View Full Version : Friend and Padawan - Hunk

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:46:12 PM
Yavin was especially humid today. The air was thick with moisture even this early in the morning.

Navaria stood in front of her window, most unhappy that the weather was this bad. Granted, Yavin always had a problem with humidity because of the jungles. Just that some days were far worse then others.

She had wanted for her and Hunk to walk outside. To catch up with one another before getting down to work. Even if they left now, by the time they would return to the Academy, it would be far worse. The ever approaching noon would have the sun blazing high in the sky ... This was not suppose to be an endurance test... Just a simple conversation. So she would have to make due with Hunk coming to her. In her private quarters.

The Knight always made it a point to understand her students first before starting training. It made the lessons easier that way. Hunk she remembered from months past. This would be a far more comfortable meeting then a new Padawan meeting Navaria for the very first time ... and she was looking forward to it greatly. She hadn't seen him since the one time at the bar and grill.

It wasn't that much of a surprise when Hunk asked her to finish his training. There was no answer but to accept him as her Padawan. She would be happy teaching him her strongest ability within the Force.

The art of healing....

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:23:40 PM
Cleaned, groomed, and freshly dressed, Hunk made his way quickly to Navaria's quarters; he was late. But he was never late for anything, in fact, he generally made a point to be early for all meetings.

So why was this one any different?

It wasn't because he was trying to impress the young woman. Of course not, she was nothing more than his new teacher. That's it, he thought to himself, I just wanted to make a good impression on my new master. Didn't matter who it was.

Had he remembered to fix his hair?

Of course he did, and a quick run through with a hand confirmed it. Not that it mattered, of course, it was just something he should always be concious of; personal appearance was important in a first impression. And with that thought, he closed the distance to her door and knocked.

"Come in, " a voice from inside called to him.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside.

The room surprised him. It was actually quite spartan, no clutter anywhere. What few possesions he saw were elegent, speaking of a fairly privledged upbringing. The entire room had a austere, soothing feel to it, and Hunk was put immediately at ease. She had been sitting at her desk when he entered, and stood to greet him.

"Greetings, Master Tarkin," he said with a slight, stiff bow.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:40:58 PM
The first thing she noticed as Hunk walked in was that he was nervous. It seemed to vanish somewhat as he made his way inside but Navaria could sense it still. Was it because he was late?

Outward appearance told the Jedi Knight why he was late. There wasn't a hair out of place and Hunk was wearing his best clothes.

After enough observation, she returned the bow, more relaxed and at ease then her Padawan. Standing up right again, Navaria motioned to the living room that Hunk passed through before reaching her desk.

"Please, have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?"

Hopefully this would help Hunk relax and be at ease around her. She was hoping there would not be an awkwardness between them since she was his Master now.... It would take time to break the ice once again.

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:51:21 PM
A small smile from the young woman put him immediatelly at ease and caused him to break into a wide grin of his own.

"Yes, a glass of water would be fine, if you please," he responded, taking a seat on plain, straight-backed chair. "SO tell me," he continued, "when did you move from padawan to knight? I'm sorry I wasn't here to witness it myself."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:11:28 PM
"One water coming up then."

It worked. Hunk was being more himself, she mused to herself as Navaria walked into the small kitchenette area of her quarters. She retrieved two glasses and filled one with chilled water and the other with her favorite drink ... namana juice.

It was done in silence but Hunk broke it.

"Well ..."

She began, putting the glasses back in the refrigerator.

"... it happened rather quickly. I went on a trip alone to try and focus myself. To become more stable with my emotions ..."

Navaria chuckled and grabbed both glass, walking over to Hunk.

"... I was quite flack. When I returned ..."

She handed him his glass of water.

"... I was promoted right then and there."

Sitting down, Navaria crossed her legs and took a sip of her drink before continuing.

"Who would've thought I did the trials on my own. So ... how about you? Where have you been off to?"

Jul 1st, 2002, 09:49:04 PM
A shadow past over Hunk's face as he pondered the question.

"I had recieved word that there was an epedemic back on my home planet, Arus, some kind of plague, it seems. It was a wating disease, and by the time it was finished with a person, they were little more than a husk.

"I had to decide, between my training here, and going back there with the knowledge I had on conventional and force healing. In the end, I had to leve, I had to return to Arus--my concience would allow me to do no less. So I left; I put my training on hold. Unfortunatelly, I found, I could do little to aid those who had contracted the disease, other than lessen their pain and provide them some kind of comfort in their final days.

Swishing the water in his glass absentmindedly, he drifted off in thought.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:44:02 PM
Hunk's story made Navaria eyes glisten over ever so slightly with unshed tears. It reminded her so vividly of what she had to see when her mother took ill with the Death Seed Plague.

"I more then understand, Hunk. My own mother fell victim to similar circumstances. There was nothing I could do to help and then I didn't even know I could sense the Force.... All that matters is you were there for those people and you tried your hardest."

She let it end there and took a moment to collect her thoughts on the present.

"And it's good that you've decided to come back here to finish your training."

Navaria folded her legs underneath her, cupping her juice with both hands.

"What is it that you wish to accomplish now that you're back?"

Jul 2nd, 2002, 08:40:43 PM
It was an easy question to answer. It was on HUnk's mind every moment of the day. When he spoke, it was with a firm voice, and fire was in his eyes.

"What do I wish to accomplish? I wish to become a jedi knight. I wish to gain the skills with which I can help those around me."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:33:34 PM
"I understand that and everyone wants to do what you say. It is an easy enough answer but then what. What skills are needed for what you want to accomplish and when you become a Jedi ... what's next?"

She swirled the glass around, the ice cubes clinking together.

"The future holds many possibilities .... what does Hunk see himself doing in the future."

Navaria said it more upon reflection then a question as she brought the glass to her lips, looking at Hunk with a raised brow.

Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:47:08 PM
The question caught him a little offguard in it's frankness, causing him to think a little harder than normal for the answer.

"Interestingly enough," he started, straightening in his chair, "I was just talking about this with a young woman in the bar the other day. "My philosophy is: go where the force leads. Now, I know I want to become a healer, and to get to that point I need to learn more about using the force to heal, but as for the specifics...I'm willing to take on the future as it comes."

"As far as skills, healing is really what I need to concentrate on. I've become comfortable with the various forms of telekenisis and I've taught myself some rudimentary saber skills."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:48:27 PM
She nodded, pleased with what Hunk had said.

"Not many really can answer that question as quickly as you did. I'm impressed that you were thinking about such questions before I had asked them. That shows you do have insight into yourself and are mindful of the present and the future.

Now ... as for training. I can help you in lightsabre combat as well as healing. I'm not known for my prowess in such an area but that is because I never use my weapon unless absolutely necessary ... and I can use it well."

Navaria said with a sheepish smile.

"We can do that later. What have you learn about healing through the Force?"

Jul 4th, 2002, 07:57:41 PM
"My former master instructed me how to direct the energy f the force to a wound, using it to speed the healing process. Using that technique, I have become quite adept at healing minor cuts and scrapes. I once even managed to heal a broken leg recently," he said, unable to say it without a certain amount of pride in his voice.

"Beyond that," he continued, "I am rather ignorant. I left before I could recieve further training."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 4th, 2002, 10:52:16 PM
"And training you shall receive ... as promised."

Navaria finished off her beverage and set the glass down on the counter.

"I was going to hold off before we did anything outside because of the humidity but with what you told me ... that may aid in your training."

She cocked a smile.

"Unless you aren't up for it."

Jul 4th, 2002, 11:49:09 PM
Drowning his glassin one long gulp, he turned and flashed her a cocky smile as he rose from the chair.

"I'm up for anything. And anxious to start."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:32:13 AM
"Good. I'm glad to hear that."

A few moments later, the doors outside opened up to a thick wall of humidity. Moist air started to make breathing difficult and already a thin layer of sweat was coating their faces.

Their meeting hadn't taken too long, nor the walk to venture out here. The combination of heat and humidity was at its peak and would make for an interesting learning environment.

"Well, ready for our run?"

She said simply at Hunk, hearing the doors close behind them.

Jul 5th, 2002, 09:39:06 AM

He stared down at her with a blank face for a few moments, silent. 'You're kidding, right?"

The heat was oppressive, beating down on every living thing subject to it, and the humidity was stifling, blanketting everything like a living thing, writhing and grasping. Simply breathing was hard enough, and she wanted him to run?

"I think you should know something about me. I...really dont handle the heat well. I tend to overheat; but the plus side is I usually turn the most lovely shade of beet red before passing out," he said, managing a slight smile at his weak joke.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:49:03 AM
Her answer to if she was joking was Navaria taking off her heavy outer robe, folding it, and neatly leaving it on the raised stone step.

"I understand that. I'm not good in this kind of weather either. But ... there are ways around that. You'll see."

Navaria looked towards the nearby jungle.

"It's not too far away. Come on."

She started off at a leisurely jog. It was maybe after the tenth step that she was really starting to feel the affects of the weather. It was even worse as they stepped into the jungle.

Maybe it was a few degrees cooler because of the thick canopy over head but that also meant more moisture was trapped. Meandering over fallen branches, rocks and trees also made for an interesting challenge.

Navaria could feel her body being caked in perspiration. Her lungs fighting for air that wasn't so thick. Through it all... her face remained calm... at peace. Hair was stuck to her forehead and the sides of her face but her skin color remained the same.

She was concentrating on running to not trip up and also concentrating on her body .... keeping it cool and regulated by a close ally. The Force.

Jul 5th, 2002, 10:23:15 AM
Hunk fought to keep up with Navaria, stumbling with every step as all his concentration was on keeping his lungs openeing and contracting, keeping the life giving air flowing into him. A fine sheen of sweat had formed on his forehead, dripping into his eyes, stinging them and blurring his vision. His temperature was already rising, and his skin was hot to the touch, getting more and more ruddy. He had already shed both vest and shirt, trying to keep as cool as possible.


A fallen branch had just jumped out at him, thrusting itself between his legs, sending him to the ground. Hunk fought to his feet again and spat, trying to clear out the mouthful of dirt. Brushing the moist, fragrent dirt ff his chest, he looked ahead. Already, Master Tarkin had gained much ground on him, almost 30 yards ahead by now. He wanted to catch up to her, but he didn't see it happening.

"Navaria, wait!"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:40:36 AM
She stopped and turned around. Hunk had tripped up and couldn't get up on his own power. Navaria could sense that he was fine... just utterly exhausted along with the beginnings of dehydration.

Hunk did his best and did everything that he could to keep up ... that he knew about.

The Knight jogged back and knelt down on the ground before her Padawan. She reached behind her back and pulled off a small canteen from her belt and offered it to Hunk.

"I'm curious to know why you think I had no problem with running in this terrible weather .... and you did."

Jul 5th, 2002, 10:57:18 AM
He took the canteen gratefully and swalled a large mouthful of water. It was hot, and not too quenching, but it would help.

"Well you could be a witch and be using evil sorcery," he said, his mouth breaking into a large grin, "but since you're not a witch, but a jedi knight, I'm going to guess that you're using the force somehow. Perhaps to create some kind of shield around you, keeping out the heat?"

Already partially recovering, he stood up again and finished brushing himself off. "Let me guess, this is some kind of lesson, isn't it?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:09:36 AM
"Am I that transparent?"

She smiled wistfully.

"Yes it is and no ... I'm not creating a field to keep the heat out. Take a closer look."

Navaria point out her mated hair, her breathing was erratic but not completely ragged, and that she had perspired a great deal by the looks of her robes.

"Try answering that question again."

Jul 5th, 2002, 11:38:09 AM
Looking closer, he studied her. Her skin was covered with sweat and she was indeed breathing heavy. Her hair was touseled and wet with sweat, a look that was both playful and sensuous at the same time. He had to admit she looked quite lovely like that. especially with the sweat-soaked clothes clinging to every--

He shook his head, getting his mind back on the right track.

"Ok well obviously the heat is getting to you, physically. Is it simply a mental thing then? Using the force to block your mind from the affects of the heat, so even if your body is affected, your mind ignores it?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2002, 09:26:16 PM
She looked at Hunk dubiously, noticing where his eyes lingered. Since he was able to pull his eyes back into his head, Navaria pretended not to notice and let Hunk speak.

"It is a way to have your body increase its stamina in order to have the capacity for tasks it normally wouldn't handle. A simple matter of channeling the Force through your body, or somebody else's, and converting it into energy to fend off adverse effects."

Navaria held out her arms and motioned to the jungle around them.

"Like how quickly one can get run downed with all this humidity."

Jul 8th, 2002, 06:31:17 PM
He pondered her word for a few moments...

"I don't think I quite understand. The body releases heat through evaporating sweat. So does the force increase that sweating? Or does it simply push the body past it's normal bounds, an "overdrive," if you will?"

The subject really did intrigue him, and his mind was working faster than his mouth could keep up, vocalizing the question.

"ANd if it does push the body beyond it's limits, what happens when the jedi pulls the force back, allowing the body to function normally again. Would not it go into immediate shock?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 04:47:04 PM
"Well, it can provide the body with an overdrive, as you called it, if needed. If a Jedi can channel the Force properly .. no such burnout will occur ... unless the Jedi needs a mass amount of energy in a dire situation. Burnout is almost certain.

With the Force ... it ties all living things together. It helps to increase the capacities of the mind to lift objects and sense whether or not someone is telling you the truth.

Is there burnout there or only a possibility that a Jedi may have to concentrate harder to get past any mental blocks that a being has?

The same is for any physical exertion. We channel the force into our muscles and bones, providing us the extra energy to overcome such horrid climates. It can make us warmer in the freezing cold ... or ... it can cool our body temperature down and increase our bodies capacity to inhale fresh oxygen. Still our body needs to perspire but ... not as such a high cost as it could be."

Jul 9th, 2002, 08:40:43 PM
Hunk's face scrunched up slightly as he processed the information, struggling to concentrate through the incessent buzzing of insects, the sweat dripping into his eyes, his own labored breathing, and pounding of the blood in his temples. Of course there was also the distraction of the teacher herself. He brierfly wondered why he couldn't have gotten some venerable old man as a master.

Eventually, however, the distractions fell away and the ideas began to take hold. Slowly, he began to understand.

"I believe I understand what you are saying. But how exactly does it work? How do I force the energy to work like that? Perhaps we could practice on the way back. THis heat is beginning to get to me," he said with a sarcastic grin.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:50:33 PM
Hunk's thoughts were clouded once again. They were going to have a talk when they returned back to the Academy. Such a lack of control could be dangerous ... especially when your Master was an Empath.

Her stoic like visage crossed into a frown when she absorbed what Hunk had just said.

"You do not force the power into you ... That would be teetering on the Dark Side. A Jedi channels the energy into his being... It's a symbiotic relationship. The Force will guide you ... direct you to the path that has been chosen for you. In return, a Jedi can call upon the Force and aid him in times of need.

All you need to do, Hunk, is concentrate on what you want the Force to do ... Things have a habit of falling into place."

Jul 9th, 2002, 09:12:14 PM
"Forgive me, Master Tarkin, a slip of the tongue, I'm sure," Hunk replied, with a good natured grin, though, deep down, the reprimand had stung him a bit. Standing up, he offered his hand to the young woman.

"I'll be sure to keep your advice in mind. Shall we return to the base now?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 10:08:27 PM
She hit a sore spot. Navaria felt it in the disappointment he was covering up.

"Very well. We will run back. Open yourself up to the Force. Let its power wash over you as you channel it in. Do it freely and without hesitation. Start slowly and think of your breathing, your body temperature ..."

Navaria chuckled.

"Think cool thoughts, in other words."

Already her feet had lifted off the ground and was jogging back.

"I'll keep you close in my senses to guide you... Hurry!"

With a quick wave, Navaria darted off.

Jul 9th, 2002, 10:41:27 PM
"Think cool thoughts," she said. Riiiight, easier said then done.

With plodding steps, he took off after the smaller jedi, trying to keep up. The heat immedietly struck him hard, sucking the oxygen from his lungs and covering him like a blanket. But in the back of his mind, he could hear Navaria's words.

"The force will guide you"

He suddenly understood. He didn't have to drive the force along the path he chose, he simply had to open the gate and let the force go where it must. And with that realization, the dams burst. He could feel his body growing cooler with every step; the force aiding him. He was not yet comfortable, but the effects of the heat were far less opressive. He began to actually gain on his master, whom he expected was not putting forth her full effort. Still, it was an ego boost to be running even with the more skilled jedi.

With a shout of triumph, he closed in on and passed Navaria, making a beeline to the base.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 10th, 2002, 01:39:02 PM
Inside, the Knight was smiling ... extremely proud of her Padawan. She had been monitoring Hunk through the Force incase he would need guidance from her. Instead, he believed in his ability and the Force.

She could feel the very moment that Hunk stopped trying so hard to manipulate the power coming inside him. Instead, he willed it within and let his conscious self go. It was exactly how a Jedi should use the Force.

His boisterous yell made her laugh and with a little extra strength from the ambient energy around her, Navaria was off in a blur. Not only was she letting the Force protect her, Navaria was letting it enhance her speed incredibly.

Hunk felt nothing more then a burst of air pass over him, his Master a blur. When he cleared the jungle, the Padawan saw his Master, her outer robe worn once again, patiently waiting for him to come up to the steps.

Navaria greeted him with a smile.

"You're late."

Jul 10th, 2002, 09:01:44 PM
Hunk slowed from a brisk run, to a relaxed jog, to a walk before finally stopping several feet before Navaria.

"Late?" he said, looking back over his shoulder. I think I did pretty good, myself. "How did you manage to get ahead of me, anyw-...ooooh, you used the force, didn't you?"

He laughed loudly.

"Let me guess, the force can be used to add to a person's inherent speed, the same way it can augment strength, healing and the ability to fight the heat. I never thought of using it like that.

"So," he continued, working his tired muscles and sucking in deep breathes of humid air, "I don't suppose we could continue this training session inside, where it's not quite so hot, could we?"

With a pleading, puppy-dog face he looked at his master.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 11th, 2002, 08:30:16 PM
She gave him a look.

"Realize that we're going inside because that was where the next part of the lesson was going to take place. Not because of the cute act."

Navaria led the way up the stairs and into the Acadamy proper. The hallways were the same ones they walked when they came outside ... just in reverse.

"So tell me ... do you get distracted easily?"

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:27:04 AM
The air was much cooler in here, and Hunk's internal temperature was already falling to normal levels. He still felt the after effects of the force on his body, a gently buzzing, soothing in a way. It felt good to be training again, his days were filled and he was continually learning new things, expanding his horizons.

The previous lesson was just the latest in a long series. It was an important one though, and the same concepts could possible be applied to many different situations. He would have to find a way to thank Navaria later for her help. Perhaps he would invite her to the bar for a drink, or maybe dinner. His thoughts were interupted when she spoke, bringing him back to the present.

"Distracted?" he replied, "I don't believe so, at least not to the detrament of my studies. Why do you ask?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:42:34 PM
"You misunderstood but I was vague. My apologies. I mean, will you always be so distracted around me."

The why of the distraction was easy enough. Hunk could also get his thoughts back on track after a fashion but ... being easily distracted, even if it was just her, is a handicap which could lead to other problems ...

Jul 16th, 2002, 07:50:57 AM
Distracted around her? Had he been a little too obvious? He could have sworn he'd done his best to appear nonchalent around her, keeping the relationship purely teacher-student. Somehow she had noticed though.

How could he get out of this without losing face? The only answer, of course, was to lie. Not a lie, but rather the truth...from a certain point of view.

"Oh I'm not distracted, simply getting used to working with a new teacher."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2002, 05:41:28 PM
She stopped dead in her tracks, only about a hallway off of the training room Navaria was leading Hunk to.

Her hands remained folded and rested on top of the Knight's leather belt.

"Getting used to me?"

Navaria seemed to think about it for a moment and then spoke once again.

"There won't be a problem, will there? If you foresee that these ... distractions could become troublesome I would take no offense in finding you a different Master."

There was a purpose to this question. Navaria knew the truth readily enough. Hunk didn't want to admit that she was indeed having an affect on him without looking bad. It was understandable. What she was really looking for was how he handled her question.

Jul 16th, 2002, 09:15:57 PM
That was the last thing he wanted.

Somehow, it seemed that she was able to read what he really meant. She must have noticed the stares. He knew he'd find some way to mess this up. Still, he had to try and ease her mind.

"Master Tarkin, I assure you these distractions are nothing. It is simply part of the adjustment process. It would be the same for any teacher."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:44:22 PM

She started walking down the hallway again.

"I'm holding you to that, Hunk. Control is perhaps the single most important skill a Jedi can learn next to channeling the Force properly. Working them both simultaneously, a Jedi can truly find the peace and strength within the Force to guide him."

Rounding the corner, Navaria paused in her lesson, seeing if Hunk had anything to add or ask. These were important concepts and it was essential that he grasp them properly.

Jul 16th, 2002, 10:00:27 PM
Was she implying he had no control? He couldn't help but be a little put off, he had been doing his best. Sure he had the tendancy to notice a pretty face once in a while, but it never reached the point of distraction. He would have thought she'd be a little less critical, considering his success earlier in the day.

Oh well, he'd just have to do his best to impress her the next lesson. He had no doubt he could excel under her tutelage.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:00:31 AM
Navaria was facing away from Hunk as she opened the training room door. She had felt that her speech was taken as a personal strike against him.

It was not the case. She was simply easing into the next part of the day's lesson by verbally reinforcing the important skills necessary to a Jedi. That was all. There were no hidden meanings to be found.

They walked inside and the doors closed behind them. Right away Navaria started to take off her outer cloak. It was completely unnecessary inside especially after their workout outside.

"You can do the same if you wish. Enjoy the air conditioner. It was earned."

She added a smile, hoping that would help Hunk realize that his Master wasn't upset with him.

Hanging up her dark brown cloak, she made her way to the center of the mat and sat down in a kneeling position. She held out a hand, motioning for Hunk to do likewise.

Jul 17th, 2002, 08:30:04 PM
He didn't quite understand what she meant by "do the same," as he wore no cloak, but he was glad the moment of awkwardness seemed to have passed.

Walking over to Navaria, he knelt before her, placing his hand over hers.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:38:07 PM
She wasn't expecting him to take her hand, but this could work too.

Her fingers wrapped around Hunk's and Navaria closed her eyes.

"I want you to focus and meditate. Find your center and clear your mind of all thoughts."

Jul 17th, 2002, 09:18:37 PM
Her request was easy to comply with; he had been practicing meditation extensively for the past few months. Quickly, his mind was cleared of all conscious thoughts and he was one with the force, feeling everything in the room, from the beating of Navaria's heart, to the insignificant buzzing of a solitary insect, to the small, almost imperceptable air current.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:07:41 AM
"Stop there. Change your focus now to yourself, Hunk. Your inner sight through the Force. See inside yourself ... You felt the beating of my heart. Feel yours. Listen to the rhythm of your breathing. See how both of them makes songs?"

Jul 30th, 2002, 09:23:06 AM
Turning his attention inward, he could easily sense what she said.

"Yes, I hear them, I'm not sure I'd call it a song, but they do make a definite, rhythm, playing off each other."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:02:24 PM
"You don't hear the song? The song of the Force guiding you?."

She did not mean the beating of their hearts. Listening to the physical side came easy. Focusing on the power that granted that insight was not always so natural....

Aug 5th, 2002, 09:54:11 AM
"What song?" he thought to himself. As hard as he tried, he could hear anything from the force. Everything was drowned out by the thundering of their heartbeats, the even rhythm of air being drawn in and out of lungs, the rush of blood being pumped through arteries...

"I'm sorry, I...I just don't hear it"

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:57:49 AM
She wasn't going to let Hunk give up like that.

"Push back the loud sounds of breathing and the heartbeats into the back of your mind. Make that the background noise ... Slowly what I want you to find should become apparent."

Navaria was trying to get Hunk to feel the harmony of the Living and Unifying Force. Without understanding how those aspects of the Force worked together, he could never learn how to heal.

Aug 17th, 2002, 09:30:02 PM
He concentrated harder.

One by one, the sounds fell away into the background. The heartbeats, the breathing, the flow of blood, all faded until they were forgotten. As they faded, another sound grew, a low, soft sound, like the noise of a gentle current in a lazy stream. Hunk let his conciousness drift, became one with the sound, letting it permeate his every sense.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:00:02 PM
He did it. Navaria could sense Hunk's awareness shift through the Force. The ebb of life that was essential in feeling had been tapped by the Padawan.

Now it was time for Hunk to learn how to take that feeling and use it properly.

"What you feel is your own body. Every Jedi can sense another's presence ... feel life forces and recognize them. To actually feel the intricate and vibrant essence of life is something different. Here you can tap into it and do what is necessary.

Cause pain ... Or stop it. Slow bleeding or cause wounds to rip across another's body. The source is the same but how you use it defines your intentions. As with anything when dealing with the Force.

We shall start small ... You lungs? Now you should be able to focus on them and hear the breath being inhaled and exhaled on such a small level."

Navaria paused momentarily as Hunk absorbed what had been said.

"Do you?"

Aug 20th, 2002, 07:26:21 PM
Amazingly, he *could.*

His conciousness extended down to the tiny little vacuoles that formed his lungs, miniscules sacs filling with air with every breath. With a small amount of effort, he could almost sense individual molecules permeating the membranes that formed the sacs.

He looked elsewhere and focused on the diaphram, the large muscle sucking the life-giving air into the lungs. He found himself down to the level of the fibers themselves, recieving electrical signals, urging them to contract and extend. Experimentally, he diverted the electrical signals, paralyzing the muscles. It was unnoticable at such a small scale, but he had no doubt that he could use the force to cause another person to stop breathing, or, more likely, to help them breath again, forcing their unresponsive lungs to draw in air and keep them alive.

It was amazing, never before had he felt so alive, so in tune with the force. Truly this was where his true calling lay.

"I do, Navaria, I see it all."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:25:41 AM
"Now here is where things get difficult. I want you to slow your breathing down to a much greater extent then it is when you are meditating. I know you can do this. I felt you playing around inside yourself an experimenting ... but remember, the Force must be with you constantly to keep you stable while attempting this. Otherwise, if you pull yourself down too deep .... you might get lost. The Force is your guide. Always."

If it got to a serious situation, Navaria could always pull him back if Hunk went to far and stopped his breathing by accident. Granted, she didn't want it to get that far, but Hunk was gaining in confidence with each passing minute. Realizing that this was the truth path he was now walking.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:48:48 PM
"Aye," was his only response.

He did as she asked, urging his diaphram to slow, bringing less and less oxygen into his body. The rest of his body, however, continued to demand the same about, causing his buscles to ache and his lungs to burn. He then spread out, moving from organ to organ, muscle to muscle, slowing everything down until the decreased air flow could meet the demands.

By the end, he had slowed his body down to an almost hibernetic state.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:23:33 PM
"Relax, Hunk. Not going to hurt you."

Gently placing a hand upon his shoulder, Navaria steadied her Padawan onto the ground... affording him more comfort. He would need it for the next step.

He could hear her voice, almost as if she was speaking to him in a dream, directly above. His Master sounded so close but her words carried an ethereal tone to them.

"I can still hear your heart beating ... Truly to enter a placid state, you need to slow it down enough so no one can detect it. It is the same in how you slowed your breathing.... Trust yourself."

This would be much harder and had a bigger chance of failure because this was Hunk's heart. The center of his physical being next to his brain. Manipulating the tissue to the wrong degree even in the slightest could mean death.

Navaria dove deeper into Hunk's aura, watching her Padawan like a mother watching over her young. Waiting for that wrong shift in the color of his life so she could act upon it quickly.

Aug 25th, 2002, 08:57:09 PM
He felt an overwhelming sense of comfort; whatever happened, he trusted she would watch over him.

He had already slowed his heartbeat considerably to compensate for the decreased oxygen flow, but now she wanted him to go even slower. He wasn't sure if he could, but he'd try. Concentrating on his heart, he used the force to urge it to slow, pumping less and less blood through the body.

But then something went wrong. He began to slide, as if on a steep slope, slippery with dew. The slower the heart got, the slower it went. He felt himself rapidly losing control, helplessly watching as it beat one last time, then lay still.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:09:14 PM

Navaria saw his aura start to become etched in darken blotches, which only grew.

"Hunk, stop now. Pull back."

Soon she could feel his life force fading and then heard the last beat of Hunk's heart. It echoed back and forth in her mind as if trying to tell her she was a failure.

Such negative thoughts were pushed to the side as the Force enveloped her being and Navaria latched onto Hunk's mind. Her own life energy was converted by the Force and seeped into her Padawan's body.

thump,thump... thump, thump...

His heart starting beating immediately but Navaria didn't sever the connection. Hunk needed to regain consciousness and breath properly again.

Aug 25th, 2002, 10:03:11 PM
Like a hand plunging into the water, Hunk sensed Navaria's presense, pulling him back from the brink of death. He broke the surface as his heart began beating, but all he coud do was tread water -- remaining unconcious. Hs breath, left to it's own devices again, resumed a normal rhythm.

Hunk knew he was inconscious, but there was nothing he could do about it. So, for the moment, he simply continued to tread water

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:36:02 PM
She released her hold over Hunk and settled back into the physical realm, but keeping a watchful eye with the Force on her student's life force. His breathing and heart rate were at acceptable levels.

Oddly, while he was unconscious, Hunk new he was. Navaria decided to see what would happen next since the crisis was over. Calmly watching over him, Navaria kneeled down on the mat and waited. Would he wake up on his own or would she have to step in and do it for him?

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:48:01 PM
Still unconcious, Hunk's mind continued to work a mile a minute. If he was going to come out of this, he had a feeling he'd have to find a way himself. And he believed that way would have to come through the force.

The problem was, he felt adrift. The force was nowhere to be found.

His senses were clouded, but, the more he concentrated, the closer he felt to it. Little by little, the force reached out to him, offering a way out. When he felt the link was strong enough, he grabbed a hold, using the force as a guide to emerge from the murky greyness that was his coma.

With a start, his eyes opened. Through clouded vision he saw his master, sitting a few feet away, her eyes closed in a meditative state.

"How long was I out?" he asked, with a scratchy voice.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:28:57 AM
Concern was already beginning to fade away, like a nightmare one did not wish to remember. Navaria could feel Hunk pulling himself out of the coma he inadvertently put himself into. For someone that was not finely tune into the Force, forever could they have been lost in that state without help.

But Hunk did it himself. He found that small thread of Light to guide him back to consciousness. Navaria stared at him now, eyes opened and full of pride. The lesson had not gone as planned but Hunk proved to his Master that he could be quite resourceful.

"You were out for only minutes. But it had to felt like eternity to you, correct? Floating adrift without anything to latch onto. Yet, you did find something... Otherwise we would not be having this conversation right now, no?"

A miracle of the Force and the strong determination of her Padawan. Yes, anything was possible and Hunk believed it.

She went to one knee and placed a hand upon his shoulder, offering support and a gently warmth to clear some of the cobwebs that were hanging about in his head.