View Full Version : Taking an interest... (Oriadin)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 05:29:20 AM
He had met Oriadin once personally in the Bar and Grill and in a classroom setting - but never speaking quietly one on one. The first Padawan of his wife Helenias, Oriadin. Some very, very good words she had spoken of him, so much so that Marcus wanted to find out more. Thence, when Oriadin awoke today, there would be a message on his comm unit

Meet me outside the training hall. No weapons will be required.

Marcus Q'Dunn

Thence he was now waiting outside the hall in the early morning chill, waiting. He had not introduced himself properly, not yet and he was looking forward to it.

Jul 1st, 2002, 06:10:59 AM
Oriadin recieved the message from Marcus. He found himself excited at the prospect of meeting with Marcus again.

He had only come into contact with the Jedi a couple of times but there was something about him which interested Oriadin. The young padawan had the highest respect for him, especially since he was the husband to Oriadins master. He calmed himself down and tried to focus.

He got up and got himself ready. Recalling the message from the Jedi Master he chuckled to himself when he remembered the words of not to bring any weapons. That should be easy, he thought to himself. He didnt own any to take!

Oriadin made his way outside to the training hall. It was a brisk morning so he huddled slightly to stay warm. When he got to the training hall he saw Marcus so made his way over and bowed.

--You called, Master Q'Dunn--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:23:53 AM
"Indeed, I did. Would you care to walk with me Oriadin? And my name is Marcus and I would much prefer if you called me that. Please..... walk with me a while so we may talk"

Jul 1st, 2002, 06:40:47 AM
--Marcus. Ok. Sure, i'll take a walk with you. What was it you wanted to see me about?--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:10:30 AM
He began to walk - towards the directions of the gardens that had been constructed near the training facility.

"Well, firstly to speak to you and simply get to know you better. But also, I hope to help Helenias out. She tells me you have quite a lot of potential and already show skill in your training. What troubles her is that.... your her first Padawan Learner and Helenais knows what she can teach sometimes is limited. Her two great skills are the way of the Warrior and Foresight - she sees so well into the future and also she can see the here and now that surrounds those she knows. I suppose if you wanted to learn those, there would be no finer teacher. But... a Jedi needs more than that. while she instructs you, I will give her guidance and strength. I think she is finding out how hard it can be to train others.

But.... that's later. Firstly, how do you feel your training is going.... and have you remembered more of your past yet?"

Jul 1st, 2002, 07:31:47 AM
Oriadin walked along side Marcus as he listend to what the wise Jedi had to say. It was a slow pace, more a casual strole Oriadin thought to himself. Marcus was explaining that Helenias may not be able to offer the knowledge that the padawan had the potential of learning. He was pleased Helenias had taken him on and he was aware that she didnt have the knowledge of some of the others.

--I feel that my training is progressing slowly at the moment. Im learning all the time but I feel I can learn faster. I dont mind waiting though, its teaching me patience. I dont think im being held back. Im learning self control I guess.--

He was very greatfull that Helenias had taken him on and didnt want to sound arogant in anyway or ungreatfull in any way. He was enjoying his mentoring under his master and felt she had a great deal to offer and teach him.

--As for my past.... My dreams and flash backs are few and far between now. I havent had one for a long time.--

Oriadin stayed level with Marcus as they continued to walk. He looked slightly saddend that he still didnt know much about himself. His origins. He had learnt not to dwell on the past though. His life was a Jedi's life now.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 05:01:47 AM
"Well..... your words are good to hear Oriadin. Patience is such a critical thing for a Jedi and it's something I think should be taught first. Too many Padawans want too much too soon are unprepared for the long haul. It a path to the Dark Side.... which is quicker and seductive. Not more powerful, I will add. For me, I cant teach if there is no patience. How can teach one to crawl if all they want to do is run? And I know Helenias is pleased you are such a patient student, with patience and perserverence. I know she is proud of you. I would too and I have trained Jedi to the point of being Masters, I have seen the best the Order has ever had to offer. But..."

Marcus went quiet for a moment, thinking what to say before continuing.

"Oriadin, Helenias can be so much more as well. She has an ability of mind I am sure you have noticed, fast and agile. She limits herself, to fighting and Warrior ways. I would urge you to push her to her limits so she too learns. And one day I may well be giving her The Master's Trial. You too one day if you continue the path you are on. However, let me share my mind for a moment - we need more than just Jedi Masters. We need Jedi willing to go further and stretch themselves beyond what we think possible. Too many get to a level and are satisfied. No, this is wrong. If you take one thing from me today it is to never stop learning"

More of a pause, then Marcus waved a hand, pointing to a wall.

"On that wall is plaque. It commemorates the Jedi that have fallen. In the centre is the Jedi that is recorded as being the greastest of this order - Darth Turbogeek. That was me to begin with, until I had to leave and a clone took my place - but a point remains, a clone did what other real Jedi did not - began to learn and bring back some of the Lost Knowledge. Since then, I have too. I have never stopped pursuing knowledge of the Force. Where is this going? Well, I will say there are Masters, who reach their level and then seem to get content and never move further. Then you have Jedi Masters. Who truly are living embodiments of being one with the Force and who knows what they can do. What would you wish to be?"

Jul 2nd, 2002, 05:26:36 AM
Oriadin listned intently as Marcus spoke. There was a lot of information to take in all at once but he was concentrating hard and soaking in all he could. Marcus finished on a question, a question Oriadin had to think about. There was a pause as he thought about what he wanted to say

--I belive I am a pretty knowledgeable man. I dont know if you have noticed but I am always reading and studying. Studying and reading. Learning all the time.--

There was a slight pause. Marcus could see Oriadin was taking his time and being mindfull of his thoughts.

--I belive the wisest of Jedi, the most powerfull of Masters can learn something from a beginner. It is a mistake to belive you have learnt enough. There is always something new to learn. Always something to take you that step further. I am not ambitious in anyway but I do wish to become as good a Jedi as I can possibly be. Through knowledge, skill and the force. I am determined. I will push myself, right to the end. All for peace in the galaxy.--

He felt unsure as to whether he had answerd Marcus's question but it was his belifes and his opinions.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:54:50 AM
"I may not notice your study, fir that is not for me to watch. Helenias does however and she is quite right. You have sharp mind. I see why she think s so highly of you. Now, you are right about learning - for I believe that the only time we stop learning is when we die. And even then, that is debateable - for we may find the grestest journey lies before us when we leave this crudde flesh. I must admit, I ponder that sometimes. What is beyond what we can feel and sense. That is why I strive to know more of the Force, I want to know what is further than I can see and hear and touch and taste. Smell as well. A Jedi knows that for us there is no death, but a departure only"

Idily, Marcus reached out with his hand and called a small stone to his hand. "There is so much for a Jedi to know. Who knows where it can end?"

Jul 3rd, 2002, 03:06:37 AM
Oriadin listned and learned. It seemed the two of them were on the same wavelength. The future, and more importantly death was something Oriadin hadnt really thought much about, until now. Oriadin wasnt afraid of death in any way. He was a strong beliver in Fate and destiny. When your times up, its up.

--I belive that death is simply the begining. Not just for Jedi but for ordinary people too. A more peacefull place than here. Ive never really thought about death that much but to study the force more to see if you can find out what happens is interesting.--

Oriadin had a thoughtfull look on his face before smilling

--Anyway, I plan to live forever. So far so good!--

He joked and chuckled to himself.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 06:49:14 AM
A wistful smile came to Marcus' face.

"We all wish to live forever Oriadin. For a Jedi, that is the truth if you wish. Death only means our flesh and even then in some cases, that flesh will never corrupt. I understand some Jedi like Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi disappeared when their time to pass on came. i have even had occasion to see Master Yoda in The Force, a long time ago. It was frightening and at the same time a true learning experience. He instructed me briefly in something that I was doing wrong and then disappeared and never I have seen him again. Maybe..... I will learn how he managed that myself. Maybe. Even for me, when I know more than the other Masters, still there is much to learn. Even..... "

He suddenly threw the stone that he had also been concentrating on, speaking to hide what he was really up to - preparing and channeling energy, so that when his mind released the stone, after it had flown for some distance, it exploded into pieces with a sharp crack ".... when that is the merest of things I can do. Life and death we can control if we so wished, the life of us and the death of others. We can give life with the healing powers and we can give death with our fighting powers. This is where wisdom and knowledge is needed and the ability to distern. So much a Jedi needs to be and so much more a I sense the Jedi here should be as well"

Jul 8th, 2002, 04:39:31 AM
Oriadin watched as the stone shattered into pieces. He thought back to the time Sejah had tried to lift a stone and it had exploded before him. An accident but one everyone could look back on and laugh. The memory brought a smile to his face as he continued to listen to the words of Marcus.

It suddenly occured to Oriadin just how powerfull a Jedi was. A Jedi can give life and they can take it away. That is why there has to be so much disapline. So much training. He had thought about this before but those simple words put it into perspective.

Marcus went on, "so much more I sense the Jedi here should be as well".

This comment puzzled the padawan slightly.

--Are you telling me you dont belive the Jedi here are as good as they should be?--

Jul 8th, 2002, 04:50:28 AM
OOC: Oops, double post. Please ignore this one.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 9th, 2002, 05:46:54 AM
Marcus reminded silent for a few seconds, before replying.

"Yes, that is what I believe. I do sense most Jedi do not move past certain points and beliefs and I wonder why. I myself.... I strive to learn all I can, to study others and gain wisdom, to increase my disternment and to stay compassionate and calm. I dont understand why others dont. I understand some Jedi are only good at certain abilities but I sense they are not prepared to move on and learn more in their discipline. I may seem quiet and restrained, but..... you would not me to be revealed in all of my power and control. For that however, takes so much wisdom to know how to use abilities that the merest wrong move can see you tainted by the Dark Side. For you I sense and know you are an excellent student and you have good insight. If you only accept one piece of advice it is to never stop learning and growing"

Jul 9th, 2002, 06:00:33 AM
Oriadin was truly greatfull that Marcus had complimented him by saying he was an excellent student. Marcus was one of the Jedi he kept in highest regard, so to hear it from him was nice.

He refused to let it go to his head though. Sure, Oriadin had made a good start to his life as a Jedi but there was far to go. Much to learn and do.

--I have listned to you today Marcus. Your words of advice are very much appreciated. I will endever to go on learning and growing to the end. Ive learnt so much already but it seems the more I learn, the more there is to learn!--

He hopped Marcus understood what he was trying to say. The more the padawan learnt the more questions arose. An answer always led to another question.

--With our meeting today, I think ive learned that to degree, it doesnt matter what skills you can perform. Knowing how and when to use them can be far more effective. Knowledge and wisdom are the key.--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2002, 03:02:00 AM
"Yes, true is what you say. Knowledge is like a drop - you have the smallest amount and it makes you realise it is connected to a trickle. That trickle is commected to a stream. A stream to a river and a river to the mightiest of oceans - where the drop is the sum of what we learn in a lifetime and the ocean is what is out there to know. Not exactly my words, but that of a friend of mine who I count as being along the Wise. If you look for a prime example of your last statement, your own Master is the embodiment of that. Her power is less than you would realise - it is that she was given wisdom and intelligence to use it in ways that others dont think possible. A lesson sometimes even I am learning from her"

Jul 11th, 2002, 05:50:45 AM
Oriadin nodded as he took in all Marcus was saying to him. He was filled with confidence that with his thirst for reading, help from other knights and the wisdom of his Master, that he could become a strong Jedi Knight one day. If he was honest he would tell you he personality leaned more towards knowledge, study and meditation as opposed to fighting. Helenias was a Warrior Jedi and a darn good fighter. He would have to meet in the middle somewhere and this he regarded a very good thing.

--So, Marcus...do you have any particular strengths? I mean, what do you excell at?--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2002, 06:42:38 AM
Now that was a good question!

"I.... dont really know. I've never really thought of that for myself - I just am. I know all sorts of different powers and I know many that others would be surprised I do know - but if you wanted an answer, I would say defence. If you attacked, I would shield myself and lay in wait for the onrushing storm to break. Even if once I was known for attacking, these days, it is different. I wait and watch. This begs the question, what i"s defence and what does it entail?"

Jul 11th, 2002, 07:03:03 AM
Oriadin was unsure if this was a retorical question or if this was aimed at him. He guessed it was aimed at him so made an attempt to answer.

What is defence...what does it entail...tough questions he thought to himself.

Oriadin was naturaly defensive in his style of fighting but wasnt really aware of it. It was just the way he was.

--Whenever I fight defensively I simply concentrate on the attacks comming in. I make no forward advances of my own. Sometimes I find this a good way to recover if im tired and I also think its a good way to fight if your opponant is somewhat better than you. Let them make the moves and be ready for when they make a mistake or give you an opening.--

As Oriadin said his bit to Marcus to dawned on him that he was describing his usual fighting style. He hadnt really learnt to fight from anyone before, it was more a self adapted style. Learning from his own mistakes and faults. He was of the opinion that a defeat teaches a great deal more than a victory in most cases.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 01:52:10 AM
Marcus nodded.

"Agreed, but you left out one part. Defense is not just sitting back and warding off attacks for you too can make a mistake and if you continually defend, would you not tire? Defense can be more exhausting than attack. Defense without a purpose is suicide. Defence can also mean attack. To put your opponet off and to take the inititave. To reach out with your sabre and strike back can be the best defense of all if it is warranted. Defense without purpose allows the attacker to dictate terms and that is some thign to avoid. You can defend and force the defense to be made in certain ways. Think of this and give me an example of what I speak"

Jul 12th, 2002, 02:24:48 AM
Oriadin thought about the question. Marcus had a good point and made a great deal of sense.

--How about if your opponant is somewhat stronger than you and perhaps a bit of a height advantage. You may not be able to get in close enough to attack so you defend. In doing so you spot a bit of a hill, or some stairs, something like that. While defending you try to position yourself so you can back onto the 'higher ground', perhaps giving you a slight advantage.--

Oriadin was thinking as he talked. He bit his bottom lip as he paused while talking to show he was thinking about it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:17:50 AM
"Exactly. Or lure them into a trap, I do that all the time. Now think how you might do that with your exaple"

Jul 12th, 2002, 08:36:52 AM
Oriadin thought long and hard over this question. There were a few things he could think of, depending on the situation of course. After a silence of a few minutes as he thought he finally spoke up.

--The obvious one would be that now youve positioned him round, facing the way you want there could be someone comming from behind to attack him. They wouldnt see it comming. Perhaps you saw something that could be usefull to hitting them with but now they have their back to it it wouldnt be expected.--

There was another pause, Marcus didnt say anything as he could tell Oriadin wasnt quite finished.

--Also, now your on higher ground perhaps there is something you could do to make the lower level more dangerous. Perhaps some liquid on the floor or something. Youd be safer where you are.--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:39:12 PM
"You are close with making the lower level dangerous. How however can you do that without liquid or something on the floor? Think this through, you are several steps higher. What are the tactical advantages and defensive advantages of your positioning and also how can it be turned around? I am thinking of a very good reason why retreat and defense to this point will have given you a winning advantage, can you also think of it?"

Jul 14th, 2002, 04:21:11 PM
Oriadin kept repeating the questions over and over in his head. He began to feel under preassure for not thinking of an answer. Marcus could see Oriadin was thinking hard but it just wouldnt come to him.

--Im sorry, I dont know.--

He was somewhat disapointed in himself that he couldnt think of a suitable answer but he wasnt afraid to admit when he didnt know something. This was all a learning curve after all.

--I know its easier to defend from higher ground. I suppose its much more hard work to be stretching upwards to fight all the time. Your reaching upwards while your opponant is aiming down at all times. Uses up less energy. As for making the lower levels more dangerous, I cant think. Im sorry--

Oriadins face was one of slight disaponted as he awaited Marcus to either give him another clue or to tell him.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:20:31 PM
"Here is a hint - you have momentum on your side if you decide to rush you opponent. Think what that could mean"

Jul 16th, 2002, 02:15:37 AM
One simple sentance and it all became clear.

--If you rushed your opponant, chances were they would fall.--

As he said it, it almost sounded as if he were bored but it was a tone of 'I cant belive I didnt think of that'. It was so simple. Oriadin was disapointed in himself. He always sets himself high standards and this was somewhat below par.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:31:31 AM
"Or one simple power parry, using your weight would make them off balance, leaving them totally open. One of the most important lessons in defence is that through it, learn how to control your opponent. Force him or her to move according to what you do. It may not sound logical, but if you were to come at me, I would position myself in certain ways to make sure I know where the attack comes from. You see, fighting is a lot like dancing - it's a set of steps and sequences. Set up your opponent via a well constructed defence and unless they are a true Master, they will not see the stroke that ends it all coming. Most fights are not like the holofilms which last for minutes, most fights are over in seconds"

Jul 16th, 2002, 02:39:15 AM
--Defense with a purpose. Its not enough to block and deflect all the attacks. Have a plan in your head, a position you want to be in or some way to give yourself the advantage.--

This was a good lesson for Oriadin, he was learning so much. This would be something he would be able to practise and develop.

Fighting like dancing....That line stick in the padawans thoughts for a few moments.

--Ive never looked at fighting being like dancing but I suppose...in a way, it is. Youve got to try and keep your shape, be mindfull of what you want your next step to be. I guess you can begin to anticipate what someones next attack will be by the way they move.--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:21:52 AM
"Yes, exactly. You see also that dancing is the art of flow. You flow from one place to another, every step and arm movement ahs a purpose and a direction. It always leads somewhere and it always has a defined pace. You see, you can not change direction the flow of your energy is going on the wrong direction. If I was stepping left and left was my flow, then left I must go, even if that would be disaster. Controlling an attacker is to use his own flow against him and to direct it where you want it to go. This is the ultimate form of fighting and few can Master it. If you were to strike out at me, I would use your own flow and energy against you. You can see the ones who use this - they have true grace of motion, they seem slow but are in reality devestatingly fast. And it's all based on defense. Watch a true sword Master, they hardly ever seem to move and yet their moves are so hard to block and they seem to come from nowhere"

Jul 16th, 2002, 03:41:18 AM
He nodded as he listend to Jedi Master Q'Dunn. Marcus's battle ability was obviously amoung the best and given the knowledge and wisdom to go with it, Oriadin was talking to one of the most dangerous of Jedi. He was very glad to be on the same side as the Master.

--Perhaps one day you will let me spar against you. I know I could learn so much from it.--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 06:51:52 AM
"Would you? Well.... even if it was only my intention to speak to you and get to know whom you are, I believe this can be arranged. Not now, but later, say in a week's time. Would that suit you?"

Jul 16th, 2002, 07:03:36 AM
A smile appeared across the face of Oriadin.

--That would be great. I know im by far not the greatest fighter so any help I can get would be great. Thankyou Marcus.--

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:34:22 AM
"Excellent..... I believe that should be all for now. I will see youn in the training room a week from today. It has been a pleasure to speak to you again"

Jul 16th, 2002, 08:05:04 AM
--And with you, Marcus. Thankyou for your teachings. I look forward to our meeting in a weeks time.--

He then bowed toward the Jedi Master before making his way back to his living quarters.