to 1!!! ok, maybe worse. :)

Jul 1st, 2002, 05:14:36 PM
Oh, also of note...

AOTC is the only film in the top 10 that did not lose a rank. Every other movie fell at least one position.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:40:42 PM
AOTC could stay in the top 10, it would need to pass Ya Ya Sisters, which I think it will plus probably either Hey Arnold or Sum of All Fears. Hey Arnold could have a steep decline with two other kid movies opening. As far as MIB 2 I think it won't make a 100 in the 5 days maybe low 90's and a 100 in its 6th or 7th day. Finally about Windtalkers it cost the studio 80 million to make so unless it does decent overseas it will be the biggest bomb of the year to date.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:22:45 AM
I could see AOTC moving back into 10th possibly Saturday and Sunday, but I don't think its totals will be enough to make 10th for the weekend.

As for Sum Of All Fears, I've given up on AOTC passing this movie. C'mon it's been out for 5 weeks now. And if Hey Arnold dumps 50%, it would probably still beat AOTC. Then again, maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope I'm wrong. ;)

Alot will also depend on how many screens these movies lose on Wednesday.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:05:05 AM
Hey Arnold! the movie, makes me want to vomit. :x Just like Rugrats, I can't stand the animation. I hope it drops down to number 11. Or better yet, 15. :D

Jul 2nd, 2002, 05:39:25 AM
I agree with that, Lilaena. The film looks horrid. I have to see that still, lol, ugg...

The animation is horrible. That stupid watermelon head Arnold.

I am going to use that movie to trash the stereotype of "the evil corporation too." I can't wait. As far as I'm concerned, they treaded on ground that just made it easy for me to SLAM the hell out of that film.

Oooo, evil corporation comes into town and wants to IMPROVE the city, create jobs, and build impressive new facilities, and these STUPID do-gooders (or supposed do-gooders) want to stop the "evil corporate big shots" from "ruining" their city. What a load of CRAP. It's those "big shots" that give all of the pathetic little pawns on this Earth their JOBS. It's people like Mr. Burns and the other evil corporate owners who provide FOOD and a LIVING for everyone else.

My dad has to put up with these morons who think all CEOs are evil too, but he has employed hundreds and hundreds of people at his company and its facilities. He makes the lives of a lot of other people a lot easier and more comfortable (at his retirement communities) and provides work for many people. I'm sick of liberal Hollywood's IDIOTIC stereotypes of the wealthy class. It's extremely hypocritical too because all of those people are big shot, rich people too. The difference is, most of the Hollywood people are too stupid to understand politics whatsoever. They are a bunch of liberal, environmentalist morons. It's a disgusting group of people for the most part. Anyone who can't understand why Lucas wouldn't want to be part of that is crazy. He couldn't tolerate the stupidity of Hollywood either, nor its liberal ways.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 05:45:43 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I agree with that, Lilaena. The film looks horrid. I have to see that still, lol, ugg...

The animation is horrible. That stupid watermelon head Arnold.

I am going to use that movie to trash the stereotype of "the evil corporation too." I can't wait. As far as I'm concerned, they treaded on ground that just made it easy for me to SLAM the hell out of that film.

Oooo, evil corporation comes into town and wants to IMPROVE the city, create jobs, and build impressive new facilities, and these STUPID do-gooders (or supposed do-gooders) want to stop the "evil corporate big shots" from "ruining" their city. What a load of CRAP. It's those "big shots" that give all of the pathetic little pawns on this Earth their JOBS. It's people like Mr. Burns and the other evil corporate owners who provide FOOD and a LIVING for everyone else.

Thsi of course INGORE the point that it's the actual WORKERS who do all the work and create all the wealth in the company.

Look at WorldCom. The Workers did their jobs and generated massive amounts of revenue, yet the actions of probably just a few managers (who were rpobably tryng to boost the stock in order to make their bonuses worth more) ruined the whoel company.

17 THOUSAND people laid off so far beacuse of a few MIS managers. Ugh.

No one ever 'gave' a worker anything - except maype a pink slip. Without workers there IS no company. It's possible for workers to self manage - cutting out the 'bosses' but it's not possible for the bosses to run a company WITHOUT someone actually doing the work.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:05:56 AM
Well someone has to do the dirty work, but just like pawns are used in a game of chess and the king is relatively powerless, he is still the most important piece on the board.

Workers are just pawns. Not to say they are not useful, and not to say they ever should be treated like pawns. They should be treated like valuable members of a TEAM, like valuable people, because that they are.

Nonetheless, I agree with the saying in The Count of Monte Cristo: "In life, you are either a king, or a pawn."

There is no middle ground. Anyone who simply works a desk job his/her entire life and dies in obscurity is a pawn. Anyone who runs a huge company and is wealthy, powerful, and famous is a king. It's a choice people make, what they want to be, and to some people, being a pawn is just great for them. They obviously don't care. They are fine with an ordinary life. Others are just not able to succeed, because of poor genes or poor backgrounds, whatever the case.

My dad came from a relatively poor house with 7 kids in the worst area of Portland, though, Northeast Portland, the ghetto basically, and he knew when he grew up he didn't want to live like that anymore. He used to tell his mom, "When I grow up, I'm going to live in a mansion with a swimming pool and I'm going to drive a nice car," and his mom was always like, "hehe, sure you will." Well, just after turning 30, he was already a millionaire, and that was even more money in those days, 30 years ago. Guess what? He lives in that mansion, one of the finest in the state, with an Aston Martin and a swimming pool in the back yard, hehe.

Dreams do come true. It's the American way. Workers who simply complain about their status and never do anything about it simply don't deserve any better. They are destined to remain pawns the rest of their lives. Sad thought, maybe, but to be honest most people just don't care. They lack the dedication, vision, and work ethic to become powerful, and that is probably just as well for them. Many will still lead happy, fulfilling lives for them, but others know that ordinary is just not excusable. Living an ordinary life to some people is simply the worst punishment imaginable. It does come down to a choice, though, that every person makes every day by their actions. King, or pawn?

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:22:39 AM
:lol I can't believe Hey Arnold! The Movie is inspiring this discussion. This movie is not to be taken serious on any level. I don't think any social commentary is intended by the movie.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:30:01 PM
Actually Jon Lucas is liberal politcally, he has supported Willie Brown (who is as liberal as you can get) for Mayor the last 3 times and he is a big supporter of the environment, he is just very quite and does come out and support any issues which how one should be no reason to use your clout as some do like Charlton Heston and Alec Baldwin. Also people are pawns anymore that is something that only existed in the Middle Ages and upto the French Revolutution when the majority of people were peasants, today anybody can be whatever they want.

Back to the subject about AOTC this weekend, realize its five days so it could beat out Hey Arnold and Ya Ya Sisters because of that, sure Friday has been weak for it but being a holiday weekend it will probably do better I think it might make about 4 million for the 5 days and with that might stay in the top 10 just barely. Of course a lot will depend on what movies loose screens but I think AOTC will finish no lower than 11th.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 01:08:26 PM
The day that silver spoon is yanked out from under you is going to be very painful, indeed.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:38:42 PM
I swear to God thart Jon sounds like a Marketing Campaign for the Communsit Party.

There's only a step from saying 'workers are just pawns' to saying 'Workers of the World unite, you have nothing to Lost but your Chains.'


Jul 2nd, 2002, 04:16:58 PM
Communism is AS FAR from my political views as possible. That's extreme left, to the point of falling off the scale even.

I believe in very little government intervention or control whatsoever. I'm against almost anything that has the government interfering with our lives, including PG/PG-13/R ratings enforcement (it's the parents job, not the governments).

LL, I already know how liberal you are, and your comment is just silly. I have lived on my own already down at LMU and will do so again this year, but one thing is for certain, I'll always have access to help from my parents financially and it's not like I'll ever have to live poorly.

I have heard that crap about Lucas being liberal over and over, it's total horsecrap. Lucas is as conservative as you get. He has said before that his father was conservative and he thought he would NEVER be like his father, but then he grew up to be just like him, even a businessman where he never thought he would be into business. I've seen that direct quote. Lucas could support a liberal person without being liberal. My dad does that if he hates the republican candidate or is personal friends with the democrat who is running. Although mostly my dad supports just the republic party. He will sometimes make donations to both camps, lol, it obviously helps if you want any favors later on ;)

Lucas does not discuss his political views, but I have read many times that him and Spielberg are opposites there, despite being best friends, and I know Spielberg is extremely liberal. That much is certain. DreamWorks has supported liberal causes continually.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:23:00 PM
Yeah, Jonathan we KNOW you're very conservative. There's nothing wrong with that.

Your comments about the "Have's" and "Have nots" sounded kinda wierdly communistic though. Conservatives don't typically throw out words like "Pawns" about the masses.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:31:44 PM
What does that have anything to do with anything?!

I was not speaking politically, I was speaking philosophically. WTF is the matter here? Can't you read?

Most people ARE pawns, plain and simple, and unless you do something to set yourself apart from the average Joe, you always will be a pawn. That has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with philosophy. I just don't believe that someone who considers life seriously would really be satisfied with dying in obscurity. Maybe I'm wrong, though, perhaps some people just don't care one way or the other. That's fine by me, but that's not my view.

The only thing keeping most people from pursuing their dreams is the lack of a simple realization: eventually, you will die. You have only so much time to make your dreams come true. So what are you waiting for?!

People continually live day by day instead of considering the future. One study that Fortune conducted, I think it was, said that only 5% of college students had financial goals for the future. Well, that poll was conducted like 15 years ago, so now, 15 years later, those 5% of the people controlled an ASTONISHING 97% of the wealth. People who plan for success are much more likely to succeed. Failing to plan is planning to fail, plain and simple.

If someone dreams of being a police officer even, not something that'll make them famous, then I say they should definitely pursue that dream, but anyone who just waits around and does not actively engage in pursuing what they really want to do in life is living a very sad existence indeed. Read "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" and if that doesn't open your eyes, I don't know what will. I didn't need that book personally, but it is obvious to me that most people do need to read it, lol.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:38:32 PM
I can't believe how this thread strayed. :p

Jonathan there are people who chase there dreams and don't succeed you know. I don't consider them pawns. I think your definition of pawns doesn't take that kind of thing into consideration. In a free market society there can only be so many people at the top. Being middle class isn't a BAD thing(I grew up middle class don't knock my folks man).

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:45:19 PM
I'm not saying middle class is bad, I'm saying that if the middle class people are not even trying to accomplish their goals, then there is something wrong. They are letting themselves down. They are capable of so much better if they just tried harder, which is frustrating I think. Sure it's none of my business, but if everyone just took pride in what they did and tried to make the best of their abilities and talents, the world would obviously be a better place.

I think if you want something bad enough, you will not fail at it forever. It just depends how badly you want it. You may have to sacrifice things that are to you not acceptable. For instance, you may have to sacrifice, for a while, spending as much time with your friends, maybe sleep, comfort, free time, leisurely meals, whatever else. Sacrifices must be made to achieve success. It has always been that way and it will always be that way.

Sometimes your sacrifices do not pay off (I've had that happen before, hehe), but I still think you have to try to do your best at everything and even if it doesn't pay off, at least you know you did your best. That's all you could have possibly done. But you are cheating yourself and wasting your abilities every time you don't try your hardest.

I guess if everyone had a winning attitude, though, things would be even more competitive, which wouldn't be so good for you and I, CMJ, given that Hollywood is already plenty full! :)

While it is true there can only be "so many people at the top," truth is most people in the middle and the bottom deserve to be where they are because they are not hard working enough to be anywhere else. As long as someone works to improve their situation, you have to have respect for them. Even if they are a janitor and working two shifts or like 60 to 80 hours a week or something, they are obviously trying to improve their situation and in enough time they may be able to work their way far up with that kind of attitude.

Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:50:14 PM
Okay that's a bit more reasonable Jonathan. :) My dad has never given up on his dreams and the last few years he's kinda started to make an all out effort of chasing them again. He really couldn't for several years because my brother and I came along, so he had to get a "real job", but he's always wanted to be a writer. The last few years he's written alot of stuff...still looking for that publisher or agent.

Like father like son. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 3rd, 2002, 01:37:02 AM
I have no idea where you heard that Lucas was a conservative but he is at least slightly liberal he basically said he was on that biography a while back, he said he had liberal views but it didn't influence his movies. It also been in several magazines, sure his father was a conservative but he probably rebelled against his father like most kids of the 60's he was a hippie in the 70's basically he was part of that whole neo-film thing started by him and Cooploa (which failed badly), any way what does it matter he doesn't discuss his politics and it should have no barring on his work as a filmmaker. And lets not get this discussion to political. Sure I am slightly liberal in my beliefs mostly about the envirnoment and stuff like that but I have to the conclusion that all politicians are corrupt so I have no faith in any of them.

Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:33:40 AM
I am sorry, I do not agree with that assumption. I think he is quite conservative, but it really doesn't matter either way. I never care what political views someone has. I think Spielberg is the best director ever and he's super liberal, but do I care? No. He's an artist, not a politician, not like I care what his political views are.

I tend to respect someone even more if they are conservative, mainly because people who are conservative have more respect for this country than the liberals who want to hand it over to the government. This was a nation founded BY the people FOR the people, not for the government, not by the government. The government only exists to SERVE US. I do not exist to serve the government. Serving your country is one thing, being a slave to the government and its overbearing rules and regulations is quite another. That government which governs best, governs least. That saying could not be any better.

I lack respect for liberals as truly intelligent individuals who understand what this country was founded on, but that doesn't mean I don't respect their work. :)

Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:10:25 AM
So is Emperor Palpatine a liberal or a conservative? I think I know which :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:18:36 PM
Palpatine is a conservative an extreme one at that probably close to Fascism which is extreme conservatism on the political scale. I am sorry Jon I really disagree with you saying all liberals are unintelligent is like me saying all conservates are idiots, that is just unfair and not accurate. Really there is not much different between moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, except a few things here and there it is the extremes that are the problems, I don't care for extreme conservates I mean really extreme the ones who want to force certain things down my throat, it is the same with extreme liberalism, I consider myself somewhat liberal mostly on social issues and the environment, I am really big on the freedom of speech and stuff like that is important to me. As far as the government is concerened, I think there is a place for it its main responsibilites should be keep the roads up, defense, maintance of the other important infostructrues (police hospitals ect), also the support of historical monuments, parks, museums, libraries, schools, universities, etc. I am probably leaving a few other important things out I am sure but that is the most of things that I think our government should be doing for us.

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:44:14 AM
Well said!