View Full Version : Poll: Stormtroopers = Clones?

Chase Merik
Jun 30th, 2002, 08:48:49 PM
Well I kind of wanted this to be an actual Poll, but we don't have those here (by popular demand I think). But anyway...

In Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, it was established that Palpatine's army was made up entirely of clones. This more than strongly implied that the same Stormtroopers we saw in the original trilogy were clones as well.

Is this news to you, too?

1) Prior to Episode 2, did you think that Stormtroopers were clones?

A) Of course. I figured that ever since "A New Hope".
B) Nope. The possibility never crossed my mind.
C) Well I kind of suspected they might be, but never had any real reason to think that for sure.

2) Does this confirmation/new concept change your perception of the original?

A) It's better. A clone army rules! And it makes so much sense.
B) It's worse. The idea of Stormtroopers being clones is weak!
C) Not really. Sure it makes sense, but doesn't make them any more or less interesting.

3) When Leia said "Aren't you short for a Stormtrooper?"... you thought:

A) All Stormtroopers are the same height? I thought back to Ben Kenobi's reference to a clone war and the light went on. Duh

B) All military organizations have a height requirement. Of course this kid would look short next to a solider. How does this imply clone? Duh.

C) I just chuckled at the irony and never thought it meant anything else.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:10:50 PM
1 - b

2 - c

3 - b

I don't think by the time of ANH they were clones. I think many of them may have been descended from clones.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 30th, 2002, 09:20:41 PM
1 C
2 A
3 C

I have always wondered but was never sure, and now that I know I think its great.

Doc Milo
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:51:14 AM
At the time I saw ANH, it never crossed my mind, but, over the years I came to the conclusion that stormtroopers were clones, so to answer these questions is a bit difficult to me.

Let me give my answers thusly:

1) Prior to Episode 2, did you think that Stormtroopers were clones?

Yes, I thought they were clones. I was pretty much sure of it, but not ever since ANH. I was pretty much sure they were clones after TPM came out and we saw how pathetic the droid army was, and Lucas confirmed that Episode 2 would be set against the backdrop of the Clone Wars.

2) Does this confirmation/new concept change your perception of the original?

No. It makes sense that they'd be clones.

3) When Leia said "Aren't you short for a Stormtrooper?"... you thought:

At the time I first saw ANH, the line never really crossed my mind all that much. I didn't think much of it at all. But, after I came to the conclusion that stormtroopers were clones (shortly after TPM came out) I saw that line as supporting evidence that they were clones -- not convincing evidence, but just supporting evidence.

Sanis Prent
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:26:26 AM
1 C
2 A
3 C

Jul 1st, 2002, 07:22:15 AM

But as I started to get older, I began to wonder what the real story was with stormtroopers. When I was first getting into SW, I could care less where they came from.

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:09:00 AM

Doesnt make sense. WHY are all the Admirals different? WHy do the clones speak differently? If all Stormies are the same height, why dont they notice Luke is a different size?

IMO, SOME would be clones, but they would recruit also.

Jul 1st, 2002, 12:16:10 PM
1) After the original three, I didn't put the two together. After Ep. I, though, I saw that droids weren't quite working, and that clones would come about. Then I started putting two and two together that Clones will be coming around, and the originals had the stormtroopers (who are all supposedly about the same height), it wasn't too difficult to figure out after that...

2) It doesn't change my estimation of the originals, but it heightens my estimation of the saga as a whole, how these things are all tying together.

3) Again, after the original three, I just thought Leia was being snide as usual. But once the clone angle came in, it makes more sense to think they are all about the same height.

Jinn Fizz
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:35:48 PM
1) c

2) c

3) c

I also have to believe that by the time of ANH, the Empire would be recruiting as well as using clones. We don't know what Kamino is like by the time of ANH, or if perhaps some clones end up being defective, or how long they could keep using Jango's pattern before it might degrade. Or maybe by ANH they're using more than one person as the donor. So many things are possible.

Figrin D'an
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:04:36 PM
1 - C
2 - A
3 - C

It's pretty clear the clones are the basis of the Stormtroopers. Otherwise, why would Lucas bother to make the clone armor so similar to that of the Stormtroopers, and develop the story so that the clone army eventually plays into the hands of Palpatine. Yes, there are some interesting questions, like the Luke height thing and the sounds of the voices (which, in all honesty, I think we are overanalyzing). Let's remember, though, that Lucas likes fairly simple solutions to plot devices like this. I don't think he's going to convolute the clone/Stormtrooper thing with a lot of unnecessary detail.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:29:07 AM
Remember that really tall Stormie that hit his head? He was taller than the others he was with. They can't all be clones, or else they'd all be the same height.

Figrin D'an
Jul 2nd, 2002, 09:11:02 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Remember that really tall Stormie that hit his head? He was taller than the others he was with. They can't all be clones, or else they'd all be the same height.

He wasn't massively tall or anything. He was just clumsy enough to not duck when he entered the room. The door never opens all the way... it opens just enough the let the Stormtroopers through. All of them duck or tilt their heads a little as they enter... all except the clumsy one in the back. :)

Jul 2nd, 2002, 08:10:55 PM
This may have been brought up already :(

but leia ask's luke , Aren't you a little short for a stormtropper?? ahh:)

but than agian Jango Fett is a short guy . ahhh :(

so I would say the clones faded out and the empire set guidelines on what a trooper's hieght, wieght should be.yeah:D

Ketoi Gwl
Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:21:02 PM


Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:27:07 PM
...er...pretend that was me posting that. :D

Jul 3rd, 2002, 09:40:04 AM
Could it be possible that they are all clones but not nessersaraly from the same place? If your gonna make a clone army you might not go to the same place every time as some may be cheaper or better trained or whatever. If they are from different places then there is an excellent chance they would be different heights/builds and certainly different voices.

Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:03:46 AM
I don't think we will see a whole lot of light shed on this in Episode 3. In the grand scheme of things, if the Stormtroopers are clones, then who cares where they came from? Sure it would be nice to know, but I'd rather see more of Anakin's fall and more Jedi killing than history on where clones came from.

Densetsu Roninichi
Jul 3rd, 2002, 11:48:08 AM
I did not really answer the three individual questions per se' as opposed to my last answer here:

My brother told me that he read somewhere that the Stormtroopers are NOT clones and after the Clone Wars, Clones are in fact outlawed in the Republic/Empire/New Republic/ Alliance. I have already emailed him asking where he found that information and if he can either post it here also, or just email me his sources.
As far the Leia's comment, I simply took it that the Stormtroopers all have the same "basic" build. Not to make such a bad comparison, and no I am not some idiotic white supremist, but Adolf Hitlers idea of a perfect German citizen and soldier was one who stood over 6'0" tall, had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Matter of fact, not one member of the infamous SS allegedly missed this criteria. Another point of fact was that Hitlers doctors were so dedicated to his view of a perfect German that many people were blinded in attempts to dye the eye's the correct color.
Perhaps, since Lucas does resort to calling the soldiers of the empire Stormtroopers, much like the Nazi's were referred to, he also followed the basis of the Stormtroopers that Hitler had that they were to meet some basic criteria, or else they were not admitted.
Even taking the comparisons further, the Royal Guardsmen could be compared then to the SS.

Creepy, huh?

Jul 3rd, 2002, 12:45:01 PM
It's all by design...;)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 4th, 2002, 02:28:42 AM
I doubt ANH troopers are clones. They are more likely just plain humans. I think some circumstanial evidence would be that not all of the army we see were armoured and they were all different. ALL the clone army were armoured. This suggests clones are not ANH troopers.

Now as for Leia's comment - have to remember the Empire WAS modelled after the Nazi's. So I would see that some sort of critera would be applied for troopers and I have no problem believeing there is a minimum height required

Jul 4th, 2002, 07:02:24 AM
Nor do I. I'm sure there is a standard somewhere. But as for Stormtroopers, I'm sure they are still going to be clones of some sort come ANH. If the Clone Wars are happening now, with Palpatine as chancellor, he's bound to win. He will achieve his clone army, and those who worked to defeat it will lose big. I would say that Officers and other Imperials are normal people that just went to the academy.