View Full Version : Decending evil(Xazor)

Malice Draclau
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:11:20 PM
It was a little past midnight in a small town on a planet in the outer rim. The night hid many things, and many people. For one such person walked under the cover of the night. Hidden under a white cloak, he found not to many people out this time of night. Though there was always someone, or a few people at the local bar. So the sith made his way to the local bar, something named "Nova's Haven". It must have took him only a few minutes, but he had reached the bar and calmly walked inside.

The sith made his way towards the counter and motioned for the bartender to come over.

Joe: Yeah what you want sir

*I'll have a bloody whiskey*

Malice spoke under his white hood.

Joe looed at him confused and handed him a shot of Whiskey.

Joe: Sorry but we don't se that kind of drinks here. Don't know what you are or where you come from bub, but round here we don't drink that kinda stuff.

Malice looked up at the man and snickered. Reaching out with the force Malice went inside the mans head, using precise moves he had learned years ago Malice pluked at the mans veins. Ia matter of a few seconds the bartender lay sumped over the counter. Lifting his head Malice slit the mans throat and held it over the shot glass. A few drops of blood fell into his whiskey. Lifting the drink, Malice downed it in one gulp, making a wincing noise as the hard liquor went down his throat, leaving a burning sensation to linger.

Standing he eyed those who were also within the bar. a few locals, and maybe a visitor to the planet or two he didn't know. Nor did he care. Instead the sith knight ignited his double bladed white saber and ran at the people. Who by now were running for the door in a vein attempt to escape the horrid creature.

With an evil gleam in his eyes he hacked them down one by one. Malice's real reason for comeing here was that he had been looking for a particular jedi, one he knew who was on this planet right now. And this was the perfect thing to get her attention.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2002, 01:44:48 PM
Xazor had been out for a walk in the streets of Eden. Her home planet was beautiful and rarely did any trouble disturb it. Suddenly she felt a great disturbance in the Force. It made her heard skip a beat and she began running. Pushing past people with quick apologies, she made her way in the direction of the disturbance. Unfortunatly.....trouble had struck the peaceful place. The small and happy bar, "Nova's Haven"...located across from "The Wolf's Howl", had people streaming out of it. One man rushed past her and cried out that there was a monster attacking the bar.

The Warrior Jedi Knight lofted a brow and slowed her pace down as she came upon the bar. Whatever it was that had struck, had placed a great deal of fear into the patrons. She was surprised that only a few came running out.....perhaps the man was not drunk and something very terrible was attacking the patrons. Unclipping her saber from her belt, the woman slipped her finger over the ignition switch. Two blue blades shot forth from each end, both with duel-phase mechanisms. Love hummed gently in her right hand as she approached the door of the bar and slowly opened it. The darkness that came flooding out was incredible.....but it did not shake her. She knew no fear, for that was of the Darkside.

Blood was spewn about and it layered the floor. Bodies were fallen in front of her....some with slit throats....and some without heads at all. It took her breath away to see such horrid destruction. The last time she had witnessed anything like this....it had been done by her own hands. Pushing the thoughts out of her mind, she looked around, eyeing the shadows for the one who had destroyed so much.

"Show yourself......"

The Knight said loudly, her voice strong and powerful.....echoing off the walls. Whoever did this will pay.....Xazor that is of the Darkside, do not seek revenge......you will get even with the evil one.....seek peace young Knight..... The words of many others echoed in her mind suddenly, but she blocked them out and focused on what her heart told her.

"I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider....and justice will reign upon the one who caused this tradgedy....."

The Garou woman growled slightly, her elongated canines gleamed in what light they caught. Today justice would indeed be paid.....

Malice Draclau
Jul 1st, 2002, 05:16:22 PM
From behind the bar counter stood a man holding a whiskey bottle to his lips. He then side eyed the jedi and smiled putting the liquor bottle to face her. His white cloak was now stained with the blood of his victims. Hell, even his white hair was now red. Looking at the jedi, Malice had that gleam in his eye, that gleam that only a sith capable of doing this had. Under his angellic looks and experessions, he was a cold blooded killer.

*Welcome.....to the bar of death Xazor. I have been waiting for you. Cae for a drink?*

Malice poured a shot of whiskey and grabbing Joe the bartender's arm he dripped a couple drops of blood within it.

*You see this bar just didn't suit me. Theyhad none of my favorite drink...but now thanks to me they do. So care for some*

With one had Malice held out the shot glass, while in the ther he kept his double bladed white saber in hand.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:06:22 PM
Xazor growled deeply and did not speak. She simply shook her head and held her saber in front of her.

"What kind of question is that?"

She said deeply, her eyes flashed silver as she stood her ground. No she didn't want a drink....that was disgusting. She was not here for enjoyment....she was here to bring justice to the wrong-doer....

Liam Jinn
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:43:46 PM
"So I guess that's a no then."

The door to the bar was held open by Liam. His hand was covered in blood from just touching the door. What the hell went on here? he thought as he walked further into the bar. Though the sight was gruesome to say the least, Liam was unphased. He had seen too many places like this already, a few he had decorated himself. He stopped beside Xazor and sighed.

"So what were your plans with this beast?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:49:58 PM
Xazor was shocked by Liam's appearance. A smile crossed her lips for but a minute as she eyed the Sith.

"I was called here.....he did this...now he will pay."

She would have slapped herself if she could have. The words were not Jedi like at all. Sighing she shook her head.

"No...I was going to bestow justice upon his dark soul...."

The Knight rephrased herself and side-glanced Liam. Now there were two Jedi...what would the lone Sith do?

Malice Draclau
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:03:23 AM
Malice laughed at the way Xazor had answered him. Shrugging his shoulder's Malice gulped the shot down and broke the glass in his hands. Using the force his hand wasn't cut.

*Well fine with me, that just leaves more drinking for me and.....*

He stopped to take a look around, but remembered all the people he killed, or they had gotten away. The sith let a sadistic laugh escape his lips.

*Well i gess it just me then*

Malice took a couple steps forward, towards Xazor. He then held his saber infront of himself like Xazor had done.

*Ohhhh i see. You have that whole vengance and justice bit running through your head bet. Well then my dear by all means bring it*

The sith Knight grinned. He had heard alot about Xazor from other sith. And before she could answer or do anything, Malice held up a hand to stop her.

*On second thought don't bring it.......well not in this form anyways. Yes I know what you are Xazor, as i am sure everyone else knows. It would be all to easy to beat you now. So do me a favor........no, do yourself a favor and change. Or i'll kill you where you stand*

Upon saying that last line, Malice's voice became low and menacing.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:24:43 AM
Xazor couldn't believe his audacity. How did he know anything about her? He didn't and that was the point.

"I d...I don't know what your t....talking about. Change? Me? Surly you must be thinking of someone....someone else. I am not a changling....I'm human...."

She stuttered and stammered over her words for she knew that he knew the truth about her. Who's been spreding this around? She thought to herself. Sighing, she held her saber in front of her.

Liam....what am I going to do?

She said in his mind, keeping a tight lid on the message so that Malice couldn't hear. The Knight held her saber in front of her then....she would not change.....

Liam Jinn
Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:45:33 PM
Liam chuckled a bit at the sith. For some reason he thought that threat seemed a little empty.

Xaz, take him out. I don't think you're going to need to change to beat him either. Just stay calm and focus...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:50:39 PM
Xazor kept her eyes on the Sith as she thought about her options.

I really don't want to fight today...but he could use a good ass kicking....

The Knight said in Liam's mind, ready to collapse with laughter. They were secretly making a mockery of the Sith....what a better way to spend one's evening....

Malice Draclau
Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:02:05 PM
Malice merely glared at the now two jedi. He had knew they were tlaking to each other via the force, but could not read what was being said. Simply sighing he spoke out loud.

*I can see this will take much more persuation then i thought. No matter, there's alot more people on this planet*

Holding out both hands Malice then grinned. The darkside quickly began to build within the dead bar. A black aura now surrounded the knight. He looked first at Xazor, then at the new jedi that had come. He knew not of who this man was, but it didn't matter any to him. To Malice, this just meant that there was yet another toy to play with.

*I remember yet another......bar across the street. I'm sure there's people in there who havent noticed i arrived yet. Well i can change all that soon enough*

Lifting his hands, the remaining liquor bottles behind him on the shelf behind the counter rised and floated around Malice.

*Of course it would be rood of me to leave without entertaining my guests. And so, i leave you with a little gift to keep you busy*

The liquor bottles smashed on the floor infront of the two jedi's and the sith. While others smashed around the jedi's, encircling them within a circle of liquor. Malice then began to rub his hands together, in his mind he thought of fire, the raw power of nature. The darkside reached out and began it's work. Wihin the room the temperature was begining to rise. Thrusting his hands out, the force glazed the liquor, from that fire rose igniting everywhere the liquor had landed. Quickly lighting tables and chairs as well. Through the roaring of the fire and smoke they heard the laughter of the sith.

*Well i really must be going now. I hope you two have lots of fun. Xazor....prepare to see more death at your hands. I will not stop killing until you do as i ask*

Through the smoke, the figure of Malice was seen jumping over the fires. Only the end of his cloak had gotten a little cinged. Malice quickly made his way out of the bar, saber in hand he noticed quite a crowd outside the bar, all screaming in horror. With that maniacal gleam in his eyes once more, Malice rushed into the crowd. Slashing and hacking them as they started a wild stampead, trying to get away from the monster.

Alera Starreyes
Jul 3rd, 2002, 04:05:03 PM
A pair of ice blue eyes watched sadly from nearby.

Malice Draclau
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:03:31 PM
As Malice was about to slay a man that he had caught, something suddenly stopped him. He dropped the man and looked around, his gazed following everywhere. His eyes suddenly grew wide as he knew who it was, he had only now sensed her through the force. Coming to his senses he spoke out.

*Come out now, there is no need to hide. Nor to be feeling what you feel, i can sense it. You knew what i was and what i was capable of*

Inside Malice felt guilty now. He knew not why for he did this kind of stuff for a living. Though around her it.......it made him feel wrong to do these kinds of things. Though being sith he had to uphold his beliefs and he refused to stop what he had done. In a flash he grabbed a girl that had ran by him.

*I said come out now......my sweet. Or she will get it*

His rage and anger were starting to grow. And instead of trying to control it like his brethren, he let it flow through him, feeling the boost in power.

Alera Starreyes
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:01:16 PM
-I knew.- Malice heard in his mind. -I knew... I only wish I knew why.-
From somewhere above a figure dropped down in front of him, hooded and robed in midnight blue. Her eyes, if they could have been seen would have been less ice-colored, more like a stormy sea. She sensed his rising hatred, and she was... she didn't know. Afraid, a little, but mostly sad.
Slowly, she lowered her hood.
"Please, Malice," Alera said softly. "Let her go."

Malice Draclau
Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:43:32 PM
Malice just stared at Alera. His love for her told him to let the girl go as she has said. But his sith side just owuldn't back down. And so Malice gripped the frightened girl tighter, only now he was a bit nervous and a little, confused.

*Why, why should i. I you know then i cannot let her go. For if i do, then i would be going against everything i believe*

A small dagger floated from his belt and nto his hand. Malice held it tightly against the girls neck, threatening to slice it. His eyes pleaded with hers, trying to tell her to just go, get out of here. If the other two jedi came out then he would be forced to continue with what he had started, for fear of the jedi knowing about his and Alera's secret.

Alera Starreyes
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:40:51 AM
Alera knew what he was trying to tell her with his eyes. "I can't just walk away from this, Malice. That goes against everything I believe."
Through the Force she sensed sharply the pain and suffering around. Her heart felt torn in two. Can I really still be what I am and love him? she wondered. She did love him... but things like this simply couldn't be ignored... those poor people...
Malice wasn't the only one confused.
"You know this is wrong," she said quietly. "Please... don't do this..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 01:37:13 PM
Xazor shook her head and looked at Liam with pleading eyes. She would have to do something....and soon. Quickly and quietly she ran out of the bar with Liam and saw Malice holding up a little girl. She was upset now...really upset, but not angry. The Knight disengaged her saber and placed it on her belt...then ran up behind the Sith Knight. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she raised her leg and slammed her knee into his back.

"Let her go...."

The Knight growled deeply and stepped back, then took her saber from her belt and ignited it again. Holding the double-bladed, duel-phase saber in front of her, she growled, exposing her elongated canines.

"You do not want to fight me in my feral form...I would tear you apart..."

She said deeply, her blue eyes flashed silver once again and then changed...they sliced blackness down the center as she stood, growling at the Sith Knight. The Jedi Master stood beside her....

Malice Draclau
Jul 4th, 2002, 02:11:27 PM
Before Malice could reply to Alera, h was hit from behind by Xazor. The girl he held fell from his arms and quickly ran away. Standing Malice backed away from Xazor and the other, pain shooting up from his back. His hatred and anger came flooding back, drowning out his other feelings. Not even bothering to look at Alera he spoke out loud to her.

*Get out of here......now*

Without another word to her he then glanced back at Xazor.

*Is that so dear jedi. You know nothing of me and yet you think you could beat me in that puppy form of yours. Shame......you should learn to do you homework. Always know your enemy, that's my motto*

The darkside began to gather around Malice. A black aura enveloping him.

*Go ahead and change, i'll make a deal with you. You change......and i will*

He said that part with a low growl. Xazor would soon see that Malice was no regular person. Infact he did have a much darkerside, like only a select few he had the ability to morph into a demon form. His true form.....the form of a tre child of darkness.

Liam Jinn
Jul 4th, 2002, 03:52:46 PM
Liam stood beside Xazor, taking in the new scene. Obviously the dark one hadn't finished this place like the last. He could feel the fear of those who had gotten away and shook his head. They'd be all right now, though there was still the matter at hand. He turned his head and looked at Xazor.

Take him out quickly Xaz, or this might turn into a giant headache..

The Jedi Master glanced at the dark one again. If Xazor needed his help, he'd be here.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 4th, 2002, 03:57:08 PM
Xazor could not help but laugh......and she did. A smile danced across her lips as she stood with her saber in front of her.

"Demons do not scare me......nothing does. In fact, I have fought a so called demon before....and to tell you the truth, they do not impress me in the least."

The Knight said as she laughed again. She rather thought demons as weak.....compared to her feral form. Sighing she looked over at Liam who looked a bit amused as well.

"I cannot fight you in my changed form.....I am sorry, but I take too much out of my opponents and it is not a worthy fight after the first minute or so."

She said toothily. Obviously he had not done his homework or he would know how she fought. In feral form she was a tough opponent and indeed she could tear into someone easily. The Knight then heard the words of her friend and she smiled.

Alright.....perhaps a little......fun......wouldn't hurt.

Suddenly claws shot out of Xazor's hands and hair appeared thick all over her body.....then a flash of light came and blinded those around them.....and left in its place was a beautiful creature. A wolf, as large as a full sized speeder shuttle with soft fur of grey and white with black markings. She was the Alpha Female.....one of the strongest in the pack. A toothy smile danced upon her lips. She had all of the weapons needed now.....and her saber rested in the hands of Liam.

Liam, take care of my weapons.....he cannot have that saber nor anything else of mine.....if I need your help......well, I'll tell you but I probably won't.

Her voice rang gently in his mind once again as her changed eyes glared right through the supposed demon. He must have a lot of issues..... The Knight thought freely. She growled deeply and lowered her head....her elongated canines were longer yet, and quite intimidating.....personal weapons of death, they were. Saliva dripped from them......she was......"hungry" now......

Malice Draclau
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:28:22 PM
The Demon knight grinned at te sight of the big bad wolf.

*Finally.......a challenge*

A black light suddenly engulfed Malice. His form grew rapidly, becoming bigger and more muscular. His skin turned blue and became hard like armor. His teeth ad nails grewlong and dagger sharp. A tail and a pair of wings sprouted from his back. As the black light expanded, all were covered in blackness. Unable to see the new form of Malice.

But as the blackness faded, They now looked upon a 9 ft tall, Blue demon. His long fangs were also dripping with saliva. Though he looked slow, his speed had actually increased as well. His dark blue eyes gazed at the wolf.

*Well bring it on puppy. Sall we play*

Malice went on all fours and charged the wolf. Lashing out with his claws threatning to tear into her flesh with ease. If she thought this would be an easy fight, then she was dead wrong.

Alera Starreyes
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:44:20 PM
Alera had gone a fair distance away - the top of one of the nearby buildings, where she'd been watching before - but she didn't dare leave completely. She had a feeling... or was it simply anxiety?... that she might be needed before all this was over.
Her stormy eyes watched as the events unfolded...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 03:50:04 PM
ooc: Sorry, I have friends visiting from Chile.....so it's kept me busy! :)


Xazor growled deeply and ran at Malice as he ran at her, bearing her elongated canines as she went. They were just about to meet until she jumped up and over him, then landed behind him softly. Spinning around as quickly as her paws would let her, the Garou raised up her right paw and slashed her dagger sharp claws at his back, making contact and drawing blood. A toothy grin spread across her lips as she backed up and lowered her head, growling deeply at him as saliva dripped from her gums.

Bring it on......

The Wolf spoke in his mind......waiting for him to try to attack her...

Malice Draclau
Jul 6th, 2002, 06:57:19 PM
OOC:OOOOOOO Chile.....i'm hungry.

IC: A yell came from the demon as he felt her claws dig into him. Turning around he stood upright as he faced Zaxor. He could feel the crimson red liquid run down his back. Growlig he ran once again at Zaxor. This time though just befoe they had met, Malce jumped to the side, avoiding her claws this time. Then in one swift motion, Malice did a 360 turn nailing Zaxor in her face with his thick, muscular tail.

The demon snickered as he stare at her.

(Ohh i'll bring it little pup. You'll regret ever thinking demons were weak)

He replied back to her from within her mind.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 11th, 2002, 11:35:15 AM
Xazor winced as she was flung back from the strike of his tail. She got up on all fours once again then remembered something that she had only experienced once. Calming herself down...she called upon the Force and focused on Gaia. She called upon her powers and suddenly rose up to stand on her two feet, her muscles enlarged even more so than they were already.....and her eyes become almost completely silver. The claws on her hands and feet enlarged and her elongated canines rushed to a length she had only seen on her Father....once. She snarled and growled deeply, giving off a menacing glare from her eyes. She now stood at a height of nine feet....even with him. She had taken on the true form of a werewolf...and had only done so once before. Her hands were free now and were able to hold on to things. She called for her saber, but it was like a dagger in her large hands. It would do though. She rushed forward, built for speed, power, and agility. She slashed downward with her free hand, so quickly it was blinding...and she left her mark down his right arm. She grinned toothily and growled as she stepped backward and awaited his attack....

Malice Draclau
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:04:01 PM
Malice growled at the pain that rushed through his right arm. The slash quickly drew blood. But the demon sith only drew on that pain for power, and used that to help stop the bleeding and mend the wound. Lookng back at Xazor he snickered as he saw her go through yet another transformation. Using his left hand he called his saber to him igniting both sides.

The two white blades of death shot forth into the night sky. Malice rushed Zaxor, saber in the lead. His saber clashed with Zaxors as a pushing war began. The demon's muscles buldged as he and the werewolf seemed equal in strength. Swinging his tail around his leg, Malice wrapped it around the wolfs right leg pulling it out from under her. As she fell to one knee Malice batted away her saber, coming in quick and hard with a knee to her face, hitting her right on her nose.

With a simple leap Malice now stood a couple yards away from Zaxor. His thirst for blood rising every second. Other then Temps, this would be his second time fighting another creature.


Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:27:54 AM
Xazor growled deeply and clutched her nose...healing it with the Force in a matter of moments. She rose to her feet once again and glared at the Sith. She called up the dust from the ground and created the image of fire in his mind....fire surrounding his entire body. With that, she launched the sand at him and created the illusion that the sand was fire as well....it was hot and could burn like fire to the one who was masked by the illusions. It would be difficult for anyone to not be fooled by it. As he was greatly distracted, the large werewolf creature took a massive branch from a nearby tree and hurled it at Malice....

ooc: I aplogize for my late reply, still occupied with visiting friends.

Malice Draclau
Jul 21st, 2002, 08:59:41 PM
Malice began to flig his massive hands in all directions. His wings even opened up and began to flap. The fire, in his mind at least was burning him alive. Just then, a branch came from the side and hit him, knocking him to the ground. As the sith knight got up, he looked at Xazor, the fire was gone. He then realized it was just an illusion. An illusion which made the demon mad.

Standing, Malice glared and growled at Xazor.

*What a trickster you are, yes. But i know how to deal with the likes of you*

Malice thrusted his hands into the ground. Letting the darkside seep from his hands into the very earth beneath them. Beneath Xazor however, she felt the earth start to move. Before she had time to react, thick roots shot out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Xazor. Her arm's, legs, neck, and a root that was twice as big as the other's was wrapped around her waist. Wasting no time, Malice used force speed and ran at Xazor, coming in hard with a knee to her gut. Theroots held stong and kept her there. That was when Malice started to drill her with punch after painful punch.

*You will....get.....no......MERCY*

He yelled as his punches started getting faster and faster. The anger in him rising with every hit.

OOC: Tis ok. Sorry for the long reply to this thread. Had sort of a writers block for this one. Happenedto a couple other threads of mine as well.